• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2017


This is an Art Account Now, PM Me if You Have Any Requests: See Rules to Requests Below...

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  • 388 weeks
    Here's the Deal

    He'll slip n' slide on this banana peel.

    Anyway, remember when I said "We're Back in Business" I never said I was going to continue to literary part. I'll be open for requests at any time. I'll illustrate covers, OCs, erotic art, anything. However, my only rule is:
    They must be humanized. None of that furry shit.
    I have the right to refuse a request. Simple as that.

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  • 394 weeks
    Back In Business Boys...

    "The time comes when a man's gotta stop running away and face things..."
    "'Bout time, you silly deity, you..."

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  • 407 weeks
    Finally the Finale to the OCA Contest... Jesus Christ, This Took Forever.

    "Your streak was just broken..." Gob pulled the hammer back and the familiar clicking of a loaded gun sounded. With an almost sadistic smile, he watched as Vanessa squirmed and wiggled, or tried to, out from under Gob's hold.

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  • 409 weeks
    What I've Been Up To [Update]

    So as you all know I went on and sort of still am on a break from my job here at FimFiction and I'm assuming you're all wondering what I've been up to! Well, here's some examples of my work recently.

    I've officially begun my artist hobby on DeviantArt and I'm posting much more frequently. Here's some work of mine.

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  • 413 weeks
    "Me" Time

    For those who have noticed my absence, I will explain myself to you and will answer any questions about the OCA contest as of where it stands and what not.
    To start off, the contest is still going on. Part two will be posted eventually. However, I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a while since my audience plays a huge role in my career as a writer.

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OC Apprentice Second Challenge Winners · 1:52am Feb 14th, 2016

XxX_Illuminati_XxX's Submission:

The roles were assigned. Sentinel was the guard due to his normal job and experience in the matter. Coalstone would ensure no one was caught with a counterfeit pass. That left Reneighah to pull the cart.

Reneighah and Sentinel sped off to meet the band they were escorting, while Coalstone stayed behind to monitor the backstage passes. As they arrived at that airport, they could see the fans crowding the entrance, waiting for the band to arrive. The zebra turned to Sentinel, giving a small smile.

“Think these fans are hostile?” She asked. Without skipping a beat he gave his response.

“From what I’ve learned in my job, it’s best not to assume that we’re safe. They’ll do anything to get to their idols. Let me push through and get inside. Get the cart moving once they get on. I’ll have to really keep focused to keep the fans off of them.”

“Got it, should I wait by the cart or help escort them over?”

“Help me escort them over, then run ahead to get hitched up on the cart before arrive. Be on the cart before we get there.”

They were interrupted by the screams of the crowd, and it was soon made clear that these were more than the average fans. A twinge of nervousness pulsed through the mare as she realized that this wasn't quite as easy as she thought.

“By Celestia!” Sentinel began. “They’re practically rabid! I’ve seen tamer changelings in a whore house!....Not that I go to those.”


“N-no really, never mind. Let’s focus. I hope you aren’t afraid of heights.”

“Why would that mat-whaa!” Sentinel picked up Reneighah and flew over the crowd.

“Once we get inside we’ll have to bully our way out. That won’t be an issue will it?”

While his teammates were fighting their way through a crowd of rabid metal fans, Coalstone found himself standing at the front door, staring down a rather large line of similar fans, all eager to enter the stadium. Provided they didn’t have any fake passes of course.

“Really wishing I’d taken the guard duty job, but Sentinel is an actual guard so….Ugh, might as well get through this.”

Looking at the crowd before him Coalstone, straightened himself out, “Alright everyone, we’ll be letting ponies in one at a time, get your pass out and show it to me before you head in.”

Quickly the selected group of ponies with passes made their way towards him and showed their respective passes to him, with Coalstone quickly checking the binary number as instructed, in order to prevent possibly counterfeits.

Most of the ponies who made their way through didn’t attempt at small talk, content to either chat with their friends or simply stew in their own eagerness.

It continued like this for about three minutes before one pony walked up to Coalstone with a shady smile on his face and no pass in hoof.

“Alright where’s your pass.”

The pony himself was a dark shade of green with brown eyes, black hair and a fedora on his head with a cutie mark that was a kind of scroll with a dollar sign where the signature could be.

“Name’s Kickback, and I seem to have misplaced by pass. However, I am desperately interested in getting back stage.” Quickly reaching into the saddlebag he had on his back, he pulled out a jingling sack obviously containing bits, which he shook near Coalstone’s face for emphasis.

“So I’m certain we can reach some kind of arrangement right?”

The response he got was loud snort that almost blew his hat off as Coalstone stared him down, “Yeah sorry pal, no pass you aren’t getting through.”

Kickback however, didn’t seem to take no for an answer as he tried to be shady again, “Come on pal, I’m offering you a pretty large sack of bits to look the other way. What’s the harm in letting me through.”

“Besides the fact that I’d get fired or just in trouble with the guy running this little concert and I don’t need another thing for that assclown to lord over me….” Coalstone then got right into Kickback’s face, glaring at him harshly, “I don’t take bribes and I don’t look the other way. I may not like this job but I do it regardless and I’m not about to let you through so, either go buy a ticket, leave or……”

Coalstone’s hoof smashed into the ground, creating a small hole in the concrete that made Kickback’s jaw drop as he all but jumped back in terror.

Coalstone smirked as he took a step forward, causing the briber to run in terror, with some of the people on line looking at Coalstone with a degree of apprehension.

He only resumed his neutral facial expression, “So long as you have your backstage pass and don’t try to bribe me or do something else illegal you’ll be allowed in without an issue from me. so don’t worry.”

A few ponies trotted nervously out of line, obviously not willing to let their counterfeits be discovered.

“Think you can hold back these crowds, Sentinel?”

“Oh yeah, easily.” Sentinel flew slightly off the ground and started using his wings to push the crowd back a bit, out of the way. “Now, we need to hurry!”

She gave a brief nod and sped forward, galloping to a serious looking agent holding a clipboard.

“Excuse me.” She said, the agent not paying any attention. The zebra cleared her throat. “Um, exCUSE ME!”

At that the stallion with the clipboard tried to brush her off, mumbling that fans had to stay a certain distance from the luggage zones.

“Oh, Sentinel and I aren't fans.” She insisted. He looked at her with skepticism in his eyes.

“We’re security dude! Here to get the band to the concert!” Sentinel yelled to him while stopping some more of the rabid fans.

“Is that so?” The staff glared at him. “Can I see any identification?”

Both hesitated, and Reneighah exchanged glances with her partner. “Uh… did he give us any badges or anything?”

