• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


World Building Ponythulu's Family · 3:52am Oct 11th, 2015

Azerhorse, unlike the other Elder-like concept, (if he could be even defined by such terms) Azerhorse spawned his children (Ponythulhu, Nyarlathotrot, Abandon, The Beldam, Yog-Sothorse, and countless others) without intention (if he truly has any to begin with), not even a side effect of something (as far as Azerhorse has things, or his things are simply beyond pony brains abilities to process). Or he spawned them for reasons even they haven't had explained to them (or can understand).

It's possible that Azerhorse's children are all so different FROM HIM, AND EACH OTHER in both form and mind, that they feel no sense of true belonging with each other (in other word, Starlight Glimmer's insane rhetoric in actual, factual form), and they look to corrupt mortal to be more like them TO have a family they can RELATE TO!

That might explain part of why Ponythulhu is so friendly: he's the only one with a wife and children (Idhay-yaa his bride and his daughter Ponythylla and her siblings) that are similar enough to him to feel belonging WITHOUT needing to do that. He has a family and doesn't NEED to corrupt ponies. He is also one of Azerhorse's most powerful spawn.

It's possible his siblings are ENVIOUS of Ponythulhu for having the family none of them actually feel like they have. But Abandon saw what happened when you get Ponythulhu angry.

Of course, applying such base and comprehensible motives to such creatures and forces may itself be nothing more than an attempt to anthropomorphize things beyond pony comprehension, this parallel to their behavior merely seemings.

In jordan179's shadow wars timeline, Ponythulhu in fact creates the 'deep ponies' seaponies tribe (who are generally as nice as he is), who are a cross between the aquatic ponies and his own spawn, having cross bred with them during the time following the disaster at the end of the MLPTs era.

The writers of Bloodborne put it best:
"Every Great One loses their child, and looks for a surrogate."

Nyarlathotrot is an exception, since he is own family, a thousand strong of various selves that are separate and yet one.

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