• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2017


This is an Art Account Now, PM Me if You Have Any Requests: See Rules to Requests Below...

More Blog Posts294

  • 390 weeks
    Here's the Deal

    He'll slip n' slide on this banana peel.

    Anyway, remember when I said "We're Back in Business" I never said I was going to continue to literary part. I'll be open for requests at any time. I'll illustrate covers, OCs, erotic art, anything. However, my only rule is:
    They must be humanized. None of that furry shit.
    I have the right to refuse a request. Simple as that.

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  • 396 weeks
    Back In Business Boys...

    "The time comes when a man's gotta stop running away and face things..."
    "'Bout time, you silly deity, you..."

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  • 409 weeks
    Finally the Finale to the OCA Contest... Jesus Christ, This Took Forever.

    "Your streak was just broken..." Gob pulled the hammer back and the familiar clicking of a loaded gun sounded. With an almost sadistic smile, he watched as Vanessa squirmed and wiggled, or tried to, out from under Gob's hold.

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  • 411 weeks
    What I've Been Up To [Update]

    So as you all know I went on and sort of still am on a break from my job here at FimFiction and I'm assuming you're all wondering what I've been up to! Well, here's some examples of my work recently.

    I've officially begun my artist hobby on DeviantArt and I'm posting much more frequently. Here's some work of mine.

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  • 415 weeks
    "Me" Time

    For those who have noticed my absence, I will explain myself to you and will answer any questions about the OCA contest as of where it stands and what not.
    To start off, the contest is still going on. Part two will be posted eventually. However, I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a while since my audience plays a huge role in my career as a writer.

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The OC Apprentice: Episode One · 1:49am Jan 20th, 2016

Before we get started, I want to explain how blogs like these will play out. It'll be written somewhat like an episode, with both submissions from each team being posted here for you all to read and finally a bit written by me to tie the two pieces together. In this blog, it will describe each character meeting one another and arriving at GOB Estate with GOB himself explaining how things will work for the contest. I hope you enjoy it.

#Shrekt's submission:

If it weren’t for the shape of the room she was in and the fields zipping by outside, First Spark wouldn’t have even known she was on a train at all. The wheels on the rails were like hot butter on smooth ice, coasting along the open countryside, breaking one hundred without a sweat. And yet, the serene peace of the outside world, in all of its natural, beautiful glory, was nothing compared to the interior.

There was upscale, and then there was this. The floors were made of polished oak, the walls covered in the most intricate gold and dark red wallpaper, and every light fixture was a god damn chandelier. The bed that the pegasus sat on had silky white sheets, smoother than anything, with golden lining. And the door?

The door was open. One last look around the room, and, after grabbing her artificial wing from where it sat under the windowsill, Spark walked out into the hallway, deciding to explore.

Her blue hair hung over her face, still messy from her recent nap. Though... she never remembered falling asleep. She brushed it out of her face, careful not to mess with the lightning streaks, and finished her walk across the intimidatingly-decorated and pompous hallway.

A turn of the door handle later, and she’d crossed into the next car over, which appeared to be a dining car. It was empty, mind you, save for a lone blue earth pony stallion with a black and untidy mane. Next to him, standing was a black alicorn with a trim and tidy red mane, who was apparently taking his order, or trying to, at least.

“What is this?!” the blue stallion snarled.

“I believe that is the pickle you ordered, sir,” the alicorn answered.

“Oh really? Then why isn’t it salted?!”

“Um. Salted, sir?”

“Yeah. I asked for a salted pickle.”

“I informed you that we are out of salt.”

“Don’t say that. Look how fancy this train is. I’m not stupid enough to buy garbage that you don’t have plenty of salt!” the stallion roared.

“Hey, what’s going on in here, some of us are trying to sleep...” A small white and blue dragon complained as he walked into the train cart, rubbing his eyes, as his neon blue hair was a complete mess.

