• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2023


There are a few Jakes on this website. I'm the ginger one.

More Blog Posts266

  • 316 weeks
    Steamed Hams but it's in reference to The Non-Compete Clause

    With thanks to Merc the Jerk for this terrible idea, but let's be honest, we're giving the episode much more attention than it deserves.

    *rings doorbell*

    “Well, Hasbro, I found a stream of it. Despite your Copyright Claims.”

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    4 comments · 664 views
  • 332 weeks
    I want to write again but I need your thoughts!

    Since I've settled into an easygoing life, with a new computer at my side, I'm getting that writing bug again. It pays to have friends who write in that regard, since you tend to look at them and be a little ashamed that you aren't matching their output at all.

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  • 365 weeks
    Sunset Over Paradise

    If you're an impatient little troglodyte like me, you've no doubt already seen the three Equestria Girls specials, with English subtitles of course because as of right now they're only in Polish—

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  • 397 weeks
    An Experimental Excerpt - The Pink Pioneer

    Sometimes I write. I promise. The process usually involves a huuuge ton of time thinking of how awesome an idea of mine would be... without nailing down many specifics or getting on with the damn thing. That said, once I do get writing, I can achieve a decent length in a short amount of time. I suppose that fits my personality; long bouts of distraction coupled with short, intense bursts of work.

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    7 comments · 630 views
  • 414 weeks
    I'm Feeling Quite Smug Right Now

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Things to Share: Thoughts and a Table · 7:36pm Nov 29th, 2015

So I've been thinking I need to ramp up productivity. And I was thinking of how to achieve this. The conclusion I've made is that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

I've made a table that'll determine what I write on what day, on a two-week rotation. I haven't set myself any word count goals for them, it's just to encourage me to get something down every day. Even if I only write fifty words on a day, that's still progress.

I'll elaborate on what it means. The numbers for each fic just mean their priority. So fic #1, whatever that will be, will get the most attention over both weeks. Fics #2 and #3 get less attention, swapping their positions each week. Sunday is a free slot because, er... this tends to be me on a Sunday...

So if I do feel well enough to write on a Sunday, it'll be whatever I choose. If I do nothing, then I won't feel so bad.

Am I going to follow this schedule? I'd like to. Maybe I should give myself some incentives to write harder but I think that if you've got to make incentives for yourself to do something, then really you're just gonna be forced. With writing, a forced attitude might come through and things might get rushed.

That's agenda A of this blog post, lemme know what you think.

Agenda B: the finale. My thoughts?

Eh, it was okay. A fun action-packed romp that lacked substance. The ending was awful though and Starlight probably has the weakest backstory of any villain we've seen so far.

Also, there's someone I would have rather seen than Starlight becoming Twilight's student...

Am I salty? Haha, you betcha!

With Sunset's redemption arc, Starlight's point is effectively moot. Just have Sunset come back to Equestria. Doesn't even need to stay, she can just visit for friendship lessons. Eugh, whatever.

What the episodes did provide though was a ton of fanfic fuel. But let's ignore most of that because I have an ungodly obsession with Pinkie.

Not gonna lie, I was ecstatic when badass soldier Ponka appeared on screen with Maud. Like, holy shit, how can you get something so right?

The best part of this is that it kinda flies in the face of those who say Pinkie can never be serious, or can't really fight. Just look at her. LOOK AT HER.

But would she have changed because she never got her cutie mark from the Rainboom? I'm inclined to think not. In the Chrysalis future, we see that Fluttershy's and Pinkie's cutie marks are the same. This implies they find their special talents anyway, and there's not much deviation from a talent that specialises on throwing parties to make ponies happy.

So here we have a happy Pinkie thrown into the jaws of war. Notice how her and Rainbow are the only Mane 6 to enter the field of combat. This just proves how badass they both are.

And yeah, you can bet I'm shipping the ever loving fuck out of them. In fact, I'm planning on a fic in that timeline right now. Gonna be so sweet. Lots of actions, then tons of cute RainbowPie hurt/comfort. Gonna be so goooood. (It'll take a while though, as there are lots of gaps in the worldbuilding to fill, then I've got to plan the moves of the military and etc etc.)

Finally because why not, here's my updated list of top ten pones:

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Sunset Shimmer
3. Lyra Heartstrings
4. Bon Bon
5. Applejack
6. Rarity
7. Rainbow Dash
8. Scootaloo
9. Vinyl Scratch
10. Berry Punch

I can't remember what my list was exactly last time (I know I've done one before) but things have changed.

Sunset got a huge boost because of Friendship Games. While that movie itself was meh, Sunset was hands down the best part of it. It's such a shame more of her story got cut in it, would've been amazing. As it is, she gets my eternal respect for chewing out Sci-Twi for being a dumbfuck, as it shows Sunset still has that fiery personality to her. (Plus, as a speech, it's almost like she's talking about herself and her actions in the first EQG movie.)

Bon Bon moved up, due to her new secret agent angle. It's great and it opens up so many badass opportunities for her, as well as helping to flesh out her personality some more.

Applejack got a small boost because Merc the Jerk is such a good Applejack and RariJack writer and Goddamn read his stuff right now you faggot. He'll convert you to the ways of appul whorse.

Scootaloo's moved down considerably. From what I can recall, she used to be in my top 3 favourite pones. I think she moved down because she didn't do much solo this season, so my mind's wandered elsewhere for more fresher pones (see Bon Bon).

Vinyl's in there because I actually enjoy writing her quite a bit. Personally I prefer to have her as a mute. It makes for a really interesting character and forces you to think around the box when getting her to express herself.

And I really need to write some Berry Punch sometime.

I'll probably have changed my mind by tomorrow anyway. Oh well.

Whew, this blog post was a tad messy. Ah well, sometimes it's nice to just let your mind do the talking for a bit.



Report JaketheGinger · 511 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I'm advocating that we call whatever military company/platoon Pinkie and Maud belonged to in the Crystal War timeline 'The Rockbuster Brigade', :rainbowkiss:

more The Symphony of a Winning Lyrist please?:pinkiesmile:

Hmm... I'm going to take a gander at that schedule. That might be just the thing I need get my fic-writing ass back into gear. That, and the inspiring uniforms from the crystal war timeline.

I thought you would have liked the part of the ending scene where Dash and Pinkie are snuggling together (well they are all trying to hug but the head snuggling was not needed to do that) and how They put Pinkie and Dash together while at the same time putting Vinyl Scratch/Octavia, Bon Bon/Lyra, and Rose/Doctor together (well some think they belong together anyway)...

Though do they all have to stare at the camera like that....

I also love that look for Pinkie as a soldier. It helps works with how I see Pinkie if things were slightly different.

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