• Member Since 24th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 16th, 2022


"Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be."– Clementine Paddleford

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  • 185 weeks
    I'm the worst :D

    I know! Terrible.

    Just popping in for my periodic State of the Dancer, you know how I do.

    Previously, I was lamenting my lack of free time due to the whole working full time and having my smol child. I decided to add to that by rebooting the soap business.

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  • 206 weeks

    whaddup tho

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  • 255 weeks


    the wedding was a fucking blast, actually

    Professor Plum made a really excellent bridesman, and as soon as I get the pics back with him in his kilt, they'll be incoming

    and Sicily for the honeymoon was just

    my god


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  • 257 weeks
    Oh hey

    Wow, been a hot minute, eh?

    I've missed this site. Last year, I went through Some Shit over the summer and fall, and then I got engaged in November to a very nice man.

    We get married in five days, and I had noticed a lot of registry gifts coming in all of a sudden with real names attached that I did not recognize.

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  • 311 weeks

    Germany is kiboshed, unfortunately--lots of rl stuff going on around con-time.

    So, instead, I'll be at Bronycon so I'm closer to home :)

    Can't wait to see you guys!


    18 comments · 421 views

Why? · 7:43pm Oct 11th, 2015

Why is it with every major turning point in the show, y'all run around acting like it's the end of the series?

It happened when Twilight got her wings, too. Now that the CMC, who are not the show's main characters, have gotten their cutie marks, I'm seeing people flip out about how this means the series is going to end.

Did nobody notice that the CMC specifically got cutie marks related to helping other ponies discover their purpose in life, thus opening the door for more episodes featuring the three of them? It's Twilight's Wings all over again, where those same people assumed the series would end because it's not like princesses do anything important, amirite?

Pictured: Princess Twilight Sparkle just sort of sitting on her ass and being pampered, apparently?

As much as we all like to write, the simple fact is that the writers of My Little Pony have built this incredibly complex universe that can go so many different directions. There is literally zero reason to assume that the series is ending because auxiliary characters accomplished their main goal.

The thing about main goals in life is that they change. Once you accomplish one, you look to accomplish the next. Ideally, one even better than your primary goal was in the first place.

So simmer down, y'all. It's gonna be alright.

Comments ( 31 )

Big 10-4 goodbuddy!


3462328 :rainbowkiss:

3462353 :raritystarry:

3462371 Had to happen eventually. They've gone five seasons (and what appears to be about a year and a half, maybe, in Pony Time) without them. I actually like the marks, too.

3462381 The only thing more fucked than my headcannon is the show's timeline.

I don't know what happened when anymore!

3462388 They've had two winters and two Sisterhooves Socials, which leads us to the second Nightmare Night ep soonish, I guess, so I'm assuming it's about midsummer in pony time now. The show started around summer time (going by Applebuck Season, which was a couple episodes in), so maybe 18 months is about right? It's hard to tell without sitting down to work it all out but I'm currently writing two stories in tandem and also making a yellow Fluttershy dress for my seven year old son (hello there, sentence I never thought I'd type) so I haven't really got the time to work it out fully xD

3462393 Huh. that makes sense.

Kind of like Breaking Bad.

3462404 I think it's because some of the episodes happen during the same timeframe (the most recent example being the recent Manehattan ep with Rarity and Applejack happening at the same time as Brotherhooves Social), so that can mess stuff up.

I lost my shit when I saw the show, but in a good way. I saw so many possibilities with what the show writers could do with the events that they gave us yesterday, as well as some more incredible fodder for us fimfic writers.

I cannot understand why there are those who think the episode yesterday heralds the end of MLP:FiM.

That dress for your son, is that for Nightmare Night? Also, please share pictures of the dress. I would very much like to see it when completed.

3462413 Yeah. I also read that, aside form a few episodes, Season One was meant to be viewed in any order, so that probably contributes.

