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Fallout 4: Desired Mods and Angel's Pip-Boy Diary #8 · 11:16pm Dec 1st, 2015

art by Zookz25

I currently have a little over 250 hours of playtime on Fallout 4, and Angel's play-through has just reached the first of December. Obviously, I'm taking a lot longer to go through the game than most, due primarily to all the time spent taking notes and getting screenshots for Angel's Pip-Boy Diary. And notably, the amount of the diary that is written and posted is far less than the amount that I have notes for.

I hope most of you have been enjoying the diary. :twilightsmile: (And, again, if it ever gets old, let me know. I don't want APBD to wear out its welcome.) The next part follows after the break.

Meanwhile, as much as I really love the game, I can already see some areas where I would like to tweak or improve on what has been offered. Here is my list of mods which I would like to see implemented. In a few cases, I have already implemented the mod using the tools available.

Modifications I have already made:
Field of View Adjustment: I would really like to see a mod that makes this a lot easier than hunting down three different .ini files and modifying them manually.

Black Pip-Boy: This is just an aesthetics preference for me.

Seeing My Actual Dialogue Choices: I mentioned this mod previously. It really is a vast improvement for roleplaying and immersion.

"You missed."

art by Brisineo

Mods that I am sure are coming and eagerly await:
Wider Settlement Scrapping Area: I don't mind the restrictions on where to build, but I would like to be able to scrap things that are a little bit farther away than is currently allowed. (There is a bit of picket fence in Sanctuary that is floating in mid-air, and it is driving me nuts. I will probably end up using the console "disable" command to get rid of it.)

More Building Parts: I would really like to see the available building options expanded. Some examples: I would like a wooden wall segment that allows for internal doors. I would like a metal wall segment that has a window. I would like to create intact toilets for my settlements. And I would like proper end-pieces and connecting pieces for the wide metal archway.

Extended Radio Playlists: I would like something akin to the GNR extension mods we saw for Fallout 3. For now, I just use a music playlist of my own instead of the radio sometimes. But that means that I miss out on new radio announcements.
Better Inventory Sorting: I would like to see "Aid" items sorted by classificaiton (food, chems, etc). I would like holotapes and found notes separated into their own sub-categories. I have a feeling that there are several notes that I have picked up and haven't read yet because they got lost in my huge "Data" inventory. Having weapons sub-classified by type would be nice too. I'd like all my grenades types to be listed together rather than spread out alphabetically.

Settler Assignment Overview: A mod that would allow me to conveniently see all the settlers in a settlement, what their assignments are, and which ones are unassigned would be incredibly helpful. Until then, I may have to look into the Settler Renaming mod.

Mass Face-Value Scrapping: If you just dump junk into your workstations and let them break items down for you when they are needed, you end up losing materials. (For example: if you are crafting a new scope for your rifle, and you don't have any screws, the workbench will search for junk that contains screw and select one. Say it finds a globe in your workshop, an item that can be broken down for a screw, two plastic and two cork. The game will break down the globe, give you the screw, but you will lose the plastic and the cork. This becomes a real inconvenience when it starts costing you adhesives, nuclear material, fiber optics or other rarer materials.) Right now, the only way to make sure you are getting full value for the junk you collect is to tediously break each one down manually. A mod that allows you to scrap junk in bulk swiftly without losing anything would be a godsend.

Improved Robot Hacking: Specifically, I would love for a fourth rank of Robotics Expert that allowed me to assign hacked robots to my settlements as guards.

Legendary Reroll: I'm on the fence about this idea. Do you every find it frustrating to fight furiously to take down a Legendary monster only for the randomly generated Legendary item to be worthless? Would it be nice for there to be an option that gives you a choice from two random rolls so that you can have a higher chance of getting something useful? (Or, at least, no gamma guns of ghoul-slaying.) Maybe make it a modification of rank four of Fortune Finder, rather than having people explode into caps?

And, of course, the obligatory male and female Nude Mod(s) will become part of my mod collection sooner or later.

Now I'd like to hear from you. What mods do you look forward to seeing?

Angel with her black Pip-Boy

Angel's Pip-Boy Diary

Days 16-17

Day 16 – Early Afternoon
November 8, 2287

This morning, as I prepared to set off once again for Cambridge, Preston brought to my attention two calls for help from the Minutemen. There are people at Greentop Nursery asking for assistance with local ghouls, and Oberland Station is suffering from trouble with raiders.

