• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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I try to write the best I can. Feel free to leave me a comment (I prefer positive ones but any feedback is better than none at all). I appreciate stories that are well written and skillfully executed.

More Blog Posts30

  • 80 weeks
    I was not expecting this but it is AWESOME

    Well ladies and gentlemen, the real life person that Captain Joyner is based off of is reading the story! I would be hard pressed to say how delighted I am at this development.

    5 comments · 342 views
  • 90 weeks
    Chapter 70

    Chapter 70 is complete, by the way. I am waiting to hear back from my buddy.

    7 comments · 164 views
  • 90 weeks
    New chapter is out.

    Delays and sh!t. I'm moving to Colorado Springs in February of 2023. Pop's memory is down to 7-10 minutes before it resets.

    0 comments · 108 views
  • 123 weeks
    Emotionless dialogue?

    A Russian reader (who I apparently upset quite a lot), left a comment about the character dialogues being dry and emotionless. I don't know if he was being serious or if he was just flaming me in the comment, but has anyone felt the dialogue in the T.U.P. series is dry or emotionless in any way? Please leave serious comments.

    8 comments · 384 views
  • 148 weeks
    New Chapter


    I did it. I had to have some help to publish this one. It hurt to write and even more so to reread and edit. Many thanks to my editor and friend


    . Go check out his awesome stories. They deserve WAAAY more acknowledgement than they have.

    5 comments · 266 views

Ongoing character Q & A · 8:32pm Mar 13th, 2016

Author steps out onto the wooden stage in front of a bright red curtain and holds up a mic, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to do a long running character question and answer session. All questions MUST by directed at a specific character and must be regarding a topic which the character is aware of. Sooooo, without further ado, let the questions begin!"

Comments ( 124 )

Yes, finally. Have been waiting.
Anyway, first question is for Twilight and it is a little dark and historical. You had Artex read Equestrian history and he made mention of an event that was the start of the change of how mares saw stallions. A stallion killed himself and a young colt rather than be taken back into slavery. Did those two ever have names?

My question is for Vaiawa. In part 2 toy gave your reason for wanting to join Artex's herd. He said it wasn't a good enough reason. Just exactly was your reason?

Twilight ducks out from behind the curtain, "I'm sorry to say they did not. During that time in history most stallions were not considered important enough to have names as names signified at least some amount of importance. One of the first named stallions was Starswirl The Bearded. He was born not too long after the end of the gender wars."

Guess I'll throw down the other questions I had. This next one is for Luna.
Your personal guard ponies, is their leathery wings natural or just an enchantment? And if it is natural are they a sub-species of pesusi or their own race?

And now for some questions to some background characters.
This is for the first Rectifier that appeared in the story.
Just how much training is required to actually become a Rectifier? Is being a Rectifier a full time job? And is that snazzy cloak state issue or do you get to make or have your own made?

3806400 Twilight retreats back behind the curtain and Luna steps up to center stage, "Their looks are an enchantment. Thestrals do exist, but there has been no contact with them for ages befofe my return."

This question is for that little filly that tried so hard to help Artex, even though she didn't actually know what she was doing. Sorry for forgetting her name.
Do you know what level your Mind noun is?

3806403 Luna retreats and the cloaked rectifier steps forward, "It takes more than twenty years of dedicated study to achieve the status of Rectifier. While some small amount of time is spent on spells and spell manipulation, the majority of the time is spent learning laws and which responses are best for individual cases and crimes. The training emphasizes a very fine balance between justice and mercy. It is our responsibility to ensure that justice is done to the best of our ability and not to allow unnecessarily harsh judgements be passed based on injured feelings and an urge for revenge under the guise of justice. The cloaks are issued to us after we are proven to be just in our dealings. Each of us is given more than two hundred varied faux settings and criminal cases in which we must judge fairly according to acceptable standards."

"In regard to your other question, no, Rectifier is not a full-time job. We do not have families of our own though. We must be ready to deploy to any location we are needed at a moment's notice and having to take care of foals is not conducive to such a lifestyle."

3806408 The Rectifier retreats back behind the curtain and Bright Spark comes forward leading her filly. She nudges the filly in the flank, "Go on, answer him."

The filly gulps and looks from her Lamine to you, "I-I'm a one in Mind. Mental spells are really easy but Mommy and Daddy weren't happy after what I did. I got grounded for a month."

Are we allowed to ask the Author question again?

3806424 The author nods and performs a sweeping bow, "By all means good sir! Ask away!"

3806436 Something has been bothering me since the first story and am hoping for an answer.
When the original group of humans were wandering through the forest (was it an extention of the Everfree, btw?) they never came in contact with Poison Joak. Before their scrufula came about, what would have been some of the random reactions, and how much more extreme would they be now that the human have magic?

