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Lord Of Dorkness

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AMBIENT.PROLOGUE · 2:46pm Nov 20th, 2015


The really, really sad thing? This had potential.

If the devs had just filed the MLP serial number off a bit more, down to: 'heavily inspired by' levels? This could have really been something in time.

But as-is, this is just so blatantly FiM based its going to get SLAMMED with the entire copy-right mallet.

And a real shame, too. The less then stellar (pardon the pun) sound design and ripped character design aside, this looks really pretty, and with decent game-play for an indie-game.

With a bit more polish and a whole less 'golden veronica,' I'd outright call the way the tutorial is apparently having a snow-ball fight with your sister down-right inspired. I haven't seen that done in a third-person Zelda-clone before. Hell, the magic system looks downright amazing.

But unless they clean that up ASAP and make this whole world at least a bit more original? This is just going to get chewed up and spit out by Hasbro's legal department before you can say: 'hamburger meat.'

Heck, games without human protagonist are so rare, I hope this actually reached 'done' just for the fact that you play a unicorn.

Please go tell the developers what you think if you've got time, because it would be a real shame if this goes the way Fighting Is Magic almost did before it became Them's Fightin' Herds.

Comments ( 4 )

Yeah, um, this.
Somebody needs a bigger file.
Hell, I barely understand what is going on at all.
And dafaq is Golden Veronica


Haven't seen it myself, but there's a non-edited 19 minute game-play demonstration.

Not sure if it's more interesting, but it should be more cohesive at least.

And dafaq is Golden Veronica

...The saint of laundry and pictures?

Seriously though, I think its a very poorly chosen spell name that's not exactly intimidating sounding for that 'shield' thing.

I've just seen the video Lord has posted in the blog and this is my assumption for the story:

The sister know Starswirl, who is apparently well-versed in magic. Also Starswirl seems to be the mentor/benefector of the sisters.
Apparently Unicorns control the sun and they have a Queen, but they don't control the moon. It also appears that the sisters had to flee their home because of the unicorns.
It also appears to be all over the world to be winter for four years straight, which hints at windigos. And the sisters are looking for a place where there isn't perpetual winter.

This will totally be sued for copy-right infringements.
Also repetitive spellcast-yelling is a very poor design choice for what is basically your auto-attack

Hell, it would sound a lot better if they just replaced the sound bit with Lucas's "PK Fire!" [SSB Brawl]. I love spamming that thing.

If you want a spell to yell out, at least make it sound cool.

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