The requests for assistance were delivered through the merchant caravans rather than a more immediate communication, suggesting that both requests involve ongoing difficulties rather than eminent attacks or emergencies. I definitely intend to look into both, but neither is as pressing as the ongoing battle at Cambridge Police Station.

Even now, days later, the fighting can still be heard from anywhere in the city ruins. Recon squad Gladius seems to have an infinite amount of ammo. And all the noise is surely attracting a wealth of targets to use it on.

On the way here, Preston and I came across Drumlin’s Diner. Are arrival there was just in time to intervene in a conflict between the local merchant, Trudy, and a drug dealer named Wolfgang. Trudy was refusing to pay Wolfgang the money her junkie son owed him.

As an attorney, I have seen the effects and consequences of drug misuse. But unlike some members of the Sanctuary Hills Homeowner’s Club, I am not religiously against them. I understand that drugs have their place. At times, Nate would use the combat drugs provided to troops by the American army to give himself the edge needed to survive. And I didn’t say no when the doctors offered me Med-X to ease me through Shaun’s childbirth.

While I have regularly put my old investigative skills to use in my new life, I believe this is the first time I have drawn on the argumentative skills that I honed as a lawyer. With them, I was able to settle the situation peacefully. Nobody died, and I gained two merchants that I could do business with.

Trudy is an amazing source of ammunition, and carries a lot of junk that can be broken down for valuable parts, including things I need to build Sanctuary’s defenses, not to mention my own arsenal. She doesn’t like me, and I suspect she may be adding a tax, but I believe her goods are worth the cost.

Wolfgang is a great source for chems. I don’t expect to purchase many from him, but he may become a go-to source for Radaway, at least until I can reliably brew up my own radiation cure in Sanctuary’s chemistry lab.

Along they way, we also ran across the ruins of a house that I had previously cleared of booby traps and scavenged. Now trap-free, the house was being used as a hangout for a group of raiders. They were wrong to think Preston and I would be easy prey.

And that wasn’t the only furious fight that I have been in this afternoon. I’m back at College Square again, but this time I came into the city from a new direction, and that brought new dangers. The fiercest battle was with a mirelurk.

After dispatching it and a whole swarm of mirelurk hatchlings, Preston and I collected the unhatched eggs. I’m not sure whether I should try cooking them, or attempt to create a mirelurk breeding pen in Sanctuary. But considering how close the two of use came to dying in that fight, I’m leaning towards the former. A mirelurk pen would be skirting disaster. If the mirelurks escaped – for example, if their pen was damaged during a raider attack – then the monsters could wipe out the entire settlement.

Preston and I are headed back to Drumlin’s Diner. It isn’t too far, and we both need some time to recover from fighting several battles. (Plus, I want to sell the weapons and armor from those raiders. I’m tired of lugging them around.) I wonder if either Trudy or Wolfgang have any good mirelurk egg recipes.

A few other notes:

We ran across a still-functioning Protectron roaming the streets, oblivious to the devastation as it continued to spew out advertisements for Wattz Electronics, regularly making disparaging remarks about the long-gone company’s equally long-gone rival, Hester’s Robotics. I am amazed at how durable a lot of America’s robots were. A surprising number have lived up to their companies’ slogans. I am also reminded that, despite how lifelike some can seem, robots aren’t people. They’re just dutifully running off of programs.

Preston mentioned “bogeymen stories about the Institute.” My encounter with Jules and his non-friends raised a lot of questions. It would appear my conjectures were both more and less accurate than I suspected. The Institute is clearly seen as a threat by people all across the Commonwealth; but to many, they are a vaguely defined one – more like an urban legend than an active danger.

On Diamond City radio, Travis commented on a spreading rumor that I exist. Specifically, that someone was seen wearing a Vault 111 suit. I’m not sure if I should wear that suit more or less often now. What caught my interest, however, was that he pointed out that Vault suits weren’t unheard of, but seeing one from Vault 111 was unusual.

The reason for that is obvious: I’m the sole survivor of Vault 111. (Although that does tell me the people who broke in and took Shaun didn’t bother to scavenge the Vault for any extra suits laying around.) However, this suggests that at least one of the other Vaults that Vault-Tec built in the Commonwealth functioned as advertised. If I recall from the news, Vaults 81 and 114 were also supposed to be nearby.

