• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Winter Rosario

Formerly Winter Solstice, Literally Sunset Shimmer, Discount Off-brand!

More Blog Posts120

  • 57 weeks
    Thorny Rose: Premise.

    So, been working on this one. The last couple of weeks were pretty great! Real life wise. I got a massive raise, promotion to Supervisor (just below Manager. Ugh, responsibilities), and I got to see the Mario Movie! Wooo fucking hooo! So, here's what I got:

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    4 comments · 399 views
  • 60 weeks

    So, I've finished reading through my stories and...was I high? Was I on some kind of drug? All the drugs?! They are enjoyable if you don't take it seriously and treat them as crack-fics...and ignore the cringe...so much cringe.

    I've been working on several ideas:

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    5 comments · 272 views
  • 61 weeks
    Live! Ruby Rose. Live!

    Name: Ruby Rose.

    Race: Pegasus.

    Sex: Female.

    Cutie Mark: A Ruby-crystal Rose within two flaming-red wings arched downward in the shape of a heart.

    Special Talent: Fierce Love, Devotion, Hope, and Protection to those that have earned a place in her heart. In other words: Ruthless combat capabilities.

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    1 comments · 190 views
  • 62 weeks
    I'm here.

    Haaaaa...where to start?

    An apology sounds about right. However, certain details need to be made apparent before I do so: giving them will make things more understandable as to my absense and lack of updating anything.

    Life sucks - - > plain and simple.

    For those not in the know (most likely 99.9% of you...probably), I was homeless for a while.

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    12 comments · 452 views
  • 183 weeks
    I'm Kinda Alive?

    So, been a while since I decided to do anything. I've mostly been dealing with life. My old laptop, one that was donated to me finally kicked the bucket, followed by COVID-19 happening, and frankly? I hate typing on my cell. With COVID-19 I couldn't use the computers at the various libraries since no one is allowed in and only books can be taken out via their websites. Thus, all I could do is

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What I do before I write. · 4:07am Apr 4th, 2016

This question perplexed me for quite some time, and I never really could answer it that well because it is very difficult to comprehend. It's like trying to explain how the universe works to a person that believes that his special rock is God. Then tries to burn me alive afterward. "It got that bad with a person that I met on the street."

Here is how I do it.

Most people make a concept, give it flavor, and build a structure on the baseline premises that creates the Plot. Then they add characters to enact that Plot. It is the simple writing process, but I don't work that way.

I think of a person. It could be myself, a friend or a stranger on the street. Sometimes I even look at a picture and view how it looks to give it personality. Then I throw said person into a situation and play it out in my head. "I can think in full, clear color and sound without a blur." I am also good at analysing people's personalities with an accuracy of 98.8% Which makes me able to realistically view how the character acts when I put them into a situation.

Getting confused yet?

But that is just that characters. Of course, the situation has to have a world. So from all the maps I have seen. All the videos games I have played. As well as books, movies, TV, and real life influence how the world looks like in my head. If I want the character to fight demons on Mars. I think of a post-apocalyptic terraformed city where hover cars and crazy skin tight clothes with Lazer weapons ruled the streets. And so on and so forth. And I can do all that work in less than a minute.

But then there is the Plot. It is progressive to say the least. As the character walks around the world, I add little details and let them take a mind of their own. Which always turns out to be this big and epic back story for how the world used to be like and how it got to where it was in the present. Depending on the characters personality, they might try to figure out the mystery or try to flee the planet.

Again. I do all of this. In my head, in full color, with unique sound and is crystal clear. In a minute.

So what about the story? Well. I think of the ending first and work my way back. This is where I make an outline which gets bigger as I day dream. I usually know how the story ends, but it changes with the additions I make to the outline. So the first ending won't be the one that will be used.

Then there is the actual writing. I basically really think the first event in my head which acts like the revision process and I write down the event as fast as I can think it. Which is a problem on my phone because I make more mistakes due to big thumb syndrome. Once the event is down. I edit, profread it and revise again. Then I post.

And yes, not all of what went on in my head gets put on paper. Faps are saved for later.JK.

But now you are thinking. "Doesn't that give you massive headaches?" My answer is No. In fact, it is my greatest Stress reliever. Zoning out and watching an entire movie play in your head promotes the chemicals in your brain like; serotonin and dopamine to activate and it also exercises your grey matter, making it more flexible which is supposed to be insanely healthy for you. Just don't do it during something important, like work or cooking.

Now what to I do when I have a brain fart and can't think of anything. I walk. Did you know that the mere act of walking increases your creative output by 60-80% Walking is a writer's best friend for creative block.

Anyhow. That is how I write. Most of the time. Things like Crossovers I can do on the spot with ease and yes. I am open to people who would want to crossover with me. The Winter Rose is now crossoverable.

If you are still trying to understand how I can cope with all the information going through me head. I can also remember it all, perfectly.

And not to brag or anything, but I can read three books at once. An audio book in one ear each and a regular book in my face. And it was 1000 pg monsters. I even took a 200 question compression quiz on all three books...one week later after I finished them in 5 hours and got 100% on all three of them.

I don't recommend trying that though. It gave me a massive headache.

That's all for now.

Report Winter Rosario · 71 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I can read three books at the same time too, but not get 100% on a test one week later.
It's true that zoning out is a great stress reliever for some (not all) person. It is for me.

Thats exactly how i write for school assignments. I read on average 10 chapters of 5 books everyday during school ( 10 chapters of each book), because of this my teachers get mad since i'm not paying attention or doing homework, but i still get A's on my tests.

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