• Member Since 11th May, 2013
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Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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The Crystal War Timeline- SombraPie Edition · 2:50am Dec 16th, 2015

You thought it was over... But in reality, it has only just begun.

I put a page break because this might get hella long. Probably. More than likely. It's definitely gonna happen.

So, after shitposting at 3AM on Sunday morning this past weekend, I've been thinking about the Sombra Timeline from the finale and then I started thinking about SombraPie offhandedly and suddenly, I got hit in the face with inspiration and now I'm back in SombraPie hell. I thought I got out, but it turns out I was never out to begin with.

This blog is gonna be about random, different things that this AU is gonna have (at least for me, y'all do you if you want):

-Pinkie is a part of dynamic duo that is shared with Maud, and they are notorious for their acts in the war.
-Pinkie has a bionic leg similar to Rainbow's wing, but her's is detachable and is only used for walking. She sleeps without it and sometimes runs into battle without it because of a surprise ambush or lack of time in general.
-She didn't lose her leg because of the war. Because she didn't gain her talent for partying, she worked on the farm for a good time. She lost her leg when it was crushed under a boulder due to landslide.
-Pinkie's sister, Marble, works in textiles like Rarity, AJ, and Fluttershy. Pinkie did the same, but she joined the army when Limestone was injured and honorably discharged.
-Pinkie cut her hair to look and feel like Limestone. She doesn't want her death to have been in vain.
-Pinkie doesn't usually talk because no one can take her naturally high voice seriously.
-Pinkie finds lot of things to be funny, but for the reason stated above, she doesn't do it. That, and she doesn't wanna come off as weird.

-Sombra decided to wage war against Equestria when he faced little opposition upon his return. (I'm supposing that this either implies that Cadence wasn't there to stop him or that he defeated her)
-Sombra's army is controlled by the armor that Sombra designed and gives them no freedom in their actions. Only his most trusted soldiers aren't permitted to wear it and they are a lucky few who must watch their friends suffer enslavement.
-Sombra doesn't have any consorts or anything of the sort. Only confidants.
-His corruption did not come from heartbreak.

How they met(different scenario ideas):
-Pinkie and her team go to ambush Sombra's soldiers after they stole supplies and they go rogue to get them back. Pinkie is captured while trying to hold off the soldiers so that an injured Maud can get away. She's taken to the palace, where Sombra greets her and tries to get information from her, but fails time after time due to her loyalty.

-Pinkie and Maud are both captured as they have bounties on their heads (preferably alive) and Pinkie bargains with Sombra for Maud to be released. Maud tries to fight back, but Pinkie tells her, "You've spent your whole life keeping me safe. It's time I return the favor." Pinkie stays in the castle prison while Maud is brought back home under special orders not to be hurt. (PIE SISTER FEELS)

-Sombra leads an attack on the camp Pinkie resides in and Pinkie sees him up close and personal when he's surrounded by her fellow soldiers. While he's warding them off, Pinkie is the only one to land a hit on him by launching onto him when he's not paying attention. (I like to imagine that as soon as Pinkie's on him, she leans over to his ear and whispers, "Gotcha," while grinning. Sombra still can't get her voice out of his head.) He gets away, but not without Pinkie getting some damage on him.

-Sombra, in the midst of battle, barks out, "Can I get a hoof here?!" Pinkie responds by throwing her bionic leg at him and shouts out, "There ya go!" (As soon as she got her new leg, she had been waiting for an opportunity just like that one.) He's still pissed about it, whereas Pinkie can't stop laughing about it.

-Alternatively, Sombra's in the midst of laughing evilly and she just chucks a rock at him. Bonus: it knocks him out and no one really knows what to do anymore.

-Sombra gets a hold of one of Equestria's soldiers and turns him into a puppet to use to spy on their works. He meets Pinkie through him and he's oddly intrigued by her. They end up becoming friends and Sombra grows fond of her. (They eventually meet in person and when he greets himself in the way the puppet did, Pinkie's hurt and she lashes out at him, but can't admit she didn't feel anything in return.)

-Pinkie captures Sombra and is tasked with interrogating him, but he can't take her seriously because of her sweet voice. She ends up beating the hell out of him, but he could care less.

-Sombra is overthrown by the Umbrum and he is left for dead as they wage war on Equestria in his place. Celestia is merciful and saves him from his fate, and Pinkie ends up spending time with him as he helps them plan ways to end the war between the turned Crystal to Shadow Empire.

-Pinkie is tasked with having to seduce Sombra as a member of his harem and things get real awkward real fast.

