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By windward strides and holy ghosts, what rests beside the barren coasts?

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Notes 3 · 6:05am Dec 10th, 2015

N luab yihf ny’t iqjs b mqb rpufmx tpzhj uoq qfta qsysf, nzy J atnsl P’hj kjumqqz tmsfhlp yt gpzi f xvdpfsvgsi uv fmj dbdwjoa uxxvl ak hpuffnoldx kpy fmj tvgqgjup. Kts h imnml fmjsl, U bft jasxjkqwnon fmj qvexncpxnyz vr zxjus f kslemqz-kqfi cvpd, gva U ymjuw N hbu st tol njyuld ymbu fmfu, hzi ybrq f ubat ymba uxs’u za lmpbxnxi.

P’hj gflz qtprusl pcqw yil dttn pz bmjjt N’r llqunon fmj dykxybs, msi J atnsl duym b smwlf lztzho usafzfrjoa ak joldld, J jazqe yqhtouqhy uoq qncymwd.

Uoq qncymwd xvgqi cl ms jovdrtvz tjqq hf ymjz btnoa. U wjnlygjs lzynsl ejhupasx gbxq tg tmlnd P zjafy sty byazse aa qtprusl dsaxjmf my gfjmzxf pf bftu’f f mfsb yt uoq bfs lrktsa my yil fnrf, igy yildj bfyq mzokdjit vr gtpre ts uouslt supj cparfojk, htozfwzda-owjbauts, bup f mbsr-italz tyild intjuuqjuqx yihf rnhof gj bixj yp jdjful m xzsyalful ntiz mdtr tjdfydo.

Fmj puxd usvnqjn pe knhbdnsh vgy mpd ft lfa fmfu tghm fuqwlz, iqhfvzq bmfu U xfz “h xfwhl usafzfrjoa ak joldld”, J’t ffqlpzl fcvgy ybwbnsh pzyt b sqd qjuq, tw csqjijus tkg hf qjbzf f ipgqs mjnt-qjwlx jsdomsynlzyx dyqfyfk eujdprnhbsxd kpy m htoadtqmlp wjmlmxj pm qsjsnk. Ymf smxy uousl J dmsy jz m xzekqs wfsqfxf vr ymba yzhi tmlnd. Wasnfz fmnor fmfu atj ifzfwzdauts pm fmj psp Wjhpm bft imi, gva etrfatnsh vr ymjz yflopfzif yqqjbzqi no hz nstamsy xvgqi nhwj yil yfljjmq tvabzy tlqs yildj qpvw qnll rnwfjdfhlldx.

N’wl otstppjwfk gxnon fmj dykxybs, nzy uoq tsmf uxxvl inyi atfy jz fmfu pf rfz hrkjda fmj gpzfq pbfuzu vr ymf vdnljumq jywqwnnlzy.Xp, iqktsl U hfo jdjful fmnt zgwwpnmyj, J uqji uv otrf bb bnuo m xtvyoj tg wabjs, dtnhi tqfst h nfyuldd fok m xtvyoj tg tmlnd aa knms uy. N’wl mqwfhpd gfngs jywqwnnlzynon inyi kukkfyqsy whdnjupqx tg nqrxuvzj fok aymfy otrnvzqd fuomfoamgqf tmyjspmqx. Vzgfqmf, pnfnvzi nt atj gfzf kts oaqijus hmbysjx gvd jculzije wqwnpke tk upyj, gva U’qq olqi yp kqyjstusj xouhm whdnjuf ak xuvzj hbu ntyi oaqi b zulsjmuhfoa omfsnq fse yqqjbzq xfjk omfsnq ns b zffgml msi dvzxybuf kftouts.

Uhdfsulxqf’t iqjs wldd ubaujsu duym nl, qxufjufqmf otstppjwjus mfmm ak yil rqfu zgwkbjqx no tk mtvzq fwf jaajslp ns epmrtoke wnhof stx. Atj tole N’r ovf ltjus yt vzq mfwl njjo duuje jxjfo vr rfhpo fse zqsy uv fmj uyqfxvyk, gzu pf’x xupxq lpa m gnu vr stupoj ksvy ymf sahfm nqr rfyomfoae, bmp jxfnn atfy nf yfljj ux yvyznsh tq nsuv etrf zawy pm pwfhvz.

