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Apologies are to be given but there is good news · 3:40am Oct 29th, 2015

Yeah as the title says I owe all of you an apology you see I told you all that I would be done with the latest chapter of Lumis but things kinda went longer than expected, you see I was just about to send it out but I said to myself "let me give it the o'l once over and see if there any mistakes I missed." so I did but what I found was some parts (the important parts) didn't have enough visual description for the reader. so I added that, and then a little more, and then a little more , and then....well so on and so on. One thing though my word count for this chapter is a 5k so that's a plus from 3k right....right...?
but I got some good news, I save a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico..... *sounds of crickets can be heard*
Wow tough crowd, well anyway the real good news is that I'm going to put a little preview. so here it is

"Is this to your liking your highness?"

Chrysalis shook her head and said, "Yes this pleases your queen my drone."

Shallow Night gritting his teeth even more at the phrase "drone". The very word brought a bitter taste in his mouth, even more so hearing it from Chrysalis. A slight shiver coursed through his body as he tried to maintain his composure.

"Thrax has informed me of you and your team finding the castle." Chrysalis said as she walks closer to him

With each hoof step is heard his ear would twitch as if something within him was telling him to be wary of the owner of he sound. Shadow night just remained silent as Chrysalis moved even closer to him but unknown anyone or any changeling there each step was causing his repressed angry to rise, which would be evident if one would look to his face as he's gritting his teeth all to keep his anger in check. As Chrysalis was an ear shot away she lowered her head to his right ear and whispered as she patted him on the head,

"You've done well for you queen my little drone, it seems you have finally learn where your place is."

Chrysalis raised her head back up and started walking back as she continued with a wicked smile,

"As long as you keep on pleasing me,that little village and your little pony family will remain safe from harm."

the three changelings could look in slight horror as Chrysalis walked away, not because of what she had said but because unknown to her there was a rather large tree branch with it's ends sharpened covered in a green glow, floating only mere inches from her head. They could only stare mouths agape at the object floating in the air, suddenly it slowly lowers down to the ground and the glow vanishes. Shallow night lower his head as he remains motionless to the world as many thoughts run through his mind, some of anger for not finishing the job he so desperately wanted to do, some were thoughts of worry for the family of ponies who took him in and treated him as if he was no different from them, as well as the little village that so kindly treated him. He remained lost in his thoughts until he felt a hoof tapping on his withers, he looks to his left and sees one of the changelings was looking at him with a worried expression. He raised his head and smiles to the changeling and says,

"Do not worry Wisp I am fine, are you and the other feeling better?"

Wisp just tilts his head and answered,

"Yes sir we're fine but what about you?" he points to Shallow night's closed right eye "You should let us treat you eye for you before it gets infected."

Shallow Night traced his eye with a hoof and felt three gashes going down to his cheek, he winced a little to the slight pain of the injury. As he removed his hoof he notice a green substance on it, it was blood but to be precise it was his blood. Shallow Night looks to the other changelings then to his hoof to them and back to his hoof and thought,

"So that's why they wouldn't look at me directly, and here I thought I made out of it with just a small scratch."

He looks back to his fellow changelings, smiled then waved dismissively and said,

"Don't worry yourselves about this, I'm perfectly fine all that matters is that you're all safe."

The second changeling trotted up and said,

"To fight a beast like that and make it out with just one injury is really amazing, I don't think even the queen could to that."

Shallow Night let out a chuckle and said,

"Well buggy I guest that's one more thing I'm better than her at, but still to think we would run into a giant blue bear deep within this forest, I would have thought one of the ponies would have ran into it or even that zebra."

"She did say that that one was only a baby." buggy said as he shuddered, "I couldn't imagine something that big being only a baby, just thinking about the size of it's mother scares me."

Shallow Night chuckles, He then looks over to see the third changeling shuffling through a nearby bush. Moments later the little changeling came trotting to him holding in it's mouth a small brown pouch with a string tied to it. The taller changeling looked at it with puzzlement and whispered,

"Uh Wisp, whats in that pouch that Stock is holding, it doesn't look like it's full of her little knickknacks."

"No sir, actually its medicine that the zebra mare gave us. She noticed your eye and thought you could use it." Wisp answered.

Shallow Night just looked at the changeling Stock as she placed the pouch in front of him and sat down in front of him, he just smiles and said,

"Thank you Stock but as I told the others I am fine, you don't need to go out of your way for me."

Stock just shook her head then stared at him with a frown while pointing to the pouch and then to his eye.

"Oh come on I already told you I'm...." Shallow Night said,

but was interrupted by Stock stomping a hoof on the ground forcibly then pointed to the pouch and then to his eye again.

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