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Why You Should Stay Off Of The Deep Web · 3:11am Jan 8th, 2016

Why You Should Stay Off Of The Deep Web

There seems to be a kind of YouTube trend these days about downloading the Tor browser and going on the deep web. But today I want to talk about a few reasons why you shouldn't be one of those people.

I've had friends who have gone to the deep web, and I've used their computers so I know a lot about this subject. This is how you access the deep web, for anyone who might be curious. You use the Tor browser and you make sure that you don't have anything that could identify you open (like a word file, a picture file, anything). You make sure your other browsers are closed. You make sure you have extra security. Firewalls. The whole shabang. And guess what? You can and will still be hacked. Don't expect to use your laptop or computer or whatever else you are running the Tor browser off of casually after downloading it onto your device. It basically becomes the Tor unit. And then your information is free game for anyone. So you don't want anything that will identify you on your Tor unit; no pictures, no word files; no anything.

Things to expect on the deep web? Every kind of illegal thing you can think of. Drug markets, weapon markets, human trafficking, torture videos, the creepiest of the underworld people. It only gets worse from what I listed. Basically it is where the scum of the earth collects. And people who decide to use it casually...not knowing what they are getting themselves into. And nerdy people who know what they are doing and mess with everyone. For example, the nerdy people who leak 'sensitive information' such as secrets about aliens, what the government is hiding, and so on. 9/10 times, this 'leaked information' will be false (although I find it hilarious the surface web people think it is legitimately top secret information they've uncovered). The other one percent of 'leaked content' will genuinely be top secret stuff from somewhere. Although it might not be easy to figure where that 'somewhere' is/ originated from. And it can be even harder to distinguish the legitimate stuff from the fake stuff the trolls post for the kicks.

You navigate by going to the .Onion Wiki pages and clicking the links from the pages. However, you have to be careful about what you click/ navigate to because you might unknowingly be taken to a weapon dealer or other illegal site. Then guess what? Your computer IP gets traced by the police. And then your unit will get compensated and you will get fined or even get jail time for accessing things you should have never clicked on.

My advice? Don't get yourself involved. Creepy things go on there. My friends have a lot of creepy stories too, including one story about being cyber stalked on their web cam before they erased their hard drive and threw out their laptop. Yeah. Best to just read stories online about it/ watch information about it on YouTube or other information sharing sites. Don't get personally involved.

Comments ( 94 )

I was never planning on going to the deep web, but once you talked about this, now I know I'm not going to try anything. I've got more important stuff to do anyway.

3671664 That is good to hear. It is best to avoid using it if you can.

Awe, but I was gonna buy drugs filled with guns and sell it to the FBI for the $10,000 reward.

Oh well, the deep web will have to wait until I decide I'm stupid and want to risk my life/freedom for anything more illegal than what I can get at work.

(Pot. That means pot. Shitty stuff, too.)

Seriously though, I've heard about the deep web only because it sounded funny.

It's a messed up place where everything bad can and does happen. I looked at that .onion wiki and the stuff they listed was enough for me to want to scrub my entire computer. Major, international, illegal stuff goes on just from the stuff they proudly put on the FRONT PAGE. The deeper you get the worse I imagine it gets.

Tor can be useful, as a tool, like a calculator. Use it for simple legal tasks or to browse large breasted asian women without mom finding out.

Don't use it to do illegal stuff that causes harm, encourages harm, or supports anything that brings harm to another!

Lecture over, for now.

3671669 I'll do that, who is your avatar?

Question, is the private browse on Itouch similar to the deep web or no?

Apologies for being stupid.

3671672 The problem is that a lot of people don't know that Tor has a bunch of illegal stuff on it. Then they click links and get directed to weird things they never wanted to get involved with. Even nerdy people can fall victim to the hackers and other trolls on the deep web who like to plant viruses everywhere for the kicks. It can potentially be used for clean anonymous browsing (that was the initial intention for it) IF you know what you are doing. But even with a wide range of experience, you can still fall victim to random trolls, hackers, and nerdy people messing with people on Tor just because they can.

3671673 My avatar is Dogamy from undertale.

3671705 I have no idea who she is, and that's for the better, I'll find out once I get undertale and beat it.

3671680 No. The private browsing function on the iOS Safari (or really any browser these days) is an extra security measure to make sure that your device stays protected from hackers.

Tor was a a browser project to create a completely open, unmonitored, and private internet browser that anyone could access/ use. It started off as a good idea but quickly became a place where all of the illegal activity flocked to as it is harder to track it in Tor.

