• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th

The Warmaster

Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions

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  • 40 weeks
    2023 update: been a while

    Hello all, is the dead but not dead but still dead author who makes a post or an update once every couple of years and then dips, back at it again.

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  • 109 weeks
    Where I have been and WoC news

    So it’s no secret that I’ve been pretty much MIA here for a while, and my Warriors of Chaos Reboot has been dead for over a year at this point.

    I am sorry.

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  • 132 weeks
    Piraka Don’t play Fair chapter update





    Okay, with the venting out of the way, I can officially declare


    I am so absurdly sorry about taking so long.


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  • 159 weeks
    Next chapter is done, just needs proofread

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  • 160 weeks
    Progress on the next Piraka chapter (finally...)

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Crossovers! · 12:17am Oct 11th, 2015

Hey guys, Kirito here! So, today we worked a bit on the War of Shadows, and it turns out we can jump back in whenever! So, I can still finish the saga.

However, since Nopony has a busy schedule, that will take a bit of a while. So in the meantime, I'm open for crossovers! PM e if you want to. And also, since we got three total tokens, you can chose who you want to have a Displaced crossover with!

Also, just a question, but how do you make a post for a group thing?

Comments ( 34 )

.... don't know if I should.....

3459515 I think you should. You know, if it's Deathwing, know the enemy and all that. And I just had a fantastic idea for how to do it without rupturing the timeline! I'll give you a hint: Multiverse Theory: every actioN has a parallel universe where the being did something different

3459608 That's basically enshrined in the lore, the timeline braches out.

3459711 well........about that............. I kinda..... never read the lore. I've been winging it, unknowing of the rules of the displaced. :trollestia:

I should probably go read that soon

But what I meant was: Have you read the Makuta Teridax Displaced Story? You know, The 'War of Understanding' and all that?


Yeah.... I'm gonna go read that lore now...........eheheh.

Why do I feel like you just lost all respect for me?

3459726 Yes, also wasn't Umbra apart of it?

3459779 Umbra Shadowwalkers is he lorists Void Dweller displaced

3459779 Actually I can fill you in on most of the lore if you want

3459867 Alight going on how everthing came into being is simple... DEATH! Yes death came then the void which is basically I guess a aspect of him. The first few cycles (which is longers then the universe will exist times 200) it was utter chaos, the first few beings created the first universe, then fought each other creating the ideas of "good" and "evil". Several cycleslater the first vioid council is formed with two of its members being Essence (Midnight the founder's void Dweller) and the Merchant (who was and still is a massive dick). The Merchant did something, the council all died expect Essences driving her mad.

Around this time several Dwellers took on the roles of maintaining the new multiverses. the original SythAdmins.... they simply went into infighting and war as they each wanted to rule it all. The almost completely killed themselves out. They where replaced by a new batch made from mortals who where more controlled then there former job holders.

The Void: This is basically between all things, whole multiverses exist within it, the void has void physics, basically the Warp of Warhammer would be considered sane and orderly compared to this place, everything is a paradox even the paradoxs are paradoxes, the void doesn't even exists yet it does and whatever you see it as it's that.... and only to you. The Dwellers can live in this place but anything else.... they fade away. Even the Dwellers can fade away, they are as formless as the void, the idea of who they are keeps them together, God of Balance, Embodiment of madness, The Cheater of the system... these keep them together, without it they fade into the vade forever gone one with it and DEATH.

Alternates: Now then as time branches out there will be alts of you, and even dwellers are not totally exempt from this, even DEATH the creator fell to this madness, though he rarely (and I mean so rarely he basically doesn't exist kind) does anything but watch his creation born, life and die.

Multiverses: This is the fun part, only Dwellers know that Multiverses have Alt versions of themselves, yes the Displaced aren't in one multiverse.... possibly thousands of Equestria Multiverses and non equestria Multiverses.

The Displacers: Most use the Merchant and while he is most active, any Void Dweller can do this, some have though most either ignore us.... or sometimes eat our universe....

Multiverse threats: After the War of Understanding failed (it basically did) the mods refuse to allow multiverse threats or things spread beyond the universe they came from. This is to keep the ego filled writing (like the war) from getting out of hand and has been office.

The Displaced SyAdmin: Umbra Shadow Walker has gone of leave for the time being... he taken the name Aaron, yet he can still if he founds something he hates destroy said something.

The meaning of the classes: A good why to look at them is to take a basic idea of what they could do, Beta for example means you are a one man army and can conquer a small nation, Alpha are bigger betas. Most gods in fiction fall into Uber and Titan class.


I see. And, just a question, but where would my Midnight Sparkle be classed as?
Or any of my guys for that matter

This is very informative. Thanks!

3460150 Only the greatest of Warhammer psykers get Titan class (as do the gods of the setting), and depending on the daemon anywhere from Alpha to titan, within classes there is low, mid, and high tiers, she would be in low, this is because while she can warp reality.... it is limited even with the other titans as she needs the warp. There also no grantee being in a higher class would give you victory there are abilities that render a more powerful opponent useless (Umbra/Aaarons powers for one allows him to kill the Merchants Alts who are each above him in the realm of dwellers.). Also do to the creator of all things.... nothing is completely immortal, all things die even the mighty inhabitants of the void will fail to DEATH.

3460150 of course I have been in full conversations with the lorist and I picked all this up, (yes I mostly learned the lore by being yelled at :ajbemused:)


I asked him to review my story to make sure there aren't any flaws in the lore. I get the feeling I'm going to be yelled at too:ajbemused:

3460328 He has yelled at most of the newbies at one point

3460349 and Midnight the Displaced founder,

3460349 yeah. Oh and also, I now realize the size of scale Metroplex is compared to something as tiny as a Warhound class titan. I feel I need to make some bargains with the Chaos gods for an Apocalypse Titan

It's the only thing big enough to deal with Metro

3460375 well. That's certainly interesting

3460384 Wait I'm still a bit rusty on the titans how big is that?


Well, a Warhound Titan is about two to five stories tall. I'd say at least as tall as Optimus. Then you have to compare that to Metroplex, who is an entire city. So, the biggest Titan is the way to go.
The 'Imperator' Class Titan, one of the two variants of the Emperor class, stands at about 55.5 meters tall. Now compare that to the other one. I'd say the Apocalypse Titan is at least one hundred Meters

3460509 wow.... that's actually a lot shorter then what I thought

3460522 it's a shame that these guys werent Seraphim from Supcom. Their biggest weapon is as tall as the Empire State Building. Again, not that big though

3460536 I alsmost though they where as big as Deathwing you know...


Well, shit. I hope that Midnight can deal with him

3460614 of course it would be better for someone to speak the name of a old god.... you know let him remember his "Masters"

3460621 true.... but just remember, Tzeentch is the God of Knowledge. As well as foresight.

And Midnight is practically a piece of his conscious. She can see every outcome.
If Tzeentch knows something, it's only a matter of time before Midnight finds out....

3460643 and there a Dark Magician with understanding.... she better learn fast... though it maybe more oof a burden then a asset if you played WoW

3460664 never have. It just didn't interest me all that much. My dad used to play it all the time when I was younger

3460671 Well each time might get a last minute member... Don't really know yet.


Leh sigh.... Folteren is gonna need more OP people. But wait, why do I think size matters? It's the guns that matter! It's the firepower! An unshielded machine is no match for a Titans weaponry! For example, here's a bit of info on the Warlord Class Titan

3460738 mind if I pm the possible ally to you?

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