The blue stallion looked at the tired reptile before him. It had to be a kid. Kids always annoyed him. Their binkies and their high chairs and the worst of all was the whining. All the noisy whining. He had to end this quick. It was the only way to save himself from the horror.

“I don’t want any salt!” the stallion said, changing his mind quickly, gritting his teeth.


“I said I don’t want any!” the stallion repeated.

The dragon raised an eyebrow curiously at the stallion’s outburst and slowly stepped towards the counter.

“Hey, is everything alright dude?”

“Uh,” the stallion stammered. “Yes.”

“Very well sir,” The alicorn said taking his leave at a reasonable pace. Once he was a fair distance away the blue stallion’s head fell on top of the counter. Then raised. Then fell again. The process repeated itself until the stallion’s head was bluer than his coat.

The dragon took a step back and watched wide-eyed for a moment, after debating on what to do, he decided to quietly make his leave, letting the strange pony be. He casually made his way towards a booth, hopping into a seat, and staring out the window.

“This train is too fast,” Spark said behind the youth. She had considered sitting near the stallion, after all, he was, at least, a pony. But anyone that would complain about not having a spice? They were clearly an idiot of the highest caliber. And Spark did not suffer idiots well.

Hearing the pony standing somewhere behind him, he chuckled lightly. “Really? Cause I think it's not fast enough, since we're all still on the train and all…” the dragon known as Nova said playfully.

The pegasus made a sour face. She had to admit the dragon brought up a good point. She was content being proven wrong of course. The correction merely meant the dragon had, at least, some intelligence. So it justified her choosing to converse with this dragon for a little while longer.

“So where are you from?” she asked. “Don’t see many dragons in Equestria.”

He turned and looked up at the mare, giving a sly grin. “My papa told me to never speak to strangers,” he said playfully and chuckling lightly.

“Mine told me not to play in the Everfree,” the pegasus said, brandishing her left wing, “yet here we are. Crazy, huh?

“Yea, pretty weird. So, are you heading to the mansion as well, miss?” Nova asked curiously.

“Mansion? What...” Spark said, trailing off. A closer inspection of the scenery, namely, the outside world in front of the train revealed, indeed, a mansion of unbelievable proportions. Turning back to face the small dragon, she shrugged. “I suppose, though why, I’ve no idea.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Though, I guess if we’re going together, I might as well learn your name. You are...?”

“The names Nova, Nova Blaze, what's yours?” He hopped off his seat and held up a clawed hand to her.

“First Spark, but please, Spark will do. And...” she trailed off, shifting her eyes back and forth between the dragon and the blue stallion. “I suppose he’s coming along with us?”

“I think so, he hasn't really said anything for a while now.” He glanced back at the stallion in question. “He is one of the strangest ponies I’ve ever seen, though.”

“Hm,” Spark said. She shrugged and smiled. “But, while he’s here, we might as well, right?” With that, she walked up to the stallion’s table and took a seat across from him. “...Hiya! What’s your name?”

The stallion raised his head to look at Spark and Nova. “The name is Golden Horseshoes,” he said, his voice slightly muffled due to his wounds around his lips. “And you are?”

He put his thumb to his chest. “My names Nova, and over there is Sparky.” He grinned at her.

“Sparky?” Golden said trying to stifle a chuckle.

“That’s Spark...” she said, glancing sharply at Nova. “And what’s it to you, Goldilocks?”

“Sparky is a better name. Spark sounds like some kind of weird fart.”

Nova’s eyes began to water as he fell onto his back laughing like crazy, as tears began to form. “Holy Celestia, YES!!!”

“Holy Celestia NO!!” Spark cried in desperation. “My name is Spark!”

“Fart. Got it,” Golden replied.

Nova slowly stood back up, trying to hold back his laughter while wiping away a few tears.


“I will punch you.”

“Try it. I’m a boxer,” Golden said wearing a confident grin. “Bet you couldn’t get even one hit in. What are you anyway? Some kinda babysitter?”

