• Member Since 26th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 18th, 2018

Jade Crossroads

There is no such thing as coincidence and reality is what you make of it. Nothing more, nothing less.

More Blog Posts43

  • 338 weeks
    To do list

    Rewrite/ finish I Always Win
    Finish and then rewrite Courts of Sun and Moon.

    Here's an excerpt of what I have so far for the next chapter for the second:

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  • 366 weeks
    Sorry to disappoint, but I am Not Dead

    I've been hanging around other fandoms as well as focusing more on my academics, trying to get through my depression... But I'm not dead, and yeah... not sure what else to say?

    I'm accepting questions and rants on my absence and my stories if anyone even bothers to read this, much less leave a comment. So, hiya!

    (I'm sorry for sounding negative, it's... been a day for me.)

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  • 404 weeks
    I've been gone for what feels like forever!

    I keep singing "I keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling." and coming up with a bunch of other parodies of songs about scrolling while going through the feed. Sue me, I'm bored.

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  • 418 weeks

    I'm still here! I just had to focus on my finals for a while, and finishing up the school year. I'm back though, and I'm ready t write! Starting with Once Upon a Beautiful but Tragic Knight, and followed up by either a new story and or one of the other two ongoing stories I haven't put on hiatus.

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  • 423 weeks
    What I've been up to

    In the spare time I've had:

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Expect a Published Chapter soon · 10:15pm Feb 15th, 2016

Unless it gets too late before I can finish and fully edit the whole thing, I will have the next chapter out and published tonight.:moustache:

I'm truly sorry I haven't finished it yet, I just had a hard time sitting down to work on it, I just couldn't. So here's a shout out to Mister Phoenix for making sure I got the chapter done: Thanks Phoenix!

In Consideration of Princesses and Pillow Forts

I suppose I can hardly complain, after all, that’s the whole reason I’m here.” Discord gestures towards the now clean space. He frowns as he adds, “Maybe I should have left it a mess. Everything is too… tidy.” He grimaces at the word as if it leaves a foul taste in his mouth.

“W- what do you mean?” Fluttershy gathered the courage to ask, but her voice shook with as much fear as she felt. She had hoped he would just leave her alone, but here he was still very real and turning her safe haven into a place she’d sooner abandon. How would she be able to get him to abandon his efforts and discord some other pony so that she could reach her friends? When she think son this however, she’d rather have herself be corrupted than another pony. What right did she have thinking such a thing? It’s be better for everyone if he didn’t discord anypony. Fluttershy sighed. But I doubt that’s an option…

Discord looked down at the pegasus curiously. It had been many years since someone bothered asking him such a peculiar question, everypony just assumed his mannerisms had to do with his chaotic nature and left it at that. “Surely you’ve realized who you’re talking to? This cottage is simply too-”

“That’s not what I meant….”

“Wh-why,” She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She had to contain her fear, even if it was difficult. She had to get these words out. She needed to be brave. Rainbow Dash was brave, she just had to gather up the courage and forget that she was the opposite for a while.
Discord, who had been toying with a broken spring and altering a windvane into a miniature flowing bronze waterfall looked back at the bewildered pegasus whom the prissy Celestia had assigned to be his “reformer”, in a sense anyway. If I didn’t know any better I’d say she fully expects this little plan to work, phtt! As if that’s ever going to happen.

At her words however, he straightened and unconsciously changes the bronze waterfall into a familiar maze and then a statue as his memories influenced it’s shape. Discord scowls, changing his creation back to it’s original form and sending it back to where he found it. He turns his gaze back to hers, cringing at the unpleasant reminder.

“Don’t remind me. The ordeal is one I’d sooner forget.” Grimaces Discord his voice coming from behind clenched teeth.

He turns to face her properly, only noticing the too-organized living space, he didn't know how it looked normally, but his magic couldn't have helped matters and it was beginning to bother him. “So you don't mind…?” He asks as he materializes the untidy room that they had been in before. She only shook her head. This couldn't be happening, and at any rate, if it was, she had more to worry about than house cleaning.

