• Member Since 20th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2018


"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of. I write to do all the things the viewers want too..." -Joss Whedon

More Blog Posts75

  • 376 weeks
    75: (If Wondering) Not dead

    Just thought I'd put that out there. This blog has been getting rather dusty. It's 100% me. Got games I'm playing and art I'm doodling, and some times when the moon is just right I publish a chapter, or two. The interest in my art and writing has fallen, so my motivation followed suit. It's a good thing really, because when the Kindness series wasn't even a series, just a story i wrote on a whim,

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  • 419 weeks
    #74: Birthday week.(5-26-16)

    Hey guys, my birthday's this Thursday. I'm going to be MIA for the art streams and away from the computer until next week. Take care, and Stay safe.

    1 comments · 492 views
  • 420 weeks
    #73: Makeup Stream! *Finished(with results)*

    I'm running a stream today to make-up for Wednesday's! (It'll be a SFW stream though) Com'n over and watch me on Picarto. @PlumTuckeredout


    Still working on it, as you can tell the hair is in rough sketch. But I think I've captured a good amount of the piece to take a break from it.

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  • 421 weeks
    #72: Stream cancelled today

    Got some technical difficulties, Mishira keeps locking up, and my computer is over heating. Love you guys, Sorry for no stream.

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  • 421 weeks
    #71: Stream is up!

    hope to see you there (I can't link because my channel is on/off mature content! )


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#58: 'nother list of music... some blurbs, and something more. · 7:18pm Aug 24th, 2015

So I hope this doesn't come as a surprise to any of you, but I've been working on another story. What might surprise you is that this story isn't mlp related. (so anyone not interesting in an original non-clop story this is your cue!)It's very, very close to me also. I've been dreaming of the universe this story takes place in since I was in middle school.(junior high) That's a good 7+ years of lore just floating around in my noggin. Last month I could feel myself heading to another dark patch, and as a last resort i opened my Gdocs and just typed all day. Soon as I was home I b-lined to my room and typed until my eyes closed. I was getting hooked on a sensation very similar to when you beat a difficult boss in Dark souls, or finally completing all the achievements for a long-winded game.

This high lingers for a few days at most and I feel like I am at peace with myself. With every page I enter a mysterious burden is lifted from my conscience, and I am able to see the silver in almost every lining. I often wonder if this is what a painter feels before or during they consider their work a magnum opus. I don't think my bare bones draft is anything close to that, let me make that clear. I hold no pretenses that this story IS me, or that I have some otherworldly call to claim as my masterpiece. I'm sure some more notable writer as scribbled something similar in their thought-pads at sometime. But for me, to not explain my sudden mood shift felt out of place...

Yet even in this Limitless-like state, or maybe because of it music hits me, envelopes my senses and I can't help but tear-up, or smile, or bite my lip. These are songs much like my last music blogs; some are newer,some are steeped in nostalgia, and some have been quintessential to forming my secret universe. Forgive me if this blog feels more like a review of my own work, or me trying to puff my ego. That is not my intent, far from it. I am going to be detailing my story and what it means to me, and what its "purpose" is. I'll be giving you a little blurbs of the story and characters as we go... Here they are:


Once upon a time there was a space princess...

Now this space princess was wise beyond her youth, yet her wisdom was but a fraction the cosmos could offer. Her enemies; A powerful man, a familiar stranger, and for a short time a young boy destined to teach this princess something she had forgotten over the ages.

This song to me just embodies the fantasy-charm, yet cosmic wonder that this whole story is based on. It's music you'd expect a narrator to spin his yarn, no matter how silly the thought of a princess in space is. Speaking of...


This character has changed so much since I first dreamed her up. First she was a human turned omnipotant due to engineering, later she became pure alien and a fusion of two species. Now she's a mix of both thoughts. This princess is called Salli, and her partner is Ari, a sentient star-like species. Over the years the alien starfish (known as the Stal'yri(Stall-ree)) melded more and more to the humanoid race called the T'ians (Tee-ians), leaving only star-shaped patterns to their skin thus becoming the Ar'tians.

Now why are they called Ar'tians and not Stal'tians? Because of Salli's partner, Ari. Ari was the first of her kind to even fathom "melding" with another sentient race. Ari's regenerative properties leeched into Salli, and with a combination of her DNA and Ari's they regenerate as a new being. This process is called a Sallal cycle, named after Salli's original form. Ari's power is linked within the massive tree on the planet. Known to the Ar'tians as simply "The Life Tree".


Now Ari, and the other Stal'yri are not the only beings connected to The Life Tree. There's another humanoid race among the planet that the Ar'tains love to berate, and belittle. They are the Pal'ladour'ri (Pal'la'dour'ri), homeopathic natives that the Ar'tains know little-to-nothing of due to building most of all of their civilization in giant floating cities. They carry a strong native american vibe, or to better relate to the genre the Na'vi of Pandora.

The Pal'ladour'ri (Pal'la in short) and Tians still harbor resentment for each other due to a prophecy each race held; the Pal'la were forewarned that a being would come from the stars and drain The Life Tree of its light, while The Tain's believed...

"...Salvation would be found on a star-studded planet with seas of green and blue. It is here that we will become one with the stars, and in turn whole."

Each believed the other to be obstacles, and with the aid of Ari the Tians earned their place within The Life Tree's light, subsequently ending the wars. But this didn't keep the Pal'la ever watchful, and the T'ains even more reserved. Such seclusion would only build each others vitriol.



For that boy was me... now I am an old man, yet I feel my conscience is fleeting. I worry the history I naively shaped will be forgotten, and the space princess will become but a myth. I assure you though, she was very real. But I wouldn’t be fooling anyone if I thought her similarities to our own fables was merely coincidental....

I play this song on repeat far to long thing about the "little boy" and the "Space princess"'s growing relationship. The song is about them growing, sure... but in my mind I see a young boy becoming a man, and watching this princess he's known since he was very young be forgotten. He even alludes that maybe that is how all their(the planet's) fairy-tales originated; from children just like him. The main line in the song really reasonates with me since by this time the princess has left him to go back to her own planet. Though she claims she cares about him, yet she does what she as a princess must do, lead her people. The not so "little boy" can't see past her royal responsibilities, he doesn't see her as a princess, or an alien. She's his friend, his mother-figure, his first crush. She can say she loves, and cares for him, but for her to leave feels hypocritical to him. "Don't just say you love me, show me"


But that's the trouble with stories... you don't know if you're the "little boy", the powerful man, or the familiar stranger. Princess' come and go, Damsel or not. Everyone thinks they are doing another a favor, think they can't be the bad guy, they only meant to help. But even valiant intentions can go awry, and just souls can commit unthinkable things. Whether for love, justice or even to save a life. That is what the secluded sector of the princess' high counsel tries to do. They tried to prevent The Halcyon Omen...

"...The hearts of my people will cry for the Sallal cycle to cease. Halcyons will sing of the new current, and the Sallal will recede back to the roots of the earth."

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