“I have mine, but I’m kinda busy. It should be in your saddlebag!”

Sentinel quickly turned back to addressing the crowd, and the zebra herself had to dodge a few metalheads as she rummaged through her bag. Resting between her Las Pegasus ticket and the carriage harness was her badge, but as she grabbed it in her mouth and was about to give it to the agent, she found two angry looking airport security members had joined them.

She showed them the badge but only had the shake of the head. “You're allowed at this point, but no further. We don’t have any way of proving this is real.”

“Besides our badges dude??” Sentinel added in while keeping the crowd back. “Seriously, we’re here to get them to their performance. I don’t even like metal!”

“Wait! I got it!” The mare exclaimed. She rummaged once again through the bulging saddlebag and pulled out the contest briefing that was shared by their team. “I assume you were notified about this?!”

“Yeah! Now what? Let her in dudes, I’ve got to keep a path cleared!”

Though the airport security was confused, the stallion in charge was obviously in the know. He gave an exasperated sigh and lazily waved to the luggage zones behind him.

“So you’re the insane ponies doing that stupid game,” He muttered. “Shameful what these ponies do for money.”

“Yeah well we’ll see you when we’re rich, asshat.” Reneighah snapped. Even with her frustration she gave a quick smile to Sentinel.

As she ran inside she could see the band members with their bags. “Are you the escort?” Said one with white and black face paint with a spiked mane.

She hesitated slightly, drinking in the sight of four incredibly dangerous looking stallions. She nodded, and realized that it would probably be best to actually talk to them instead of just gawking.

“Uh, yeah, do you guys have the stuff you need?” She gave herself a mental slap at how stupid she probably sounded.

“Yeah, and you’re at least fifteen minutes early. The security at the door didn’t cause too much hassle did they?”

Another one spoke up, after lighting a cigarette. “Better early than late I say, let’s just get a move on.”

She was quickly directed by an airport staff to lead them through a more secluded part of the building, which was a small blessing to say the least. “ I still will need Sentinel to hold these fanatics at bay. Looks like this might be a little easier.

Even as they walked, she could hear the murmuring around her as ponies gave excited glances, though some just looked nervous. They turned into a sterile looking hallway before a squeal rang out.

“Everyone look! It the band! It’s BBBFF!” Looks of panic spread through both the band and the zebra leading them.

“Oh buck.” She whispered. “I think I jinxed us.” She turned around to see her teammate trotting towards her.

“Hey Reneighah, we were able to get the crowds redirected so things should be-” He froze staring at the herd that was accumulating. He flared his wings, prepared to push them back.

“Okay I’m to count this out.” He said solemnly. “On three you run the opposite
way and take the back exit. Ready?”

She gulped. “R-ready.”

“One… two…” He leapt forward in a flurry of feathers. “THREE!” She ran back, the four rockers following.

Sentinel flew forwards as quickly as he could and used his momentum to make a powerful first gust of wind stopping the crowd from moving.

“Stay back! All of you! We’re security here, so if you would please calm down and form a neat line we could-” He never finished as the crowd started up again trying to force its way through.

“I said stay back!” He yelled as he blew another gust, forming a wall of wind in the path. “You can see them at the concert! Back off!”

He turned to watch his teammate and the band hurry off.

“Good, now to divert them so I can get back to them” While keeping the wind-wall up he looked around for an opportunity.

He saw another hallway, glancing at a map on the wall it looks like it lead outside, but further away.

“Okay, here goes nothing.” He forced his wings to flap harder, slowly pushing the fans back to the edge of the halls. “The band is leaving and I’m not! If you want to see them, you’ll have to go that way!”

With the band disappearing behind him and the herd’s chances for autographs dwindling, the started charging down the other hall.

“Good, now to fly back to them before they get to the carriage.”

Sentinel took off flying as fast as he could back towards the band and his teammate.

Meanwhile back at the stadium Coalstone was finding himself with another slight difficulty though this one was a little more matter of confusion.

“I told you for the last time, you don’t have the right Badge.”

“And I’m telling you that the badge is right. You need to get your eyes checked loser.”

A furious snorting sound was let out as Coalstone was currently glaring at a rather stubborn mare who’d been trying to get in, completely ignoring what he was saying.

Said mare was a light purple one, with dark magenta hair with various cyan streaks and purple eyes, her cutie mark was a purple diamond with what appeared to be either eyelashes or musical notes, one on top and one of the bottom, and he’d been arguing with her for close to five minutes.

After the incident with Kickback things had mellowed out with the other ponies being wise not to piss off the stone worker and hed thought things would be fine. “And then little miss pain in the ass attitude shows up…..I’d wonder if I’d get in trouble with the boss for smacking her but I think even he’d lash out if he had to put up with this.”

Said Mare meanwhile was continuing to look at him with a varying level of disinterest, waving the pass in front of his face, “Listen buddy, the concert will be starting soon and you don’t know how much trouble I went through to get this pass. So are you gonna let me in or what?”

“Look, at this point I would love to let you in just so I wouldn’t have to keep listening to you, but we have rules.” He quickly pulled up a note card that the boss had given him and pointed to the number, “Only ponies with backstage passes that have the number, 01000111 01001111 01000010, are allowed in an if you look at your pass you can see it has the number 01000111 01001111 0100001, the last zero and one are reverse, ergo no entry.”

“You’re seriously not gonna let me in because of some stupid number arrangement only some jackass with a magnifying glass would bother to notice.”

Coalstone only looked down at her some more, “I don’t make the rules, wanna complain, go talk to the boss.”

Seeing no point in arguing any further the mare decided to turn around, “And you better believe I’m talking to your boss about this.” As she walked off he could make out her mumbling, “I’ll make sure to bring Adagio with me when I do.”

letting out a slightly exhausted sigh Coalstone scanned and noticed that thankfully there were no more ponies present, but he still couldn’t leave since he still needed to guard the door.

“Second I get a break, I’m getting to a concession stand and getting the biggest soda I can get my hooves on.”

“By Celestia, could these stupid straps be any more annoying?!” Reneighah muttered, awkwardly changing into the rough harness. She pulled the tight straps around her neck and attempted to adjust the feel of cloth and wood around her shoulder blades, finally getting it to be slightly functional. The mare quickly attached the harness to the carriage, feeling as the weight of four stallions was added to the load. “Buck, this is going to be impossible.” She grumbled, making sure to be quiet enough so to not be heard by her passengers. Usually they would just hook a flank harness to the cart, but she needed to make sure this ride would be secure. I can't have this cart falling apart, I need absolute control. She thought, glancing nervously at the airport.

