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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 2 weeks
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 3 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 6 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs, April 12th! · 10:07pm Apr 12th, 2016

New Sentinels Digital update coming tomorrow, so I oughta do something to justify it, yeah? And what better way to shirk the things I should be doing than by doing other things I should be doing? :D


I don't think that's how it works. Regardless, you can head below the break for a bunch of reviews off my read-it-now list, plus a couple longfics I finally finished! Including Schemering Sintel by N00813, RedSquirrel456's Prince of Dust, Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones by Lucky Dreams, and my 3100th review of ever! :D

H: 5 R: 1 C: 3 V: 1 N: 1

Schemering Sintel by N00813
Reading (part 1) by Joehighlord
Found this audiobook in the story's description. Unfortunately, I ended up reading it myself anyway (this story doesn't take well to reading unless the reader is willing to mark the flashbacks somehow). This guy really does sound like Loganberry (I guess he was the first one, but I mentioned the second guy first c.c) but sadly, he's too quiet and his intro music way, way too loud. He also has some issues with words occasionally. Not terrible, but sadly inadequate for my needs.
Genre: Adventure/Tragedy
It's been years since Spike was taken from Twilight. Now, she's so close to finding him. She's going to save him, at any cost.
Ever since this story was released (fuckin' four years ago), I've always wanted to know what the hell the title means. Turns out, the first word is simply Dutch for "Twilight" (and thus is rightly pronounced more like "shame" than "scheme"). The second, then, is the title of a short film from which this piece borrows its plot. (In other words, don't watch that if you don't want to know how this story ends.) Thankfully, it is only the broad strokes which served as inspiration, and the actual impact of what happens differs greatly between fic and film.

This is a very good adventure story, but it's also very dark. It stars a Twilight who's been hardened by years and years living on the road, in wild areas and places where friendship isn't exactly a commodity. She's grown used to killing; she's got some wicked-cool tattoos. And if that doesn't sound appealing to you, then this story is likely not going to be your thing, since at its core, it is about change, and specifically how people can change over long periods of hardship. This is resoundingly not the show's Twilight. Yes, it's a little goofy that she takes on a different name to distinguish herself from who she once was, but awkward as that name may be, it's just one of the ways this story very effectively shows us that change at work. Because while the story of her finding the Great Dragon of the North may climax at around the halfway point in this piece, it's what comes after that which deftly hammers home the point "much has changed".

The writing is overall good, if a bit of a mixed bag. Apart from the aforementioned showing, there's a very strong fantasy hand behind this. The piece is dotted with breathtaking landscapes and original societies filled with intrigue and murder. The action scenes are well-paced, if specific word choices sometimes left me scratching my head. Less well-paced was the buildup, a back-and-forth between what was going on and what had transpired that, as I said, made this a tough story to listen to. In one chapter, the time switches happen literally every other paragraph, making both plots difficult to follow. It doesn't help that, at that moment, the past plot is more interesting than "Twilight is walking up a mountain". When the flashbacks come from different points of time, all connected by a theme, the constant switching works in the story's favor. I also quibble with the time frame: it's not until almost the very end that we find out exactly how many years it's been, and that number was considerably higher than I'd expected (though it at least explains all the changes!) Lastly, I have to point out that the penultimate chapter is one long set of POV shifts, which I found very disappointing. The first scene, told from an external POV to show us how much Twilight has changed, worked; the next, where she meets with Celestia for the first time she left, not so much.

In the end, again, this is a very dark story that comes down to a nearly unwinnable situation and a choice that forever changes the Twilight Sparkle we know. I definitely enjoyed this piece overall, and would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy-style adventures (and has a good head for season-two canon; this doesn't hold up quite as well through the lens of today's show). Of course, I'm also really into tragedy, so there's that, too.
Highly Recommended

The Prince of Dust by RedSquirrel456
Genre: Western Romance
Desperate to make more of her pen pal, Rarity sets off for Appleoosa, where she soon becomes embroiled in the tribulations of a farmer town trying to justify its own existence on Equestria's frontier.
I am very, very pleased to finally present you all with a review of this story, one of the very few I've followed since it was first published, because I apparently helped inspire its central pairing: Rarity and Braeburn. I know what you're all thinking. Trust me, it's great. And quite honestly, you should read this for its excellent look at Rarity, Appleloosa, and the Equestrian frontier more than the romance. (One could grumble that it merely bookends the "real" story.) But RedSquirrel is a great writer, and this is a great story that shows off a versatility I didn't realize he had. Whether it's Rarity trying to charm her way out of a confrontation with Diamond Dogs, the machinations of the story's excellent villain, Bona Fide, or just the struggles and mistrust between settlers and rich pones, this is a really tight, detailed piece that leaves no stones unturned. I'll admit, it's been so long that I can't recall all the details. I just know that I stuck with it the entire time and was never once disappointed. This is the kind of story that shippers will adore and non-shippers will not want to pass up. There's a little something for everyone, and it's all just really, really good.
Highly Recommended

