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  • 327 weeks
    Where I was the last week

    Yeah, so I was pretty much offline for a solid week, not much fic progress either.

    I was away for work unfortunately, and due to the nature of my job I don't really have access to the internet and electricity when I'm out. I mean, pics below are my daily work commute.

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  • 335 weeks
    Happy New Years (and some progress updates)

    So, to start with, Happy New Years and all that.

    Hope you all had a good Christmas and everything, I spent mine down in one of the capitol cities visiting friends. While there, I managed to get Lorenzo something hilarious...

    The MLP tabletop roleplaying game.

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    Updates and Other Tidbits

    Happy New Year

    First on the list:

    I'm currently working on the next chapter for 'I Come From a Land Down Under', and am making decent progress. It's a bit of a difficult one and Christmas and all that. Still, pace is good, so hopefully it won't be too long away.


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  • 391 weeks
    I've Never Been Proud...

    Of being a Northern Territorian until today.

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  • 399 weeks
    Spoilers for the Season Six Finale - Fic Incoming

    Hi all,

    Just a quick update letting you know (warning?) that I've spent the last six hours writing a short little first chapter (9000 words is short) of a Chrysalis versus Thorax fic that hopefully will be posted soon through the approval system.

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Guys, we need to talk... · 3:32pm Jan 23rd, 2016

Okay people.

Please, for the love of all that is holey (insert much needed Chrysalis\changeling emocon) and un-holy, I only ask of one thing.

Please stop making shitty Displaced fics where the main characters end up in the Crystal Empire, kill Sombra, and install themselves as rulers. I've just found another one, and it makes me cry everytime. I understand that I don't own anything at all in regards to it and I'm not asking for any recognition or acknowledgement (quite the opposite, actually), but come on.

You can write a normal HIE using the general start and plot of mine.
You can write a self-insert HIE using the general start and plot of mine.
You can write a TCB fic using the general start and plot of mine.
You can even write a fetish-clop fic using the general start and plot of mine.
You will have my respect and best wishes.

But for fuck's sake, anything but endless Displaced fics crossing over with Anime/Videogames. Seriously.



Report Dropbear · 928 views · Story: Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor ·
Comments ( 54 )

I'm afraid you just asked the largest group of autistic fucks in western civilization to stop being autistic.

Sorry m8. They won't stop. The ride never ends.

ok well my Displaced characters about geting out of equestria alive and aslo fuck Displaced characters who kill Sombra and because rulers fuck that....and are you havein a good day?...

those are popping up quite a bit aren't they? they all seem to die as well...

Why not take it a step further and ask them to not write displaced fics at all, because 95% of them are terrible anyways.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~


At first it was kind of flattering, having people give enough of a shit that they plagiarised (Like, copied-text-and-replaced-main-character's-name plagiarised' and used it as an inspiration.

And then I looked at them all and realised they were all Displaced...


1pm here, and yes it is fine so far.

Honestly, out of all the cult-following fan-fanfic story groups, the displaced have to be the laziest and the worst.
There's no imagination or depth, that story universe is literally just self-insert wank-bait.

Dropbear I feel the pain......like just below my gut and to the side of my giblets.

More to the point I've read thousands of fics and I've seen some that'll make autistic children cry and ask why the hell these people made them look bad.

BUT I've seen a few that would have been decent if the author didn't have a seizure while copying the book of mormons.


some of them are atleast ok i personally like fics where a displaced becomes ruler of something but those that are really good get rarely or never updated and those so called shitty ones may just never heard of you and its really sad that some of those fics have potencial the authors dont see

3707109 nothing wrong with a good self-insert, i haven't found any...

It seems you created something special, like the conversion bureau or the Displaced in the convention... You are going to need to create a group at this rate.


He has one its the Nigelverse.

Its where Nig-


3707370 Yeah, but if people begin to copy his idea, maybe a group of "I appeared in the Crystal Empire and defeated Sombra"

3707380 and I got this shirt.


Nah it'll never be a thing

Question though: what if the events happen after Sombra and that Displaced instead overthrows Cadence and Shining Armor. I don't believe anyone's done that.

I honestly feel sorry for you. Displaced fics are a blight on this fandom, and they are using your ideas to make themselves 'stronger'.


Dear God. . . .s/he's right....they've begun to evolve...