[panicking intensifies]

3462419 Yep! He insisted he wants to be Fluttershy. The problem is that there does not appear to be any 'out of the box' Fluttershy costumes, so I need to make one. I haven't made proper clothing since I was eight years old or so, so I made the mistake of sewing the armholes shut, so I'm taking a moment to be pissed at myself properly before I go back and try again. Also, apparently I have to be "Big Fluttershy" along with him, for which there IS an out of the box costume, but it's, uh, certainly something. We'll see.

3462438 Yeah, but it's our nature to look at things lineally.

3462446 orig05.deviantart.net/f713/f/2015/057/b/9/cute_girl_sunset_shimmer_by_riouku-d8jm070.png

I just watch the show and assume that the writers know what the fuck they're doing.

So if I keep panicking, do I get more?

:facehoof: The last song of the episode even had lyrics specifically addressing how this was as much a beginning as an end.

I guess sometimes, it's just really fun to proclaim the end times are nigh. Go figure.

Why is it with every major turning point in the show, y'all run around acting like it's the end of the series?

It happened when Twilight got her wings, too. Now that the CMC, who are not the show's main characters, have gotten their cutie marks, I'm seeing people flip out about how this means the series is going to end.

I believe it has got to do with the fact that the show seems to be closing all of its open ends. By Lauren Faust's shopping list:
(*) Rainbow had to join the Wonderbolts
(*) Rarity had to open a shop in Canterlot, and stabilize her business there
(*) Twilight had to become a Princess
(*) The Crusaders had to get their Cutie Marks

Furthermore, the fact that we saw the Crusaders get their marks altogether, in a single very rushed episode, paints red flags, especially under the light that Hasbro hasn't announced (to my knowledge) a Season 6.

To me, it looks like Hasbro is trying to close the series in a high note.

Author Interviewer

I'm seeing people flip out about how this means the series is going to end.

Bitches don't know 'bout season 6 confirmed.

3462639 There's been talk of Season 6 confirmation along with a pony movie in 2017 (actual pony, not EQG). While the tweets about s6 were hastily blamed on a 'typo', that's one hell of a typo to be the whole sentence. If you poke around the internet, you'll see references to it.

*Rainbow Dash is in the reserves, not the actual 'Bolts.
*There's been no reference to truly stable business there just yet. It takes at least a year for a new location to stabilize.
*She did, and then they continued showing what she has to do as a Princess. The Cutie Map wouldn't have been introduced at all, I think, if they were trying to wrap things up--instead, the Cutie Map opens doors to new episodes.
*They did, and as I said, the way and reason for those marks opens doors to new episodes, too.

3462656 right? I'm sayin


Bitches don't know 'bout season 6 confirmed.

Is it?
Shutting up now.

Or like the time Twilight's library was destroyed. I once commented on how moving along in life is normal even when faced with adversity, and this is a matter of the opposite. Twilight and her friends are finding their calling in life so to speak as their Element of Harmony issues spring up, so the CMCs role is similar in this regard. Also, notice who one of the characters shown in the flashbacks were: Trouble Shoes.

He got his cutiemark a long time ago as far as the timeline is concerned, but he didn't find out what it really meant all along until someone showed him where he really belonged. I mean heck, this is as good as it gets for the Crusaders, cause now they get to keep being Crusaders, but with a new flavor..... Also, this further solidifies those fics about them being very close and intimate with each other as they get older. Just saying. :moustache:

And Now I don't know anymore about announcements for the coming season, beyond the fact that Sibsy announced yesterday that her employment ends next week:
What does that mean? I don't know.

Amy Keating Rogers is also leaving the show: S5E18 was apparently her second-to-last episode.
What does that mean? I don't know.

