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The Dresden TV Show - My thoughts - 02, The Boone Identity · 9:59pm Oct 6th, 2015

I'm still not seeing the ZOMG, THE HORRORZ fan-rage. Keeps being a decent show if one clearly in the shadow of a titan.

Making Murphy a brunette of all damn things just keeps being weird, though. Was a bottle of blond dye really a bank buster? Except that one details she's quite decent, so it just baffles me they got something so small but obvious wrong. :applejackconfused:

I do get Bob, and keep finding him interesting. An actor that never touches anything is a hell of a lot cheaper than constant special effects. I get that bit, and the ghost angle keeps being interesting. Its a change that makes sense for the format shift.

And this Dresden is really growing on me. He's got a bit more of that darkness Harry-Harry only shows rarely, but a lot of charm and heart as well. Could stand to be a little bit more snarky, but I do dig those flashes of quick wit he keeps showing.

This episode itself was a bit of a slow burn, though. Nothing... Nothing... Nothing... No- OMG, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! A lot of activity in the last ten, fifteen minutes, I mean.

Very fun little story once it reached that boil, though. I did not expect the average ghost story to suddenly take a left-turn at Egyptian artefact powered body-snatcher-ville, and it took me completely by surprise in a good way. Made total sense as a whole in hindsight as well, so bonus.

Again, I have to say I'm digging this. Its different, but keeps surprising me in a good way. It has that 'spark' that makes it feel as an actual alternative universe of the genuine article. That people really cared when they made it.

Again, no spoilers for the rest of the show, please. I'm certainly continuing this. :raritywink:

Comments ( 3 )

I really enjoyed the show too, though I did feel it could have used a little bit less schmaltz and a little more snark. Morgan was so awesome. The weird thing is, I watched it after I had only read the first book, so now I always picture Murphy as a brunette and Bob as an English dude, because TV replaces your imagination.

A problem that i always have with TV shows and movies that are based on books, is the artistic license that they use. Characters are changed, edited and removed to fit a wider audience. Either because of technology limitations, budget, or there simply being too much content in the book(s) that they cannot fit it in. This had good sides and bad sides, personally i would have liked to see the dresden TV series focus more on a linear story, rather than one shot mini episodes with one small thing tying them together And adding more characters from the books. the changing of a lot of Harry's equipment. Like Dresden's "Staff". i won't get further into it since, as you say, you are only two episodes in. But they take quite a few different views than the book on how the Dresdenverse works.


There's a good and a bad way to do an adaption.

Because, well, sometimes a book can have a few brilliant ideas but be a snooze otherwise and you have to polish the thing, or alternatively you get some cynical idiot that has an almost similar idea but want to steal the thunder of a more famous work.

And neither alternative has to be a bad thing. The Shining by Kubrick is almost unrecognizable if you've read the book, but the mini-series that King himself did was a darn sleeping-pill becuse it was 99% faithful despite a format shift.

That's even the central idea of one of my favorite web-shows, Lost In Adaption. The Dom as he calls himself has even made an episode about The Shining...

But I think his episode about Who Framed Roger Rabbit? illustrates what I'm talking about more.

Even the author himself liked the movie better. He's even gone so far as to have written the first book off as a bad fever dream in cannon.

And its not like the book was bad, or anything. Haven't read it myself, but I've heard again and again that its a fascinating alternative take on a noir story. The movie simply took the central premise and ran with it.

And to get back on topic, I think that a TV-show based on Dresden almost has to make some changes. Magic and magic creatures in the series are just so flashy that you can't do it any other way.

And for the book? That's a good thing that helps it stand out. For a show? Budget—if not outright network, killer.

So... yeah. I'd preferred a bit more magic so far in the wizard-PI show, but I do get why the giant gusts of wind and blasts of flame Harry-Harry is (in-)famous for hasn't happened that often. Having him be a bit more underhanded and cunning directly from the get-go was a dangerous (writing wise) but interesting choice to solve that.

Again, I'm only at episode #2 so far, but unless Marcone shows up in a green tutu singing an aria next episode, I'm not quite seeing the source of the fan-rage.

The show is certainly not a 1:1 translation, but for something that debuted the same year as White Knight while the series wasn't quite the juggernaut it is today, I think they (so far) made a quite decent job with what they had.

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