• Member Since 5th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 13th

Jin Shu

I do what I can.

More Blog Posts65

  • 316 weeks
    Buckle Up

    New chapter is entering revision phase. As per my last blog post, please use spoiler tags where appropriate.

    Also buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride.

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  • 339 weeks
    Concerning Spoilers

    I would like to remind readers of Equestrian Horizon that spoilers in comments should be covered with the requisite markup tags or avoided in the first place. This will be relevant now more than ever. Just saying.

    0 comments · 409 views
  • 344 weeks
    A short detour

    Took another detour before heading back in on Equestrian Horizon.

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  • 345 weeks

    Things I discovered writing this piece:

    • I suck at naming stories and chapters.
    • I suck at writing synposes.
    • I cannot post pieces to FiMFiction without titles or synposes, so my terrible ones will have to suffice.
    • I only have a partial idea of how to write Tempest, but also a desire to do so which is infuriating.

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    0 comments · 395 views
  • 346 weeks
    I'm not dead

    So I got sucked into Final Fantasy XIV and left Equestrian Horizon to languish unfinished. Then my computer died.

    All data is safely backed up on separate drives or in the cloud but I am sans gaming rig for the time being. I am still going to attempt to finish EH by the end of the year. The next chapter, Ouroboros, is done and currently in the proofing and revision phase.


    1 comments · 366 views

Less is More · 5:07am Jan 3rd, 2016

So after some review, I've deleted two chapter outlines and... the main villain.

I know, I know. What story would be complete without a villain? The answer is: this one.

Adding a huge villain would have hijacked the story from the already introduced characters. I've decided to stick with the roots and work within the framework that has already been established. The story is a war drama revolving around the personal relationships between the protagonists during the campaign in the north and the spy games they get caught up in during their adventure. There are already several subplots that need dealt with, specifically involving Rafale, Cindermane, and Firefly's past. The story flows better with the cuts and without Hassk as the villain.

Make no mistake, there will still be an epic conclusion and an overarching plot that will be resolved by the end of the book. There will be ancient magic involved, but the characters will retain their agency and there will be twists and turns on the way to keep things interesting.

But in case you wanted some of my musings on creating a big bad elder dragon, enjoy some blurb on Hassk. Internet points for the AC fans who catch the reference.

Sheikh Hassk al-Akhund
The former leader of a rogue group of black dragons, Hassk has aligned himself with Pernach, seeing the pirates as his ticket to controlling the Crystal Empire. His list of monikers is as long as his ego. Aegaeon, Chernobog, Taranus, and Tethra are all names that Hassk has been called depending on the ponies and griffons he has terrified. His newest title is “Sheikh.” Hassk sees himself as a transformational figure, a divine being that has the right to shape the world in his own image. He plans on proving this through conquest if his plans with Cindermane’s company go through. Hassk is hiding something, however, even from Cindermane; something that makes him even more dangerous than he seems.

Because of the chapter deletions, I'm currently writing an entirely new chapter (two actually) to properly bridge the key plot points I've laid out. The next 2 chapters will cover the journey back to Topaz and the second will contain a huge twist. I'll drop a hint without spoiling: STHF.

Happy reading.

Comments ( 1 )

I just finished watching "The Pacific", the ww2 miniseries about the pacific theatre and the companion to "Band of Brothers". It was interesting to see the soldiers direct their anger at the enemy and their ethos directly, instead of at a figurehead everyone knows and hates, like hitler. So it's totally possible to craft a story with all the highs and lows of wartime without a central villain. Considering this is a fantasy world with rich lore the cast is currently digging up, it may work well to frame the conflict as equestria vs a remnant of some evil, since that is so often the way the show sets things up.

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