• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2017


This is an Art Account Now, PM Me if You Have Any Requests: See Rules to Requests Below...

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  • 388 weeks
    Here's the Deal

    He'll slip n' slide on this banana peel.

    Anyway, remember when I said "We're Back in Business" I never said I was going to continue to literary part. I'll be open for requests at any time. I'll illustrate covers, OCs, erotic art, anything. However, my only rule is:
    They must be humanized. None of that furry shit.
    I have the right to refuse a request. Simple as that.

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  • 394 weeks
    Back In Business Boys...

    "The time comes when a man's gotta stop running away and face things..."
    "'Bout time, you silly deity, you..."

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  • 408 weeks
    Finally the Finale to the OCA Contest... Jesus Christ, This Took Forever.

    "Your streak was just broken..." Gob pulled the hammer back and the familiar clicking of a loaded gun sounded. With an almost sadistic smile, he watched as Vanessa squirmed and wiggled, or tried to, out from under Gob's hold.

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  • 410 weeks
    What I've Been Up To [Update]

    So as you all know I went on and sort of still am on a break from my job here at FimFiction and I'm assuming you're all wondering what I've been up to! Well, here's some examples of my work recently.

    I've officially begun my artist hobby on DeviantArt and I'm posting much more frequently. Here's some work of mine.

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  • 413 weeks
    "Me" Time

    For those who have noticed my absence, I will explain myself to you and will answer any questions about the OCA contest as of where it stands and what not.
    To start off, the contest is still going on. Part two will be posted eventually. However, I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a while since my audience plays a huge role in my career as a writer.

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OC Apprentice Pre-Challenge 6 Results/Challenge 6 Update · 4:38am Apr 12th, 2016


Ah, just click and read. I'm lazy today.

That night Gob turned Coalstone into an infant, he had decided to turn in early. Feeling quite tired after that day of doing nothing but pranking his stone cutting contestant. Gob snuggled into his levitating bed and almost fell right asleep until remembering a very important detail.

"I need my sleep friends. Tonight feels like it'll be a LONG night..." GOB clapped his hands and a few minutes later Candle Light and Barrel Roll appeared in Gob's office doorway. Candle in her anthro self and Barrel in her human form still in her wheelchair.

"Ladies, tonight's cuddle night." Gob informed.

"But aren't Saturdays and Sundays cuddle nights? Today's Monday." Barrel questioned.

"Barrel, I'm a god, we don't pay attention to the days. So just pretend it's Saturday night. Change into your PJ's and get up here." GOB ordered. Candle poofed her and Barrel's sleepwear in their arms and they went to Gob's bathroom to change. About two or three minutes later, the two came out. Candle appeared in dark jogging shorts and a tank top while Barrel appeared in sweat pants and a T-shirt. Candle helped herself up onto Gob's bed while Gob assisted his crippled comrade onto the bed. Once they all got comfortable, they all huddled together to make one big snuggle pile. Gob was probably the most benefited since he was between Barrel and Candle. Barrel was a slightly chubbier but still slim girl, so her weight added some cushion while Candle; being the goddess of fire and light, had a constant warmth coming from her, acting like a heating pad for Gob. With those combined forces of comfiness, Gob fell fast asleep along with his co-workers.

It's dark, but from the other side of the darkness is a man giving off as much light as a faint candle.

"¿¡Que eres!?"

"Su comportamiento reciente nos ha llamado la atención, humano."

"¿Mi comportamiento? ¿Qué quieres decir? ¡Respóndeme!"

This man doesn't answer. It confuses the poor human. The being only points at the human man, and shouts;

"Que ha corrompido la fuente, ahora usted debe pagar por sus pecados."

The human feels endangered, but he knows how to hold himself in a fight. But is it even possible? For a human to fight a god?


It's a summer's day now. The busy streets fill the man's ears as he faces his beloved.

"Me duele dejar, mi amor. Pero prometo que volveré y nos casaremos."