His expression almost made Fluttershy apologize to him, but she remembered as the words formed in her mind and stopped herself. It would also have been a lie, she wasn’t sorry, not truly. Sealing him into stone was the only way to stop him, and she didn’t like what he did to ponyville all that much. She hadn’t liked it at all. If he is being genuine… then maybe this is my opportunity to make it up to him. I still remember that day all too well, but I also remember how he reacted to becoming a statue. She wondered, not for the first time, whether or not the process… hurt him. His response to her bringing the subject up however, made it clear that she probably didn’t want an honest answer and he would have none to give freely.

“How then are they responsible for your reappearance?” Fluttershy asked again, his ramblings weren’t bringing her any closer to the answer to her original question. She still had no idea how he got here or what he was talking about.

After a short pause Discord’s deep red pupils found hers. She couldn’t help but stare, captured in his gaze. She saw many things behind those eyes, but she couldn’t rightly name any of them, whatever emotions lay behind them were concealed and if they weren’t they were too complicated for her to understand. She did see one thing she didn’t like however, and there was no room for free interpretation, it was calculated. He was testing her, but she already knew that from his toying with her earlier.

“Asking questions now, are we? I take it you’re quite finished running away?” Fluttershy looked a little more than hesitant at this. If Discord didn't know where he stood and felt the need to test the situation, did that mean she should trust him?

“If not,” he stepped aside, “Be my guest, run away from a draconequus who only trying to be friendly.”

She didn’t bother looking past him, his words implied that he’d wait as long as he deemed necessary before he intercepted again. She already knew from the labyrinth that he could either be very patient… or very impatient. Besides, where would she run to that he wouldn’t find her eventually? Wouldn’t he just stop her before she reached either of the other’s houses?

She wished she could say his temper was the only thing unpredictable about him, however, she knew better. In fact, she couldn’t even say what business he had with her now. She also knew next to nothing about this creature. She couldn’t even properly call him a pony, could she? Celestia herself called him only a “draconequus” besides his actual name.

The logical side of her brain that knew the geniuses of all the creatures of Equestria thought it could fit him better. The fearful half of her couldn’t care less, and thought that no name could fit the cruel being, not in latin nor in any other language.

It didn’t help that the beginning of his species name was that of the dragon family. With that renewed fear she began to back away and stoop under the gravity of her predicament.

The spirit of disharmony was inside her home… and she could only assume it had to do with the elements. and she wasn’t sure whether or not she should believe him. There was the other hoof where he could very well be telling the truth, but his intent was more of a sinister nature than his nonchalant and melancholy demeanor suggested.

She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, he’d yet to harm her so far. Maybe he’s being genuine?

"Which reminds me," Discord’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he searched the room for something. "Where is that little pest- I mean bunny that interfered earlier?" I'd like to teach him a lesson about messing with my plans. Discord says making sure to avoid saying the last part aloud.

Before Discord realizes his words may have sparked something in her, Fluttershy’s stopped cowering and raised herself off the ground, preparing to give the draconequus a piece of her mind. It was not long before she has enough courage to fly up to him and stare the draconequus down. When he does notice, she doesn’t see that he only grins in response to her sudden change in behavior.

"N-now you listen here buster! You do not touch my Angel, do you hear me?!" The timid thing yells at a smirking draconequus.

Did she just grow a spine? I think I could grow to like this side of her.

Fluttershy continued, oblivious to his enjoyment. She felt her eyes narrow and her jaw tighten, barely aware of the expression her face was taking on. “If you so much as lay a talon on him I will-!”

Discord’s laughing interrupted her. “Ha ha ha! What is with your face?!” He bellowed, with enough force to knock the now dumbfounded pegasus off balance. That’s when she realized she had been using the stare on him. She’d told the girls it seemed to have a mind of its own, though she couldn’t have timed this one better herself, but why was he laughing?

“Y-you think… it’s funny?” She asks, dismayed.

“Funny? No, no, no. No. It’s only Hilarious!”

“Hahaha!” He guffawed again.

Fluttershy frowned. Does nothing work on him? I should really gather the girls. If only she had some insurance that he wouldn’t follow her there. What if he tried to take them again?

“Now hold on, I already told you, I come in peace! Or about as peaceful as I can get.”

“Give me one reason why I should trust you. You… you b-barge in here after scaring and chasing me half to death, then you just barge in here a-and threaten my animals!”