Twilight Teaches Rainbow About Overpenetration by totallynotabrony
Genre: Comedy
Rainbow can't punch through the walls of Twilight's new home as easily as she could the old one.
I have no idea how this ended up on this list. <.< Anyway, the eye-catchingly provocative title covers up a mostly-amusing physics lesson and a bunch of jokes about Rainbow Dash being dumb, which I'm always up for. It's… honestly not as funny as I thought it was while reading, if that makes sense. It's all just sexual puns, and as it turns out, innuendo is deflated by context. Since it's always obvious what they're talking about, it takes a determined puerility to derive humor from the dialogue. If you are that kind of person, this is worth a few minutes of your time, I guess.
Vaguely Recommended

Come Down from Yonder Bookshelf by AShadowOfCygnus
Genre: Not What It Seems
Yes, it's an entire story built around Twilight talking to someone like she wants to bone and he just isn't into horses. Thankfully, it is revealed pretty quickly that Spike is not the target of her dialogue (given that he's the only other show character tagged, I was worried). Confoundingly, the target's identity is never revealed. There's a cryptic message in the author's note which, as far as I can tell, no one has figured out, and ShadowOfCygnus isn't telling. So that's one shoe you can see coming and one that never drops. I'm not sure who'll get the most out of this story, but if you like transparent sexual innuendo (see? No context until the end, and it's funny!), this is worth a chuckle.
Recommended for Laughs

Isn't Life Wonderful? by RainbowBulletX12345
Review #3100!
Genre: Comedy
Shining Armor and Cadence learn just what a joy parenthood can be.
Yes, I'm finally getting around to the other finalists of the Protect Flurry Heart contest, where my story Flurry Heart Goes to Magic Kindergarten took second place! This one took third. Boy does it need an editor! Yet I can't deny, for all that it's just a string of parenting jokes, the very first one had me laughing, given how drolly it's presented. (I also laughed at the sudden Flashlight sneaking in.) But yes, I won't be surprised if the copious typos, fast pacing and sudden timeskips turn off most readers.
Recommended for the Forgiving

Imperatives Prince Conjure
Genre: Drama
Flurry Heart is finally ready to take control of the Crystal Empire. A shame it's in the middle of a crisis.
And this was the Flurry Heart contest winner! Nearly tied with my entry, apparently! And, well, reading this puts me in a weird position, because I'm struck by things like how stilted the dialogue is and the use of numerals. It's thin on just about everything, and overall I didn't find Flurry trying to figure out what being a leader means to be all that interesting a plot. So, there's that.
Not Recommended

Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones by Lucky Dreams
Reading by Midnight29
Genre: Slice of Life
Sweetie's hospital stay wouldn't be so bad if not for the ghosts.
You're damn right I'm gonna immediately read a new Lucky Dreams fic, especially when it has a title like that. (Be sure to check out the blog post about its inspiration if you're not familiar with the quote!) This is a surreal and marvelous piece about Sweetie Belle learning to face fears more than just stage fright. The 'lyrics' are a little odd, but I can't fault the narrative, which is full of words that people who love words will positively pop over. And the ending is so cute. Hence my entirely-justified gushing at the start of this review. :V
Highly Recommended

Sonata's Best Night Ever by Majin Syeekoh
Genre: Dark EQG
Sonata's had a really bad night. Thankfully, she has a way to relieve stress.
Though it seems at first like your standard "poor, pathetic Sonata" fic, there's nothing at all standard about this piece. Partly grimdark headcanon about how the Sirens can feed on negative emotions without their amulets, partly catharsis, this is definitely not for the faint of heart. Still, I was most pleased to discover that Syeekoh can turn a phrase when he wants, and overall I found this fic effective and refreshing.

If You Can't Beat 'Em… by horizon
Reading by VisualPony
Genre: Absurd Comedy
Twilight's dinner would be going so much better if a certain villainess weren't watching her.
horizon compared this story to Starlight's Second Friendship Lesson, so I had to check it out. :V Turns out, it's one of horizon's more ridiculous comedies, the sort that has a divide-by-zero joke (that actually works). There's a good effort at ramping everything up to ridiculous levels in a natural way, though sadly the punchline falls a little flat. It just kinda ends. But it's definitely funny overall.
Recommended for Laughs

