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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

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Brony Mate · 10:29pm Aug 25th, 2015

If you're anything like me, you've probably noticed some ads for a website called Brony Mate floating around on FIMFiction.

Yes, that's right, a dating website specifically designed for bronies.

Well, at least ostensibly.

I'm not quite sure who made this website, but my first thought on viewing it was, "If their pairing algorithm matches up Derpy and Luna, there's little hope for the site's users."

So, with that wry, cutting thought in mind, I decided to make a profile to see what exactly the site does to pair people up.

It lets you search by... gender, age, and location. That's it. It doesn't even let you search by favorite pony, let alone allow for the important questions, like if a changeling who looks exactly like you shows up, is sleeping with them cheating, or if there's a Princess exception to your relationship (and if so, which princesses it applies to).

I mean, seriously.

Comments ( 33 )

I don't really like it whenever the Brony Mate ad shows up anywhere... :fluttershysad:

Probably run by the same guys who did Furry Mate. Just a cheep cash in.

Titanium Dragon, taking the fall and registering so we don't have to.

It won't let you write or read private messages until you pay in for a subscription, and from what I understand it sends bots to send you tempting private messages to try and bait you into cashing in, at least temporarily.

Or, at least that's what I heard.

Not that I would know.


I love ponies as much as the next writer, but I'll stick with my non-pony-centric dating site, thankyouverymuch.

I'm not surprised. Dating websites like women like they like coffee makers: mechanical, shoddy, and made by an underpaid worker in a foreign country.

I find OKCupid's blog where they talk about trends on OK Cupid fascinating, but I'm in no hurry to join the data set.

Though I did make an account there ages ago to play around with it and see what it was like.

Isn't the first. Some buddies and I stumbled on 'Brony Passions' about a year ago and made a couple fake profiles. Same hastily done nonsense.

Also Derpy/Luna was adorable in the old Molestia universe.

OKTrends is back!? :pinkiegasp: I thought they discontinued it when the site was bought out by OKCupidEHarmony or whatever!

ETA: Well, two posts in 2014 is still better than nothing.

Gee, I wonder if the site was put together by non-bronies.


If I wanted to meet other bronies I'd get back on rainbowdash dot net.

Comment posted by Sciamancer deleted Aug 26th, 2015

Why does that site play a stupid youtube video of a TF2 soldier on every page?

Man, why are social networking sites so hard for people to get right?

Then again, I suppose we're ON such a site...

You must be doing something wrong. Like any hotblooded male, all my ads are for strawberry shortcake backpacks and ironing boards.

I have an ad for the New York Times showing up for me now.

I think about 99% of the fandom doesn't really want somebody who likes MLP as much as they do, but they want somebody who will *tolerate* somebody who likes MLP as much as they do. The intersection of those two sets is much, much larger. And you don't have to share your toys. Until you have children.


Hmm. I see no such videos. No clue what you mean. :twilightoops:

or if there's a Princess exception to your relationship (and if so, which princesses it applies to).

Silly dragon, the Princess exception includes all of them!

And I knew what this site was from just looking at the looking at the login page. I actually have a FurryMate account that I tend to forget about because of the whole pay-to-read-messages thing.

"Seeking a trans"

Oh lawdy, having "trans" as a third gender option is always weird and abstract for me.

In its defense, if you're using a dating site that's this single subject oriented, you're only looking for two things--someone who likes ponies and is desperate enough to use a pony dating site. Gender, age, and location are just bonuses.

I wouldn't have a problem with this website if it didn't cost me an arm and a leg to read private messages that people send me. So I said, screw it! I'll find women on my own! ... Hasn't gone that well, sadly.

I've seen those ads… and ads for baby bottles, and for apples (I think)…
It sounds like a second place to interact with a subset of the people you could be interacting with on this very site.

Who says you have to share toys with your kids?
My oldest has a build-a-bear Twilight whose mane is now horribly tangled. I have a pricier Twilight with a fabric mane that she doesn't know about :scootangel:

Wait, there are relationships without princess exemptions? :rainbowhuh:


Cadence and Shining Armor probably don't have one (Despite what the fandom would prefer), given that all the other princesses are their family.

Nah, those are only stories told to children who don't behave, no such thing exists.

That's a typo. It's supposed to be "seeking pans" for pansexuals.

Weird pan-humping perverts.

Comment posted by 1Bluefur deleted Aug 26th, 2015

3348392 Ignore my deleted, I may or may not just woke up and thought the best way of getting rid of a typo I made was to delete the comment.

Because there is not such thing as the editing button :pinkiecrazy:.

Breaking news! Pansexual confirmed as gender :P

Pretty sure that if you marry a princess, the princess exemption becomes "You were lucky enough to marry a princess. Be awesome and share her."

Doubly so for the Princess of Love. :duck:

I'm sure that's what the public WANTS to believe. :V

But what about a Changeling impersonating a princess? Does that fall under cheating with a changeling, or the princess exception?

I just had an awesome thought. Shining Armor needs to have a dating advice talk show. He would totally be able to answer all of these questions for us.

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