• Member Since 14th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen January 27th


Hello, just an ADD-ful mind with a knack for pones, Cyber and Dieselpunk.

More Blog Posts20

  • 337 weeks

    Due to likely family activities, I might not finish and release the next chapter over the coming weekend. That said I do believe I will be able to have the next one out next weekend!

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  • 339 weeks
    Little delay!

    Due to lotta things happening this weekend I may not be able to release chapter 22 today, that said it has been started, and I do hope to finish it this week before going into chapter 23!

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  • 344 weeks
    Progress going well!

    I am currently past 3,000 words on Chapter 17! My plan is for it to be out tomorrow! I think this weekend release schedule is working well!

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  • 345 weeks
    Soon to come out!

    Wow what progress! By tomorrow chapter 16 should be out by tomorrow! Hopefully with a weekend schedule and some possible extra work on the week I will be able to get chapters out more! We will see.

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  • 346 weeks

    For those who have at least somewhat followed this story I am sorry for further delays, but I do have a plan to try to help get me typing more for the months! Thing is I have other things going on, whether it's irl events or distractions such as my drawing practice. Lately, I have been trying to get a schedule for my drawing practice on so I can get better, try to have a picture out every

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Pre-Equestrian Era. (A Middle Ages headcanon history) Part 1: Introduction and the Rising, High, And Falling Middle Ages. · 3:05pm Oct 30th, 2015

The middle ages was a period of time that is characterized by the events that took place after the first tribal period (Where the first tribes were formed) and the second tribal period (in which the Unicorn, Pegasi, and Earth ponies tribes were formed). That is where the name "Middle" Ages comes from, as it refers to the time's standing in between the two tribal periods. This time period was where a multitude of different kingdoms were formed, most of which from different tribes from the first tribal era. The kingdoms that were formed were of very heavy division and wars did break out for various reasons many of which were related to the Earth Ponies of the time, which will be discussed in the next chapter. Three different time periods are categorized within the Middle Ages those being the Rising Middle Ages, High or Mid Middle Ages, and the Falling Middle Ages or Pre-Collapse.

The Earliest part of the Rising Middle Ages consists of the development of tribes into kingdoms. The tribes that existed had a very wide variety of different cultures and ponies (Most tribes being majority towards one race) which would serve to shape the future kingdoms that would be established. The tribes were often nomadic and traveled about the land scavenging from the wilderness, though some did establish permanent homes. Despite their lifestyles the tribes were not of a highly primitive nature, social order and basic systems of authority did exist within the tribes as made evident by written accounts from the time. These tribes typically had a selected leader figure who made major decisions for the tribe, a chief of sorts. This was the current extent of the authority system as all the other tribe members would typically be of the same role, defending and gathering for the tribe. Weapons developed during the First Tribal Period were naturally made of wood, stone, and flint, bronze being a later advancement which would lead to the development of swords. Iron wouldn't be introduced until the transitional period between the First Tribal Period and the Rising Middle Ages, when it was discovered it would lead to further advancements in weaponry, including the highly important introduction of steel. The First Tribal Period and the transitional period that followed generally did not have many conflicts between tribes but rather instead had tribes fighting against various hostile creatures, whose hides and other parts of the body were often made use of. Despite the development into kingdoms tribes did exist up until the later parts of the early middle ages. The first kingdoms were established from the unity of multiple tribes, which led to the overall developments of these newly created communities. Early castles and permanent homes were constructed as was the social structure that would shape the future social structures to come in the future. Cultural growth was also very prevalent during the time period. Weapons and armor were advanced as well with the introduction of steel, longer swords were produced as more advanced polearms. Since swords were very expensive and difficult to construct the common soldier's weapon of the time was the axe and or spear, as it was cheaper to construct. Mail armor, armor made entirely of iron and later steel rings, was a major development in armor from the time period. Fighting against various creatures dwindled down with the development of heavily protected communities, the population of such creatures being hunted to near if not extinction, as well as the decline of nomadic living. The first wars of the middle ages came in the later portion of the Rising Middle Ages as the kingdoms established and grew in size, few conflicts came up during this period though and it was mostly a time of development.

