• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th

The Warmaster

Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions

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  • 41 weeks
    2023 update: been a while

    Hello all, is the dead but not dead but still dead author who makes a post or an update once every couple of years and then dips, back at it again.

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  • 110 weeks
    Where I have been and WoC news

    So it’s no secret that I’ve been pretty much MIA here for a while, and my Warriors of Chaos Reboot has been dead for over a year at this point.

    I am sorry.

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  • 133 weeks
    Piraka Don’t play Fair chapter update





    Okay, with the venting out of the way, I can officially declare


    I am so absurdly sorry about taking so long.


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  • 160 weeks
    Next chapter is done, just needs proofread

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  • 161 weeks
    Progress on the next Piraka chapter (finally...)

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Ahriman and Khârn's equipment · 9:10pm Dec 2nd, 2015

These images are the equipment the original Ahriman and Khârn used, and now my displaced now use. Not including Ahriman's new armor.


Just a little info:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 46 )

Does it have any weakness?

All of them and does the wrap have weakness?

3587588 Believe me, from what I've read about Ahriman and Khârn, they don't really have a bunch of weaknesses, one's a psychopath with a chainsaw axe who torched a building with his mates still inside, while the other has got to be the most powerful chaos sorcerer ever, he managed to save his chapter, but turned them into living statues in the process, getting banished by an irate Magnus the Red for his troubles ...

Thought for the day: Beware the heretic, the mutant, the traitor

3587711 Well, Khârn's armor is mostly basic ceramite plating, which can be punched through by bolter shots and plasma guns. His chainaxe, Gorechild, has a adamantium shaft, and it's teeth are indestructible. Not many weaknesses there. His Plasma Pistol can overheat after too much use without a cool down period, and explode. His helmet is in the same way as his armor. I would like to note, however, that Khârn has the Blessing of Khorne, making him invulnerable to magic and other sorcerous abilities. The followers of Khorne do not utilize magic of any kind, because Khorne dislikes using such abilities. Since Khârn is Khorne's Herald, the Blood God thought to spite all sorcerers by giving Khârn this ability.

I will PM you more details later.

3587719 True but there is always a little hole in their death star. If you know what I mean.

3587719 Don't forget about Khârn being immune to sorcery and magic...
Oh, and he has the other chainaxe that Angron used as well.
And Ahriman has Warmaster Horus's armor.
Granted, in the war of shadows, everyone's powers are weakened a bit, but still. It's going to be tough to beat them.

3587773 That hole in the death star would be the Emperor. During the final battle of the Horus Heresy, The Emperor fought The Warmaster Horus in one on one combat. The only reason the Emperor managed to kill Horus was a small hole in the Warmaster’s armor, made by The Emperor's favorite son Sanguinius before the Emperor arrived, dying in the process of committing that act. Even so, the Emperor was mortally wounded in the process, and is now forever entombed upon the Golden Throne.

3587773 As Dark Lord Kirto said, there are a few weaknesses in Khârn's armor and armament (plasma pistol) but as pointed out, he doesn't have a lot of weak spots, as for Ahriman, FORGET IT! He's got psychic powers up the wazoo! Sure, you can try and shoot him, but he can just disintegrate you without even looking at you, that and he's under the same curse that his chapter is under, so he is pretty much immortal

3587807 Right the Motherf***ing Emperor.

3587811 But is there away the break the curse?

3587811 actually, Ahriman wasn't effected by the Rubric. Only the weaker psykers of the Legion were. But he is all but immortal now, with The Warmaster’s armor, the Rinnegan, and Magic.

3587847 In 40K lore, Ahriman is actually looking for a way to break the curse

3587847 Nope. The curse was a spell to keep the Thousand Sons Legion from succumbing to mutation. It worked. By turning most of the Legion into dust, with their souls possessing the armor. Ahriman has spent almost ten thousand years looking for a cure, but hasn't found one.

3587853 Right, forgot about that, though it was the rest of his chapter that was affected by the Rubric

3587859 Alien X or beings of Understanding with some control over the void or Void dwellers.

3587890 Um, I don't think so, Jason was a bit pissed off when he went up against the three chaos marines

3587890 doesn't The Dark Magician use magic?:unsuresweetie:
Khârn is the ultimate bitch-slap to sorcerers and magicians alike.
As for Alien X, yeah he could probably win. And then end up fighting the most powerful of the Dark Gods for killing his favored champion with ctrl alt delete

3587916 Btw, when's the next chapter coming out?

3587925 Soon. I am currently writing a chapter for the War of Shadows, and will be able to write another chapter some time after that.

3587912 It doesn't have to be Jason. There more than one Ben 10 out there.

3587938 Yeah well, you really think that any Ben 10 in the Displaced multiverse will really want to help three Chaos Space Marines that went all Horus Heresy on Equestria and deposed Celestia ( and by deposed I mean decapitated her) , created a new Black Legion and are willing to maybe take over their respective zones?

3587938 true, but not many of them can agree with the Alien X minds as easily as Jason can....

That and the fact that he's half Jotun, and you've got one heck of a powerhouse Ben 10

3587916 The Displace Dark Magician is a being of Understanding. He can use the void's energy to create something to get past the magic proof thing. Or he could use a spell One Shot Copy to copy a weapon or power he had seen once per a battle. The copy weapon or power will a gun with only one bullet left that you can't reload. And since Dark Magician is the watcher of all Displaces he got lots to choose from.

3587973 War of Shadows rules clearly state no reality bending. Also, all participants of the War except Commanders are all weakened to balance the sides.

3587951 Unless its in a fight against each to the death.

3587981 Would that make easily to kill the three chaos marines? Does rules say anything about preparing in their own Equestria before entering the war zone?

3588008 the participant's abilities are weakened, not removed. For example, Khârn, at full strength, could punch adamantium and break it. In the war, it dents.
And why would you need to prepare your Equestria? Just curious.

3588029 I Mean like creating copy weapons or power/attack moves and fusing them to create something new in your own Equestria for you to bring in to battle.

3588067 I'm not sure... you'll have to ask BP about that. But like I said, everything your Displaced can use will be weakened. For example, Ahriman's Rinnegan can summon a meteor the size of a city outside of the war, but inside he can only summon one the size of a city block.
The copy move thing would probably be majorly weakened.

3588089 Ok. Beside it doesn't matter if it strong or weak its how you use it that counts.

3588126 True, but even so. The ability could end up being useless if from a extremely powerful Displaced, like Jason.

Also, every Displaced has a limited amount of power that they can use. So the bigger the ability, the quicker you will tire out. Meanwhile Khârn doesn't use magic, instead relying on brute force. Uses up power, but at a much slower rate than using spells.

What about Ahriman's psychic powers?

3588168 Those use up power as well. Ahriman has three types of power, however, with Magic, Psychics, and Chakra. And he has his own brute strength.

By the way, what made you decide to follow me? I'm not really a writer, yet I already have one writer following me, though I did help him by commenting on his stories and I submitted an OC to him to put in his third story ( which is in the works at the moment)

3588219 You seem like a cool guy, and plus I have a habit of following everyone who follows me.

3588182 weapons do not require power though. Like a gun, for example. It uses it's own machinery to operate, thus not expending power.

3588239 Magic or energy base weapons.

3588243 both, as well as projectile weapons, not just those.

3588230 Well, welcome to the crew! Also, check out Ninyn's stories, they are pretty incredible!:pinkiehappy:

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