Day 16 – Late Afternoon
November 8, 2287

Our path has led us to the ruins of the Campus Law Offices, and I have never felt such a wave of nostalgia. I spent nearly half an hour trying to find a way up to the third floor. I wanted to see what was left, if anything, of the office where I had worked once upon a time. I remember that Ted and Phyllis would take smoke breaks up on the roof. I wonder where they were when the bombs fell.

Near the law offices, we found the body of a dead Gunner. This was a member of that nasty mercenary group that played a role in the collapse of the Minutemen. Preston and I exchanged looks at the discovery, but nothing was said. On the body, I found a note revealing that the Gunners had their eyes on a gang operating out of the Beantown Brewery. The gang was described in the note as being tough, but their leader has a hunting rifle that the Gunners wanted to take for themselves.

Speaking of fancy weaponry, I just acquired a VATS-enhanced laser musket after dispatching another of those particularly fearsome, self-healing ghouls. According to Preston, there are more than a handful of such “legendary” threats. And they are not limited to ghouls. Is it some sort of cross-species mutation? How does that even work? It sounds like a superpower, like something from one of Nate’s comic books, but I have seen it for myself three times now.

Good God, I hope I never run into a mirelurk that can do that.

New Perk: Science! Rank 1

Day 16 – Sunset
November 8, 2287

That was a hell of a fight!

Ghouls swarmed the Cambridge Police Station parking lot from every access point. I joined the soldiers there in defense, taking to the makeshift guard platforms on the wall surrounding the lot and firing shell after shell into the ghouls as they passed through the chokepoint below me. One of the soldiers, Paladin Danse, stood on the station steps, encased in power armor and wielding a minigun. Preston lent his laser musket in aid of the soldiers on the steps behind, turning several ghouls to ash before they could get to the wounded.

It was close. Some of the ghouls managed to get up onto the platform with me. One of them got close enough while I was reloading that I could smell his breath. Thank the Lord for my armor.

Fortunately, there were enough medical supplies on hand at the station to regenerate all of us to full health after the battle. Stimpacks are a miracle. (With them, in a way, we all have superpowers. It is just that our ability to self-repair isn’t instantaneous, and requires consuming medical resources.)

Paladin Danse, a soldier in a military force called the Brotherhood of Steel and the commanding officer of recon squad Gladius, is suspicious of civilians. But he recognizes the assistance that I gave his squad, and that I did so at great risk to myself without any promise of reward. That has at least earned me the time of day, and entrance into their base of operations. The former is the least that I feel my actions earned, but the latter is a show of trust that I have to respect.

It probably says nothing good that I did use my access to pilfer a few things. I don’t think I’m stealing anything from the Brotherhood of Steel itself, though. In fact, I pocketed a few things while they were watching, and got no reaction, so they must not have minded. I’m not taking Brotherhood equipment after all, just pre-war junk that could be useful for materials back in Sanctuary. And a nice set of glasses.

The distrust goes both ways. Preston clearly doesn’t care for the Brotherhood of Steel. His sentiments were, and I quote, “Damned Brotherhood, why don’t they just go back where they came from.” When I asked him about them, Preston admitted that he had never heard of the military force operating within the Commonwealth before. His opinions of them are based more on rumor and reputation. I know better than to put too much stock in or outright ignore either.

According to Paladin Danse, the Brotherhood of Steel is dedicated to learning about technology. They want to understand it and prevent its abuse. He makes the group sound like a cross between soldiers and monks. According to Danse, few comprehend “the gravity of the situation that we are facing as a species.”

I may have a unique perspective on that. I have seen us as a species shift from a vast population at the height of its society and technology to a scattered number of settlements and scroungers. Many of us, myself included, have been reduced to the equivalent of carrion birds, picking the last specks meat off the bones of the dead past. Far too many have descended into barbarism and preying on the rest of humanity… although, to be fair, that wasn’t much of a fall. The difference between the average CEO and a raider is mostly in attire. But the damage they do to humanity as a species is far greater when we have been reduced to so few, and the struggle to survive has lost most of the vestiges of civilization.

For better or for worse, it is good to see somebody trying to take the long view. If humanity is going to survive, we need more people whose vision isn’t myopic or entirely self-absorbed.

Of the other members of squad Gladius, Scribe Hayden is thankful for the assistance, but I am clearly not the rescue party she was hoping for with her broadcast. Rhys just doesn’t like me. I cannot tell if he finds me threatening, or if my presence here clashes with his ideas of proper military protocol. Despite having not asked for a reward, he treats me like I’m an opportunistic mercenary. If Paladin Danse wasn’t winning me over with his broader mission statement, I suspect I’d start wondering if I should have bothered to help.