Raven by SaintChoc
Genre: Historical
Raven has always been at Celestia's side.
This story is so mean. ;_; Told in reverse chronological order, you can just taste the pieces being lined up before context knocks them down. I have so many feels right now is what I'm saying. But yes, this is a masterful work, taking yet another look at both angsty post-Nightmare Moon Celestia and tea and making them new via the lens of a character who is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. The workings of what makes Raven who she is in this story are just fascinating, and as a statement, profound. Oh yeah, and it blows the Luna Test out of the water. :V I'd be hard-pressed to find a better fic right now.
Highly Recommended

Great and Powerful by Between Lines
Genre: Adventure
Returning home to Canterlot, Trixie finds an unexpected sympathetic ear.
I really, really wanted to call this "just another Sad Trixie fic", but I can't. It treats "Trixie doesn't trust wheels" as a deep-seated, serious problem, it has a fantastic metaphor a few paragraphs after that, and then it takes a sharp turn into Looneyville. And then it stops being sad! This is a quirky, surprising, and thoroughly unexpected piece with some really strong character writing and suggestions buoying it along. I honestly couldn't tell you the details of what happened, but what's here is enough. I know I've thrown this rating around a lot today, but do read this one.
Highly Recommended

Report PresentPerfect · 893 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 21 )

So, Present? I've got a question for you.

Do you do a review of every story that makes it onto Equestria Daily, or just the ones that catch your eye on that site?

5 H's? Is this a new record?

What is "the Luna test"? Is it when:
1. Two ponies must have dialogue
2. With each other and at night
3. That does not have anything to do with daytime or events occurring therein?

Even though it wasn't recommended, thanks for reviewing, or even reading my story!

It's "correct use of Early Modern English", but I rather like your suggestion. Perhaps we could instate that as the Nightmare Moon test or something?

Oh yeah, and it blows the Luna Test out of the water.

You're welcome. I corrected a bunch of it for the author.

He doesn't pick things by EqD recommendation. Just whatever catches his eye by whatever means. Why, hinting that he needs to read your story? :moustache:

Author Interviewer

I've lately been adding all EQD stories to my RIL. Most of them are already there, which helps. :B But I don't use that as a determiner for what gets reviewed, no.

Percentage-speaking, maybe.

Damn, missed 3100 by that much.

Thanks once again for looking favourably on my nonsense. :twilightsmile:

More good stories to enjoy a day with!

This guy really does sound like Loganberry

People -- not just you -- keep telling me that such-and-such a reader sounds like me. So far, it seems to mean "comes from more or less the English Midlands". This one does at least sound vaguely similar to me, I suppose. But only vaguely.

As for the rest: I have a low tolerance for authors doing the "ha ha, not telling" thing, so Come Down from Yonder Bookshelf is right out. And five Hs? You're going soft in your old age. :P I think I'll take a look at the ones by RedSquirrel456 and Lucky Dreams, though.

Majin Syeekoh

I've have you know I turn phrases all the time.

It's just most of them end like "your dick appears to made out of pandas" or debating on whether "emaresculate" is a word.:pinkiecrazy:

Author Interviewer

Read Raven. Out of the five H's this time around (mostly because I get better results when I pick stories myself), that's the best one.

And didn't I tell you there was more than one of you out there? :V

Re If You Can't Beat 'Em, it seems like even after editing I wasn't able to bring out the final punchline well, because I seem to be running a pretty high percentage of readers with that "it just stops" complaint. It's the landing of the brick joke from the first scene. Twilight was actually the one who stole Princess Celestia's diary. Oh well, glad it was worth a C! It was pretty much a silly one-off.

ee-mah-RESS-kyu-late:rainbowhuh: :rainbowhuh: :facehoof:

But srsly, I'm going with no, because the etymology kinda doesn't work for you? I mean, you're taking someone's masculinity away, except you're doing it by removing "mare" … if I had to use it in a story I'd probably just run with "geld" or some variant thereof. And then have to resist the temptation of making a "gelding the lily" pun.

Majin Syeekoh

3866481 It was just a light-hearted poke at the pitiable proliferation of poorly-done pony puns I put into a piece.

Also, it was in Celestia's dictionary.:trollestia:

Author Interviewer

...Y'know, after posting the review, it suddenly occurred to me that that had to be the answer. But "Twilight wouldn't know Celestia's diary is missing unless she had stolen it herself" was about the last thing on my mind at that point in the story.

Wow, thanks for the glowing praise on Raven! Glad you liked it so much!

I was going to ask what the Luna Test was, but it was answered in the comments. Which brings up another revelation...


Well, hello there! Thanks for the work you did editing it!

3866463 Raven's an RCL fic, so is already on the list. :)

Author Interviewer

I'm sure there'll be plenty more stories about Rainbow being dumb when Newbie Dash comes out.

Author Interviewer

As if I need an excuse. :V

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