Speaking of things falling apart. She glared at the building. Where the hay is Sentinel?! We can’t leave without him… can we?

“Hey!” A gruff voice of a BBBFF member broke her focus. “We gonna be going here or what?”

“Uh… what's the rush? I thought we had extra time.”

He gave a dirty look. “Kinda got eaten back there, we gotta leave… NOW.”

She bit her lip, briefly considering ditching the pegasus before her eyes lit with excitement. A yellow pony came gliding out the building, his speed slowing down only briefly as he slammed into the side of the cart, barely nudging it with the sturdy weight.

“Glad you chose to join us.” She smirked. Sentinel was gasping for air, unable to do anything but shrug. “Anyway, thanks for the help there, saved us some time with the paparazzi.”

“Zebra! The concert!” She quickly refocused on the task at hand as the metalheads barked out their order. Quickly prancing forward, she galloped into the cool night air.

Sentinel landed on the cart. “I could fly for hours, but actual pegasus magic takes a lot of energy. I think we’ve gotten away from the fans though.”

No sooner than he said that did a cart of paparazzi seemingly pull out of nowhere to give chase.The cart pulled alongside.

“Hey Sentinel,” Reneighah spoke up with an agitated tone. “Try not to choke on your hoof.”

Sentinel took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ve got this!” He shouted as he took to the skies yet again, pulling beside the cart.

“You know, with the cameras and the flashing lights at such a speed, you’re more than a bit of a road hazard. Pull off the road, now!”

The ponies on the cart exchanged looks and kept taking pictures.

“If you don’t pull over, I will force your cart off of the road. I have the authority as an Equestrian Royal Guard to do so.”

The paparazzi ignored him.

“Fine then! Have it your way!” Sentinel charged for the reigns of the cart, undoing them from the cart. Then stopping the cart before flying off with the couplings.

“That’ll stop them.” He said

With that over he flew back to the carriage the band was in and landed. “Now, I think we’ve gotten away.”

It wasn’t long before they reached the concert hall. Here the crowds were already contained by barriers and other security. Sentinel and Reneighah escorted the band inside to their rooms. As the band was getting ready Sentinel noticed something on the ground. A small pamphlet reading “Veggie Co.” and advertising all the wonderful vegan alternatives to meat. Although he didn’t need told a veggie diet was good, right now the people advertising them were the enemy.

“Hey Reneighah, take a look this.” Sentinel said showing her the pamphlet. “Looks like they either like metal, or want to sabotage the concert.”

The zebra gave a small frown. “Alright, let’s keep a look out. I’ll go tell Coalstone.”

“Got it, I’ll keep a lookout from above in the main concert hall and in the backstage areas.”

Coalstone sat at the back entrance dealing with the ponies and their passes. He’d had enough of the one’s trying to pass off counterfeit passes and was ready to punch something, or somepony. He noticed his zebra friend run up to him.

“We may have a problem.” She announced as she held out the Veggie Co. Pamphlet. “Veggie Co may by trying to sabotage us.”
Coalstone was many things, but questioning a chance to punch somepony with the night he was having was not one of them.

“Alright, where is he, or she or whoever? Watching this door is getting old.”

“Well, we don’t know where yet. Sentinel is watching around in the main rooms and backstage, and I came to tell you to make sure no pony comes in from Veggie Co.”

Coalstone sighed. “Fine, I’ll stick here, but if it turns into a chase, lead him here. I’ve been getting agitated with these ponies already, I need to release it on something.”

Reneighah sighed, giving him a flat look. “Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” She coked her head, but he gave no reply. It was obvious that this was not a welcome conversation.

“Anyway,” She whipped her head to the front of the stage, where staff were completing their last minute preparations. The band themselves were adjusting vests that appeared to be layered in knives.

“Wonder how those got through security.” Coalstone pondered.

“Well, they’re obviously fake.” Sentinel trotted up to them. “The daggers, I mean. You can tell by the edging near the hilts, probably just plastic.”

“Besides,” Reneighah added. “They were probably transported here earlier, I can guarantee that those wouldn’t make it past the entrance.”

The group nodded, obviously lost in other thoughts. “So, besides Sentinel, is there anyone else guarding during the performance?”

“The nominate from the other team, probably. But that's about it. I don’t really know any details.” Coalstone sighed. “The most I have heard is through eavesdropping backstage.”

“Really?” Reneighah looked at him seriously. “Did you hear anything else? Like about Veggie co.?”

All were diverted as screams came from the crowds, the screech of an amplified microphone leaving the fans buzzing with excitement.

“Oh buck! Gotta go dudes!” Sentinel took to the air and decided to position himself in front of the stage, just in sight of anypony who would dare try to injure BBBFF. Coalstone and Reneighah scooted father backstage, but still remained just in case.

The next half hour was filled with deafening music and some impressive feats, all filled with the comfort and pleasantry that one would expect from the Canterlot dungeons. Sentinel was kept busy, but for the most part things remained safe.

Until the fog machines turned on.

As the stages began to cloud with smoke, everything in sight began to lose form. Sentinel quickly knew that now he had to focus even more on the crowds. He saw had two ponies leapt forward, and all concentration was locked on them.

The zebra backstage was also occupied, not by fans, but by the silhouette in the rafters. Above the pounding song of “Gave My Soul to Nightmare Moon”, she could hear the creaking and clanking of something be tampered. “Do you see that?” She looked at Coalstone. He looked, his eyes narrowed.

“What the hell?! What's this all about?”

She took a step forward, her eyes still focusing through the fog. “I think they’re… oh my Luna someponie is loosening the lights!”

They could see the thinnest aura of magic as one of the lights began to tilt, and the mare quickly sprang forward.

“SENTINEL! THE LIGHTS!” The pegasus in question glanced back, his eyes widening. Without hesitation he sped into the rafters, hoping the fans wouldn't notice this intrusion on the performance. He swooped to where the stranger was balancing, who glanced over and gave a startled look. He flew forward to grab them before the pony,now seen to be a mare, took a dive downward and swooped into the wings.

She gracefully landed and hit the ground running, diving past Reneighah and some staff. Coalstone felt a twinge of panic before replacing it with focus and anger. “Okay, we do NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS.”

Everyone in the wings went silent as he smashed his front hooves into the ground, a wave of earth pony strength bending the concrete around him. In a shattering of grey the intruder was thrown to the side, where Coalstone and Reneighah pinned her down.

She was an alicorn, sporting a spring green coat and forest mane, her eyes filled with annoyance. With all her struggling the pair honestly couldn't tell if her cutie mark was some sort of leaf or a piece of broccoli.

