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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


MLPFIM IDW #41 commentary · 2:30am Apr 15th, 2016

MLPFIM IDW #41 The cover is done like one of the classic golden books. 0-0

Also, this entire story is told in verse by Zecora. And done in 'children's book' style rather than comic panels.

And we learn ponies use the 12 month calendar like humans (I still say it's a left over from Megan William's cultural influence).

RD flies out with Tank for the new Daring Do book.

Then she runs into a wall made out of 'cloud bricks' (one cloud condensed to the size of one brick... wouldn't that make it ice?).

Also, we're introduced to a new creature of Equestria. The Dreary.

They seem to be parasitic little dark clouds with beady black eyes that spawn from a pony going from being in cloud nine to instantly a rotten mood. (I guess they must utterly infest the homes of bipolar ponies!).

Zecora describes RD as 'infecting' the work ponies she talks to (indeed, another spawns over his head). And Zecora says if RD had minded her manners that Dreary wouldn't have spread and would have dispelled on its own.

Tank notices them spawning, but the ponies' don't.
If this is going where I think it's going... THEN THIS IS HOW THE *****ING 'PETS SAVE THE DAY' ISSUE *****ING SHOULD HAVE ****ING BEEN!

The worker infects Dr. Whooves, then Dr Whooves causes one to spawn above Rarity's head when they have an argument about the price of her tie selection. Then she Rarity infects AJ. Then AJ takes off her hat and gives Luna the razz berry, and Luna infects Celestia and she belittles what Celly is telling her.

For some reason. THIS DOESN'T tick me off! Celly and Lulu getting little black clouds over their heads. Then again, maybe that's because the Princesses are clearly capable of all the range of emotions, and it doesn't feel like then being just shoved out of the way.

RD is patient zero.
Twilight is #5
Lyra is #18.
Big Mac is #37
Mr and Mrs. Cake are infected at the same time as 54A and 54B.
And Pinkie Pie is #76 when her balloon pops.

Then the narrative switches to normal after Zecora on the famous muppet chat wall asking Tank if he thinks RD will be able to let go of her bad mood. "She's not always one to go with the flow."

RD doesn't look where she's going as she's talking to Tank, hits a wrecking ball, and pinball style hits a lot of things with a rising point score (she also hits a 'Read COMICS' billboard with Mare-Do-Well's face on it) complete with a tint on the end.

Fluttershy, "Oh! That was a nasty landing. It looks like you hit a bird! Oh no! Is the bird okay?"

RD, "Oh SURE. Ask about the BIRD and not ME."

And this of course spawns a Dreary abve Fluttershy's head. (though if you ask me, RD was justified in that last remark (it's how I'd react if someone asked me that!), unless you accept that RD is nearly indestructible as far as ponies go).

Also, RD's Dreary goes a body builder pose muscling up as RD sees how long the book store line is.

The book store is the Noble Barn book store for the record. Also, the sign says no fast passes available.

RD is ticked they didn't get in line before, AJ is ticked at how RD TOLD THEM to wait for her.

Twilight's Dreary muscles up (and Fluttershy's is now shaped like a butterfly, Pinkie's now has her curls).

RD makes a bitter comment about getting in at the end of the line.

And Twilight goes NUTS on the semantics (reminds on my dad whenever he complaints about me saying 'forward' instead of 'straight' when driving.) "YOU KNOW TECHNICALLY WHEN YOU GET IN LINE YOU ARE ALWAYS AT THE END OF THE LINE UNTIL SOMEPONY ELSE GETS BEHIND YOU." Even the Dreary on her looks depressed at Twilight's fixation.

Back to Zecora's narrative!

One panel has RD being pushed by her Dreary into Rarity. Causing a bunch up in the line. (Rarity, Thunderlane, Scoots, Sweetcream Scoops, Derpy), Derpy's sticks out a tongue at Sweetcream Scoop's.

And we get a nice map of Ponyville. Supposedly Everfree is SOUTH of Ponyville (I always thought it was west).

and we have

west (I thought it was east?) Canterlot 14 mi.
east Unicorn Range
west Manetten (thought it was east) 262 mi (and little AJ walked there?)

I fact, I wonder if the compass got spun around.

East San franciscolt

east Chicoltgo 232 mi.

New Horseleans west 452

east Seaddle
east Horsolulu 3016 miles (I wonder if you have to swim)

west Baltimare

Big Mac kicks a rock that hits a gray earth stallion with a set of clover cutie marks.

Cranky Doodle (you think he'd be the one guy IMMUNE since he's always in a bad mood anyway), when Apple Bloom slams the door behind her when he's carrying groceries instead of holding it open.

Spitfire and Fleetfoot (or Misty Fly?) in town fight over the last apple danish.

And SA is in town as well because ... RETURN OF D&D GROUP!!!!

"Shining Armor fought with his friends over a game,
likely because his DM killed
his elf pony with a flame."

Gaffer gives them a razzberry, Eight Bit gives him a death glare. And SA and Gizmo shout at each other.

"And that one
that likes muffins
got a cupcake instead." (yes, the Dreary also had Derpy's eyes, but also, Derpy's face is like she was just handed the worst food in the world).