As it is, Paladin Danse is impressed enough by how Preston and I handled ourselves in battle that he has requested our assistance in his effort to boost the squad’s radio signal. (I can attest to the fact that their transmission barely reaches the Corvega Factory.) Preston seems all for helping them go home, but neither of us is sure whether they intend to use the signal to request extraction or reinforcements. Nor am I sure which, if either, would be preferable.

Day 17 – Midnight
November 9, 2287

I’ve spent the last few hours learning what I could about Gladius.

First, I was wrong about having infinite bullets, but they did have a police armory’s worth of stock to bolster their own.

Their group is down from seven members to three. Some of those loses came from a failed assault on Corvega. I was right about that place being a fortress that could hold off a small army. Stealth infiltration was indeed the way to go. Danse was impressed that I cleared the factory, but I’m pretty sure Rhys hates me even more now.

Apparently, the Brotherhood of Steel is scouting possible base locations. Gladius has identified two promising choices. The first is Boston International Airport, which Danse describes as “almost completely abandoned.” As a lawyer, I know just how dangerous a word “almost” is. The other is Fort Strong, which I am told is overrun by “supermutants”. After we get back from the mission, I need to remember to ask what those are. Right now, I’m picturing ghouls dressed up in The Unstoppables costumes, and there is no post-apocalyptic future in which that would be acceptable.

Right now, Preston and I are on our way to ArcJet Systems with Paladin Danse. Our goal is to recover a piece of technology that will allow them to drastically boost their signal.

Apparently, there have been two previous squads sent by the Brotherhood of Steel into the Commonwealth. The first was a huge success. The second vanished. Unfortunately, I can think of a lot of ways a group of people could simply vanish out here, even trained soldiers. Giant Scorpions of Doom are the first possibility to come to mind.

Paladin Danse is concerned about strange energy readings in the area. And if he is concerned, so am I.

Day 17 – Sunrise
November 9, 2287

It was a long jog, but we reached ArcJet Systems by sunrise. Even in ruins, the place is impressive. And I cannot help but see all the useful salvage that could be stripped from here.

Danse notices that too. The Paladin isn’t interested in building materials and raw resources like I am, but he confirms that there is still some tech here that the Brotherhood of Steel might be interested in. After this mission, he will order a “sweep and retrieve” operation to collect it. I think I’ll make it a point to scavenge what Sanctuary could use before then.

So far, we haven’t run into any dangers, but for reasons that are ominous rather than comforting. All the security systems and robots have been destroyed. According to Paladin Danse, it was the work of Institute synths.

He refers to synths as abominations, stating that “they simply cannot be allowed to exist.” That shocked me, as calling people “abominations” smacks of dangerous religious zealotry. Not even communists were abominations. But before I could question that, he told me that the Institute scientists are “littering the Commonwealth with their technological nightmares.”

This does not jive with the man who identified himself as a synth. Paladin Danse speaks of synths like they are monsters, or things, as opposed to people who are (or were) part of the Commonwealth’s bogeyman. I feel like I’m missing something.

On and unrelated note: I have been collecting all the trifold American flags that I come across. Not for materials, but out of respect. I came to the painful realization that I may be the only one in the Commonwealth for whom that flag truly means anything.

Day 17 – Midday
November 9, 2287

In the name of all that is holy, WHAT are we fighting?!?

Okay, synths are technological nightmares. I can get on board with that. I’m not sure they’re any more “abominations” than a spectacularly creepy Mr. Handy. But they are horrific and clearly extremely hostile to human life.

Seeing these makes the man who called himself a synth even more confusing. But I am reminded of Frankenstein. In the story, Frankenstein was the name of the mad scientist; his creation was named Adam. But in popular media, Frankenstein is the animated monster with the bolts in his neck. The name of the creator has been transferred to his creation.

I read Frankenstein my freshman year. It was an assignment for the Literature of Horror class, a short-lived vanity class for one of the professors that conveniently filled an elective credit requirement. I remember having come away from the book with the distinct impression that everything Adam did was reasonable considering his lot in life, and that Doctor Frankenstein was the real monster.

art by Astronov

Report Kkat · 1,877 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

Mass Face-Value Scrapping: If you just dump junk into your workstations and let them break items down for you when they are needed, you end up losing materials. (For example: if you are crafting a new scope for your rifle, and you don't have any screws, the workbench will search for junk that contains screw and select one. Say it finds a globe in your workshop, an item that can be broken down for a screw, two plastic and two cork. The game will break down the globe, give you the screw, but you will lose the plastic and the cork. This becomes a real inconvenience when it starts costing you adhesives, nuclear material, fiber optics or other rarer materials.) Right now, the only way to make sure you are getting full value for the junk you collect is to tediously break each one down manually. A mod that allows you to scrap junk in bulk swiftly without losing anything would be a godsend.

