• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013
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Azrael the alicorn

Great fan of mlp, and follower of Princess Luna

More Blog Posts83

  • 184 weeks
    7 years

    It's been 7 years since I've joined Fimfiction and 5 since I've written my first work, The Seal of Death. A story that has shapen a whole new group, which has created stories that I'm not completely okay with.
    Since then, I mostly thought out more funny works, but sadly never managed to put them down:

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  • 263 weeks
    *Cricket chirp*

    Ok, given the outstanding amount of votes, I've decided to post the story right away.
    Hopefully to write the last chapters won't take too darn long.

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  • 265 weeks
    Question about FrostBound

    My story of FrostBound is almost complete.
    2/3 chapters + a not too long epilogue.
    The question is, do you prefer to read it now that I have put down most of the story, so you can read it while I complete the last chapters?
    Or do you prefer to wait a bit more so I can post the whole story and you don't have to wait?
    You have until sunday to decide.

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  • 267 weeks
    FrostBound Update

    I've tried to complete the FrostBound before May, but I doubt I will make it in time.
    I want to give my readers something good and not rushed, that won't require me to edit the story dozens of time.
    Now there are only two chapter and a half to do. Hopefully before late May I will complete the story.

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  • 278 weeks
    News, lose ends

    Hi, everybody. Is been a long time since my last entry here. Time that I've spent working on my book.
    It has been almost three years since I've been writing. It took time, but I actually managed to complete it!
    Noir: the last Drakon is complete! Now I've just to work on fixing and improving some scenes, and then it will be just a matter to find an editor and publisher!

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EQG 3, MLP and more · 10:26pm Dec 3rd, 2015