Spike (not infected), "That didn't rhyme!"

Zecora (not infected), "Well, it made her very sad."

And a group of ponies obvious meant as expies of someone, are arguing over a scriple as their friends who amazingly aren't infected pull them apart.

A huge storm cloud is forming overhead.

Zecora implores Tank to get RD back to her senses. But Tank is a turtle, TORTOISE, so it's slow going.

But Zecora knows that they're almost out of comic pages, and shoves Tank to RD.

The Dreary... gives a VERY disturbing smile, as its eyes glow red and are no longer beady and now has eyebrows.

RD explodes at Tank, RD herself looking INCREDIBLY disturbing . . . this make it past censors for what's supposed to be a little girls' comic?

The Dready in the background grows large, now shooting red lightning and looking like a churning mass of negativity.

Tank cries ... RD then slowly snaps out of it... the Dreary going from darkly delighted, to neutral confused, then SCARED as it shrinks down. (The Dreary around the rest of the mane six do the same in shock at RD's reaction).

The girls go into a group hug (Pinkie uses poor Rarity's mane to wipe away Tank's tears, and it hurts as much as you'd expect to pull at someone''s hair).

The Dreary goes poof with a little red heart popping from the inside of it.

I just wish one sentence summary hadn't spoiled the entire comic for me.

RD wonders why the rest of Ponyville is in such a bad mood. Zecora gives her a death glare, and RD takes the hint.

If not for On Your Marks, where Bloom is oblivious to the troubles of others due to her own self pity, I'd think she was one of the overwhelmingly insane 'under dark influence, make them not remember so their selling power doesn't drop' cliche.

RD apologizes to her friends for taking out her rotten mood on her friends.

Big Mac apologizes to the stallion, AND THE ROCK! (-_-) Maud names it Unless.

Bloom helped Cranky pick up his bags.

The 'Bolts gives the pastries to Snips and Snails.

As for SA's group

'The ashing prince
made up with his friends,
it's a game after all,
played with dice and pens.'

(and they're showing laughing, with SA and Gizmo sharing chips).

'And bonus of bonuses,
that pony that likes muffins,
finally got one.'

Spike, "That also doesn't rhyme."

Zecora, ""Muffin" is very hard to rhyme."

Spike, "Toughen? Roughen?"

We also see Zecora might have been cheating as a little bottle is shown open with a 'RYHME DICTIONARY' on the cover, being held up to Zecora on a trail of smoke like a genie from its bottle.

And we get a horde of ponies, with Daring Do titles that are better left forgotten. Sweetcream Scoops shares ice cream with big mac. The Princesses making of up course. Cameo by Tom and the Strange Pony. TOM! The Blues Brothers.

And the remaining Drearies retreating from a bright and sunny day.

Pinkie Pie, "Drearies wearies go away, come again some ooother day!"

Zecora, "Why would you invite them to come back? That's a terrible idea? Are you quack?"

Pinkie Pie, "Let's not bring ducks int this."

Behind we see pony Marks Brothers chasing a duck.

And we get a picture of the manes happily singing.

Spike suggests a last word he doesn't know what it means, choosing it just because it rhymes.

Zecora's book is BTW Daring Do and the Book the Rhymes with Orange. (They had too much fun with thes).

Oh and Daring Do was apparently snagged by a Taraxippus at the end of the last book..... (If she got snagged by it, did it just let her write her adventure up to that point and send it to her publisher?).

Oh, and that first pegasus, who RD infected still has a Dreary, name is Plumb Bob. Find out next time! (Not really, I'm not falling for this trick again). SAME PONY-TIME! SAME PONY-COMIC!

The last page REALLY plays up the golden book cliches, with RD holding a 'This little IDW comic belongs to.'

Next month?

We get an issue that takes a look inside Pinkie Pie's head.



The world is not ready for this.

I liked this issue.


And given how many life forms ponies have encountered during their evolution that parasitically feed on negative emotions, is it any wonder ponies evolved culturally and socially to be so upbeat?

Comments ( 11 )

I don't have this comic, so I have to ask, did nopony notice these things? Why weren't they doing anything about them?


I think they were invisible to the ponies, immaterial and spiritual.


In that case, how would Zecora have noticed?

Well, she IS a shaman. :-)


Point taken.

I just wish one sentence summary hadn't spoiled the entire comic for me.

Then whatever site keeps spoiling them for example, EqD, stay away from it. I've only gotten spoiled once about an episode in the Season, and that's just the title and basic premise which looks promising. That and Flurry Heart, but I've managed to stay somewhat spoiler free.


The plague that is youtube's recommended.


That's why I wait for someone to post the chapter here and watch it on Dailymotion or Youtube.

I really enjoyed this comic, especially the art. I think the Drearies were supposed to be metaphorical, like hearts in Spike's eyes when he sees Rarity. The whole comic felt like Zecora meant it as a figurative tale, rather than a literal account of what's going on. Good to see SA coming down to Ponyville to game with his friends.


I think it can be interpreted either way.

3872972 You have a point. I suppose Drearies aren't any more bizarre than Cloud Gremlins.

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