“For your information, Goldilocks, I am a prosthetic replacement specialist, head of the electronic-medical science department in Equestria Laboratories,” she said, proudly.

She paused, and furrowed her eyebrows at him, then looked at the dragon, out the window, then back at him.

“What’s a boxer, a dragon and a scientist doing on a fancy train to a mansion...?” she said uneasily, glancing between the both of them.

“Actually, that’s a boxer, a dragon, a scientist and a teacher...” came a soft voice from the other end of the dinner car.

The eyes of all turned to the doorway, where a white earth pony mare with a black mane, pulled up into a ponytail, stood. She stared at them, confused at the sight.

“Well...nice to meet you all,” she said.

Nova facepalmed and chuckled. “Of course, the dragon doesn't get a title…”

“The only title that matters is the championship anyway,” Golden commented, smirking. “Anything else is worthless.”

The pegasus rolled her eyes and walked up to the mare.

“Don’t mind these two, they’re a mess. Hi! My name’s Spark, and you are..?”

“Lucky,” she said, extending her hoof towards her. Spark shook it, feeling its gentle firmness. Afterward, Lucky turned to the others, “And what about the rest of you?” she asked as she smiled.

Nova nervously stepped towards her and gulped, “W-well umm mines Nova...Nova Blaze.”

“My name’s Golden Horseshoes. And I’ll warn you. Don’t call me Goldilocks,” the stallion said, grinding his teeth. “If you do I’ll punch you.” At this, Spark snickered behind her hoof.

“Whatever, Goldilocks,” she grinned under her breath.

“Let’s try to get along now,” Lucky said, approaching the two, “fighting won’t cause anything but pain and resentment. We’re a team and we’ve only just met each other. How about we get to know each other?” she suggested, taking a seat beside Golden.

“We can do that...” Nova remarked, looking out the window, “when we’re off the train.”

As if on cue, the luxurious train slowed down to an almost instant stop, lurching the four of them forward.

“Alright. That’s it. I’ve wanted to punch something for the longest time. Never thought it’d be a train. But I don’t mind!” Golden roared throwing a flurry of punches to the floor of the train.

“Calm down,” Lucky said, kneeling down beside him. She placed a hoof on his shoulder, “N-”

“Look I’ve been on this train for a while. And in that time I’ve been called goldilocks by some crazy scientist with fake limbs. I’ve nearly fell down. AND to top it all off, I never got my salted pickle!” the boxer whined. Though he was full of justified rage, Golden allowed the teacher to pull him away from his assault on the locomotive.

Nova smiled and jumped out of his seat and ran off to get his stuff that he had brought with him onto the train.

“I understand you are upset, but it’s all over now. The train can’t make you fall anymore. I can talk to the others to get them to stop calling you ‘Goldilocks’. And I don’t know how to solve the salted pickle thing, but I’m sure the mansion will have something you’ll like. Try to relax.”

Lucky reached down and wrapped her hoof around Golden’s, “I can help you get up,” she offered.

“Fine,” Golden said taking her hoof. “I promise I won’t punch the train again. But I can’t promise the same for anything else.”

Nova ran back over to the others with his stuff, as a pair of sunglasses were resting on top of his head, while headphones rested around his neck, “Come on guys, let's go!!!” Spark jumped in the air with a “Woo!” and stayed there, hovering with her wings.

“Peacemaker, Goldilocks, let’s move!” she said, flying out the door and holding it open for the dragon.

Nova ran through the door with his tail wagging behind him, he then skidded to a stop in front of a mansion and stared up at it. “Whoa.”

“Don’t call me Goldi-,” the boxer said as he exited the train. The sheer mass of the building before him cut him off mid-sentence. The mansion dwarfed the buildings he was familiar with back home. It reminded him of how small he was. His eyes narrowed at the mansion. “Fight me, building.”

Those words graced Lucky’s eardrums as she stepped out the doors. She stared at the house, reminding herself of similar palaces she saw in books. But despite this, she felt a small burst of bewilderment that no flat, printed picture could supply.