Quickly!!! Kill it!!!!! Kill it with fire!!!!

I guess RC was onto something...

I always found displaced fics stupid. I mean if you want to bring a fictional character to Equestria why not bring the real one instead of a boring self insert with it's power?


*Cough CoughSelf promotioncough couch*

You keep out of this.


It seems you created something special

'Special' is probably the appropriate term, yes. My own fics are bad enough, can't people just be happy with standard HIE cancer instead of upgrading it to Displaced Canasyphaids?

Because they're the LOHAV people. Experience has taught us that they just don't listen.


That's fine, because there's a far less chance that I'll spot a comment saying 'Yeah, it's based off that NMC:E fic, but it just felt wrong to me. For some reason, I just think it could be a good fic as long as the main character was replaced by me and a few friends cosplaying as people from a video game...'.


I've actually found at least five, and most of them at least go 'Inspired by Dropbear's amazing fic'. It's still a cancer, but at least I played a part in them writing an actual fic. It's more the fics that either rip key plot points straight from it, or go 'the fic this is based on is shit, the main character is soooo overpowered. So, anyway, my main characters will all be in the bodies of invincible demi-gods from generic anime #3458345...."

It's too late for that.


How so? You mean his LOHAV fic?


why not bring the real one instead of a boring self insert with it's power?

... Because then you can't self-insert as your favorite character from your favorite videogame?

3707008 Really? We are a bunch of autistic fucks? So says the guy with no story under his wing and no writing experience, go fuck yourself you cunt.

And Dropbear, this was going to happen eventually, but you sorta helped speed things up by doing that Giant Space Flea from Fucking NO WHERE! for the last few chapters and killed what everyone was expecting a spectacular ending. If you hadn't had done that than you would have not seen as many stories like yours popping up.


So says the guy with no story under his wing and no writing experience, go fuck yourself you cunt.


And Dropbear, this was going to happen eventually, but you sorta helped speed things up by doing that Giant Space Flea from Fucking NO WHERE! for the last few chapters

"A Giant Space Flea from Nowhere is a boss with no relevance whatsoever to the actual plot, and who comes out of nowhere."

Remind me again which Boss came out suddenly again? In addition, 'last few chapters' takes on a different meaning when they're +10k words long each.

and killed what everyone was expecting a spectacular ending.

1. Many readers found the original ending to be appropriate.
2. Those that didn't were hanging out for a pony-slaughterfest, and weren't likely to accept any other ending. I knew that my choice would upset some readers, but you can't please everyone.
3. And finally, the fic hasn't actually ended yet, it's still on-going.

If you hadn't had done that than you would have not seen as many stories like yours popping up.

Flat out incorrect. At the time of finishing the first fic, one story had been removed by the mods for flat out plagiarism, and two were floating around with essentially the same plot (with one deleted by the author a few weeks later).

I had a brief search yesterday, and have found an additional three fics so far. All of them are Displaced.

You can't blame me for this. Sure, people can use my ideas how they like without asking, I really don't care that much and I've even had a few people PM me for assistance with their own offshoots of mine. However, I did not force people to latch on the the height of creativity and write Displaced fics to 'fix' mine.

The lack of original ideas is not my fault, it's the fault of the writers who choose to use self-inserts dressed up as their favorite videogame characters.


"A Giant Space Flea from Nowhere is a boss with no relevance whatsoever to the actual plot, and who comes out of nowhere."
Remind me again which Boss came out suddenly again? In addition, 'last few chapters' takes on a different meaning when they're +10k words long each.

The boss was the space police who came out of bum fuck nowhere, with no warning or even a hint of arrival.

and killed what everyone was expecting a spectacular ending.
1. Many readers found the original ending to be appropriate.
2. Those that didn't were hanging out for a pony-slaughterfest, and weren't likely to accept any other ending. I knew that my choice would upset some readers, but you can't please everyone.
3. And finally, the fic hasn't actually ended yet, it's still on-going.

1. Those that found it appropriate had to because it was either that or keep on whining or praying that you get rid of it for what everyone was expecting to happen.
2. Well of course they were hanging out for the pony-slaughterfest, you had it lined up and ready to happen, not my fault to you dangled the grand prize in everybody's faces and just yanked it away for the last place prize.
3. To a lot of people it might as well have ended on that piss-poor note.

