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Serene Remembrance · 1:08pm Jan 1st, 2016

I know, I know, it's a little late for a retrospective blog. Heck, I think it's almost January 2nd just west of the International Date Line. But I wanted to write this both in 2016 and after getting a good night's sleep. Read on for a look back and a look forward, especially if you read the Friendship is Card Games series.

So. 2015 was a very productive year for me in terms of pony fiction. I more than doubled my published story count, going from sixteen to thirty-three. Granted, most of them were four-digit, single-chapter affairs, but I was able to get out a longer work in Oversaturation. It didn't garner as much attention as I'd hoped, but I'm still happy with it, and I plan on revisiting that universe soon.

Still, I did write quite a few notable stories. Several contest winners, several featured stories, a few surprisingly controversial tales... It's gratifying to know I'm actually pretty good at this. Thank you, everyone. :twilightsmile:

Also, as of writing this, I have exactly 666 followers. Kind of ironic that's on the day I decommission the pony-reindeer hybrid avatar that so horrified some people.

That's the look back. As for the look forward, I need to address an elephant in the room: I am very nearly out of uncommented pony episodes. There are only two left, and one of them is coming this Saturday. I definitely want "Magical Mystery Cure" to be the final installment before Season 6, but between then and now, there are a few more bits and bobs I can use to stretch it out. Namely, the Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games lead-up shorts. Those would fill two weeks if I choose to take them on.

Still, by the end of January, I'll be fresh out. Then I need to face the question of "Then what?" There are a few options on the table. I could wax philosophical about ponies in general from a card game-oriented perspective. I could take on famous fan fiction. Or I could try to refocus my Magic-themed creative energy on tales of Ditzy Planeswalker. As fun as this has been, I suspect that Friendship is Card Games consumed all of my drive to unite the two IPs.

Tell me what you'd like me to do below. I'll take all comments under advisement, especially the ones that bring up options I haven't considered. Happy New Year, everyone. Let's make it one to remember, preferably for good reasons.

Comments ( 17 )

Or I could try to refocus my Magic-themed creative energy on tales of Ditzy Planeswalker.

yes please!

Can confirm it is the 2nd of January here on Australia's east coast, though only barely.

It's always interesting reading your musings on how ponies work and the like through the lens of Magic, but as a fan of Ditzy Planeswalker, seeing more of her, be it in more chapters of Sideboard or a whole new adventure, would be very awesome.
(And that reminds me that I've been slacking with my own pony planeswalker prose, much to my chagrin.)

If you've got the cash, you could try Friendship is Card Gaming the comics. Many of the early issues are really cheap, and there are a few deals that pop up from time-to-time that get you entire books worth for a few bucks.

If you can get your hands on it, maybe the 80's seasons of My Little Pony? Present Perfect reviewed them all and from his analysis, they aren't as sickeningly sweet as we all assumed.

There's also doing cards of other series that you've watched. Who says you have to stick to My Little Pony?

Something to consider.

More Ditzy Planeswalker yas plz

I would totally read you waxing (or waning) philosophical on ponies, whether from the perspective of card games, or otherwise. (You taking on famous fanfics might be neat, too!)

Congratulations on your success this past year: I'd like to say I'm not jealous, but that would be false :twilightsheepish:

You should do the main comic series next.

If you want my opinion...

Do a friendship is card games on G1. Think about it, it could be like an early version of the system itself. We could have Wind Whistler (B) as a card. Erabus the wind elemental or LAvon the fire elemental. Megan, planeswalker and savior of worlds. OR Conally, Firestorm creator (No, I will not get over the fact that the creator of Firestorm worked on MLP G1. Its like how Marv 'I made Robin into Nightwing and created Blade' Wolfman wrote for Jem)

I am all for more Ditzy Planeswalking. Those sure were some fun times. :derpytongue2:

The idea of Ditzy Planeswalker is great, more :derpyderp1: is always appreciated, but the idea of you being a fic critic and putting them into cards is also dynamite! I can't decide now :derpytongue2:

Options 1 & 2. I like your philosophy.

*meekly requests the Phthesis is Magic reboot*

While I enjoyed your foray into different story archetypes, a return into the Magic themed would be a refreshing sight.

However, I do have one request.
If I'm not mistaken, you have yet to write a Friendship is Cardgames for Rainbow Rocks.

I'm afraid you are mistaken with regards to Rainbow Rocks. You can read that blog here.

Man, I like all of those ideas! I do like some good philosophy, the idea of MTG cards based on famous fics sounds great, and I would love to hear more tales of Ditzy (and Pinkie) the planeswalker(s)! If I had to narrow those choices down to just one, though... I think I'd have to go with Ditzy tales. Or maybe the famous story cards. No, Ditzy tales. That said, I'd love to see cards from the stories on my favorites shelf. But I could add a new story to that shelf if FoME writes about Ditzy tales. But...


Once Friendship is Card Games is over, do you think you could collect the cards together into a convenient single place? In case anyone wants to try building some decks around them, and also so you can have a proper citation when you add "wrote umpty-thousand words of pony cards" to your list of achievements.

It should be easy enough to move the master text file to a Google document. The biggest pain will probably be italicizing all of the reminder and flavor text. I usually write out the italic tags. Still, a relatively small impediment.

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