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I'm ded lol. Fuck you, bronies.

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Okay... F**K YOU, IGN!! · 3:33am Jan 26th, 2016

Yeah, IGN fucked this up BAD! It's like they're just a soulless, heartless bunch of assholes who review games because it gets them money. Look, many people have been joking around that IGN is actually paid to make good reviews on games from the developer they're getting their money from. Of course, I don't believe that kind of stuff and I never have, but it's shit like this that REALLY makes me want to.

Check this out:


Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam never rises to meet the comedic potential of its mirror-universe premise. Despite the excellent RPG battle system, the brothers’ journey to Bowser’s Castle is stymied by dull characters, mundane conversations, and frustrating roadblocks.

Y'know what? New episode of Metacritic Monday! We'll call it "IGN fucks up again"! I can summarize this entire statement with one, single, solitary word:


Because that's what you are, IGN! Can you tell I'm angry?!

Okay, okay, a little backstory. I'm not mad that IGN gave this a low score. Whatever; I could care less. What I DO however care about is the fact that IGN has been doing this over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Remember Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky? Remember how fun it was to traverse through the varying locations and use different Pokemon and attacks to experiment with different tactics? Remember how each dungeon changed every time you entered again? Remember the amazing writing, fun characters and heartbreaking final moments?


Remember Pokemon ORAS? Remember how amazing it was to traverse through the Hoenn region once again, only with updated graphics and more ways and strategies to play? Remember how incredible it was to hear the updated music and watch as your favorite characters finally used Mega Evolution for the first time?

7.8/10, too much water.

Remember Call of Duty? Remember having that feeling of "wait, I've done this before" chilling down your spine and the itching thought that maybe you've seen a few areas in the past? Remember how the "new games" had 2 new maps and a gun every once in a while? Remember how annoying literally every player online was when you booted up multiplayer?


And now this game, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. I haven't played the game myself, but I have to admit it looks very fun! The comedy is still there, the characters seem outrageously funny, and while I will admit there's probably a bit too much talking, the amount of things you seem to be able to do in the game is outstanding!


Everyone, for god's sake, if you follow IGN, just stop. They do shit like this all the time, and while you could argue that this is only a handful of things, allow me to dash those arguments with this sentence:

"They gave Evolve a 9/10"

Y'know, Evolve? The game I have, quite recently, stated to have many, many, MANY flaws. The DLC is horrendous, the characters are bland and uninteresting, and combat is just your everyday, average, run-of-the-mill shooter with giant monsters. And that's it. And what did IGN have to say about this game?"

Tactically deep, and bursting with character, Evolve offers a level of nuance rarely found in multiplayer shooters.

Actually fuck you, IGN.

Actually fuck you.

SuperKamek out. Dream on everyone!

More of IGN's epic fails:

Report SuperKamek · 852 views · #ign #wtf #review #anger #epic fail
Comments ( 16 )

Why the F would they criticize a game for being a remake, when they also praise other games for being Remakes? It makes no, bloody, sense. Seriously, I liked some members of the staff, but with Collin and Greg going to Kinda Funny Games...Yeah, I have no reason to even check the damn site anymore >-< I don't mind having an opinion, I like Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 (Probably because there my first games in the series so I don't have fatigue.) I don't mind admitting that I find a few games that are considered good to be lacking disappointments.

But this isn't opinion, it's clear they praise some games for some things, and criticize other games for doing the exact same damn thing. And don't even get me STARTED on their attitude on JRPGS...:twilightangry2:

Calm, calm calm now.

I feel you, man... It's alright... :fluttercry:

Though I shouldn't blame them ENTIRELY, NO pro games critic in the west gives JRPGS proper respect, far as I see. Gameinformer mocked us fans by calling us "Worshipers" in response to one person complaining about a low review score and asking about a game that got higher despite having similar problems. Yahtzee doesn't review JRPGS, Jim doesn't cover a majority of them, and most critics either complain about the tropes in JRPGS and turn based combat for being dull and archaic (Which it isn't)

IGN...you never cease to piss us off.

I think they don't know if they know creativity is, or their only hoping to see an COD...

I don't really follow them anymore, they keep trashing the best creative ways to have playing games and this is nuts!

Sonic 06- 4.8. IGN says Explore of sky is only .1 better than Sonic 06. And they didn't even get the facts right, hell I'll actually bet- no, I know they didn't even get the game. But forget this great story that they didn't even mention let's praise CoD ghost 8.7! You can't spell ignorant without IGN.

It's sort of a recurring trend around them, isn't it?

It's best to just stay away from them, I'd say. :twilightsmile:

So now not only are they total shitheads, but they also don't know a good game when they see one! UGH!!!! :flutterrage:

What?! Paper Jam might not be the best of the Mario & Luigi series, but it's a pretty good game, funny dialogue, Koopalings, funny Bowser & Jr. moments. I'm playing the game right now and its a pretty good game! *sigh* Then again IGN always does scores like these to any game that isn't Call of Duty.....

Y'know what? I completely agree! :twilightsmile:

Look, many people have been joking around that IGN is actually paid to make good reviews on games from the developer they're getting their money from. Of course, I don't believe that kind of stuff and I never have, but it's shit like this that REALLY makes me want to.

It's not a joke. A while back, it was proven for a fact that (I think) Activision was paying them off for their more expensive releases.

Here in germany we have the game for nearly two months and everyone loves it
~A famous german Nintendo Letsplayer put it into his "Top 10 games of 2015" list
~N-Zone, a famous Nintendo magazine, gave it 87/100 (for comparison: Xenoblade Chronicles X got the same)
And I personally love it.
Some good things form this game:
+No long as hell tutorial, instead it throws you nearly right into action
+Talking and even cutscenes can be sped up by pressing a button
+Great music as always
+In my opinion the best boss battles in the series. Each boss has its own unique trait or twist that makes it memorable (my favourit is Ludwig&Larry with their battle cards)

So, now go and buy this game and show IGN that we don't need them (too much water:rainbowlaugh:)

Really? :rainbowlaugh: That's just sad.

I'd buy it if I wasn't out of money. :rainbowlaugh: There are actually several games I plan on buying this year, including Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, Bravely Second, and this game. Also pretty excited for Zelda U! :rainbowkiss:

I can only recommend the game
But you are right, so many good games are coming.
With Fates I will wait for the special edition, but there are still Twilight Princess HD and Pokken (and all in March:pinkiegasp:)

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