I'm fairly certain that it's just a display bug, and you do actually get all the materials from auto-scrapping. Just takes awhile to show up properly.

Already mods huh? It hasn't even been a month yet and there's mods, I can't wait to see the geck for this game.

3585370 I've run some tests on this. You actually lose materials.

I currently have a little over 250 hours of playtime on Fallout 4

Holy streusel.

I'd love to discuss what mods I'd like to see, but I haven't got the game yet. It's not going to run well on my system, anyway. The only thing I can think of, from what little I've seen of the game, is that it would be funny to be able to drink from toilets (and sinks) again, though the amount of health gained from them in Fallout 3 is too high (and in NV it was too low to bother with, unless you fancy Hardcore Mode). Maybe something entirely separate from health?

And, of course, the obligatory male and female Nude Mod(s) will become part of my mod collection sooner or later.

I am incapable of determining if this is a joke and thus I am being mocked in a very roundabout way or it is not and I am at long last receiving validation.
If the latter, why do you call them obligatory?


For all your Fallout Mod needs.


I used his videos to cherry pick some mods for NV before 4 came out. They were actually quite helpful

No need for the scrap mod, the broken down item will split into its parts properly, for some reason it just takes some time to be displayed/updated in your workbench inventory.
My explanation would be that workbenches are magical places. :facehoof:

3585385 Where are all the broken down materials in my stores coming from, then? I've never broken anything down manually. I didn't even know you *could*.

3585418 There are prurient, aesthetic and practical reasons to justify a nude mod, and people will use one if for them it appeals to any one of those three. The first two need no explanation.

As for the last: this is a game where every bit of scrap is useful. If your character is scrounging old washrags for the cloth and dirty ashtrays for the ceramics, why is he or she not taking everything off of a dead raider? :rainbowhuh: Bashful? Is the character willing to kill someone and leave their body out in the sun to bloat and rot, but feels that taking their undies is an indignity too far?

3585453 Scrapping manually means scrapping objects you click on while within the settlement menu. You are already manually scrapping junk like cars and trees when you break them down. Likewise, anything you scrap at a workbench by using the scrap option is manually scrapping. Automatic scrapping is when workbench decides what to scrap for you while you are building something.

3585471 The scrap option at the workbench is *extremely* lossy. You get like 1 leather from an entire suit of armor. So I don't use that much.

But I have loose ceramic and plastic and screws and gears and everything, not just wood and cement and rubber and steel.

Try http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2698/? for item sorting, it adds tags to most things in the game.

It's getting pretty interesting to read about how Angel is slowly learning about the Institute and the Synths. Considering how she views robots in general, I can't help but wonder if that view will change and if it does, then when?

3585380 I have heard that there was at least one mod out TWO DAYS BEFORE LAUNCH. Apparently, someone had taken a look into their predownloaded game and made a change to the lighting or somesuch.

3585502 That looks excellent. Sadly, it looks like it would be incompatible with the dialogue mod since they both modify the Strings. :fluttershysad:

If you just dump junk into your workstations and let them break items down for you when they are needed, you end up losing materials.

Good news: this appears to be a display bug. When you do it, it will look like you've lost the materials, as they don't show up in your inventory or the workshop. If you go into crafting again (Or the settlement-build menu), however, the workshop "remembers" that you scrapped that material, and it will show up as available.

I just tested it by grabbing a roll of duct tape and two steel, and going to a settlement with no junk supplies. Checked in the build menu by pulling up a bed, and it said I had one out of three cloth to make it, which would be the roll of duct tape. I then went to the weapon shop and crafted a standard sight to replace a weapon's reflex sight, which broke down the duct tape for its adhesive. I then went back to the build menu, and I still had the one cloth available.

I also tried another time by grabbing a... kitchen scale, I think (3 steel, in any case), a spare single piece of steel, and a wonderglue for adhesive. It was exactly enough to craft two standard sights, and it worked fine, despite the first crafting breaking down the kitchen scale and wonderglue.