“Are we at the right place?” Nova questioned, glancing at the others, who had the same shocked looks on their faces. He then winced as the sun shown down on the building, which almost glistened in the light due to how bright it was, he placed his sunglasses over his eyes.

“We won’t know unless we check,” Golden said moving closer. “So let’s go already!”

Lucky turned back to see Spark still holding the door, “Come along, Spark. Let’s settle in.”

“Right!” Spark exclaimed, dashing towards her and landing softly.

The four proceeded to the marble steps. Each individual panel was warm and slick, an unusual sensation. On the staircase’s top were two golden doors with platinum-encrusted knobs. Each of their eyes widened as the sight grew with each step.

“This is it,” Golden said as he grasped the knob, “The beginning.”

XxX_Illuminati_XxX's Submission:

“....I can’t believe, that Barbeque bastard managed to rope me into another of his competitions….Then again might finally have a chance to deck him.”

Coalstone made his way towards the estate the eponymous head of the competition he’d once against found himself somehow roped into against his will. Having lost the last competition, the stone carver had returned to his day job, though had also found himself now apart of a charity, The Expression and Arts Association.

Turns out there were a lot of ponies out there that found ways to use art as a means to help fillies and colts, both find their special talents and just help them get to meet others, forming friendships and common interests.

“It’s certainly something I could have used growing up. And now I get to kill two birds with one stone. Get to help out the others and another crack at smashing that clowns jaw in….Maybe I’ll even get to see Spark again.”

Frowning as he recalled the one friend he’d made in the competition who he’d lost contact afterwards, it was pretty obvious he was still bitter about the competition in more ways than one.

With a quick shake of the head, he did best to distance himself from those negative thoughts and focused his attention, “Enough, now is not the time to worry about that. I made a promise to help out those fillies and colts and I’m gonna do it. I’ll bulldoze my way through whoever or whatever person gets in my way. Forget winning challenges….I’M GONNA WIN THIS WHOLE DAMN THING!”

With a snort and a stomp of the hoof, he walked through the doors of the rather large estate, letting out a whistle at the pristine hallways and interior of the estate. “Well this place definitely looks better than the interior of my home….Then again I literally live in a cave, so not that big of an accomplishment.”

Quickly scanning around he spotted a large message board on a stand, “Attention all competitors, today you will be meeting your teammates. Please wait here until they arrive.”

He let loose an annoyed sigh, “Wonderful, I have to work on a team of complete strangers….No, no, remember trying to be a little more patient. Maybe they’ll be reasonable and fun ponies to be around.”

Reneighah trotted into the interior of the building, her eyes wide with excitement. Already there was a stallion who was quietly mumbling to himself. The zebra hurriedly began to organize the papers she was holding and began to wonder if she came unprepared. Looks like ponies are just beginning to arrive. I wonder if they know what they're doing. She couldn't help but smirk. Not like I do myself. She casually walked to wear the stallion was standing. He glanced over for a moment before looking back at the large sign in front of them.

So we're going to be in teams then. She vaguely remembered this being in the letter she received, and nervously looked at her silent companion. He didn't look very interested in conversation, so she decided instead to look over the folder she had brought.

There were several pieces of parchment in the Manila folder that she held. One piece had the invitation she had received to the competition, and another holding her paid leave from her job.

Although the most important one there was the parchment explaining her charity. A smile danced upon her features as she reread the neat hoof printing stating the premise of Fillyhood For All. This is why you're here Reneighah, don't forget that. The simple charity was hosted by some of the community centers in Equestria, and also had a very simple premise. Protecting children that had been endangered or abused. Memories of fillyhood loneliness made her clutch the papers to her chest, but only for a moment before she smiled once again. I'm am going to OWN this competition. She thought. With a new air of confidence she turned to the stallion.

“So…” She gave a sheepish grin. “Ready for the challenges? I wonder what we’ll be doing.”

He snorted, obviously irritated. “I'm ready as I'll ever be. After all this isn't my first time here.”