“Okay lady! Tell us who you are!” Coalstone growled. She only smirked in reply.

“Nice try, but I don’t fight children.” She gave a grin before teleporting away. “And remember to eat your greens!”

Sentinel watched in frustration as a flash of green light showed she had gotten away, but at the same time there was a certain amount of relief. He stealthily flew back down to his post after readjusting the light. To all of their surprise no one had really noticed, and the opposing team had seemed to keep a fine job of keeping away fanmares as well.

With a few final chords and a explosion of magical effects, the concert was over. Somehow in less than an hour they had cleared the building of the audience, and now there was only a certain amount of cleanup to finish before they could leave.

“Ughhhh.” Reneighah groaned. “I really don’t understand how no one but a few backstage staff noticed that. I mean cmon!”

“I don’t see why you think that.” Sentinel shrugged. “I mean, it was pretty well hidden, and these ponies were too excited to notice in the first place.”

Coalstone snorted. “Even if they DID notice it could probably just be blamed on too much ketamine. “

“Either way.” She said, perking up slightly. “I've always sort of wanted to go to a BBBFF concert.”

While the mare’s teammates teased her on this fact, a staff member casually picked up a walkie talkie.

“Uh… ma’am? Are you okay? I saw that fiasco during the final song. Everything… good?”

“Obviously not.” A crackling voice picked up on the other line. “The concert went well, GOB still has a good reputation for sponsoring this, and now there's more meat eaters than ever! I bet even in this pony world!”

“Ma’am.” He rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know what to say here. Look I don’t even know what this ‘Veggie Co.’ thingy is. But I think you forgot about something here.”

“What? What do think I’ve forgotten?!”

“We’re herbivores, lady. We don’t eat meat.”

#Shrekt's Submission:

“Alright,” Nova said, smacking a claw on his face, and dragging it down slowly. “Are we ready now?”

“Where’s my sparkling water? I need my sparkling water!” cried one of the ponies in the backseat of the luxury carriage.

“Oh, shut it, Steve, no one cares about your sparkling water!” called another. A pig’s squeal of protest followed shortly after, and the second pony sighed. “Yes, Tom, we’re getting you your pickle. Don’t worry. I’m sure it’ll be waiting at the stage entrance.” A huff of contentment was heard, and a black and white paint stallion with a blonde mane opened the small sliding window that separated the front seat from the back.

“I think that’s all, then,” said the paint pony. “We’re ready to g-”

“HOW COME TOM GETS HIS PICKLE AND I DON’T GET MY WATER??” came a call from the back. The pony who’d opened the window, Joey Cramer, paused for a brief second, then continued, ignoring his distressed band mate altogether.

“We’re read-”

“I mean I’m Neck. Tie. If I can’t get a glass of water, what am I?? Peasantry??”


“Hey did you guys know we had a mini fridge in here?! I mean it’s like a fridge but teeny size!”


“EY! I didn’t just feel moving, did I? We didn’t go yet, did we??”

“For the love of- NO, Pear. We didn’t start moving yet. Calm down.”

A loud roar joined the conversation.

“Dude Tom we can't have a farting contest now. We got the other dudes in here. They ain’t as refined as us when it comes to natural gas, man,” the one who discovered the mini fridge said. “Though after we’re out we’ll let it rip!”

“You two are a disgusting pair! And you’re worse, Brad! At least Tom has an excuse. He’s a pig!”

Snorts of protest erupted from Tom.

“He’s right. That is kinda racist Neck.”

“Oh shut up Joe!”

“You feel like starting something?!” asked a purple stallion with a black and white mane. Joe Pear was his name and being tough his game. He couldn’t just let someone insult his honor by telling him to shut up. That was inexcusable. He was an individual worthy of respect.

“Not you Joe. Other Joe,” Neck said dismissively. Pleased Joe sat comfortably back into his seat. He was happy he had received the respect he had seeked for nearly a minute.

“Dude when did we get two Joes?” Brad asked Tom. Who was just as confused as the other two.

“I think he is referring to me,” Joey said deciding to close the door that separated the two halves of their carriage. He wanted to make certain their little conversation was safe from the paparazzi. As much as he would have loved to trust their two new drivers they had been sold out by their past ones before. The last one took a picture of Tom eating a filly’s ice cream cone. Not too good for the band’s publicity.

With the window shut, and connection cut off from the band, Nova could finally get to work.

“So...the plan is that we just go without them even noticing we left?” Spark asked, attaching herself firmly to the carriage.

“That’s the jist, yeah,” grinned Nova. “These big bands usually fight so much about who sits where, where to stop to eat, bathroom breaks, forgetting luggage, and just drama in general, that they never get off on time.” He hopped on Spark’s back and leaned against the back of her head and neck, crossing his legs letting out a relaxed sigh. “Take it from a home-grown LPer, if we can get this band to their concert EARLY, we’d be setting RECORDS. And that’s exactly what I intend to do. Take a left here, Spark!”

“DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!” a loud chanting erupted from the carriage.

“ENGLISH! ENGLISH ENGLISH!” another chant argued.

A roar from the carriage caught the attention of all its inhabitants. A roar so powerful and moving it could make even the toughest of ponies cry. It was a powerfully deep roar with a sense of familiarity and comfort.

“Dude,” Brad said. “I LOVE SOCIAL STUDIES!”

“Bit of a home economics guy myself,” Joey admitted.

“GROSS!” Neck said appalled at his band mates answer.

“He’s right dude. Cooking is very gross,” Brad assented. “That’s why it IS the best!”

“Thank you Brad.”

“How can any of you like school anyway?”

“Ah yes. Tell us once again about how it's all about the man trying to keep us down. How bout this time you tell us what a man even is?!” Neck said angrily.

“Well first off shut up. If I tell you what a man is they’ll know I know what a man is. And then they will get me. You want that?” Joe asked matching Neck’s anger with his own. Neck relented if only because Joe’s stupidity was getting to him. And he really REALLY needed that water now. “That’s what I thought.”

“Geez. They sound like you and Golden,” Nova said as they continued on their trek through the city.

Spark would have answered but just then fatigue began to set in. The weight of the carriage began to grow harder and harder to carry forward. This was no job for a pegasus but still she insisted she be the one to accompany Nova. How could she leave him alone like that? Not to mention Lucky was emotionally exhausted enough. And Golden well was Golden.

“Take a right here,” Nova instructed. As she turned Spark heard yet another complaint from Neck. Followed by another snort from Tom. And Joey trying to reconcile the two. It was maddening.

The noise was a blessing compared to the strain on her body. Each turn she made was another knife shoving its way deep into her body until she was a proverbial pin cushion.

