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Sin: Bio · 3:23pm Aug 27th, 2015

(If anybody knows of a good artist, please let me know, I'm in the market for a few pieces.)

Name: Sinbad Von Islander
Tribe: Pegasus
Coat: Light brown
Mane: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Country: Northern Federation
Occupations: Senator, Survivalist, Woodmill Laborer.

Born in the State of North New Equine, Sin attended school for most of his required time. His last year of education was forgone under the primes of "Wasting time on useless information" and he began to delve more into Survivalism with his grand father; Mandylion.

Seeing sentient beings on a more Individualist level, Sin believes more in consequences of individual decisions, and allowing said individual to face those consequences, should they be good or bad, with out interfering unless he deems it worthy of his time. His hatred of ignorance and repression are the driving force behind almost everything he does. Believing that the only way to eliminate both are to allow those who cling to them, to feel the pain the decisions bring and learn through them.

Upon Sin's father, Gemini, being given control of Mandylion's company: "Triple M Corporation" (Mercenary, Medical, Mining), Gemini by-passed his own father's wishes and morality for the company, and enacted a policy to "kill as necessary" in the Mercenary division, in dealing with the Zeborican immigrants. While understandable in nature, Sin grew a resentment for his father's company for their callous attitude to killing in situations that didn't warrant such violence.

After the Company had grown exponentially, so did Sin's family's wealth. He and his brother, Malich, held many conversation and discussion in pertinence to the creation of the Federation. Often times leaning more to the cynical view of all sentient beings seeing as how the Citizenry, at the time, had such blind faith in their rulers that they would have killed each other based on simple accusations. (And how little has changed since then)

After Malich, (Being the younger of the brothers) had matured under Sin's Pessimistic tutelage, the two made a pact when they were younger to attempt to remove ignorance and stupidity from the world by any means necessary. However, almost a year after Malich had solidified his disdain for ignorance and the destruction of it completely, Sin had began his lessons in Freedom in both social and economic aspects of life and society.

Though these lessons only served to further his despise of the idiotic and submissive, he did find a semblance of hope for his country after his year living in the wild with the survivalist master, Tyken. An old associate of his grand father. Where they both assisted him in not only becoming self sufficient, but helped him to hone his skills in: Articulation, thought, problem solving, and vocabulary.

After, he joined the Syndicate, (A freedom oriented group with out a leader) heavily influenced by the run of the "Libertas Patronus", and decided to aid in it's campaign to bring to light the truth about the governments lies.

Some a few weeks after, Malich tracked him down with reminder of the pact that the duo made so many years ago. Sin's contemplation on the offer was short, seeing as he always had a deep enjoyment in talking politics and believed freedom was the best way to eliminate ignorance; he accepted the offer. And with Triple M.'s money backing him, found himself a Seat in the Federal Senate.

Though, as time passed, the more he was rejected and his character insulted. Not only by those within the chamber, but also the citizenry who he represented. His attempts to educate the masses on personal responsibility and the dangers of larger governments were met with scorn and contempt, and in one instance, visible assault.

Once the boiling point was reached, he assaulted a fellow Senator and left not only the Senate, but the country as a whole. Thus venturing to the pony (Second) homeland of Equestria where he tried to cope with his failure by offering freedom to those whom had submitted to corrupt law officers demands...


It should be noted that Sin being a pegasus heavily impacted he and his brother's relationship. He felt guilty that Malich was born a simple earth pony who desperately wanted to venture into the sky, while he was blessed with the very wings Malich desired. In the spirit of respecting his brothers envy and lack of flight, Sin staged an accident where he broke his wings when they were younger as an excuse never to use them, opting to never fly out of respect for his brother.

Personality: Sin is portrayed as stoic and often with an irritated scowl. Finding most ponies either beneath him in terms of time, having not patience for them, or exhibition of moderate cynicism and paranoia. This can be explained through a mixture of introversion and experience. As a politician, the majority of his encounters were with liars, thieves and immoral money grubbers who used their power in exchange for his countries favored currency: "Bills". Another variable is the constant demand for change from the citizens in which he observes, yet no action taken on their part to bring about said change, leading him to believe the population doesn't want to put in the effort or sacrifices for the betterment of the world. Through their constant, as he puts it "Wining, bitching and moaning, with little to no substantial accomplishments", he's grown a resentment for most of life in general, seeing all races as useless children who ask permission or demand change through others, mainly the government.

In his philosophy of consequentialism, Sin feels these individuals place too much faith and power in government, taking away from their own power and reasoning for solutions. As such, he takes extreme delight in the idea of their suffering being their own, and holds no pity for self induced suffering, no matter the scale.

He shuts himself down emotionally from others, and has developed a more skeptical view of ponies around him, especially those who have a kinder and more social predisposition, often seeing them as wanting something of him; even if there is no real indicator. However, his respect isn't unattainable, evidenced by three associates he travels with. Mac, Spike and Shade.

His lack of shown empathy could label him a sociopath. Though he will go out of his way to avoid hurting others and their rights as living beings, he will not always assist those who make ill thought out decisions. In the full belief that they deserve what they get for making poor choices in life.

Politics: Sin is a self described Anarchist who holds Free Market leanings. His dislike of government stems from his extreme belief in the Non-Aggression Principal. He views government as an illegitimate and immoral institution for its perceived authority on the monopoly on violence and potential for abuse. Also believing that no one has an authority to rule another, since most all sentient life is equal in its ignorance and mortality, this include democracy or republican virtues of voting. "The Tyranny of the majority" as he calls it, is just as illegitimate as a monarchy, in that the authority of the majority does not extend past the individual's autonomy and will.

Despite having capitalist libertarian ideologies, Sin has no love for the rich. Seeing them as just a big a problem as the government itself. (Though his true anger has, and always will lie with the collective of ponies who support and obey both.) Their wealth and power often make the rich see themselves as above the everyday individuals of all races, and above the philosophy of the Non-Aggression Principal he lives by.

Cynical, Agathophobic, Pragmatic and individual oriented, are the best words to describe this stallion.

Character Concept and Design: Sin's design was meant to be simplistic and sensible, while also unique in his goggles and cloak.

Comments ( 2 )

A very interesting OC. I appreciate this bio. It helps me to connect the dots from his past.

3351173 Simplified version.

Though another story I've featured him in would be a critique of a Christmas Carol where he plays Scrooge. This story, if you'd like to read it.

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