“Really?! What's going to happen?” She stepped closer and quickly tossed her messy braid out of her eyes, eager to learn more.

“It's easier to learn as you go, the bastard should be explaining things soon.” He stared straight ahead, his expressions unreadable.

The mare nervously pawed the ground and gave a nervous laugh. “So I take it you don't like the guy, right? I've heard he's pretty crazy.”

“That's a nice way of putting it.” The stallion mumbled. Well this is beyond awkward. She mused, her mind turning as the conversation fell into silence.

“Um, anyway, I'm Reneighah! Any you are…?”

“Coalstone.” He smiled, extending a hoof. She shook his hoof, feeling a little calmer. “Well good luck out there Reneighah. Hope you do well.”

“And the same to you!”
The two ponies proceeded to sit in silence seemingly waiting for something or somepony to say or do something, and naturally nothing took place. Which of course, put Coalstone a bit on edge.

“You know, when I first got here, I was expecting something a little more exciting or crazy to happen, but I wasn’t expecting to just sit here on my flank, waiting for something to happen.”

Quickly getting up and walking back to the announcement board he looked it over again and paid closer attention to some of the details given, “Okay it says here that we’ll be put into teams of four and we’ll be meeting our teammates in this particular location.”

Taking another look at the Zebra currently seated in the lobby, his mind quickly put the pieces together, “Alright, so I’m guessing that means I’m on this ponies team, along with two others….Who haven’t even arrived yet….And this competition is supposed to start soon….”

The black pony quickly put even more pieces together and slowly a bubble of anger formed in the pit of his stomach that quickly turned into a miniature volcano of rage, as his nostrils flared and steam seemed to be leaking out.

“So basically, unless these other two guys show up, roughly in the next couple of hours, not only will we likely lose this competition and my charity will be out Celestia knows how much money...But I’ll have to resign myself to the fact that this Barbeque guy beat me not once, but twice….BUCK THE HELL OUT OF THAT!”

With a furious howl Coalstone quickly smashed his rock hard head into the nearest object, which was a rather large couch, that shattered like glass under the force of his head.

Letting loose some calming breaths and grunts, Coalstone shook what little debris there was out of his mane and made his way over to Reneighah, who watched his little freak out moment and was now, understandably a tad scared of him.

“I imagine you’re a little put off by that little display and I can understand that. I do have some anger problems, but I can assure you that they aren’t directed at you.”

All he managed to get was a worried nod out of the zebra as he pointed in the direction of the board, “Look according to the rules, we’re supposed to be part of a four pony team, including the two of us. Meaning, that if those other two don’t show up, odds are we’ll be booted out of this competition, meaning we don’t get anything as a result.”

She silently nodded, trying to hide the fact that she was a little more than panicked. Even if no one else showed up she would still be stuck with a guy who could break furniture with his head. Note to self. She mused. Don't get on Coalstone’s bad side.


Candle Light reclined back in her swivel chair and idly examined a letter. It was from Crescent Blade, a very dear friend whom she’d met during a very strange and violent competition a while back. They'd kept in touch through letters, and the latest one had just arrived.

All around Candle Light the decor was of a stereotypical office. Clean, white walls, a shiny wooden desk which Candle currently rested her back hooves on, and even a stereotypical potted plant. Of course, this particular office also had five smoke alarms and six fire extinguishers decorating it, along with copious amounts of fire prevention posters and donation campaign posters from Flicker.

The life of an office manager slash fire safety inspector was good, if a little dull. She hadn't had too much excitement since the competition, just standard inspections and talks at schools where she pretended not to hear the fillies and colts whispering about the ‘loopy alicorn’ giving the talk.

Despite the fact that it had had her fight somepony to the death, then survive in the wilderness for four days with a complete stranger, then date said stranger, then partake in a dance-off, and finally fight somepony else to the death, the competition had actually been quite exciting. And once she'd won, she got this office! As well as a boost to her magic. She'd been hearing rumours of a second competition, but she'd elected to steer clear of that one and allow some new faces to take part.