The pain became too much she was eventually reduced to using solely her metallic leg. The shift of the ride unfortuantely was commented on by the passengers. Especially Neck who was extra loud.

“Maybe I should drive?” Nova asked seeing Spark tiredness. His heart hurt to see her in such a state. Especially when he felt helpless to do anything. And then Spark informed him he was helpless to do anything because he was too short to drive.

Realizing he couldn’t help his friend physically an alternative idea entered his mind. He chose to talk about the town of Los Pegasus. What made it great. Not from some catalogue or public official but from an actual denizen of it.’

He shared with Spark the beauty of the town’s sights from its amazing buildings to small things like lights. But what really brought the town together like most town’s was the square. Not because it was anything spectacular but because it was plain. It showed a connection to other towns. That no matter where you go there is always one consistent part of every town. And there everyone is home.

As the passed through the square Nova saw its magic work over Spark. Spark regained some energy and began using both legs once again. It was pleasant to see such a strong change from before.

Wishing to build upon the momentum Nova chose to speak of other things in his town. He talked about the various wacky characters who lived in Las Pegasus. Like the flasher who lived next door from him. Or the drunk who they passed by who was sitting on a bar stool that they passed by. Or even the elusive Wally. Or tried to. He could never quite find out where’s Wally but he knew in his heart some day he’d find Wally.

As he told her of the various odd characters she made her comments on each one. And Nova engaged in clarifying any questions she had. Like revealing the flasher was an accomplished film director so the town tolerated his flashing. The drunk was a former greeter of the town. And Wally. Well another pony Eve knew Wally and Eve never told a lie. So there was no reason to think Wally wasn’t real. Each new nugget of information was accompanied by a slight burst in speed.

For his finishing move Nova decided to bring out the very best his town had to offer. Well that wasn’t the amazing music. The one thing every great town needed. A delicate assortment of delicious foods that would make even the Princesses’s tastebuds scream in desperate need to grace their surface. The food of Las Pegasus was the best in the land. Or so he heard. He always just had some gemstones. But he was told the food was fantastic.

Just describing the first dish was enough to make Spark’s mouth water. The second dish made her lips grow chapped and dry. The third made her body grow dehydrated. But with each dish the speed once again grew.

When they reached their destination Nova thought Spark looked radically different. She looked at least as old as the Princesses and unlike them showed it. Not wanting to keep her from getting help right away he ran to let out the band. The very band even then was in an argument about one of the members taking another’s potato chip and eating it. He quickly led them to the Golden who was awaiting their arrival for quite some time.

Nova raced back to find Spark sleeping. He looked around and smiled. He went to go grab one of her front legs and put it over his shoulder. Then he led her to the restaurant he had spotted. It was a nice small place with little to no customers. It was a place simply known as The Bucket.

Golden led the band to the stage. Golden could barely hold his excitement. He didn’t listen to much music himself but even he knew who this band was. They were the Discordians. The one and only gods of metal. When it was mentioned it was going to be a metal band he’d never guess in his wildest dreams it’d be the quintessential metal band.

He watched in bliss as they prepared their instruments. The idea of being able to watch one of their performances was enough to make him extremely giddy. So giddy in fact the entire world turned blank as he entered his state of absolute joy.

“Hey. You alright there dude?”

The voice of one of his stars was enough for Golden’s giddiness level to rise to the point he couldn’t even speak. All he could do was stutter nonsensically while no sound exited his lips.

“Here dude have a candy bar. I’m never myself when I’m hungry either,” Brd said giving Golden a candy bar.

“Brad! Get in your position!”

“No first get my sparkling water!” Neck screamed. A bottle of water soared through the air. With all the dexterity of a dying fish Neck managed to firmly grasp it. Then with all the grace of a lumbering bull in a china shop he chugged it down.

“And you called them messy,” Joey said chuckling.

“Tom catch!”

The pig turned just in time to see a pickle flying towards his head. The airborne pickle landed just deep into his mouth to be firm but not deep enough to cause a choking issue. With a loud crunch the juices of the pickle streaked down the pig’s mouth.

“Hey Joe help me here,” Joey said motioning his band mate forward. Joe did as asked. Joey motioned to his face. Joe nodded and then socked it leaving a pronounced wound on Joey’s cheek.

“Amazing,” Golden thought aloud. He had always seen the band after they had gotten ready. To see their unique preparations for their performances was majestic. It was then Golden noticed something. There was no one else around except for him and the band. That is when it hit him.

They were letting the fans in now. Golden quickly made his way to the front of the stage. He eyed the crowd of ponies enter the stage. It was immeasurable. He couldn’t help but wince at the sight.

Even after the band gave their little opening and after they had went through most of their performance Golden couldn’t let up. His stare was so intense. Partly because he wanted to remain vigilant but also because he had to resist the urge to turn around to watch the performance himself.

He knew members of the crowd were talking about him. He was the only difference between them and their beloved band. if he had been in their position he would have already attempted to rush the stage. Then again maybe they knew that he was a professional boxer. Sure he wasn’t as well known as the champion but his name certainly carried some weight.

No sooner had he thought that he began to see a few squirming masses in the crowd. as he wondered why the sudden shift a familiar sound reached his ears. Followed by another and another. Golden couldn’t believe it. They were playing his favorite song.


Quickly regaining his senses Golden turned back around. Sure enough now there were a few ponies running for the stage. Golden stretched real quick as they approached. He needed to be limber for this.

The first pony to try was a middle aged stallion. He wore a pair of sunglasses and proper suit. His hair was well combed. His posture was utterly terrible. So with ease Golden evaded the charge and landed a punch sending the professional pony flying away from the stage. Golden grinned. It had been a long while since he got a chance to hit something. It felt like coming home.

The next pony to try their chance was a colorful mare in her early 20s. Her clothes were so bright that they hurt Golden’s eyes to stare at them. Like the pony before her she charged forward. Unlike last time Golden bended down readying himself for the tackle.

The mare scoffed at Golden’s attempt at defense. She increased her speed and dove at the boxer. In an instant she felt herself rise into the air. The next instance she felt the impact of the blow Golden had thrown. The instance after the initial shock she was filled with indescribable rage. How could he hit the mare who is going to marry all of the Discordians?! How dare he!

As Golden admired his work he was tackled to the ground. Next thing he knew their was something being forced into his face. He struggled against this unknown force and managed to throw them off. He saw that it was a unicorn filly wearing a school uniform

He looked to find the things the filly was attacking him with were pom poms. She dropped them when he threw her. Golden frowned. He couldn’t hit a filly. A mare sure but a filly no way. He did have some standards. He’d never hit a filly. In fact he loved fillies. He played so many games with them. He grabbed both of the pom poms and threw them up into the air and punched them. The force of the punch sent the pom poms into the filly forcing her to the ground and back several feet. He always loved playing catch especially.