It seems that sometimes the resources won't show up in the workshop inventory, but opening a crafting interface that draws from it (The workshop itself or the build menu), or possibly looking at a construction option that would draw on a stored resource, makes them show up in the workshop inventory once again. So you don't actually lose anything, it just really looks like you do at times. :twilightoops: A weird bug, in any case.

Kkat is looking for nudie mods? Naught girl. (I would do the same)

I haven't bought it just yet because I am waiting for the known bugs to get uncovered and patched, and wait for some good mods to become available. The one thing I wish is that they didn't go the Bioware route for dialogue and inter-character actions and reactions. It less like I'm actually part of the story and am instead watching someone else's. Don't like that, especially because it's abruptly different.

There is a bit of picket fence in Sanctuary that is floating in mid-air, and it is driving me nuts.

That bit of fence bothers me too. It is just out of reach.:trollestia: I'm also interested in the full dialogue and more structure options, for obvious reasons.

3585538 This version (the original version) is compatible with all versions of the Full Dialogue mod.

While I'm at it, here's one of the expanded settlement items mods out there, and here's an extended radio playlist.
(Bonus: Two minor pony mods!)

250 hours?! Damn. And I thought I had a lot of play time in it already. Oh well, at least you're enjoying the game. Me? I just want more of the Glowing Sea revealed in DLC, that's an interesting place. Oh, and more stuff to hoard. :pinkiecrazy:

Rush and Pony on!

There's already nude mods for Fallout 4

The mod I'm looking forward to is


No more having to tear your hair out because nothing snaps together

Also, being able to turn Concord and Lexington into Settlements

For some reason, I look at that last image, and I imagine Littlepip reading Angel's diary aloud. What a bizarre sense of melancholy, to see the suffering of someone in a completely different universe and know that it is physically impossible to help her.

In any case, continuing to enjoy this.

As someone who is remarkably bad at roleplaying in his RPG games, I'm never not struck with admiration at just how devoted you're capable of being to staying in-character while playing.

I highly suggest that when you're a higher level and you have some better gear (No seriously you need to be packing some firepower before you go here) that you go to Salem.

The place is fucking crazy/scary-as-shit to put it bluntly.

3585770 you can collect magazines which open up new building options for example i found one and now i can make picket fences instead of just junk and wire fences...i shall reconstruct the american dream fallout style!

3585440 its magic especially 'fallout magic' Bethesda ain't gotta explain shit.:trollestia:

But yeah thats the magic of fallout truly amazing when it works perfectly but when it doesn't well... just take a second to laugh at the fact that the legendary withered ghoul thats stuck on the power armour station is doing a funny dance right next to that shining set of T51 power armour in the locked room.:rainbowlaugh: it is truly a moment i cherish.:twilightsmile:

Mass Face-Value Scrapping: If you just dump junk into your workstations and let them break items down for you when they are needed, you end up losing materials. (For example: if you are crafting a new scope for your rifle, and you don't have any screws, the workbench will search for junk that contains screw and select one. Say it finds a globe in your workshop, an item that can be broken down for a screw, two plastic and two cork. The game will break down the globe, give you the screw, but you will lose the plastic and the cork. This becomes a real inconvenience when it starts costing you adhesives, nuclear material, fiber optics or other rarer materials.) Right now, the only way to make sure you are getting full value for the junk you collect is to tediously break each one down manually. A mod that allows you to scrap junk in bulk swiftly without losing anything would be a godsend.

I can confirm this does not happen. It's bugged. You appear to lose them, but if you go to the workbench (or hold your button/key) and enter construction mode, then leave it, the materials show up just fine. I have just over 200 hours myself, and only came across this recently. Until then, I had the same thoughts.

As per usual, it's a real treat to read your writing!

I just finished Fallout 4 the other night myself, I clocked in ninety hours overall. It's a great game! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what the modding community does with itonce the tools are available.


I did some extensive testing this morning, and it turns out that you are right... sort of.

I emptied my inventory into a container, then set up a settlement so that the only materials in the workshop were the exact materials required to craft an item, minus two steel, but plus one cooking pot. The cooking pot is supposed to break down into two steel and a copper, so the test was whether or not I would lose the copper.

Initially, I did lose the copper. The copper did not show up, and was not available for crafting with.

However, after opening and closing the settlement menu and the workbench, sleeping for twenty-four hours, opening and closing the settlement menu again, opening and closing the workbench, opening and closing a different workbench, and then opening the first one for a third time, the copper finally appeared.