Discord looks ready to argue her point at first, but listens quietly and rubs the back of his neck. “I... You've got a point.” He smiles his chin resting on his paw assessing her challenge for what it was worth. He was not ready to get kicked out just yet.

“So uh.. how does this whole ‘friendship’ thing work, exactly?” Discord asks, air quoting the ‘friendship’ part, unsure of what to do now that he’s there.

He’d had trouble thinking of a way to trick her exactly into thinking he was her friend. He’d developed a bit of an unpredictable tolerance for some ponies, and this particular one was just so… infuriating!

She confused him, and nothing ever confused him, sure she was being predictable now, but he knew there was a confounding element within her. He wasn’t even sure if it was just her element that made her so hard to tolerate. Why yes, Tia! I cna see it now, we’ll be the best of pals bye the end of this deal! Then when I tell her all about what I’ve done she’ll still forgive me and want me around. Nice plan! Despite his heavy sacrcasm drawning his thoughts, he couldn’t help but feel a bit put out with the statement. He just couldn’t tell why, so used ot ignoring his softer feelings for those that allowed him to torment ponies without regret.

Fluttershy furrows her brows and moves aside acorns and blades of grass to take a seat on the floor. Discord follows suit, only he chooses to take up the entire couch she had off to the side. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the color green. He thought it was repeated far too often in the ways ponies ran things, but it would have to do.

“Um...Well, from experience I’ve known friendship to start off on…. trust….” She falters in her speech as she sees discord changing the color of her window curtains.

“What are you doing?” She asked him, a little bothered at his apparent ignoring her. It wasn't as if she wasn’t already used to it, but he came here for her help, and … Oh, she felt just awful thinking in such a way, though she really didn’t understand any of what was going on.. She wasn’t even sure Discord did at this point.

“I decided that I’m quite tired of the color of your drapes. You do have a point, I'll give you that.”

Fluttershy sighed, thinking that she managed to convince him out of adjusting her furniture, she liked it as it was and she wasn’t certain he would return anything he changed back to normal.

And then he changed her couch from the plain green to red with blue and plaid polka dots.

“I dislike this green color even more, I don’t know why I bothered with the curtains first!”

“You were saying?” He happily asked his host.

“Oh, um… I guess we could always start with finding what we have in common?” Rethinking her statement Fluttershy replies a bit uncertainly.
Why did I even bring up trust?! I don’t trust him even now and I can’t just kick him out. I wish the girls were here.

Fluttershy notices the direction of her shadow casted by the light from her narrow window. It was early yet, not yet noon, it would be a long couple of hours before she met with her friends for a picnic. She hoped with all her being that it the time would come soon. She needed to let them know about Discord... He really shouldn't be there, and out of his stone prison! If only she was still dreaming, but pinching herself earlier had told her otherwise. This was all actually happening and she wasn't sure how to address any of it. How does one Pegasus, one element of kindness deal with a Draconquus on the loose within her own home? Those thoughts reminded her of how other ponies would call exterminators to get rid of so called "pests". The thought came unbidden and was a most unpleasant one, but it lingered there. Perhaps... perhaps I should give him a chance? I'm no different from those other ponies, thinking such things. He's as much company as my friends, animal or otherwise.

That in mind, Fluttershy comes to a stand and walks over to the draconequus. She said it herself, friendships can't be formed without trust, and with Discord she knew she would have to step up to the plate first. She may not entirely trust his intentions, but she had faith that he would never really hurt anypony, he'd hardly caused any permanent damage the last time he was freed.

She didn't trust him with her life, but that was a lot to ask of anypony, much less a known threat against Equestria and order. Come to think of it, why was she even thinking of that now? It was true though, she trusted her friends and fellow elements with her life. She trusted Celestia and Luna, though they mostly kept to themselves. She trusted Spike, unless gems were involved. She wasn't sure when or even if she'd ever feel that certain with Discord.

Discord’s eyebrows furrow as he thinks on what she’s said. “Common interests, eh? That’ll be interesting no doubt. If that’s truly the place to start I can’t argue though I doubt the success of such a thing.”

Report Jade Crossroads · 283 views · Story: I Always win ·
Comments ( 2 )

I was wondering when you was going to text me back :trixieshiftleft: 4 months Jade, how could you?

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