A female, as tall as the male and pretty with curly blonde hair and leaf green eyes.

"Voy a esperar, querida. Prométeme que no olvidará. Y promete que no va a morir." The female embraces the armored male.

"Sí prometo." The two share a long and loving kiss. Neither one wanting to break it, but the male knew he had a duty. He made a promise. He would return to be married to his beloved. He will return. He promised.


Gob jerked up breathing heavily and sweating nervously. His sudden movement woke the two girls next to him as they slowly awoke with concern for their boss and co-worker.

"Gob? What is the matter?" Candle asked. But she noticed something about Gob. His eyes weren't blue, but brown.


"Gob, what is wrong?" Barrel asked, getting her boss' attention.

"¿Quién eres tú? ¿Dónde está la gracia!?"

'Oh no.' Candle inwardly panicked, but luckily she was prepared, but she always hated doing this. As good as it felt. She turned her co-worker's head and firmly grabbed his face. She then slowly and tenderly kissed him as her face literally began to heat up like a fireplace. Soon enough, Gob fell back asleep.

"W-What was that? What'd you do, Candle?" Barrel asked.

"I overheated his brain. He'll be sleeping for a while now." Candle informed.

"Well that's obvious, but what was that? Why was he speaking like that?"

"I haven't the slightest clue. But we should keep a closer eye on him. He's been acting like this for a while now. At least, since that Veggie girl came into the picture." Candle informed.

"You mean he's been doing this for a while now?" Barrel asked.

"Basically. I'm worried it's something serious. Like I said, we should keep an eye on him until we have this figured out. Until then, let's let him rest." Candle suggested.

"Should we stay then so he can get good rest, or let him rest in peace?" Barrel asked.

"Well... Frankly, I'd like to keep cuddling. Never said I didn't like it." She said as she laid her head on her co-worker's chest. While Barrel was still confused and honestly frightened by Gob's sudden behavior, she knew the problem was solved for now. A quick solution is better than no solution. So she did the same and snuggled up against Gob, snaking her arms around the god as she nestled her head into his side. Like before, they all slept like babies.


Well rested and preppy, Gob sat at his desk drinking his morning coffee. He had just returned from inspecting the contestants. Apparently, they did well with babysitting their new stone cutting foal. A little too easy for them frankly, but nevertheless, they did it. All that was left for Gob to do was give them a duty. But what? Gob pulled out a small booklet and skimmed through each page.

"Hm, I could have them sell BBQ brand coffee... Nah, too mainstream. How about selling my mixtape? No, I don't think I want Earth to burn up just yet. What if... We haven't visited Equestria in a while. What if... That's it! I got it!" Gob said excitedly as he snapped his fingers, summoning each of the three contestants.

"Welcome all!" Gob cheerfully shouted. All three of them stared blankly at the diety. "What's with the straight faces?"

"Gob, we want the truth." Sentinel said sternly.

"We want to know what happened to Spark. She was a great competitor, are you sure she just left? Without saying a goodbye?" Coalstone asked.

"Yeah, and if she really left, why is all her stuff still in her bedroom?" Reneigah wondered.

"What did you do to her, Gob?" Sentinel asked.

"Look, I've done plenty of things in my time, but I don't kidnap people. I have men who do that for me." Gob informed.

"But it doesn't make sense. Why would she leave?" Coalstone asked.

"Well... I'll say this, she got a... better offer elsewhere. She didn't want the contest to keep her down so she took up the offer and left. She didn't want to say goodbye because it would only make things harder. As to why she left her things, I couldn't tell you. She's kinda silly like that." Gob informed. Although, it seemed fishy and most likely fabricated, the three contestants took Gob's word for now.

"So, what's next Gob? You gonna turn us into female humans again and sell our bodies on street corners?" Coalstone asked.

"You gonna use us as sweatshop workers for your T-shirts and clothesline?" Reneigah questioned.

"You gonna make us perform in a strip club?" Sentinel wondered.