So we do eventually get all the materials we are supposed to, but I'm still going to be manually scrapping all my junk because there is no way I want to put up with that bug. So I still want a mod for Mass Face-Value Scrapping. Or, alternately, a mod that gets rid of that bug and allows me to actually use the materials that automatic scrapping should generate immediately and without jumping through hoops.

I want to see more done with crafting and settlements. I want more power armor modifications, particularly the arms. Why can I only mod PA arms to buff unarmed attacks? Regular arm armors can have cool stuff like steadying your aim, but the PA arms can't? Buck that! I want more interesting paint jobs. I want actual trade-off mods like light-weight PA that trades mobility for durability, or super heavy PA for more defense/durability but makes sneaking almost impossible so you can actually be a real walking tank. I want craftable poison defense on all armor and PA so I can actually deal with king/queen mirelurks, radscorpions, etc on survival without quickloading a million times. Hell, how about a poison resist consumable/chem or something. Why should poison resist only exist on random legendary armor?

Speaking of crafting, how about a mod that show you the AP cost of a weapon and the changes to that when modding it! Remove that damn mystery so we can make an informed decision. How about some modding love for melee and heavy weapons, too. They all feel so disappointing compared to rifles and pistols in terms of modability. I want to see more options. Why can't we light the Broadsider's ammo on fire? How about putting a beam splitter on the Laser Gatling? Where's my Plasma Gatling? How about turning the Flamer into an Incinerator that lobs fireballs? What about melee weapon variants, like for the Power Fist. What happened to the ballistic fist, the zap glove, or industrial fist? Let me turn a ripper into a full chainsaw. Let me mess around with melee weapons to adjust attack speed vs damage. Let me tinker and upgrade them. Just give me more.

I like the settlements overall, so I'd love to just see more done with them. More building options, more settlers, more varied radiant quests, etc. I'd love to see raids happen on settlements a bit more often and ones that are more dangerous. I'd like it if you actually had incentive to equip your settlers instead of just dropping 3-5 missile turrets in range of where the enemies spawn and instantly winning any raid. I'd like the chance to be proactive as the Minutemen's General. Let me have actual control over the group once we have the Castle. I want to have scouting assignments, send out patrols to reduce hostile activity in an area, have actual troops in my settlements to help defend. I want more control over trade routes and area economics. I also don't want to be the only Minuteman who ever responds to a distress call. I want to actually feel like a damn General instead of feeling like the only active Minuteman. I want to actually feel like I run these settlements instead of just being the guy everyone whines to.

I know some of this is way outside the scope of a mod, but still, the point is I just want more.

Also, I would honestly pay money to be able to romance Nick. Get on that Bethesda!

Nope, your still further than I am Kkat

I agree wholeheartedly that the items should be available immediately. There should be something done about it.

I hear one thing you could use for a passive mass-scrapping option is to store it all in your workbench like normal, and set a resident to a scavenging station, they automatically, and passively, collect materials, as well as break down those you put into your workbench. I'm not sure how often they break stuff down, but my main sanctuary settlement's single scavenger regularly finds a sum of 10-30 units of various materials to build with, counting both him 'finding' and 'scrapping' stuff. So, it won't be fast, but it will break stuff down.

Another thing is, once you get enough materials, those you lose temporarily won't matter too much in the long run. Have you been setting up supply lines and keeping your places all supplied together? That means what materials and items you've stored in a workbench, outside actual buildable items like turrets and structures, are available at any other to remove or build with. Immediately. Get a big load of copper and need to use it at another location? If there's a supply line set up (even chaining between settlements in a big line) will mean you can build with that copper wherever you need it.

Those kind of mods will have to wait until the GECK comes out. The mods out now are more or less cobbled together from the mod tools from Skyrim that work with Fallout 4 and clever file editing. A likely reason you can't edit anything with VATS is because Skyrim didn't have anything like that, just mana, stamina, and health. Stamina is similar base to build on, but it's not quite the same.

3588227 I would be down for that too.

3588134 Yeah, I know. I'm also hopeful that whatever DLC ends up being released makes a point of improving and expanding what is already in place instead of adding more gimmicks.

Get ready for a bunch of links, Kkat~ (And don't forget to have fun)
If you haven't already, make sure you enable mods via the method outlined in this vid.

Field of View Adjustment: I would really like to see a mod that makes this a lot easier than hunting down three different .ini files and modifying them manually.