3806449 "A question nobody has asked before." He folds his hands behind his back, "It would have done nothing at all. Poison Joke only affects the magic of the being afflicted. If there is no magic, there is no effect."

3806459 And my curiosity is satiated. Thank you.
Next question. How exactly would a blood transfer work between a human and non-Kavim? Or are Kavim the only genetic compatible?

3806470 "It all has to do with Humans. If you tried to take blood from a Minotaur and put it into a Gryphon, the recipient's body would reject it. Humans are the only species who can accept the blood of other races."


Were you able to make peace with the guy who stabbed you?

3806519 Eduardo Ortega pushes the curtain aside and steps onto center stage, "Ya I was. It involved a few illegal spells, but under the new laws of New Humansville, since both of us consented to the transfer we were able to understand one another. He still don't like me much because o' what I used to do, but we ain't enemies or nothin' no more."

Dear Luna since you help ponies by going into their dreams can you do the same with humans or any other creature?

Celestia did you try any other human treats?
You should try my home made New York style chocolate cheesecake with my mocha brownie ice cream on Belgian waffles with butterscotch syrup

(And I wonder why I'm still single.....)

How exactly are the Hispanic man and the mare he cut open doing?

3806532 Author, "One question per post please, but I will let it slide this one time."

Eduardo steps back behind the curtain and Luna steps forward again, "I am certainly capable of entering the dreams of Humans, but I do not. Humans are very different from Kavim and I have made enough mistakes with assuming far too much in the past. I will not assume they even want me in their dreams. Humans have made it very clear that their minds are their own refuge and I will respect that. The only Human whose dreams I enter are those of my stallion and that I do only with express permission."

3806532 Celestia takes center stage while Luna trotts back behind the red curtain, "I have managed to try a few other Human deserts and while they were all exquisite, I don't think I ever tried what you described. I'm sure that if you put your heart into it, you could find a woman for yourself." She gestures to the Author, "He found somebody. If he can find a spouse I'm sure ANYBODY can."

Author, "HEY!"

Celestia giggles behind her hoof and retreats back behind the curtain.

3806533 Author, "They're doing well. They are good friends, almost like brother and sister now, but there is absolutely no romantic feelings between them. The man prefers the company of other men anyway."

Question for Vaiawa.
Do Changelings have the same kind of Magic Noun and Verb as Kavim or are they more like humans? (a.e. some having all but at varying levels, while some are blind to half)

3806614 Vaiawa trots out from behind the curtain, "We have Nouns and Verbs just like Humans and Unicorns. We receive increases to our Nouns and Verbs when we receive large abounts of love."

3806629 Another question, Is it possible for a Changeling to overdose on love?

3806709 Vaiawa nods, "Yes, but it takes effort to do so. Normally a Changeling has a set limit to how much love they can safely store, attempting to go beyond that amount would be similar to continuing to eat once you are full. Eventually you will burst if you put enough effort into it. It is what happened to the Changelings who were ejected from Canterlot during the invasion. They swelled up and split open like overripe melons. A truly horrific death."

Bobby Jewel

How is Dr. Steady Hoof holding up? She was in a bad place, when last we saw her.

3806932 Vaiawa turns and trots back behind the curtain as Bobby takes center stage, "She's doing well. It took her a long time to get her head on straight after what happened to her. For a Pony who dedicated their life to helping others live longer, healthier lives, for her to find out she had been helping Bloodmages harm others..." he lookes toward the ground and shakes his head sadly, "It really tore her up. Thankfully she did eventually manage to make a full recovery and still works at the hospital."

To Twilight.

Has there been any research into the times and places of appearence of the various human groups, in order to see if there is any causal relation, as applied to interdimentional theories using the Mirrors as fixed loci in time, space, and relative dimentions?

3807317 Bobby retreats back behind the curtain and Twilight trots out, "I have taken the locations of the arrivals of the Humans into account but the correlation of locations and nations does not seem to have any bearing upon where the original Humans were taken. I do have a hypothesis that perhaps the end point, or the point where the Humans arrived in our world, may perhaps have some sort of bearing on which species governs or is at least the most dominant with regard to the surrounding terrain. My hypothesis originated when the Emissarial Staff sent a letter to Celestia about the distinct similarities between the languages of the Humans who arrived in the Zebra lands and the Zebras themselves. Other factors may perhaps play some sort of role in the end point. For example, the Humans from Russia had an end point in the Crystal Empire. Both the point of origin and the end point are nearly tundra conditions, which when compared to the semi arid conditions of the Zebra lands and Ethiopia a pattern seems to emerge. I am still taking multiple factors into account for various deviations in my developing hypothesis. Feel free to come by, I have lots of graphs and charts."