For now, she was free to kick back, relax, and enjoy the spoils of her victory and the correspondence of the stranger from the wilderness round, who'd grown to be one of her closest friends, even if they ended their romantic relationship after a while.

Of course her moment of self reflection and peace didn’t last especially long as the doors to her office were promptly smashed and sent to the floor, with a loud voice ringing through the room.

“Well, isn’t this just wonderful. So you’re one of the people we’re working alongside huh.”

Candle frowned lightly as Coalstone made his way through the smoke he’d kicked up, a frown etched into his face as he snorted while approaching, “Coalstone, I should have expected such a violent reaction from you.”

“You know me, funny, cause I don’t remember seeing you anytime I was put through that little nightmare olympics your boss put me through.”

“Hard to forget someone as abrasive and violent as you, always boasting about how you were going to knock Barbeque down to size. Only to end up getting kicked out in the semi-final round.”

The shot at his past defeat certainly didn’t do much to curb Coalstone’s anger as his hoof steps got heavier as he made his way forward, “If you’re subtly asking me if I’m still bitter about that little defeat, let me be clear, yes I’m royally pissed off about that and I freely admit that. However….”

Coalstone’s rage, to the surprise of Candle seemed to subside someway as he did his best to calm down, “During that little competition I learned that getting angry and lashing out all the time didn’t help me. And now I have some ponies other than myself who need me to win this competition, which you and I along with two others have been paired up with.”

Walking up to the Alicorn in question, he held out his hoof and let out one more calming breath, “I’m willing to put my vendetta and my ego aside for that. If you just promise to come back with us, I promise I won’t let my anger cloud my judgement in this competition and we’ll be able to move forward….Sound fair?

Candle paused briefly before letting out a light smile as she grasped Coalstone’s hoof, “Seems like you did learn a few things from the competition after all.”

In a flash of light the duo found themselves transported back to the estate.

“Now we wait.”

The pair now stared at the extremely confused zebra, all with their own thoughts and worries. Reneighah blinked before trying to break the ice.

“Okay then!” She exclaimed, her voice echoing in the empty environment. “And then there were three, looks like we’re waiting on one more teammate.” She expectedly stared at Coalstone. “Know anyone else you plan to attack?”

Coalstone stared at her slightly with his gaze showing that while he was trying to be calm, he was still showing signs of frustration, “That all depends on whether our last teammate decides to show up in time.”

“Well,” said Candle, glancing at the sky to get a rough estimate of the time. “I'd recommend you go channel your violent nature into something productive, Coalstone. Our final teammate isn’t here. Perhaps you can go find them? Maybe drag them out by the ear? Or even set their tail on fire, that sounds like something you'd do.”

Coalstone’s expression quickly became deadpain at the crack towards him, “Just because I have anger problems, doesn’t mean I’m sociopath, who’ll kill and maim everypony around him. Admittedly I wouldn’t be opposed to dragging them back but unfortunately I don’t know where they are.” His gaze narrowed on Candle Light, “Given you’re in with the head of this whole deal, I assume you know where they are.”

Candle light prepared to speak, when the sound of the doors opening drew the trio’s attention.

A banana yellow stallion with a long back and yellow mane and tail wearing Royal Guard armor quickly appeared, running through the doorway, trying to catch his breath somewhat, while adjusting his armor.

Looking up at the other three ponies in the room, he calmly smiled at them and offered a wave.

“I hope I’m not too late. My name is, Thunderbolt Sentinel. I’m here to replace your fourth teammate. It seems he couldn’t make it, so I got his spot.”

Sentinel took a bow

“I represent the The Foundation for Retired and Disabled Veterans. At least it’s the charity I found to help for the contest. Do you know how many soldiers are lost in wars in Equestria? None, but plenty are injured helping ponies around the country. Like firefighters they put their lives on the line to save ponies from dangers, and many end up too injured to keep their jobs.”