If you hadn't had done that than you would have not seen as many stories like yours popping up.
Flat out incorrect. At the time of finishing the first fic, one story had been removed by the mods for flat out plagiarism, and two were floating around with essentially the same plot (with one deleted by the author a few weeks later).
I had a brief search yesterday, and have found an additional three fics so far. All of them are Displaced.
You can't blame me for this. Sure, people can use my ideas how they like without asking, I really don't care that much and I've even had a few people PM me for assistance with their own offshoots of mine. However, I did not force people to latch on the the height of creativity and write Displaced fics to 'fix' mine.
The lack of original ideas is not my fault, it's the fault of the writers who choose to use self-inserts dressed up as their favorite videogame characters.

Well of course I can't blame you for that idea, as I know that someone else did it before you did, probably. And as for people using your idea without asking, well that shit happens all the time. But for the part of forcing people to latch onto the height...well that ending did piss off enough people to get that ball rolling.
The lack of original ideas for the whole Sombra dead, CE ruled by some random who turned out to be either Displaced or what have you was bound to happen, we can't all be plain humans unless we are very good writers.

And yes classy because I hate it when some asshat says that a group is autistic or straight up retards for doing what they do. He could have at least have the audacity to do what we do and see how easy/hard it is.

3708513 Thanks for providing proof for my half joking statement about all bronies. Myself being one, I was poking fun at myself as well, but you make any feelings of insecurity over my interests dissappear due to how much better off I am than you.

So, you are angry because a small group of people are being human? It's called self-interest and everyone has it. Don't understand why you want to complain about starting a 'trend' (from the stories that you have talked about, even though it could be as many as a dozen or as few as two). Also there will always be someone looking to see how far he/she can bend the rules. Finally, I am confused as for why you decided to make alternate endings for the sequel even though the ending was good.

3708550 Really? You were making fun of yourself? When you use the word 'They' instead of 'We' you just opted yourself out of the group you were insulting.

3708106 this is that which you speak of The Surgeon of Death its a pretty good read not long though.


So, you are angry because a small group of people are being human?

I'm not actually angry, I just found the amount of Displaced knockoffs pretty interesting and decided to do a blog about it. My replies and such on this site can often seem pretty blunt when you haven't interacted with me often, but I assure you that I don't actually care about the Displaced fics themselves. I'm just poking a little fun.

Don't understand why you want to complain about starting a 'trend' (from the stories that you have talked about, even though it could be as many as a dozen or as few as two).

Same as the above.

Finally, I am confused as for why you decided to make alternate endings for the sequel even though the ending was good.

A lot of readers were disappointed that it didn't end with 'harsher' penalties to Celestia\Luna. Personally I'm more of a fan of the fact that Equestria now lives in the shadow of this much more advanced city that used to be their enemies, but I do try to satisfy as many readers as possible.

Anyway, while the fic is continuing, I'm working on a separate chapter of alternate events, eg what would have happened if Celestia had fired off her spell in the final battle and Captain Strategy got hit and died. That kind of thing.

Now, if you excuse me, I have someone taking issue to attend to.


The boss was the space police who came out of bum fuck nowhere

They arrived after the conclusion of the main conflict of the fic, and actually served a current 'Space fuzz ending' theme I've had going in a few fics.

with no warning or even a hint of arrival.

Actually, I'll list.

1. In the first fic, Nigel mentions that his Empire wouldn't take too kindly to him ruling over a separate place without their say-so, and that he would be harshly punished if they found out.
2. In the same fic, he has a dream where the Crystal Empire is swarming with his Empire's soldiers, with large ships overhead.
3. In the second fic, his buddies reach him after stealing a teleport device from their Empire. The cops show up to arrest them, and only arrest Chalmers after finding out he pretty much committed treason.
4. The lawyer's motives are pretty well explained, and it's there to highlight the schism which exists in the large Empire. I have this overrunning lore thing going on in the background, the more fics you read the better understanding you have of the backstory.

1. Those that found it appropriate had to because it was either that or keep on whining or praying that you get rid of it for what everyone was expecting to happen.

First, love how you instantly think that your reason for disliking the ending means that everyone else shared the same opinion. The other guy I replied to has already stated that he liked the original ending and that's just in this blog. The ending was unexpected, but the final result of the original ending was one that was actually a win for everyone involved (save for the griffons, of course...).