This says 'long running', so are you still taking questions?

3809591 The Author nods, "Very much so! Please ask away. We will be here to answer any question you have. Think of the characters as actors in the story."

This question is for Riftin.
If you could transform into any one other creature, what would it be and what would it look like?

3809698 Rifin pokes his massive head out through the curtain, "I would just like to return to my original body so I could live like a normal Changeling." he looks saddened, "My life is service now. With the arrival of Humans and our acceptance in town, I could have had a normal life." He holds one of his battle arms out in front of himself, gazing at it, "Now... I can only serve to protect until I am felled in battle."

This goes to our resident Lord of Chaos, Discord.
Good sir, are you the only draconoques in Equestria?

3809764 Rifin pulls his head back and Discord appears in a puff of pink smoke that smells like the color 9, "Yes I am. Why? Do you want to see more of this incredible handsomeness? Don't worry, I won't tell your other boyfriends." he winks, "That Jared seems like the jealous type."

3809869 Were there ever any other draconoqui?

3809899 "Well obviously!" Discord says, "Despite my looks, I wasn't just thrown together by some mad scientist." A second Discord pops into existence wearing a lab coat, "I'm not mad! I'm angry!" He pops back out of existence and Discord continues, "I had parents just like everybody else. That much I can remember. It was a very long time ago. I also know that I didn't have any of my powers until I got here."

I have a question for Beacon: What are you doing now, and assuming I'm allowed to follow up, how are you doing?

3809914 So, Chaos is your special talent then?

3810063 "My dear boy, do I have an emblem on my... well anywhere?" He turns around several times, "No. I don't have any 'special talent'. I CHOSE to signify chaos because there needed to be a balance. Too much order is boring and nothing ever gets done, nothing changes. If I had known about the Humans I would have definitely brought them. They are nearly as chaotic as I am. I mean, look at the changes they have wrought. Luna is engaged, Celestia has finally lost that stick up her plot, and the world is advancing at a rate that I would have never imagined! And believe you me, THAT is saying something. Besides, there is far too much order here in the first place. The Everfree Forest was one of my earlier attemps to spread chaos, but it didn't go over well anypony. The weather has to be changed manually. The animals need to be regulated. There was far too much order and I think perhaps that's why the Humans were brought here."

3809985 Beacon steps out onto the stage with Discord. His horn is still broken almost at the base, but it looks like it healed all the way, "I couldn't stay in New Humansville. It hurt too much. Every time I saw Ashley it felt like I was killing her sister again..." he lapses into silence for a minute before continuing, "I knew I didn't deserve to live there... I wasn't the only one who made a mistake, but I was the only one who was saved. All my brothers in arms are still out there serving their sentences while I was in New Humansville living well. I felt it every day. I knew it wasn't right... but I tried to let myself enjoy it.... I was lying to myself. I did something... that can never be forgiven..." he turns and trotts back behind the curtain.

3810092 Interesting view. One final question and you can go back to doing what ever it was you were exploding.
We know that your Space Verb is a 10, what are the rest of your Nouns and Verbs, if you would be so kind as to disclose that information?

3810113 "Well the system they use for qualifying magic levels is just silly, but using that as a standard..." he puts his lion paw to his chin and strokes his goatee, "I'd be a 10 in everything. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why I don't just go home if I'm so powerful. The answer is that I would, if I could remember enough of it. In order to teleport somewhere or, like my dear friend Chris, open a portal somewhere, you ha e to be very familiar with it. I don't even remember my parents' faces, let alone anything else in that world."

Thank you Master of Mayhem. This next question goes to Catalyst.
Who decided on the new name for the school?

To Princess Celestia.
If you could go back in time and change any one event, except preventing your sister's fall, what would it be?

3814820 Celestia trots out from behind the curtain, "That is a terribly difficult question. If you mean from recent memory, it would be getting personally involved with the situation with the Humans when they first showed up, sooner. It could have saved many lives. Then again, doing so might bring about a situation which was even worse than the massacre." She lapses into deep thought, "The unknowns in any given scenario are far too difficult to predict. I cannot say with any significant amount of honesty that I would change anything. For every situation there is growth and development which may effect all aspects of life. I honestly think it would be to give myself the enchanted necklace that Luna has. It would remind me that I am fallible. It would allow me to understand myself better and help me be a better leader, which then could lead me to more positive outcomes on various decisions."

3814888 Interesting answer. While I have you here there is something else I'm interested in getting an answer to. Just where and when did your addiction to cake begin?

3814923 Celestia holds her snout up into the air, "It's not an addiction. I just have a fondness for cake."

3815080 Sure, "fondness". So, next question. Before Twilight Sparkle, have you ever had a stallion as your personal student?

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