A utility that allows you to change a bunch of settings in your ini files without having to go rooting around in them.

Wider Settlement Scrapping Area: I don't mind the restrictions on where to build, but I would like to be able to scrap things that are a little bit farther away than is currently allowed. (There is a bit of picket fence in Sanctuary that is floating in mid-air, and it is driving me nuts. I will probably end up using the console "disable" command to get rid of it.)

This one is probably impossible without also increasing the buildable area along with it. Will likely need to wait for the GECK for this one. Or at least give people more time to work with F4SE.

More Building Parts: I would really like to see the available building options expanded. Some examples: I would like a wooden wall segment that allows for internal doors. I would like a metal wall segment that has a window. I would like to create intact toilets for my settlements. And I would like proper end-pieces and connecting pieces for the wide metal archway.

Settlement Supplies Expanded (SSEx)

Extended Radio Playlists: I would like something akin to the GNR extension mods we saw for Fallout 3. For now, I just use a music playlist of my own instead of the radio sometimes. But that means that I miss out on new radio announcements.

More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition

Better Inventory Sorting: I would like to see "Aid" items sorted by classificaiton (food, chems, etc). I would like holotapes and found notes separated into their own sub-categories. I have a feeling that there are several notes that I have picked up and haven't read yet because they got lost in my huge "Data" inventory. Having weapons sub-classified by type would be nice too. I'd like all my grenades types to be listed together rather than spread out alphabetically.

Valdacil's Item Sorting
This one is specifically compatible with other mods that edit strings, and is customizable/modular by design.

Settler Assignment Overview: A mod that would allow me to conveniently see all the settlers in a settlement, what their assignments are, and which ones are unassigned would be incredibly helpful. Until then, I may have to look into the Settler Renaming mod.


Mass Face-Value Scrapping: If you just dump junk into your workstations and let them break items down for you when they are needed, you end up losing materials. (For example: if you are crafting a new scope for your rifle, and you don't have any screws, the workbench will search for junk that contains screw and select one. Say it finds a globe in your workshop, an item that can be broken down for a screw, two plastic and two cork. The game will break down the globe, give you the screw, but you will lose the plastic and the cork. This becomes a real inconvenience when it starts costing you adhesives, nuclear material, fiber optics or other rarer materials.) Right now, the only way to make sure you are getting full value for the junk you collect is to tediously break each one down manually. A mod that allows you to scrap junk in bulk swiftly without losing anything would be a godsend.

As said before, this is untrue. Materials do get added to your workbench, only they don't show up in the interface right away. etc etc you already addressed this.

Improved Robot Hacking: Specifically, I would love for a fourth rank of Robotics Expert that allowed me to assign hacked robots to my settlements as guards.


Legendary Reroll: I'm on the fence about this idea. Do you every find it frustrating to fight furiously to take down a Legendary monster only for the randomly generated Legendary item to be worthless? Would it be nice for there to be an option that gives you a choice from two random rolls so that you can have a higher chance of getting something useful? (Or, at least, no gamma guns of ghoul-slaying.) Maybe make it a modification of rank four of Fortune Finder, rather than having people explode into caps?


And, of course, the obligatory male and female Nude Mod(s) will become part of my mod collection sooner or later.

Female nude mod exists right now, male is impossible until mesh editing, which will have to wait until the GECK is released next year. Not linking to this one for obvious site rules reasons.

Excellent diary blog as always. Got around to reading it. Now I have some catching up to do.

That extended radio playlist, I hope they included video links somewhere with the track names!

Man I keep missing out on these Dx ugh!

Awesome blog entry Kkat! :D heheh, very interesting reading how Angel is handling things!

and a drug dealer named Wolfgang.

Wolfgang, after everything I bought from you in the Capital Wastes, this is what you turn to! D': I am ashamed!

3599446 it's a different "Wolfgang"
The one in the Capital Wasteland calls himself "Crazy Wolfgang"

3603769 I figured as much xD its just funny to read another one that almost has the same name :P

3604671 "You should try Lee. There are a million Lee's." -Pian Dao, Avatar The Last Airbender

Hahahah! I am legit laughing so hard right now, I have two characters named Lee on here! XD

Well, actually, the creature isn't ever named. He's simply known as the creature. The creature says that he should have been Frankenstein's Adam, (as in God created Adam and Eve,) but instead he is his fallen angel,(as in Lucifer).

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