• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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    Full Steam Ahead!

    A backer returned, so more updates!

    Behold! Still room for more if you want your story worked on.

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    Upped to Mature

    The patron requested it, so Blue Wedding Belles is now rated Mature, and will proceed under that banner. Figured I should post an alert about that.

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A Year · 5:55pm Dec 27th, 2015

Well, my first year is over as a Fimfic author, and I did about 2 million words. Not bad, I think?

What will the next year bring for us?

Have you enjoyed the ride?

Comments ( 29 )

Two million! Jebus christ' i maybe have 100k at rhe most.

Well lets hope for one more year and yet more words to come.

Depending upon what standard you use, the longest published novel weighs in at about 1.7 million words and was also serialized as your stories are, so 2 million in a year is impressive no matter how you look at it.

Congratulatuons! Thank you for the hard work, and I hope you continue to share the fruits of your labor with your fans in times to come.

3646045 The name of Jeebus has already been invoked. Nuf said. "Holy jeebus man!"

Well, it's probably not as much as the guy who make the "Rainbow Dash goes east" thing, but that's still a lot. It's been a good ride, but it's probably not going to end anytime soon.

3646185 He's at 2.5 million, but has been going for many years.

His days are numbered.

Have you counted the fact that he has several accounts?

3646436 No, nor can I. One account, one count. Making multiple is your own decision.

Well, his main is shortskirtsandexplosions, apparently.

3646445 Oh, that guy, yep, not gonna even try. He's one of about two people that outproduce me.

Yeah, never knew how you guys could manage to write so much every day.
Meh, actually, whatever. I'm not complaining.

This has been a really nice year.
And as we know: The riDE NEVER ENDS :pinkiecrazy:

The first chapter of Dangerous Sparkle was published on the 29th of December, so not quite a year. You'll probably make it though. :derpytongue2:

2 million is a really big number, but the sheer quantity of words is probably the least of your achievements. Anyone can sit on a keyboard until they have millions of letters. Getting more than 400 people to follow you is probably a better indicator of the value of your work.

3646216 I have been binge reading the silververse canon and there are some things I have noticed.
1. You really fucking hate typos.
2. You really really fucking hate typos.
3. In your earlier stories, when your characters have sex, you were really careful to skirt the line between teen rating and mature rating with your descriptions, but in 'The Silver Stars' you either dropped the ball or just gave up on keeping it teen rated.
4. Silver needed to grow a fucking pair and in the latest story, he has, in both the figurative and the literal sense.
5. You really really REALLY fucking hate typos.
6. Silver doesn't have a mean bone in his body and just lets the insults and injuries just roll right off of him (which is really Christian* of him I just realized) but when he finally exacts some revenge he gets slapped on the nose really hard with the "No, don't break character" stick.
7. You encourage other readers to write stories in your 'Verse which is really cool and not a lot of authors do that.

P.S. The story you and me talked about is still being written and thought about in my spare time although I still don't know of a title for the story.
P.P.S. Can we do a collab chapter when I get my character in a good position to do so?
*I said Christian, and not Christian-like because the definition of Christian is of or like Christ. So, if I said Christian-like, I would be saying " like Christ-like"

3646919 Hm? What scene in Silver Stars blew the budget? Beneath a Silver Sky sure did, but it was rated mature.

3646931 That's what I meant, i was looking at 'Beneath a Silver Sky' and saw the "this is a sequel to the silver stars" and i had a brain fart. i blame it on the fact that one of my christmas presents was the christmas flu.
but honestly, i think that a couple of the luna sequences was pushing the budget a little bit. dont remember which one, but there were a couple that skirted really close.

3646999 Ah, okay. That one is rated mature. If you finished it, its deviancy is actually a bit more logical.

3646931 you gonna answer my other questions tho?

3647002 im still reading beneath a silver sky, and so far i think the ornamentation *ahem* is still not really explained really well...but then again, im only on chapter 35 i think...

3647007 I didn't see other questions? Just statements. I think I missed them. Rephrase please?

3647017 the post scripts. press refresh.

3647036 Depends on how you collab.

Congrats! I have to catch up with your story as I've been lagging behind Roots of Stone.

3647118 It's coming along well I think.

3647052 i dont know how i collab...this is gonna be my first attempt at writing...

3647292 Then I'll say how I collab. Open a google doc both can edit, type back and forth like roleplaying, making a story. Type as you notice it's your turn, continue until done.

3647304 seems like it could work. now i should probably start writing. i have mostly been writing in my head and forming ideas and thought trains, letting it percolate.

Two million, huh?

That's quite a bit of output. I couldn't match that... even if I had the time to and suddenly my words anxiety disappeared, I might not want to, preferring to have time for things that aren't writing. :rainbowwild:

I have been enjoying quite a bit of it, though, and I hope you've been enjoying producing it.

3648292 Thanks for walking this road with me. It's been an interesting part of my life, to be certain.

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