2. Well of course they were hanging out for the pony-slaughterfest, you had it lined up and ready to happen, not my fault to you dangled the grand prize in everybody's faces and just yanked it away for the last place prize.

The main character ended up realising his true priorities when someone close to him was hurt due to his actions. Though possessed by a raging blood-lust, in that moment of clarity he realised that he was possibly chasing after the least important thing. It was actually one of the most responsible decisions he'd made in the entire story, choosing to put his subjects', friends'. and romantic interest's safety ahead of his own desire for revenge.

It was a brief burst of selflessness from a selfish character, and hinted that his time ruling had actually been a positive effect on his own personality. He essentially grew as a character at the end, and managed to win the most difficult battle of all.

The battle against his own violent side.

3. To a lot of people it might as well have ended on that piss-poor note.

That's your own opinion. Really, it seems like you took it far to hard and missed a great deal of what I was trying to convey.or I didn't make it obvious enough due to my own inexperience with writing and failed to get the message across. While I write fics (usually) featuring violent conflict, the conflict takes second place to the development and interactions of the characters involved.

Well of course I can't blame you for that idea, as I know that someone else did it before you did, probably.

I think you misread my point, there.

And as for people using your idea without asking, well that shit happens all the time.

I know, as this entire debarcle has proved. Still, you must have missed the point where I stated I actually didn't care about people taking the ideas. Well, save for when they outright copy-paste the entire fic.

But for the part of forcing people to latch onto the height...well that ending did piss off enough people to get that ball rolling.

But it didn't force them to all write Displaced fics with it, was my point. This entire blog is poking fun at the Displaced in particular.

The lack of original ideas for the whole Sombra dead, CE ruled by some random who turned out to be either Displaced or what have you was bound to happen, we can't all be plain humans unless we are very good writers.

Bullshit. It's easy to create an original character without having to drop to the lows that Displaced does. Displaced is just the laziest way out to crap out a story.

1. Take setting from MLP.
2. Take self-insert\idealised self-insert human teenager.
3. Give Self-insert form from favourite game/anime.
4. Insert internet memes.
4. You now have a setting, character, and enough internet-cancer already selected for you. Now all you need is the legendary LOHAV\Displaced circle-jerk club and you have a simple fic. Bonus points for making it a crossover with Pokemon or some equally click-baity popular media.

Displaced already take the frowned-upon crossovers and ramps up the sheer lack of originality by eleven. There isn't even a different method of arrival, it's all using the exact some entry plot-device as the previous two-hundred Displaced fics.

I mean, you have to have hit upon a septic goldmine when you create a style of fic that is even more hated then 'Brony in Equestria' ones.

And yes classy because I hate it when some asshat says that a group is autistic or straight up retards for doing what they do.

So says the guy with no story under his wing and no writing experience, go fuck yourself you cunt.

First, as soon as you shit on someone for having written no stories on this site, you will find yourself torn apart by many users. It makes you sound like an entitled jackarse, for starters. Secondly, he was referring to everyone on this site.

And newflash, he's right.

That fact that you actually replied with such overwhelming spite only gives 3708550 a perfect opening for the reply he posted.

He could have at least have the audacity to do what we do and see how easy/hard it is.

I wouldn't call writing MLP fanfiction a 'bold risk'. There is actually no rule that you have to have a written a story to pass judgement on this site, and he wasn't even commenting on Displaced fics to begin with. You completely mistook what he said, and in your own mind twisted it as personal attack.

Seriously, you appear to take Horsefiction far too seriously and really should consider why.

3709177 Thank you for clarifying my misunderstanding of the blog post, I couldn't quite tell if you were angry or joking.

3709177 You know what, your right, I do say I have learned something from all this, I sure hope that from this experience I can move on and be a better person.

Sadly this must be said.

First, as soon as you shit on someone for having written no stories on this site, you will find yourself torn apart by many users.

*opens arms and waits to be torn apart*

most of the sane people have left some time ago and now all thats left is a stagnant sea of horsecum filled autist.

its a cruel world QQ

So I see you got Eldorado to do your dirty work and get my story removed. Good for you, hope you are happy that you got one 'Rip-Off' story removed from this site, hope your hunt for all similar stories goes well. Fucking wanker.