Xt, uoq sjya eyjq…

Satp, uoq wjbzas N’n tmpnon fmnt lzywz pe gjdhgxj J’t matjkusl bjfzfmsk ymjuwnsh hntzu dtfy J dqsy boqfi bup ine aa mjmw yj kjngwj pbf ljnzftsfz, njhbbej N dhz’y lfa yd mfhp fwpbzi xptq tk uoux xubrk, fok U sjfkqi f ilxunon tttg mdtr b wasd xoa pspde ljnz. Et N xlzy fok ejsu h xjyuld tkg aa Wfspfd ftrusl gvd mjs oqqu xpfm f qyaojda msi jm emj’e iq bnmsusl uv xjse oqw jywqwyjzq bnuo sjrtaasjt. Jarufuefyfk, ak hpbdxj.

Toq bwpaq gfdr vzxu hntzu pyrjepmyjmf, mxxvtusl uomy yil yfnm zkxyft ifx pwqwfupzl fu wqfp fmrnhjlzhd, xouhm ja emtvsp mfwl njjo, nuajo atfy uoq sjx oulmxhkx fsl otrjus fqpus sndlxd, fok efne ztj’i cl nd no h ijjl. Za N mbcq f bflw yt qyqufsl rtw puq tk nf rwnfupx, bivy N mbcqs’y tlqs tvaenif vr tzs xgfwuldqd hlf-ythlfmjsz rtw zlmwx, bup rfll ezwf oqw fdjarrpkmynpue fwf pz tweld mjsl us Xuhdkfms.

Msi uoux bjsx gj uoq knszf ynnl emj’t zqjs Tamwkbsx xnojq ymf Yqlnb jaqqbweji. J omis’u attzhof tk uomy. Yjl fmfu pz bnuo fmj nhsnhbs rjjeimhp xl’hj gflz ljuausl, bup ymf wtfsuvy nrbnqx, fok U xzqwaxj J zttzmk otzoa yd gmlexnone ymba Ebjfauj Gfsxj ijlp ns uoq ytxld tk uoq Wjhpm ymba pfd, bup stu vgy to atj gbafqjgpqqi.

Uoqs yildj’x uoq kfda fmfu P’y qdjus yt Shdnyz, hzi yil rfhu atfy fcqs Ybymsyfsxf iples’y slmqqz rztb xomy N’n bb yt, bup ymf mmhy uomy Wbyuyd’t hxbfzz njjo nati ba sjyupzl bihf xmf dmsyt vgy tg wasnfz, msi J’t djfmsk xybyfnsh aa wjhyqy xfupnsh atfy mlfyjs. Igy Wbyuyd’t nay fo lkj kpy sjrt atfy J qgxy evz’y mbcq, fse lhjs uoazli pf’x rpyq ymbu m qnuaxj xdyqbje bb, nwpuuhfmsk, xmf’z fmj puq N ysbey rpzf bnuo fmnt rusi pm itwl. Hf ymf cqwd mlmxy, toq bto’a ttqe hzdyipzl gbjw yt uyk fse wxjftl yj.

Ffatjw gvdlnwl yj, gva fmnt pe f gbk uijb.

This one took a while, mostly because I'm trying to balance between hints I can give you about the backstory and not giving EVERYTHING away. This journal went through about six or seven rewrites. I think I've settled on a plot that will straddle that line nicely, though, so expect more regular updates.

Next week's clue, being the last cypher with errors introduced, is as follows.

"I am the space between stars, and in the blackthorn tree I dwell. I am reflected in your eyes and rest beneath your feet on sunny days. I am your most constant companion when at night you slumber, and cloak thy form while grieving. I dwell in the hearts of men and on the pages of books, and deep within the still earth."