"No, good idea but no, and if only I could. But really, your next challenge is simple. It has nothing to do with the pre-challenge. That was just a little prank. By the way, Coal, I hope you liked it." This comment aggravated the stone worker. "No, the next job is simple. It's in Equestria and you'll be acting as journalists for BBQ Magazine. News on politics, fashion, and pointless celebrity crap. Your jobs are to interview the three main royal figures of Equestria. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence." Gob informed.

"What about Twilight?" Sentinel asked.

"She doesn't count," Gob said simply.

"But she's a princess technically," Reneigah corrected.

"Well so is that baby Flurry Heart or whatever, but does that make her important? No! She's just used for franchise and toys, dammit!" Gob exclaimed.



"Unimportant?" All three questioned. Gob's eyes went wide. He quickly pulled out a walkie talkie and whispered into it.

"We have a code pink. I repeat, code pink." As soon as Gob finished his sentence, Candle rushed into the office and quickly grabbed all three heads as her hands began to heat up. Seconds later, the three fell over asleep.

"Good work, Candle. Imagine if they found out about... You know who." Gob said thankfully.

"Indeed. It would cause so much travesty. Anything else, Gob?" Candle asked, but Gob had no jobs left for her so she returned to her daily duties. As soon as she left, the contestants began to wake up.

"What happened?"

"How'd we get here?"

"Where are we?"

"Guys, it's me Gob." Gob said.

"Oh, right... The barbecue guy..." Reneigah answered.

"Who?" Sentinel asked.

"You know me! The lovable rascal!" Gob said with a smile. This seemed to trigger a happy thought in Sentinel's mind.

"Look, I have a new job for you all. See these?" Gob held up notepads and some pens. The three contestants nodded. "You're going to use these and get the answers from Celestia, Cadence, and Luna about religion, politics, and the hottest topic, free speech vs hate speech. Okay?" Gob asked them as if they were children. Still confused, the three nodded and took Gob's material. Gob smiled and snapped them away to their duties.

"Thank goodness." Gob sighed.

"You know you didn't need to wipe their minds of what you were talking about right? Hell, it looked like you wiped one's mind so much he looked like he forgot how to speak." Said an angelic feminine voice.

"Oh, Coal will be fine. His words will be slightly slurred for a few minutes, but he and the rest of the gang will be OK after an hour or so. You worry too much, E." Gob said teasingly.

"At least, I care about lives, Gob. I may have a job that distances me from humans and ponies, I still care for them. Unlike you." E said with a cocky laugh.

"Hey, I'm the CEO of Earth! Not the CEO of humanity! I'm only using humanity for my own gain. Then once they blow themselves up, I'll do it all again!" Gob defended.

"Seems pretty psychopathic of you, doesn't it?" E questioned.

"It's eat or be eaten, E."

"What of the ponies? What about your contestants?" E asked.

"Well... I'm not using them. I care about them obviously."

"Doesn't seem like that. They seem to dislike you, really."

"Not true. Sure, they have their bad blood, but they know it's only fun and games right?" Gob asked.

"Maybe to you. Gob, you're immortal and a god, fun and games to you is watching sharks wrestle mutant tigers in a kiddie pool. They're mortals. Fun for them is harmless pranks and video games." E stated.

"Ironic. I'm usually the one educating you on the humans." Gob uttered.

"The student becomes the teacher." E chuckled. Gob simply crossed his arms and flushed with embarrassment.

"I'll show you! They like me! I'll prove you wrong!" Gob said as he got up and walked out of his office. Leaving his eternal friend alone.

Comments ( 5 )

3864833 Nope, you each interview all three princesses about all three topics.

Well, here we go again.

Okay well this should be interesting, though I'm a little worried since I don't have much experience writing those characters but I'll still try.

Also would complain about how Coal got knocked out from having his head smashed since his skull can shatter boulders but whatever.

3867531 Magic was used... There's your answer.

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