3671714 Dogamy is actually a guy. :P

3671727 Hmn, I thought that was a mustache, but then I considered it a gal anyway. Amy sounds girly.

3671731 Dogamy is the male dog. The girl dog is named Dogaressa.

thanks for clearing that up :). I used it when I was younger, so I wanted to clarify it was alright.

3671750 Basically, if you aren't using Tor browser or accessing anything with a .onion extension in your browser address bar, you should be fine.

I had never heard of the Deep Web til this blog post. Sounds absolutely terrifying!

3671792 It is definitely something that should be avoided, if possible. It is even risky to use it if you know what you are doing. I've seen weird stuff there and I have listened to enough stories from friends and other people who have downloaded it to never want anything to do with it, myself.

3671808 Yikes! Definitely not a place to go to, ever!

3671810 Yep. That is always the best course of action to take.

The Deep Web is only a second of three sections the internet has, though Lyra did not mention it and for very good reason. There is a third section called the Dark Web where far worse takes place. For any of you who wish to have even the faintest idea of what I am talking about, here is a video that talks about both from the youtuber Top5 who did a short documentary on the subject. And again as Lyra said do not test your luck with this stuff.

The trend is huge now because everyone wants to be cool and edgy. I say if anyone is stupid enough to access that obvious criminal side of the web, let em. Let em get what they deserve for going to that dark place. Stop being edgy and start being smart; stay away from the deep/dark web.

3671970 The entrance is always through Tor or other 'anonymous' browser projects though. Some other anonymous browsers are Whonix, Qubes, I2P, Tails, Subgraph OS, Freenet, Freepto, and Privatoria. The alternate anonymous browsers to Tor often have an extra layer of security (Freenet being one of the best examples) but still operate on a peer to peer data sharing network. Which means that even with that extra layer, people can still access your computer, monitor your keystrokes, and etc.

At the end of the day, if you don't know what you are doing, you should stay off of anonymous browsers. They have their use for very specific things (mostly to do, ironically, with peer to peer secure data transfer in certain situations). But for the uninformed, they can be dangerous places to explore.

3672006 That is the best course of action to take. It's always good to follow the old saying; 'When in doubt, don't try it out'.

luckily (on my one venture into it) I had the good sense to kill everything except tor and basic computer functions, didn't visit any chans (their descriptions were enough for me to get tf out of dodge)
it's quite a bad place, I can affirm that place will fuck your brain up, let's just say foalcon looks kid friendly comparatively:rainbowderp:

with a browser like that it only takes a couple of seconds to have "seen some shit", I highly suggest not using it for any excuse

3672062 Yep, it is best not to mess with Tor or other anonymous browsers. Like you said, weird stuff goes on in them. It is best to steer clear.

*Is told not to go onto Deep Web by senpai*
*Goes to Deep Web to rebel*
*Gets hacked* :raritydespair:

3672615 Oh nos Little Taco. You can't go there! :raritydespair:

3672668 My computer is full of little hacksaws now! Nuuu! :raritydespair:

3672672 I always remember you Little Taco. :fluttercry:

3672712 Finds all of the hackers and locks them away. Yay! Now you are free. ^0^

3672716 Yay! ^0^ Tank wu senpai! *Clings to your arm*

3672720 You are welcome Little Taco. Don't go on the Deep Web again. It is a dangerous place. T-T

3672722 *Goes to the Deep Web again* :scootangel:

3672734 RIP Little Taco. I knew ye well. :fluttercry:

3673140 :raritydespair: There are no cat pictures here!

3679332 There are. But they are scary cat pictures. :P

3679359 *Looks at one* :raritydespair: I am traumatized...

3679388 That's why you shouldn't look at them. :P

3679512 I'm going deeper Leo. *Goes deeper inside Deep Web*

3679522 Don't go deeper! You'll never return. :raritydespair:

3679956 It's just a shit ton of bwongs. :fluttershysad:

3683294 I'm always remember you Little Taco. T-T RIP.

3684315 My ears can't take the bwongs anylonger! :raritydespair: Oh hey... Another part of Deep Web... I wonder what this is. :rainbowhuh:

3684483 I got eaten by a shark and I'm not even on the deep web. ^0^

3684538 Oh God... Senpai... Don't go through that door in the Deep Web... :raritydespair:

3684568 I'm not on the deep web though. I am on the deserted island of MySpace. :rainbowkiss:

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