Hello my dear readers, and welcome to a new entry of my blog. It’s been a while since the last time I have made one, did I? Well, I was quite busy trying to complete Seal of Death. In that time many things have happened in this latest months: Equestria Girls 3 came out, the CMC getting their Cutie Marks in a episode who sure didn’t satisfied many people (and for good reasons) and, obviously, the Season Finale of this 5° season. So, I have many things to talk about right now and I will try my best to summarize my thoughts about all the things above mentioned.
Equestria Girls 3
So in the end my worst fears have become reality: Equestria Girls has an actual sequel that is not 100% crap. If any of you have read of my previous blog entry in which I have explained why I didn’t want this franchise to get good. Now, Arctofire told me that I should be glad that at least this time the drones have a good reason to like it and I agree. But this still doesn’t mean much to me because when a drones likes something or not it doesn’t matter because, again, a drone will like anything for whatever reason. Second point, a part of me is angry because only now it seems like the writers are going to pull a bit of effort into something. But while I can agree that this movie is not a complete insult to MLP it doesn’t mean is without its faults. Here’s a short list:
1) The villain: Once again is the same problems with the Dazzlings: Is better than Sunset… and that’s it. It isn’t really that much. She fails pretty badly into finding proof of Canterlot high school has magic because she doesn’t bring anything to take picture of all the weird shit that is going on. Is sad when a villain fails into do something that even Sunset, the one considered the worst villain of MLP, has done a better job. And, of course, at the end despite her actions possibly causing much more damage than Sunset or the Dazzlings, she doesn’t get that much of a punishment either;
2) Human Twilight Sparkle: She’s the girl that has no friends, turns evil and is defeated because she feels sorry about it. While I can’t say that her transformation was bad (In fact, I love her design) I can say that her sudden change of behavior makes no sense. And I don’t want to touch the whole thing that only now she has find out about the portal and all the other crap after 2 movies in which there 2 big as fuck rainbow ray of doom and a fucking 50 foot tall alicorn;
3) The HuMane 5: While not as stupid as in the last two movies they are still quite left behind. Sure, they do something during the Friendship Games, but other than that it seems like they are there just to sing some songs, make some callbacks and repeat what has just happened. In the climax they are completely useless and I can’t help but feel that they are getting obscured by Sunset and Twilight characters. But it’s not like I really give a crap about them, do I? That’s one of the main problem with this franchise, but let’s digress for now;
4) The Friendship Games: I really don’t get why they are called that other than “It’s a movie based on a show called friendship is magic, so let’s call it so”. And despite being the main title in the show it has really little to do with the main movie plot;
5) The climax: While not as cringe worthy as the first two movies it’s still bugs me. Why?
6) Sunset Shimmer: Oh, Sunset, it appears that no matter what you do you still manages to get on my bad side. In the first movie as the most awful villain of MLP who got one of the most rushed heel-face turn in the history, in Rainbow Rocks as a crybaby that sounds like a complete different character without any character development. Here in FG? She’s a complete and utterly Mary Sue. She even got to the point to call herself the one who has brought the magic to the human world instead of the portal doing the job (And that is going to come next) and then the climax arrives. In the climax she use the same machine that turned Twilight into her awesome form which she has left behind which not only left there but it still has the magic she got from the HuMane 5 (How convenient). Now, I would have been fine if she used that power to give it back to her friends, and so assumed her role to leader of the team. But nope, she use it on herself, turning in one of the most uninspired super-form of good and light of all time, which it makes only good to see her getting so near to get obliterated by the much better looking Midnight Sparkle. You know, since Twicorn happened people have been calling Twilight Sparkle a Mary Sue, especially after the first EQG movie. But after this movie I have to disagree. While sure Twilight suddenly being capable to use the Elements of Harmony despite having just one Elements at her disposal sucks, but at least she used to turn each of the HuMane 5 into furry to take Sunshit shitty devil form down. Here? Sunset proves that the HuMane 5 are no really that necessary and that she can turn into a crappy looking angel. Like seriously, Sunset, you just sucks;
7) The whole point of magic: Writer of EQG, listen to me: You have to stop trying to fix the tremendous plot-hole that is the whole thing of the magic coming to the human world. Things are getting more and more confusing at each movie. In the first movie Twilight was capable to use a dues ex-bullshit because of friendship, in the second movie the HuMane 5 can use magic while playing instruments because apparently the crown give them the ability to do so, in this movie it is said the magic works because the portal opens. This two things quite contradict each other, you know. Because despite the portal being closed in EQG 2 the HuMane 5 could turn into furries without a problem and that still doesn’t explain how the Dazzlings could use the magic!
So, in the end, while not as crappy as the first two movies I still doubt that it is that great of a movie. Now, I don’t want to predict how the next sequel may be because of my last mistakes, but I can say that I have my doubts in the idea of the writer keeping this quality through who knows how many other EQG movies. All that I can say is, even if they are going to be good I’m still going to dislike it. Why? Because I just don’t see anything in EQG. I don’t like the setting, I don’t like the character design, I don’t like pretty much anything at all. I just don’t see the point of its existence other than sell more toys (and no, Friendship is Magic wasn’t made for the same purpose. Or at least it wasn’t the sole reason). And I don’t see nothing original either. What is going to be? The western version of Sailor Moon or any other anime with teenager girls who use magic? How original. But EQG is not the only thing that annoys me anymore, sadly.