He stood from his bow.

“It’s a shame such a foundation needs to exist, but it also needs money to run. Many of the veterans can’t find work in other fields or can’t work at all anymore,” Sentinel saluted his three teammates. “I intend to help them in any way I can. Now, how may I help you?”

Sentinel stopped saluting.

“Or can I be casual in here? I’m so used to being formal to everyone at work.”

Coalstone looked at the last team member, debating whether to be happy he showed up or annoyed. Regardless he calmly let out a breath, “If you wanna be casual that’s fine, at this point it doesn’t really matter. So long as we win this thing I really don’t care.”

Casually walking to the center of the room he did a quick look over of his teammates, “Alright everyone, now that we’re all here we can get started on this little competition of ours. I don’t know much about you but I know we all wanna win this thing, so lets all agree to give this everything we’ve got, savvy?”

Sentinel replied. “I don’t do things half way, you can count on me pal.”

Reneighah shrugged. “I don't know why you decided to be in charge, but trust me, we will win!” She smirked and looked at the alicorn next to her. “And what about you, hm?”

Candle Light seemed to simply nod in response with Coalstone only snorting at her mild reaction.

“Good enough for me, alright team let’s do it I guess.”

As Golden Horseshoes, Nova Blaze, First Spark, and Lucky Stars got acquainted with one another the sound of two large doors echoed through the large foyer. All their heads turned towards the front doors of the mansion to find a group of four ponies. One being an ailcorn with red mane and black fur. Something about her seemed very familiar to First Spark who scanned the four arrivals. She glazed over the other three, taking in their appearances and statures. One being a yellow pegasus in what appeared to be royal guard armor, the other being a zebra who appeared to be leading the small group. The last one was the one that caught Spark’s attention however.

“Coalstone!?” Spark exclaimed as she approached the stallion, the stallion must have recognized Spark because he began to approach her as well. As the two got closer it was confirmed they knew one another. As their teammates watched on, the two reunited friends hugged a long, and emotional hug.

“So you two know each other?” Nova asked as he approached the two friends. Before either Coalstone or Spark could give an answer, a large flash of light engulfed both teams and suddenly they found themselves in what appeared to be a boardroom with a formally dressed man who looked all too familiar to most of the ponies. Nova and Reneigah being the only ones who haven’t seen this fellow.

Realizing where he was, and who he was staring at, Coalstone’s happy and rejoiceful face turned to a face of anger as he began to charge at the man. Before Coalstone could even come close to the man, the dapper fellow turned violent himself and forcefully kicked the stone cutter away towards the wall, knocking him out.

“Silly, silly Coalstone. You really must learn to control your anger, lad. If not, that will happen much more in your lifetime.” The man informed as if he were a teacher. What made it even more chilling was he said it in a calm and even happy attitude. He turned his attention towards the crowd that stood before him. The man was a tall fellow, but to those who’ve seen him, he looked far different. Instead of his trademark crown and pink and blue ensemble, he instead had a fixed ruby as red as fire fixed on his forehead. It looked as though it was growing from his head. He wore tan slacks, a white dress shirt with a bright pink tie hanging from his neck, and a formal jacket sharing the same color as the tie. Aside from that, he looked about the same as First Spark, Candle Light, and Coalstone remember him to look like. Still with the glowing blue eyes and five o’clock shadow.

“Hello all. Welcome to BBQ Inc… We don’t have a slogan, we just own a lot of companies and businesses. Ms. Light! I’m glad you were able to make it! Did everybody manage to arrive on time? On your team at least?”

“No, unfortunately sir. Mr. Sentinel here explained he was the replacement for Purse Cutter.” Candle Light explained as she pointed toward the yellow stallion who was stripped of his armor.