(*) Rainbow isn't quite a front line member, but she's being called to events to sit the bench. Any pro-athlete out there will tell you that a bench-warming contract with the champion team will be far more valuable than a prime-time contract with a second-rate team.
(*) Rarity's manager was a mare specialized on burning out rising stars and saturating the market with a single mass-produced product, resulting in shops crashing down as soon as the market becomes saturated. Rarity taught her a better way, and business was picking up. By the next episode, Rarity visits her Canterlot manager and things are going well. I know it isn't realistic to expect a business to be really stable after just a couple months show-time, but I doubt we'll see more on the subject beyond quick status updates. Damn 22-minute episodes.
(*) The Cutie Map appeared on S5E01, so your assertion is incorrect. The Cutie Map was the announcement of an overarching plot for Season 5, and we don't know anything about it going beyond the current season.
(*) The Crusaders getting their Marks can mean any number of things. But, just for starters, it wraps up their story so far. For all we know, they will now "march to the horizon" and never be seen again.

3463291 People leave shows all the time, and shows like MLP are no different in that regard. I'm not going to sit and whine that I feel the whole thing is over because of one massive change, because we've HAD massive changes, we've HAD the whining, and it's always been wrong.

Speaking of business? MLP is, quite frankly, a fucking cash cow. They're not gonna shut that down when there's still so much interest. It doesn't make fiscal sense. The more new characters they make, the more new toys they can put out. The more conventions there are, the more interest the voice actors can generate along with revenue. MLP is a business as much as it was one woman's dream once upon a time, and I don't see it ending this year.

It would make more sense for the ending to be at the end of season 6 in 2017, with the pony movie being the capstone of the project.


Speaking of business? MLP is, quite frankly, a fucking cash cow. They're not gonna shut that down when there's still so much interest. It doesn't make fiscal sense. The more new characters they make, the more new toys they can put out. The more conventions there are, the more interest the voice actors can generate along with revenue. MLP is a business as much as it was one woman's dream once upon a time, and I don't see it ending this year.

This is Hasbro we are talking about. Hasbro seldom makes business sense, specially when it comes to best practices. Remember toys that barely resembled their screen appearance, and especially more than one year of pink Celestias? We may know that the Brony fandom is as lively as the Star Trek fandom ever were, but the only thing that will really interest Hasbro is how many Hasbro-made toys is the cartoon selling to little girls. We Bronies may froth over We Love Fine apparel and artisan-made toys, but Hasbro barely sees money from them. If the toy sales wane, the cartoon will go the way of the dinosaurs.
Best Child is asking you for two Fluttershy costumes today, but Hasbro HQ won't care unless these are officially-licensed costumes, and are sold by the boat-load.

3463779 I bought one officially-sanctioned Fluttershy costume, and the other I had to make because apparently, Hasbro never made one for children. I'd much prefer to buy it, honestly, because I have so much to do and now I have "make a full pony costume for a child in less than a month after not sewing anything for over 25 years" to the list.

And I dunno, I see plenty of people going batshit over the figurines made by Hasbro. Out of curiosity, which pony toys are you talking about that didn't resemble onscreen appearance, Pinklestia aside? (Because I think I know, and there's a reason.)


and the other I had to make because apparently, Hasbro never made one for children.

See my point?

Out of curiosity, which pony toys are you talking about that didn't resemble onscreen appearance, Pinklestia aside?

Here in Mexico, I at least remember G3.5 Scoots and Sweety Belles, repackaged, as late as last year. And jawless, nightmarishly-wrong plushies as late as last week.

3464374 Well yeah, they still sell the old pony toys cos people still buy them. I grew up on the older gens so I buy those. I'm curious about the jawless plushies, if you have pics I'd like to see the nightmare xD

Anyway, all that aside, I still don't think the series is gonna end with season five. You're free to think it will, but I don't :raritywink:

I'm one of those who thought that, and though I can't speak for anyone else, why was 2 reasons: I would be satisfied with this as an ending, and the way they copied the opening usually is what they do in a finale (shrugs) that's me I guess...


Anyway, all that aside, I still don't think the series is gonna end with season five. You're free to think it will, but I don't :raritywink:

I don't expect the series to be over, but I play safe and will not make assumptions until an official announcement is made.

3464843 I'm v excited for the possibility of a movie tho, that makes me happy

This blog. I like it. You've summed up my feeling on the matter entirely.

Where have you been all my life? ;~;

Why? Drama.

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