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Babscon! · 10:50pm Apr 20th, 2016

It's pony convention time this weekend! Babscon's fanfic programming has historically been meh — there wasn't a single panel the first year, though they've gotten better, and this year's panels show some promise — but as a San Francisco convention it's very west-coast central, and (more importantly) it's close enough for me to make.

Last year, xjuggernaughtx and Xepher and I ran an open-door, open-bar fanfic author room party — this year, Xepher and I plan to similarly encourage a fanfic-based social gathering of some sort, but it will be much lower key. Allegedly there's some sort of writer hang-out on the con schedule? If not, or if it's at an inconvenient time, most likely we'll just open up a hotel room for hang-out space, and provide a quiet chill-out zone for folks who want to meet fellow authors or frantically try to cobble together a Writeoff entry. Keep an eye on Xepher's blog for announcements, or just keep an eye out for posters at the con.

Who else is gonna be there? :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 23 )

fanfic-based social gathering of some sort

I wish there had been something like this at BUCK! Nobody seemed to talk about it on Fimfiction. :( Hope you have a great time and don't have a drunken fanfic writing session who am I kidding of course I'm hoping for that

I wish! Wrong side of the country, unfortunately.

Ahh, I wish. Maybe next year.

Everfree Northwest has been consistently awesome about fanfic, but with most cons, getting together an author gather is one of those things requiring someone to roll up their sleeves and put in the elbow grease to make it happen. If you hit BUCK again next year, find one or two folks willing to help pull things together, print up some signs for a room party, and just open your room up and invite authors by. You'll probably get a decent response! Two years ago at Babscon, it was pretty much just word-of-mouth and a closed-door party announced on FIMFiction, and we got about 20 authors drifting through.

Drunkwriting may happen, although my previous partner-in-crime is not attending Babscon this year. Curse you, Bradel!

I might make Bronycon one of these years, with the way my job trajectory seems to be going (namely: larger business, more pay; a lot easier to actually be gone for a week and afford the plane fare and hotel).

I will definitely be there.

I can confidently speak for literally every person east of the Mississippi River when I say that it would be great to have you. May you one day walk the hallowed halls of the Baltimore Convention Center! In the meantime, I hope Babscon is fun.

I'm probably going to be too busy in Tabletop, but hey: mention the time and place and I'll try to tear myself away for some horsewords of a different color.

I'll be there, running two panels. It would be nice to meet yall.


Hop on Skype sometime soon, I want to know what your EFNW plans are!

I'll be there for Friday and Saturday (with family in tow). I'll definitely stop by the gathering of fanfic authors, and wherever else people are congregating

Sadly, I can tell you my Everfree plans with complete certainty: Not going this year. :fluttercry: It's the same weekend as a local furry convention that takes precedence for me.

I can pretty much guarantee I'll swing through tabletop at some point during the con, so even if you can't make the room party I'll say hi!

3885821 3885749 3885455 3885123
Hurrah! :pinkiehappy:

Wish I could. Maybe next year?

3885964 come to Pacific PonyCon! :D

Con schedule's still up in the air for 2017! I might actually do a generalized comic con or something and sell stuff. Dunno?

3885862 Great! How do you feel about minature giant robots made of Lego?

My immediate reaction to that proposition is, "Do giant and miniature cancel out, leaving you with normal?"

Funding for Horizon's brain is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

I hear that Horizon's House Con 2017 is offering a free dealer's table to Cadance authorities who are also webcomic authors. Keep it on the down-low, though. Space is limited and I wouldn't want someone else to claim that spot.

Hm. What GOHs have they landed so far?

It's still early in the con planning cycle and they haven't announced any yet, but they're apparently in negotiations with Jeffrey C. Wells of "Skin Horse".

Based on your interactions with him in the "Miss Harshwhinny Is Best Pony" forums, I'm pretty sure you'd like him!

Oh, no. I've met that guy. He's a cock.

Just FYI... I created a Discord channel for all author types to stay in touch here at the con (or those that wish they were at the con.) https://discord.gg/0xqOoPWifCdB6gvY Works in web browsers without any need to install anything or even register. App is available for most phones too, but I think you have to login for that. I'm going to try to leave it enabled on my phone, and hopefully that means anyone can reach me any time now! And we can all chat!

I am here now! Yay!

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