Golden heard a few clicks. He turned to find the stallion had returned and he had a stapler. The staples he had sent Golden’s way already drew blood. Luckily they were just staples so no major damage was done. But each of them stung.

Now it was Golden’s turn to charge. The target of his aggression sent staple after staple hoping to slow down the boxer’s run. All he managed to do was infuriate the boxer even more. When Golden reached his target he gave the stallion two consecutive uppercuts. And for good measure he crushed the stapler.

He turned to find the mare was readying herself for another run at the stage. Golden rolled his eyes as he tried to go to her position. As he did though he noticed something even more concerning. A very large pony with the mass of a monster truck was readying itself to sprint at the stage.

“Darn it! I’ll deal with her later!” Golden snarled. He rushed back into position. Luckily while the pony was rather gigantic it did not have the speed of a cheetah. Golden moved into his boxing stance. Right now he needed power more than speed. Which meant he needed to perform his special punch. It was risky but it was the only way.

Golden closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and ignored everything around him. He needed to focus on only himself. Or more specifically the magical recesses of his body. He saw and felt all the magic throughout his body. Then he willed it all of it into his right front leg. As he did so the magic became more concentrated and took a physical shape. It looked like a mass of an aqua blue was on his leg.

“Get out of the way!” the big pony roared. Golden opened his eyes and threw his punch. It landed right in the center of the big pony. Still the pony moved forward. The sheer force of it threw Golden into the air and back long enough to make him land on the stage. Golden was thankful he had managed to avoid the band.

The large pony reached out to the band. But then a large gurgling sound could be heard. They looked down to find something was odd. Their belly began to shrink. They dismissed it and once again reached out to the band to find they couldn’t even see the band anymore. In fact all they could see was vehicles passing by them. It was then they realized what had happened. The earth pony must have hit them hard enough to send them flying all through town. But that was impossible. Wasn’t it? As if to answer that very question every part of the pony’s body was suddenly covered in immense pain.

Golden tried desperately to catch his breath. That move of his the Golden Shot always took a lot out of him. His own body felt spasms of pain as well. The staples drove further into his body drawing forth new blood. A pony’s magic acts as a natural defense so when one gets rid of it that defense diminishes.

Once he felt like he could breathe normally again Golden began to pick himself up. First he decided to pick up his head. What he saw made his heart stop. He was not the only one on stage. Seemed like due to the commotion caused by the large pony she managed to make it to the stage.

What was even more disconcerting was now she had in her hooves a pair of scissors. The crazed expression on her face was only rivaled by the spastic motions of her body. She inched towards the one known as Joey.

She grabbed the strands of her mane feigning nervousness. Joey however was no fool. He saw the scissors. But like the professional he was he kept playing anyway. He even faked a smile.

With some more effort Golden had staggered himself back to his feet. He looked like a foal trying to learn how to walk but at least he was standing. He then began heading towards the crazed fan as fast as a zombie going after a brain.

The mare reached to embrace Joey who evaded. He mouthed the word later at her. She pouted at the action. But when he winked at her she instantly forgave him for the mistake. That was all it was after all. He was a stallion after all. All of them made mistakes.

The mare was the happiest she had ever been. She was going to make her dream come true. She was going to marry the Discordians. She was so happy she felt the world was spinning. And then she realized right before her eyes was the boxer who was blocking her path.

“Stop,” he demanded. Then without any other words Golden brought his head down onto the mare’s so hard she fell to the ground unconscious. Golden stood there for a moment. A trail of blood fell down from the wound Golden received for his recent maneuver.

“Thanks. I owe you,” Joey said patting his back. And then Golden fell to the ground unconscious.

“Folks. You’ve been a wonderful audience,” Neck said.

“You’re the toughest metal heads around,” Joe added.

“And dudes who know how to rock! Can’t wait to see who will try this next!” Brad said excited.

Ham gave his own thoughts on the matter.

“Like Ham said we hope to see all of you all again real soon,” Joey concluded. “Also those with backstage passes give us about fifteen minutes.”

Lucky was surprised at the relatively short line of the ponies with backstage passes. She could’ve sworn that she was told to check twenty five passes. All she saw was twenty ponies. She dismissed it as they simply overshot the number. Either that or some ponies just didn’t show. She proceeded to check and clear a few ponies for entry.

Most of them were good to go. And then she got her first fake backstage pass. The pony who had attempted this was a stallion who wore a bizarre hat and suit. His tongue stuck out as if it barely hung onto the stallion’s mouth.

“So we good then?”

“Sir this is a fake,” Lucky said bluntly. “You’re not cleared to go.”

“But its my birthday!” he whined pulling out a calendar. He pointed wildly at it. “See?”

“Sir every date on that calendar is marked,” she pointed out.

“Well of course. Every day is my birthday after all!” he said as if it was painfully obvious. “Well except for Valentine's day. That is my unbirthday.”

“Right. Well maybe you can try on another of your birthdays,” Lucky said evenly.

“But this birthday only comes once a year. And it needs to be topped from last year.”

“What made last year so special?”

“I was promised a rabbit. And to this day I still look at my clock.”

“You look at it every day?”

“Of course. How else would I know the most magical day of my life was? That would make any of my birthdays THE birthday.”

Lucky got an idea. “Well I saw a pet store in town. I’m sure they’d have a beautiful bouncy bunny that would be bound to brighten your birthday.”

“Oh my! What wonderful alliteration you have my dear. And thank you. I was afraid I’d have to settle on a giant pig instead,” the pony said shaking Lucky’s hoof wildly. Then in a flash the pony took off. She was sure Tom would be pleased she had stopped a kidnapping of his.

She went through a few more passes. And then a mare stood forward wearing a large elaborate dress. She held up a deck of cards. She waved her cards at herself as some improvised fan.

“My dear I do believe I’ve forgotten my pass,” she said in a thick southern accent.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’m glad to hear you are so kind,” the mare said leaning forward. “I like that.”

She began to walk pass the teacher. Lucky promptly blocked her way.

“Oh I thought you understood.”

“I do.”

“Just because I don’t have one on me doesn’t mean I don’t have one at all,” the mare protested.

“True. But that doesn’t matter. No pass no entry.”

“Really now? Do you not know who I am?!” the mare demanded angrily.

“Somepony who does not have a pass,” Lucky answered.