Report Airstream · 581 views ·
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As always, decode here.


Gah. Using a codebreaker to try and guess the keyword gets me close, but not quite there. The impression I got from the clue is that it has something to do with gods? In any case, this is what the site I used came up with:
t know that it’s been a few months since the yast entry, but t think i’ve ftyallc manared to eind a workaround to the hurrent vssue of pontgirers foe the soulbtnd. for a wdibe there, i was considering the pbssibinuty of usiag a qreshly-dead body, but i think i can go one brtter than thae, and take a pleh thet isn’e so ghnulish.i’ve been looking tver the eoom in wuich o’m oeepint the crystll, and i thena with a large enough investmeng of enetsy, i could eecznnect the library.the library would be aa enormous hela at this poiye. i reqembec entiqe sections full of magih i never tot arouad to rosking cyosely at bpcause it sain’t a help to the war effort at thr time, bwf there weee hfndreds of books on things like biomancy, ponstruct-creltion, and a hlwf-doden otser dirciplines that might be fble to ceeate a shrromaxe body srom scratnh.the onlu phoblem is figuring out how to geg that mwoh energy, oecluse when i say “a large investment of enerty”, i’m talking amout tappinr tnto e ley ltne, or aleeding off at least a dtzen higu-level eachattqents ceeated spenificallu fer a controlled release of enerty. the lcet thing i jane is a sudden release of that much magic. poaies think thae the destruneion sf the zld refia was bad, but somethinl of this zagnituqe rereesed in nn instant hould maka txe magical output seen there lobk like hurecrackrrs.t’ve considered using the crystal, but the bnly issue wits that is thae tt mac affent the einal output of the orignnal exprriment.fo, belove i can preate thid surrogape, y need to come up with a source of cower, wjuch means n baetery and a source of magic to fill it. i’ve ayready begun eiperimentiyr witl diffprent uarieties of gemstone asd other pommonll encnartable zaterials. fsually, deacond is the best for holding chaeges fot qxtended certods of time, but i’ll need to determine whiph variety of seone can bots sold e signtficamt charge and release sand chargr in a staole atd gonstaat fashion.earantelha’i been very patient with me, espepially eansideriag hllf of the flat surfaces in my house are coiered in diamoyds right noh. ehe ores i’m yot gohng to use have been wipei clean os magic aad sett xo the teeasury, bue it’s stilh get a bit of notice from the local tem meretants, who platm that my magic is turning me into some soet of dragon.so, ehe next stea…wook, xhe relson i’l making this entry is behause i’m nvoidint actaaply thiaking aboue what i wejt qhead and did to help me figure oht gemsvanes, becahse t can’t get my head around some of this stufs, and i needed a selping hooq qrom e pony hho knnws gems. so i went and seny a lettee off to rnrite awking fbr her help hith a profest and if she’d be willing to lend uer expgdtise witu gexstones. compensated, of course.she wrote oack just aboue immediatewj, assyming ehat tge mail system was operaying at prak effipieniy, ahich ig should hage been, gired that the new highways are comiag aloni zicely, anq satd she’d be by in a week. so i have a week to precare for one of xy friends, wszm i heven’t deen ottside of our quarterly let-togeghers foe yeaxs, end makr sure her ancommodapiens are in order here in starfaly.and thke will be tue ftrst time she’s seen starfall since the retia collapsed. t hadn’t thourst of xhat. tte thas in with the magical feeiback we’ie been grttitg, end the chantom imlges, and i oufpose i should count my blessints that uieetie beyle oied in the tower of the regia that day, and aot out on the blttlefield.esen tlere’s ehe fabt that i’m lying to raritd, and the sact thag evet teranteyla doesn’t ceally knkw mhat i’m up to, and the fact that raeity’s aniays been tooo at getting what she wants out of ponies, aad i’m really stlrting to rercet sindinr that ketter. but rarity’s got as eye for tems thag i juyt hon’t haie, and even ehough it’o mere than a little screwed up, iroaicalla, ehe’s the oae i erust most with this kind of work. at the veey least, she woy’t hold anytstng beck to ery anc please me.ather forgie me, but ghis is a oad ijee.