The middle part of the Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages (also known as the Mid Middle Ages) are so named because this was where the characteristics that make up the middle ages were at their peak. Many castles, walled cities, and other magnificent works of architecture were made during the period of time. Every successful kingdom had many castles and growing cities within its borders. Architectural development and creativity were at an all time high. Unicorn kingdoms in particular had some of the most magnificent structures due to the high building capabilities and the skillful stone carving that many unicorns had, an example being the well known Kingdom of Unihorn which was one of the most rich of the kingdoms. Less is known about pegasus architecture (Particularly in their sky cities) due to the loss of the majority of structures, however depictions do show some impressive works of architecture. Earth pony castles and structures were most often built with the notion of function over aesthetics, and as such did not have as widely decorative structures. Earth pony structures of the time however were very well constructed and thus make for sturdy and reliable structures. Defensive weapons such as mounted crossbows and catapults were very often placed throughout the walls of all castles and cities (Such weapons also being used on the battlefield. Earth Pony architects obsessed over the need for defense by far the most. Earth Ponies being the first to introduce the idea of a moat, a body of water surrounding the castle, as a defensive measure when a hill was not available to build a castle on. Art and literature particularly in Unicorn kingdoms flourished during the High Middle Ages with many different stories, poems, paintings, carvings, and other works. Art and literature whether depicting real life events or works of fiction are where a lot is learned of the Middle Ages, depictions of battle are among the most famous as well as masterfully pained pictures of landscapes, castles, and famous ponies. Stone carvings and statues are also recurring pieces of artwork and many of which were used as decorations for castles. Such statues often portrayed kings and queens, soldiers, famous knights (knights will be covered in another chapter) and creatures. The many pieces of artistic work also give a glimpse into the culture of the times as well, which varied between kingdoms but had many different commonalities. One such commonality in every kingdom is the evident importance of music in the culture, many different songs were written and instruments such as the lute were an integral part of the common culture. Though many positive aspects are present of the High Middle Ages in it's architecture, art, literature, and music, the heavy amount of conflict and war and bloodshed is an undeniable part of the High Middle Ages.

The relations between the many kingdoms were highly competitive and hostile, contributing to many wars for land and power. Unlike what some may believe there was fighting between kingdoms of the same dominant race as well as kingdoms of a different dominant race. One race in particular was the subject of the reasoning behind many wars, and that race was the Earth Ponies, who were in every kingdom due to their aptitude and natural capability in farming. Fights over land, warring competitions for power over the land, as well as conflicts caused by earth pony rebellions are present throughout the High Middle ages and war quickly became a self evident part of life for ponies. Many weapons were improved and advanced during the High Middle Ages' many wars, ranging from weapons such as from swords (now more common), axes, maces, polearms, as well as ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows. Earth ponies have produced by far the greatest known variety of sword designs. In these wars one type of fighter became renown and famous, and that was the Knight, an armored elite fighter trained from childhood in the art of combat. They were present since the Early Middle Ages but were by far the most prevalent in the High and Late Middle Ages. Becoming figures of legend, revered by the kingdoms they served and feared by the opposing soldiers who faced them. Not all conflicts were between kingdoms, some were within them. Conflicts within royal families have led to violent fighting for the throne that have even led to internal wars occurring. Another cause for internal war was revolts from the Earth ponies put under service as farmers by kingdoms of Unicorns and Pegasi, resentment was present within many earth ponies under rule of kingdoms where they were the majority and oppression towards earth ponies did exist, often resulting in wars. More on this topic will be discussed in the next chapter.

The final and shortest period of time within the Middle Ages was the Falling Middle Ages. The Falling Middle Ages had changes in culture and social order but the changes weren't as many as in the High Middle Ages, however war was still very present and some conflicts that started in the High Middle Ages even carried on in the Falling Middle Ages. The Falling Middle Ages soon became the most violent with by far the worst amount of violence and bloodshed. Most of the kingdoms to fall before The Collapse did so during the Falling Middle Ages, kingdoms were either conquered or were divided by the formations of factions and conspiracies. The kings and queens themselves often became paranoid and were quick to accuse and have executed any who were suspected of treason and rebellion. An extremely disturbing tale of the time is of a unicorn king who slaughtered nearly every earth pony under his rule for fear of rebellion, resulting in eventual famine and even cannibalism. The story itself is likely based on a true even based on the apparent situation of the time. It is likely that there was little to no peacetime during the Falling Middle Ages due to the fact that most accounts describe war and internal tension and even disorder. The events of the Falling Middle Ages soon led to The Collapse, where the wars inflicted terrible damage upon the cities and nearly every kingdom collapsed in the chaos. Further causing chaos was a mysterious plague which killed many. The event known as The Collapse will be discussed in a later chapter.

Comments ( 4 )

wow. your first blog, and you give us this?

this is amazingly well thought out!

3507410 This was originally supposed to be a story, however it seems the devs don't find it worthy of submisson as a story due to the textbook nature :P and thank you. ^^ There are more chapters on the way.

3508167 The blogs are here.

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