After so much time Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and Scotaloo have managed to get their cutie marks. What are those Cutie Marks all about that we have been waiting for so long? About finding other ponies Cutie Mark…
After 4 fucking seasons is this the best thing that the fucking writers could do?!? No. Just no. No! *Takes a deep breath* excuse me for my outburst of anger and allow me to explain why this pisses me off. First off you should go check out Arctofire review of the episode on his blog and his reply to Jarvy. Now I don’t want to repeat what he has said about this spit in the face of an episode so I will talk about the whole thing of the Cutie Mark. Now, having the CMC go helping other ponies to find their own Cutie Mark is not a bad idea and it shows the good nature of the young fillies are and how the CMC can become more than group of fillies who are looking for their own Cutie mark. But I have to ask a question: Was is really necessary to have their own Cutie Mark to tell them to do that? Couldn’t be their own choice instead to focusing once again on the whole thing of following what the Cutie Mark says? This is gives me such a bad feeling about this whole thing of having a tattoo that practically gives you one way and you have to follow it without any chance to reply or anything. I mean what if the next villain is going to be a pony which has as cutie mark him killing left and right, what are going to do our heroes? But I digress. Another point that really annoys me is how the writers just felt the need to make all three the CMC get their Cutie Mark at the same time and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon turning from bullies to friends of the CMC, giving Tiara one of the weakest and unoriginal reasons for her being a bully in the first place. And of course, just like another infamous episode it’s a musical episode. Ah yes, why focusing on the actual story when you can pull so many forgettable songs in it right?
I can’t understand why the writers did such a rush work here. I can only think that they grew bored of the whole thing of the CMC searching for their cutie mark and at the same time they wanted to make sure that the group would not change their usually objective other than instead of themselves is about other. Totally different stuff, Am I Right?
And of course, because everypony in Ponyville was so amazed by the Cutie Mark of the CMC every single drone in the fandom saw this to be a good thing. But not those who can actual think with their own head. When I see the cutie marks of the CMC I know that they could have putted almost anything and people would still be amazed of how they looks. Well, me and many other don’t agree. This episode killed the CMC and destroyed the vision that Faust had for them, which would have made them develop more!

Once again go check out Arctofire review on his blog. He does a good job describing all the flaws with this episode. For me this episode wasn’t complete garbage, in fact there were one or two things that I really liked: Sombra time-line was just awesome. Too bad it was so short. Second thing is how Twilight faced Starlight. Instead of some silly looking Dragon Ball battle she actually uses her brains to solve the problem rather than blast it. But those are small things and it didn’t save the episode and, by consequence, doesn’t save the show. It didn’t solved any of the plot-holes of the show at all. And of course we get once again the Aesop that saying sorry and everypony will forgive you no matter what you have done.
One thing I have to say though: Starlight having found a spell of Stars whirl which allows her to travel through time. While this may pass for nitpicking is much more than that, because it shows, once again, how much Celestia fails at being a leader. It’s not the first time they appear on the show, “About time” being the first one in which it showed them being kept… in the Canterlot Library… now, “About time” is one of the weakest episodes of season 2 if not of the whole show so it would have been so easy to make like it didn’t happened. But this season finale show that it’s canon… which is so damn stupid. You have a fucking spell that can make people go back in time and you keep it in a library in which everypony could get in and take it? It didn’t passed in Celestia mind that maybe, just maybe, somepony could take them and use it to their own plans to get rid of the main defenses of Equestria? It didn’t passed in her mind that maybe she should have destroyed those spells? Or at least kept in a much safer place? Apparently not.
That’s what I have to say with this episode… but it’s not the end of this entry. In fact I want to address what Jarvy Jared has said in his own personal review of the episode. Not much his review on the episode but more about what he said towards the end of it:
“I am not one of those people who is entirely against reformation. The problem that I have with people who keep wanting villains to remain villains is that they hardly ever consider that MLP is not meant for adult audiences or to have adult themes and insights. This isn't Batman: The Animated Series or something that glorious. This is a kids show, through and through, and until that message is hammered into your minds, you will never be happy with this show!
In a show about magical talking ponies whose main trope is Friendship, literally, there cannot be unreformed villains. It would be bad for marketing, and it would be bad for business. This is a show meant to sell toys. It does not need nor should it always have to be "more mature."
Reformation is key in FiM. It keeps the show going. Having a returning villain, while nice on paper, can get boring when you don't have that many villains to choose from. It's not like the Mane Six have a huge Rogues Gallery that the writers can come back to. Nightmare Moon is gone, Chrysalis is dead, Sombra is dead, Discord would just be turned to stone, and Tirek wouldn't last against Rainbow Power again. If villains remained, with the way the show has evolved, they wouldn't last for long. A repetitive cycle would be stupid, therefore, in this show. Reformation gives more freedom to the writers to do something else.
Therefore, Starlight Glimmer's reformation is not something bad. It's now the show's other trope, and teaches an ideal—albeit blind—lesson. Not all things are inherently evil, and some things can be changed for the better.
That is not to say I am a wholehearted supporter of this idea. I am a bitter cynic who believes humans are inherently flawed and evil—but that's a rant for another day.
The point is, you cannot hope for no more reformation in this show anymore. It wouldn't be Friendship is Magic anymore. Honestly, I wish people would consider that this is a show aimed at little girls, not people with more mature outlooks and darker perspectives on the real world.”