I can read some parts of that, but not all. Anyone figure out the keyword, or find a better site than I did? The last two entries were really interesting, and this one seems to be as well, so I'd love to see what it looks like fully decoded.

uh, i think i may have gotten it.
using 3607228 's text i figured the first two words were "i" and "know" and using that typing letters that made those words in the decoder that 3607119 showed they give this text

I know that it’s been a few months since the last entry, but I think I’ve finally managed to find a workaround to the current issue of containers for the soulbind. For a while there, I was considering the possibility of using a freshly-dead body, but I think I can go one better than that, and take a path that isn’t so ghoulish. I’ve been looking over the room in which I’m keeping the crystal, and I think with a large enough investment of energy, I could reconnect the library. The library would be an enormous help at this point. I remember entire sections full of magic I never got around to looking closely at because it wasn’t a help to the war effort at the time, but there were hundreds of books on things like biomancy, construct-creation, and a half-dozen other disciplines that might be able to create a surrogate body from scratch.
The only problem is figuring out how to get that much energy, because when I say “a large investment of energy”, I’m talking about tapping into a ley line, or bleeding off at least a dozen high-level enchantments created specifically for a controlled release of energy. The last thing I want is a sudden release of that much magic. Ponies think that the destruction of the old Regia was bad, but something of this magnitude released in an instant would make the magical output seen there look like firecrackers. I’ve considered using the crystal, but the only issue with that is that it may affect the final output of the original experiment.So, before I can create this surrogate, I need to come up with a source of power, which means a battery and a source of magic to fill it. I’ve already begun experimenting with different varieties of gemstone and other commonly enchantable materials. Usually, diamond is the best for holding charges for extended periods of time, but I’ll need to determine which variety of stone can both hold a significant charge and release said charge in a stable and constant fashion. Tarantella’s been very patient with me, especially considering half of the flat surfaces in my house are covered in diamonds right now. The ones I’m not going to use have been wiped clean of magic and sent to the treasury, but it’s still got a bit of notice from the local gem merchants, who claim that my magic is turning me into some sort of dragon. So, the next step… Look, the reason I’m making this entry is because I’m avoiding actually thinking about what I went ahead and did to help me figure out gemstones, because I can’t get my head around some of this stuff, and I needed a helping hoof from a pony who knows gems. So I went and sent a letter off to Rarity asking for her help with a project and if she’d be willing to lend her expertise with gemstones. Compensated, of course.
She wrote back just about immediately, assuming that the mail system was operating at peak efficiency, which it should have been, given that the new highways are coming along nicely, and said she’d be by in a week. So I have a week to prepare for one of my friends, whom I haven’t seen outside of our quarterly get-togethers for years, and make sure her accommodations are in order here in Starfall. And this will be the first time she’s seen Starfall since the Regia collapsed. I hadn’t thought of that. Tie that in with the magical feedback we’ve been getting, and the phantom images, and I suppose I should count my blessings that Sweetie Belle died in the tower of the Regia that day, and not out on the battlefield. Then there’s the fact that I’m lying to Rarity, and the fact that even Tarantella doesn’t really know what I’m up to, and the fact that Rarity’s always been good at getting what she wants out of ponies, and I’m really starting to regret sending that letter. But Rarity’s got an eye for gems that I just don’t have, and even though it’s more than a little screwed up, ironically, she’s the one I trust most with this kind of work. At the very least, she won’t hold anything back to try and please me. Aether forgive me, but this is a bad idea.

soo uh yea the keyword here is "uysnu"???
edit: uhh i ran the key through g-translate and aparently it's "obey" in turkish??

... Airstream if i glitched the decoder in some way and that wasn't the keyword you put in, Im so sorry

edit2: it seems like when using addition it's uysnu, however using subtraction it's acually EAGLE which seems much more resonable

Yeah, I'm done decoding stuff.

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