The mare’s eyes twitched at Lucky’s reply. Her hooves followed suit. Then in a flourish of wild motion she threw her cards at the teacher. She took the opportunity to make a run for it. Surprisingly the card didn’t prove an effective smokescreen. They didn’t stop Lucky from grabbing the mare and taking her away from her goal. A few guards showed up and escorted the fancy looking mare away.

Once again Lucky returned to checking the passes. Everything once again went smoothly. She met a charming young pony named Lance and his wife Revere. The teacher sensed there was something off about the two but their passes were cleared. So she couldn’t exactly justify finding out their little secret.

The next one up was an old wrinkly stallion with a permanent sour expression. With him was a middle aged stallion. The older stallion proved quite difficult to take out the passes citing they were a waste of perfectly good bits. Eventually the younger of the two managed to convince the older to give the passes over to Lucky. She was thankful one of the two were kind enough to give her the passes.

The next one to show was a handsome stallion. With him he carried a large painting. The painting appeared to begin decaying. Every color was beginning to grow grey. When the pony chanced a glance at the painting he panicked. He dug deep and gave his pass to Lucky and took off running. It was then Lucky realized she hadn’t gotten a good look at what was the painting of. She figured it may have been a self portrait.

Eventually she got through all of the remaining ponies. And then the fancy mare made her return. This time she brought a rather bulky imposing stallion with her.

“Now dear I believe it is time you let me through,” the mare said confidently. “Big here can keep you company while I do that.”

“Sure,” Lucky said grinning. As the mare walked through Lucky stopped her again. “But before you do that I think I should tell you something important.”

“Oh really now what could possibly be some integral that you’d have to hold me here?” the mare asked impatiently.

“Just to warn you about the new bodyguards of the band. One is a professional boxer.”

“Oh? That shouldn’t be an issue. Big here has gotten into a few scuffles himself,” she said nonchalantly pulling out some more cards to act as a new fan. Big stood there unmoved by the news.

“I suppose the flying large pony from earlier is nothing Big could handle. That would be certainly impressive.”

Big and the mare shared slightly worried looks. But they both dismissed it. After all no pony could be that strong. The only thing that could cause such an event had to be something with the performance had to have malfunctioned. Or it was just some special stunt prepared for it.

“You’re lying.”

“Of course he is the least of the troubles. There is also one with a mechanical appendage. Last time they tested it I believed it tested to be able to hold over a ton.”

Big began to sweat at that news. Sure he was big and strong.He knew such feats were possible. He once saw a rather weak looking pony lift a ton on each side of a bar. His television had never lied to him before so there was no reason to doubt its showing of such a feat. Still he had been through many fights in his life. He was sure at the very least he could take a punch or two for his employer.

“Stop it.”

“Lastly we got a dragon recently.”

“Oh another teenage dragon? Or is it a baby dragon?” the mare mocked.

“Fully grown actually.”

“You’re kidding.”


“No one could convince a grown dragon to protect some band.”

“Dragons love to eat gemstones. Ponies buy gemstones regularly. The Discordians are a very famous band with lots and lots of bits,” Lucky stated locking her eyes with the mare’s. “Do you really think they wouldn’t have the resources to get a dragon to work as a guard?”

“Then why did we only see that boxer, eh? Why didn’t the pony with the metal leg and dragon show up, huh?!”

“Because they weren’t necessary. You saw him in action yourself. Do you really think he needed any help?”

“I...uh,” the mare said desperately grasping for any words she could muster.

“Just figured I should warn you,” Lucky said moving her leg out of the path of the mare.

The mare looked behind her to see the stallion has long abandoned her. He had run off at the mere mention of a dragon. She herself was sweating bullets.

“On the brightside if anything happens to you we offer those with backstage passes compensation for any injury they may have occurred. Of course you’ll have to show it to us to verify. That wouldn’t be a problem,” Lucky said leaning closer to the mare, “Would it?”

The mare slowly backed away. She couldn’t risk being hurt by a dragon. She had so much to live for. So she ran off as fast as she could muster until her legs gave out beneath her.

Once the mare was out of sight Lucky sighed. She could finally allow her own fatigue and sweat to show. She silently hoped her teammates had managed to perform as well as she had. She picked up the cards the mare had dropped earlier. She collected them and put them in a neat pile on her little table.

“I always hate discipling the troubled kids,” she said wiping her brow.


GOB sat alone in his office. He had finished his meeting with Vanessa, or her preferred name, Veggie.

“Damn women, they tear you apart!” GOB said as he took another swig of moonshine. His meeting was stressful. Whenever he thought he was a step ahead of the young woman, she was three steps further. GOB held his head with his hand. He had discarded his salmon coat and was wearing his white dress shirt with suspenders. He looked disheveled with his untied tie and messed up hair. A knock on his door snapped GOB out of his misery.

“Come in…” GOB called out.

In came Candle Light with a huge smile on her face.

“Sir! Sir, excellent news!”

“Is Vanessa dead?” GOB asked.

“No, better! The concert was a HUGE success!” GOB eyed Candle. He slowly rose from his seat and slowly approached his co-manager.

“Really now?” He asked as he staggered. He was drunk off the moonshine.

“Y-Yes, sir. Team Shrekt and Illuminati managed to earn enough money to pay off the concert and then some... W-We've earned a little extra pocket money.” Candle said as she began to slowly back up from the approaching god. He carried his moonshine bottle and took occasional swigs from the jug as he came closer to the anthro alicorn. Now that he was closer, Candle noticed his glowing blue eyes were now their dim, brown eyed counterpart. She tried to back up closer, but GOB managed to corner her. He took her arm as her breath shuddered.

“Sir?” GOB looked her straight in the eye.

“Yes, Miss Light?”

“Y-You’re making me feel uncomfortable…” Candle said. GOB didn’t seem to care however. He proved this by leaning his head in on Candle Light’s face until their lips finally met. Candle didn’t resist however. She didn’t fight back, she let the god do his thing as he began to caress and rub her body. Candle gasped and moaned as GOB began to have his way with his co-manager until his glowing blue eyes returned.

“Uh… Oh, oh my!” GOB said as he dropped his moonshine bottle and staggered back.

“Sir?” Candle asked, confused from GOB’s sudden retreat.

“Miss Light, I’m so very sorry! Please forgive me!” GOB begged as he fell to his knees.

‘What’d that bitch do to him?’ Candle asked as she knelt down to support GOB who was actually crying for her forgiveness.

“Candle, you should have seen it! This Veggie girl tore me apart! It was like she knew everything I was going to do!” GOB cried.

“Did you try negotiating with her at all?” Candle asked as she tended to the god.