“Oh, that’s a shame. Then again Purse would have looted the entire mansion so I suppose every glass is half full. Mr. Sentinel! I welcome you and all of you to the OC Apprentice. Where you COULD make a difference!” GOB exclaimed excitedly. “I’m sure you all have questions, so let me answer them before you ask them. I am aware you all represent a charity and know if you have any experience owning a company or not. Why did I chose you all? Well, nothing’s wrong with a little reunion is there? But I do enjoy the new face every now and then. That’s why you and Nova are here Miss Reneigah.” GOB said as he waved towards the two newcomers.

“Now you’re all wondering what the future holds for you. What experiences will you have during our time together? Well, how does one million “bits” sound to you? That’s right, the winner of this little contest of mine will earn one million bits, and another million for their charity.” As GOB finished his statement, the whole room, excluding the passed out Coalstone al gasped at the large sum of cash that’s been promised. GOB continued.

“Now, I’ll explain the mansion. Between challenges, you’ll need a place to stay. So I’m letting you all stay in my Winter Home in a secret location blind to anybody who passes by. Each team member will rest in their respective rooms separate from one another… Unless a couple of you become a little active and wish to share a room. Wink wink, nudge, nudge. Each team’s bedrooms will be on two separate wings. Team XxX_Illuminate_XxX will have the West Wing while team #Shrekt will take the East Wing of the mansion. During the day you all are more than allowed to use my mansion to its extent. There’s a pool and hot tub you can use, endless amounts of food, a cleaning crew that’ll come in and clean up after you, and a bunch of other things you all can pass the time with. It’s up to you all to decide who takes what room. Don’t worry, they’re all the same size, they just have different styles in decour. Your first challenge won’t be until three days from now, so you all have three days to settle into your temporary estate. Good luck, and may the force be with you… It’s funny because none of you get what I’m referencing.” With the snap of his fingers, GOB sent the two teams back to the large and neatly decorated foyer of the mansion. Leaving the two teams to decide on what to do next. The road to success begins here.

GOB sat alone in his office.

“I just realized Candle Light’s in the contest… I’ll have to run this company myself again.” GOB arose from his seat. His office was a new and brighter office than his older one. Behind him was a large window that let him watch the people from below go on with their daily lives. The walls were white and the floor was hardwood. As GOB stared out the window, an ugly, and disgusting thing caught his sight. A rival company as big as his own. A company he’s been fighting since he began BBQ Inc.

“Veggie Co.” GOB muttered. “I don’t know who runs you, and I don’t know why you chose to build your headquarters across the street from mine, but I will see the day when they have to knock your building to the ground… I may have to work alone for now, but it’ll only be for a short amount of time. Candle will be back sooner or later and she and I will take you down!” GOB exclaimed to himself as he banged on the glass.

“Are you alright sir?” A feminine voice asked. GOB turned and saw Barrel Roll in her wheelchair sitting in the doorway. She was dressed in her formal attire and was in her anthro form. Her bright neon green mane was tied into a bun.

“Yes, Ms. Roll, I’m doing fine. Just… Thinking out loud.”

As the last page explains, the first official challenge won't be announced until Friday or three days from now, why? Well, I want to see what the teams can produce for the OC's leasure time. So what do I want from them? I want them to detail each of the characters doing these listed things.

-Settling in (Choosing and moving into their rooms.)
-Making Aquaintences or disputes with teammates and or rival teammates.
-Inspecting and exploring the mansion
-Interacting with one another as if they were one big obnoxious family or annoying roomates.

And that raps up the first episode of the OC Apprentice! See you all next time!

Comments ( 5 )

But I do enjoy the new face every now and then. That’s why you and Nova are here Miss Reneigah.

I think you got the wrong person, nova was in the first competition

3699433 He was, wasn't he? Oh well.

3699542 lol, poor nova, everyone always forgets the little guys

Gotcha. So you want a bit from us individually, and some team interaction? I'll be sure to get in touch with them.:twilightsmile:

....You know I should have expected that you'd kick my guy to the curb, didn't think you'd do it literally. Anyway, eager to get in on the game and your guy better watch his back because sooner or later, Coalstone will finally get his shot in.

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