3711299 You get a reason why?

Dude I have seen good stories like what you are describing and your stories are not on my list and so quit complaining like a little bitch
ass pussy just because people copied and made better stories with the idea than you did. Oh and Eldorado, if your reading this, quit being dropbear's bitch and doing what he tells you to do.

3711336 Shall I message you the entire thing that Eldorado sent me or give you the short version?

3711388 can I get a look at it too? I liked the Crystal wolves and would like to know why Eldorado deleted the story

3711388 In my opinion, I kinda don't want to see it, but if it contains clear as day evidence that power was abused to take your story unfarly, take it to one of the higher ups

And here I am, eating popcorns from all this 'debate'.
Personally, the story would have been good if the author wasn't lazy enough to use 'Displaced'. I mean come on, that just lazy and self-insert. If it just the REAL Skolas, it would have been interesting but a human mind in a body of Skolas just pretty much prove that Displaced is a terrible, terrible thought out idea and bad way to promote other author as I don't want to read another long ass fic.


Brah, mods went through your story and found blatent examples where you had copy-pasted from mine and changed a few words. I even have some for comparison. At the end of it, I can call plagiarism all I like but it's the mod staff that actually investigate it and decide.

hope your hunt for all similar stories goes well. Fucking wanker.

From what I've seen of the other two I found, they at least didn't feel the need to copy a load of stuff directly.

(Plus, I don't see those authors showing up to try and provoke a reaction from me, just saying man...)


He directly copied a large chunk, at least large enough to have the mods remove it outright apparently.


Dude I have seen good stories like what you are describing and your stories are not on my list and so quit complaining like a little bitch

*He says, while complaining like even more of a bitch.

ass pussy just because people copied and made better stories with the idea than you did.

ass pussy just because people copied your text and made better stories with the slightly modified text and characters than you did.

Fixed that for you.:pinkiehappy:

Your argument against roarndreamon is in valid. I did a project about copyrights and although your story has natural copyright it dose not have any way for you to claim plagiarism due to your story and anything in it because it is not have an official copyright attached to it


I did a project about copyrights and although your story has natural copyright it dose not have any way for you to claim plagiarism due to your story and anything in it because it is not have an official copyright attached to it

It's this tiny thing called The Site Rules, M8. The mods deemed it removal worthy, I don't see where you're going with this. I get that you're pissed that the fic was removed, but there is a gigantic pile of evidence.

Because it was a good story. Did you even read it before complaining. And that's only site rules ifor you tried to actually claim that he plagiarized you outside of this site you would instantly be told you have no claim.


Because it was a good story.


Did you even read it before complaining.

Yes, I have read it. It was a shit-tier Destiny fic where the main character spent an amazing amount of time talking about his own dick(s). It was full of cancerous internet memes, an entire chapter dedicated to FNAF references, and all in all was a perfect example of a Displaced fic.

And that's only site rules ifor you tried to actually claim that he plagiarized you outside of this site you would instantly be told you have no claim.

I don't need a claim, his fic has been removed without having to call in a lawyer.


The thing is though is the story IS on this site and thus BLAMO!!!

It's spelt invalid btw with no space between in and valid.

I'd like to point out though is this site is for creative purposes mainly because, guess what? It's a fanfiction site and is governed by rules set forth by the site creators/moderators and if they say that stealing numerous instances of wording and story is against site rules then its against site rules and can be taken down at any time.

As for the stories being good and that your angry and hurt because it was taken down think of it this way , if Diaries Of A Madman were taken down would I be upset? You better believe it as I love that story with its J.J R Tolkien's length and amount of content. But I would still look to find the reason why and if the mods say it was because he plagiarized another story I'd understand and immediately start reading the story he/she was said to have copied.

But would I rant about a fucking fic that got taken down to the one who made the original fic of a powerful and slightly insane human beating sombra to death and proclaiming himself ruler? No...because I like to think myself smarter then that......sometimes.

So to restate what I've said in layman's terms.

3712939 Well you got what you wanted, and you know what, I think I can accept it and move on. I knew that it was only a matter of time before I lost my steam on the Displaced idea or grow bored with writing that particular story. When I looked over what has happened I realize that I was in the wrong here, yes I did pretty much made a somewhat shitty Displaced version of your story although with a bad spin to it, I realized that maybe it wasn't the best of ideas to a near photo copy of what you made. For what its worth, I am sorry. I will now move onto greener pastures.

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