• Member Since 11th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen June 2nd

RF and AG

Life gave me lemons, and with them I made horsewords. Try and figure that out.

More Blog Posts93

  • 277 weeks
    What year is it?

    Cough Cough

    Holy hell, let me wipe the dust off of this place.

    Seriously, it's been way too long and I cannot give a justifiable reason aside from saying I got burnt out haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrd. Like barely touched writing for so long. Even now it is tough and I look for reasons not to.

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  • 331 weeks
    I am not dead, just been very busy

    What the title says really. Went back to school for IT and it has been kicking my ass (not in terms of grades but in terms of time) because I have to work as well. I have honestly tried to get back into the mood let alone frame of mind to write.

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    1 comments · 446 views
  • 383 weeks
    The status of: Over the Hills and Far Away

    Rain Fire of RF&AG here;

    Whelp, first off let me say, I'm sorry. It's been since September since Chapter 12 and I've done absolutely nothing on the story till like last week. Even then it is minuscule at best. I wish I had some solid reasoning for it, but in reality I burnt myself on 200k words and have had a tough time approaching the story again.

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    0 comments · 418 views
  • 383 weeks
    The status of: Metro: Retribution

    Rain Fire of RF&AG here, just making my first blog post in a long time. Longy long time. Honestly things have been weird recently in terms of everything.

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  • 413 weeks
    Crossing the Divide Ch. 9 revised

    Alright! For those of you who have already read Ch. 9 of Crossing the Divide, this is a notification that this chapter has been revised. Let's see if you can identify what has changed since the initial publication of Ch. 9 of Crossing the Divide. On another note, this means that I should now be able to resume progress on writing Ch. 10 without my mind bugging me to revise Chaper 9 to alter how

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State of the Author - Rain Fire · 9:25pm Sep 18th, 2015

Well, it's been a long time since I made a blog ... let alone given anyone an update, really. Well then let's do two things at once I guess.

First off, let's start with some emotions, because why not! For awhile this past summer, I was feeling bland in terms of ponies and writing them, often questioning why I write. It was a little bit of a tough time because during that period I did little writing and just more or less lived without ponies minus the very basic. I often thought about quitting writing mainly because I wasn't sure I could ever keep up with my writing that others were and it made me a little depressed to have to deal with seeing so many successful authors that consistently were able to write. Well, depressed isn't the right word; perhaps a little melancholy.

It was also during this time that I thought about putting all my stories, minus CtD on hold just so I could take a break. I mean, they were almost basically on hold as it was. Though I realised by doing that I would just be giving in to the negative side of that.

So I decided to do something new. I decided to write a story that was fun and more or less freestyle in the telling. I had often felt constrained by the the methods I used to tell my stories in the past. Metro's was a perspective based that was past tense yet also it was as if you were just watching it happen. CtD was more of a present tense focus but there was still constraint in how I started it. Every story I made, I unintentionally forced myself into a writing method that felt like I was walking a thin line between proper storytelling and sheer madness.

That's where this story came in. I have never had such productivity in my entire life as I have had with writing it. I've been touching close to 10k+ a week which to me is amazing. There is a new energy in my muse, and it has taken off!

Now, said story that is currently being written, is going rather well, I thank you very much, and enjoys the freestyle I was looking for. Now, I don't want to tell much about it because it will be coming to Fimfiction when it is ready, but let me tell you that I plan on making it an enjoyable ride. Hopefully as enjoyable for you readers as it has been for me to write it. I will make a small section for it below.

Now, let's do the major update/status report:

Metro: Retribution

It's still there, and it still isn't going away. I know I've told you this in the past, and I will constantly in the future, but it will live again and it will get finished. Artyom's tale is not over, nor will I let it end in a hiatus. I will tell you now that it will be a bit before I continue. I want to work on this new project completely for awhile before I start juggling stories again. It will be updated eventually. Maybe a christmas update or something if not sooner.

New Project - Here is a legit progress report:

Writing - Chapter 5, roughly 75% finished prior to editing
Story Page - Needs to be built
Cover Work - Currently being sketched to the best of my knowledge. Yes, I commissioned someone.
Time till posting - Depends on Cover Art. Maximum a month is the current status.
Overall Story Progress - Undetermined. Story is plotted out but the writing style makes chapters longer than anticipated.

So, this has been fun again. I'll leave off by telling you that AuthorGenesis will possibly be posting a CtD related blog. He might, he might not. It's up to him. I'll leave on an adorable Luna pic!

Okay, you need a second one!

Report RF and AG · 245 views · Story: Metro: Retribution · #Why #is #this #such #a #thing #? #Who #even #uses #this #?
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