So, let’s start with one of the first things that makes me cringe:
“This isn't Batman: The Animated Series or something that glorious!”
If I had to judge this series from here or when Faust left I would probably agree with you 100%. But being one of those who have started to follow this series from the get go, I heavily disagree. The first two seasons had a quality that the latest ones can only dream of. You say that being that being MLP a show about friendship and little kids (or girls) it can’t be great? Why not? Batman TAS was a kids show and it was great. Teen Titans was a teen show and it was fucking awesome. And so are a lot more cartoons made for kids. The problems comes when there is people who see things in such a simple ways. And that’s because most of the nowadays cartoons sucks. That’s why we got Teen Titans Go and that’s especially why FIM is getting more and more boring and forgettable because the writers just thinks it is a show about friendship that is so easy to get.
“In a show about magical talking ponies whose main trope is Friendship, literally, there cannot be unreformed villains. It would be bad for marketing, and it would be bad for business. This is a show meant to sell toys. It does not need nor should it always have to be "more mature."”
It was meant to be mature at his beginning, when Faust wanted to give something special to us viewers, something that had memorable villains with great personality and back-story. Nowadays is sure becoming more and more about toys based rather than focusing on the story and that’s why it’s taking such a bad turn from the worst. And is among my rights to say that the quality has dropped big time, ruining any chance this show had to be great.
“Honestly, I wish people would consider that this is a show aimed at little girls, not people with more mature outlooks and darker perspectives on the real world.”
Oh please Jarvy, we both know that this excuse makes no sense with all the bronies who are grown up men to enjoy the show so much that are ready to ban people who dares speak bad of it? Also, even if it was for little girls, why it couldn’t be darker? Or, for the matter, much better written?
“Reformation is key in FiM.”

Agreed… the problems come when the reformation goes like this:
Villain: I’m sorry
Heroes: never mind is cool best friends forever.
But you touch another good point. A good point of why My Little Pony Friendship is magic is slowly fading. Nowadays friendship has become a damn weapon to use against any single villains who dares to show its face in the show and it’s so powerful that there is no match and the only thing to do is bow to it. I don’t know about you but I think that even Dragon Ball Z did a MUCH better job handling reformations that all we got since season 3 till now. And that’s just sad that a show in which people beat the shit out of each other can do a better job that a show focused about friendship. Really, I think a part of me just died here.
Being serious, the more the seasons go on and the less I give a crap about FIM and anything because of how the mentality of the writers went into simplifying a concept that is much more deeper than “let’s being friends so we can blast enemies up”. Because what is the point of it? Hasbro is going to release who knows how many seasons of FIM and as much more sequels to EQG franchise. But in the end I don’t have reason to believe that there will be any changes through them. In the end the moral/lesson will always be the same: friendship is magic and all the rest sucks.
The only good thing about FIM are the fanfictions that I can read here, because I feel that they give far more justice to the show than anything the actual writers can. When I read those stories I feel the passion and the will of make a great story to be read, filled with deep morals and well written characters. And I can’t help but feel weird that despite what you claim the show is, you take your time to write down such a great stories who proves that Harmony and Chaos are more than two lines which oppose each other.
No matter how much the show will get worst. I will always be here, reading those awesome stories you and other here can write, because they are the only thing that is left from Faust ideals.

Report Azrael the alicorn · 373 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Great blog post! Agreed with almost everything!

Good post! Though, I didn't agree with everything...

Not only is Elsa's signature song in Frozen a much bigger hit than all Equestria Girls songs combined, but she also shows more awesome powers in its scene alone than the HuMane 7 did in the entire EqG series!

3816655 I don't care if people think that Frozen is overrated, I love this song!

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