And then there's just little, cute tidbits I wanna get down that could go into any of these scenarios, generally speaking:

-Pinkie rediscovers her love for ice-skating within the icy north of the Crystal Empire. (Bonus: The ice isn't stable and Pinkie is either saved by Sombra or Pinkie nearly gets killed saving someone else. Another bonus: Sombra nurses her back to health.)
-Pinkie's escape plans, getting crazier and weirder with every attempt until Sombra just says, "Let her stay in the castle with me for God's sake."
-Pinkie making friends with the kitchen staff at Sombra's castle and learning how to bake from them. Her first attempts weren't great, but she gets very good at it.
-Pinkie and Sombra discussing politics. Not even arguing, just discussing different political stances and stuff. (This post comes to mind. NSFW tho.)
-Pinkie pulling pranks on Sombra because he's not paying attention to her and he finally just goes, "OH MY GOD, FINE, I'LL HANG OUT WITH YOU, GOD." And she's just like, "Not with that tone, you're not." And he just wants to explode.
-That awkward first time together and the morning after. "Did that really happen." "Yeah." "...I hear they're making pancakes this morning." "Oh, that sounds nice, let's go get some."
-The castle staff kinda just watch them from afar and have betting pool over what's gonna happen between them.
Autumn Gem, the castle nurse, and Amber Waves, a soldier without mind control, are Pinkie's closest friends in the empire and she ends up getting them swept up into her little schemes that usually end with Sombra going, "How is it that whenever something happens, it always ends up with you three being the cause?"
-Sombra's working on a spell and Pinkie scares the living bejeezus out of him and the explosion makes her hair go crazy curly. ("...What." "Nothing." "You're looking at me weird!" "It's just, uh... Your hair." "What do you-- Oh. Huh... Well, what do you think?" "...I think I like it like that.")
-That really awkward moment when Maud finds out about them and isn't sure what to think because: a) Sombra's a tyrant, but b) he makes her sister happy and that's not something that ponies can usually do, but c) he's still a tyrant, wtf Pinkie.
-Pinkie laughing more because Sombra convinces her it's not such a bad thing.
-Pinkie learning how to make other ponies laugh.
-Pinkie learning about her true talent despite how history's changed.
-Sombra realizing that he loves her and that she's all he needs.
-Pinkie realizing she loves him back and that the war can end.
-Sombra and Pinkie putting an end to the war once and for all, no matter the cost.

ANGSTY tidbits:

-Sombra revealing his past to Pinkie and his regrets for his actions.
-Pinkie opening up her heart for the first time to someone she knows has the power to break it.
-Pinkie finding the Crystal Heart and Sombra making the decision to keep ruling or to keep Pinkie.
-Pinkie being taken away from Sombra or vice versa, knowing they might never see each other again.
-Pinkie escaping captivity to save Sombra from the darkness inside him.
-Pinkie/Sombra seeing the life they could have together if the war ended. (Bonus: it's them in the world where Starlight didn't interfere with the past.)
-Pinkie/Sombra sacrificing themselves so that the other one can live.

But, to lighten the mood, imagine this scene:

Pinkie rolled over and snuggled into Sombra's side. He couldn't help but smile at her, so innocent and sweet in her sleep.

"I could murder you," she murmured sleepily.

Sombra's smile weakened, but didn't disappear as he knew that she wouldn't go through with it. "I know."

Basically their relationship in that verse. Also, I got on derpibooru and, once I figured out how the tagging system worked there, FOUND NEW SOMBRAPIE ART!

I have a lot more stuff I wanna say about this, but I don't remember all of it, so I bet if you ask me about it, I'll remember. That, and it might give me new ideas for stuff in the future.

The King will never die.

Comments ( 13 )

>tfw I was the one that requested that be made a few months ago mostly inspired because of your stories.
Good times...

Oh I've seen their work! And don't worry, you can do what you want! Also, I'm a multi-shipper, so I don't mind seeing new ships!

Wait, really? Which one?

Sorry that the hyperlink kinda blended in, forgot inlaying pics was a thing on this site.
I was referring to this picture: derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/11/11/762380__safe_pinkie+pie_monochrome_cute_king+sombra_artist-colon-aaron+amethyst_sombrapie.png

Aw! It's so cute! And I'm flattered that you requested this because of my stories.

I just wanted to say, I always love reading your interpretations and your headcannons, because you put so much thought and work into them. You really think of all these different angles and how they'd work. I often find my own headcannons being changed to match yours, because you put so much intelligent and logical thought in to them, they make so much sense to me I just accept them.

By the way, did you get the chance to read the finale of the Siege of the Crystal Empire comic? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the ending! I think there might be a mini-freakout coming. (No Spoilers!)


Oh, I haven't! I should get on that soon, though. And thanks so much for your kind words!

-Sombra, in the midst of battle, barks out, "Can I get a hoof here?!" Pinkie responds by throwing her bionic leg at him and shouts out, "There ya go!" (As soon as she got her new leg, she had been waiting for an opportunity just like that one.) He's still pissed about it, whereas Pinkie can't stop laughing about it.

Oh my god that is hilarious!

Years down the line, as Sombra's working, he sighs and says, "God, I could really use a hoof here."

He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see Pinkie holding her bionic leg, smiling cheekily.

"I hate you," he tells her.

"No you don't," she replies, kissing him on the cheek.


And I'm dead. You have killed me. I am typing from beyond the grave. Afterlife's got a suprisingly good Internet connection.

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