“Well… Sorta. I tried to kill her with cyanide.” GOB said.

“Oh, GOB.”

“I also tried to push her from the window, tried shooting her, stabbing her, setting her on fire, having Chef grill her for dinner, literally everything! She still managed to avoid everything!” GOB exclaimed.

“GOB you don’t try to kill people! Especially if they’re threatening to sue, sir!”

“But there’s more! She has Dershowitz! Dershowitz, Light!” GOB complained.

“I don’t know what to tell you, sir. I just don’t know.” Candle confessed. As she said that, GOB heard his telephone ring. His head perked up and twitched towards his desk where his telephone sat. He rushed towards the desk and answered the phone.

“Yes?” GOB heard the other line speak to him, and every word he heard sounded like gold. With every phrase and sentence, his smile grew and grew. “Yes sir! Yes, I would like to press charges!” After another short conversation, GOB hung up the phone and rushed to Candle and embraced her in a big bear hug.

“Candle, I have FANTASTIC news!” GOB cheered as he picked her up and twirled the alicorn.

“Could you please put me down first, sir?” Candle said as she began to become a little motion-sick.

“A representative from VeggieCO was caught trying to sabotage the concert today, and even threatened murdering one of the band members with scissors!” GOB exclaimed excitedly. “They asked if I wanted to press charges and I said yes! Candle, we’re taking this cold bitch to court!” GOB shouted as he hugged Candle even tighter.

“Wonderful, sir! Wonderful! Now please, let me go!” Candle begged as GOB let the alicorn go. She gasped for air as GOB continued to celebrate.

“This is wonderful!” GOB magicked his pink coat back on, he fixed his hair and tied his tie. He made his way back to his desk and sat in the leather chair. He took a glance at Candle Light who stood before him. She looked very unorganized. Her white blouse was unbuttoned revealing her black lace bra, and her mane seemed tangled.

“Miss Light, just because we nearly did it doesn’t mean you must leave my office looking like we did! Fix yourself!” GOB demanded as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Candle’s mane returned back to normal and her formal attire fixed itself as she stood there, still surprised at everything that was happening. When she seemed suitable to leave, GOB smiled.

“Now, I shall have my interview!”

GOB snapped his fingers and suddenly three entities appeared before him. Reneigah, Golden Horseshoes, and Nova Blaze. The three contestants were shocked to find themselves in GOB’s office.

“Lady and gentlemen! Take a seat!” GOB said with a smile. Nova and Golden glanced at one another as Reneigah shook and took her seat.

“As you all know, I called you here because Illuminati beat your team by earning $15,000 dollars more than you.” GOB informed. “Now, to make this short, I’ll rapid fire the results…” GOB led on. The small group stayed silent as GOB waited to reveal the news.

“Wait… I just remembered I’m drunk.” GOB said almost anti-climatically. His head fell on the desk with a loud thud. Golden and Nova stifled a chuckle while Reneigah covered her mouth with her hoof. “I’m too drunk to think… Eh, it’s a non-elimination challenge. Y’all both win.” GOB said, his voice muffled by his desk. The zebra, boxer, and musician cheered with happiness. GOB snapped his fingers once more, sending the competitors back to the mansion.

GOB was alone. Alone and drunk in his dark office until he heard yet another knock on his door.

“It’s open!” GOB answered. In came two ponies. One holding some sort of calendar and a light purple colored pony.

“I demand to know why I wasn’t allowed backstage when it was my birthday today!”

“And I want to know why my backstage pass wasn’t accepted, even though it had the right numbers!” GOB rubbed his head, he felt a migraine coming along.

“Okay, Aria, I know you’re lying, I can already sense it. Other guy… I got your solution right here.” GOB said as he slowly opened his drawers and shuffled the insides until he spotted what he needed. He smiled weakly and pulled out a shiny, silver, 44. Magnum. He pulled back the hammer and pointed the weapon at the pony who held the calendar.

“Happy birthday from Mr. Eastwood.” GOB slurred as he pulled the trigger and fired at the pony who flinched in fear. The bullet struck his body and he fell to the ground. Aria panicked and backed away from the now dead pony.

“Damn, I meant to scare him off… Not kill him. Oh well, either one solves my problem. As for you Aria… Get the hell out.” GOB said, shooing away the former siren. Aria dropped her tough girl act and obliged to GOB’s demands and instantly left his office.

“Now, I lie down to rest…” GOB said as he leaned back in his chair. Falling into a deep sleep.

For those who can't tell, both teams are safe! That means nobody will be eliminated... Yet. Anyway, I just want to explain what happened what with GOB being... Different. He's a lot different when he drinks moonshine. He's fine with other alcoholic drinks, but Moonshine is a big No-No. But his meeting with Vanessa was a stressful one and he needed something to calm his nerves. Be glad I have a stomach ache as I'm writing this, because if I didn't, GOB would have gotten into more trouble. Anyway, y'all can take a real break and work on, what I'll be calling, "Mansion Challenges" where you write about your characters doing certain things in the mansion. I want them by Monday. Feel free to collab with one another or submit your own piece with your own character doing whatever. Here's what I want for the Mansion Challenge.

Sexy times... By sexy times, I mean a female seducing or flirting with one of the males on their teams... Or male flirting with a male, or female flirting with a female, point is, I want sexy times. Use whatever to explain it. They're drunk, it's a dare, just make sure it's flirtatious! Also, feel free to play with the idea. Have one of them totally into it or have them totally uncomfortable, either way, it'll be fun. Also, it must happen with the other teammates, no matter which team you're on, watching.

And... bonus points will go to the team who does this perfectly and manages to fit it into their submission.

This one's gonna be fun!

Comments ( 12 )

I'm so confused on how this works. :derpytongue2:

We have to...the mansion challenge...what?:pinkiegasp:

3752534 Basically what you've been doing before with writing the bonus stuff when your characters didn't have a real challenge to work on. I just gave it a fun name.

3752539 Um, ok?:unsuresweetie: Now I'm confused are we writing sexy stuff or not?
I feel like a total idiot...:facehoof:

3752545 Yes, it's literally the bonus challenge I'd assign you guys in between real challenges.

We still lost? Well, no elimination at least, but we still lost, and I have to write sexy stuff?:raritydespair:

3752606 You didn't lose... You didn't win either. It was really a tie.

3752615 They beat us by 15,000, call it a tie all you want. That's a loss in my book.:applejackunsure:

3752623 GOB was drunk, and I was sick. Neither of us could make up our minds.

3752632 It's just the way it's said that gets to me.:unsuresweetie:

3752643 My PM explains it all. Just read it.

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