• Member Since 15th Jan, 2013
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Ebony Gryphon

I put on my Walter face on as I get my swag on in my I hate baby ducks t shirt and my Make America Great Again hat.

More Blog Posts19

  • 76 weeks
    The New Commandments

    So, yeah. Some enviromental activist went unto the mountain to throw down the tablets. Love a bit of blasphemy in the morning. But for the sake of fairness, I shall offer said Commandments and my thoughts.

    Ho boy:ajbemused:

    1. We are stewards of this world.

    Bible already says that, more specifically we hold dominion over it, I believe. Not a commandment, just a statement.

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  • 135 weeks
    Reading furry tweets has me like

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  • 359 weeks
    Ladies... lets you and your friendly neighborhood knuckle dragger have a chat.

    (written elsewhere and posted here)

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  • 409 weeks
    Zootopia and sjw

    The term social justice is a relatively old one going back to the early 1900's.
    In fact it was often use by one of my heroes Theodore Roosevelt also spoke of social and industrial justice

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  • 417 weeks
    On Heroes: a rebuttal to Kkat's post

    Personally I don't think violence and being a good person have much to do with each other. I get that people might draw that conclusion, but I regularly beat on and am beat on by one of the nicest woman in north america (My Krav Maga instructor. If she's any indication, I can see how Israel won the six days war:twilightoops:) She's emphatically a good person... and can fold up men twice her size

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    4 comments · 636 views

A plea for a friend · 3:05am Aug 24th, 2015

Okay gents and dames, our good chum Ralph Hayes JR. aka RealityCheck is in something of a pickle. He has till sept 8th to pay his bill to the tune of 475 bucks or have his power shut off amongst other woes. If you could, please head here
and toss a few bucks into the guys paypal. Thank you

Report Ebony Gryphon · 418 views · Story: Sisu ·
Comments ( 9 )

I thought poverty was just the free market allocating resources efficiently? That is what the Austrian School of Economics that Ralph Hayes loves so much states no? we are talking about the same guy who thinks that schools are unconstitutional because they are welfare (wrong) and welfare is unconstitutional ( also wrong) right?

So basically, according to Ralph Hayes, giving money to poor people ( like apparently... Ralph hayes) creates market inefficiencies.

We would not want to create market inefficiencies do we? I mean the market is wiser than us no? and the invisible hand has apparently determined that Ralph Hayes should not have electricity. Who are we to contradict the wisdom of the market forces?

... Okay... I have no idea what brought this on, but I see you've clearly come abroad of my mates abrasiveness. Now, I'm not going to speak for Mr. Hayes, he can clearly do so himself, and apparently done so to you. That being said, I will say that I haven''t seen him write or hear him say any such thing. What he dislikes, and with good reason, is a bloated whale of a government coming in and demanding taxes in order to not do good, as claimed, but merely to use the largesse in order to gain ballot stuffers. This is not that, This is what I said it was, a plea for a friend. He's having troubles.

I would first like to thank you for actually responding to me instead of simply deleting my comment in a knee jerk fashion the way your hero( Mr Hayes) would have.

on, is a bloated whale of a government coming in and demanding taxes in order to not do good, as claimed, but merely to use the largesse in order to gain ballot stuffers.

Okay so when you sneer at " ballot stuffers" I am going to assume that those ballot stuffers are not say, the military industrial complex, and that that largesse you complain about is not say, the criminal Invasion of a Nation that never attacked the United States ( Iraq) and the subsequent transfer of over 2 trillion dollars of US Taxpayer's money into the private bank accounts of said military industrial companies.

Nah, I am pretty sure that the " ballot Stuffers" you sneer at is your code word for poor people like Mr hayes, and largesse is your word for things like welfare, food stamps ( what feeds mr hayes mind you) and that eeeeeeeeeevil Obamacare.

So My question for you is what differentiates MR Hayes from the other 45 million Americans who live under the poverty line. What is it about him.

I mean not only do you and Ralph not give a flying fuck about the suffering of those 45 million other humans, you seem to imply with your derogatory term " ballot stuffers" that they lack the ability to even vote intelligently, and merely act like herd animals voting mindlessly for those evil demon-rats. But Mr. Hayes on the other hand, is a " rogue scholar"... who despite being such a friggin genius cannot keep a job down at Wal-Mart.

So what is it about Mr hayes that makes him different from his fellow unemployed below poverty line americans? ( many of those under the poverty line actually have full time jobs, Hayes has not worked in YEARS and the only job anyone knows he actually held was literally as a cashier at a wal mart... did this man not CHOOSE to be poor???)

So again why Do you care about the suffering of Mr Hayes and not the poverty crisis in America in general? What is it about Mr hayes that makes him a real person to you, whereas the other 45 million american citizens in his socioeconomic class are merely ballot stuffers? Is it that he is male whereas most poor people are women ? Is it that he is white whereas I am sure you imagine the " ballot stuffers" to be minorities"? Is it that he claims to be a Christian? No wait, it is probably that he votes Republican like a good patriotic american, instead of committing the Ultimate act of treason and voting for a Demon-rat. Yeah that is it , you have to be poor and vote Demon-rat to be a "ballot stuffer" right?

So again tell me? what makes Mr hayes so different that he should not be treated the same way that Mr hayes Urges us to treat all the other 45 million americans who live below the poverty line?

Why is MR Hayes the exception to his own rules?

You asked me what brought this about. Here is my answer THE MIND MELTING HYPOCRISY.

You do understand right, that by the philosophy advocated by Mr Hayes we SHOULD NOT HELP HIM right?

According to free market cultists like himself, the unfettered unregulated market is the most efficient possible allocator of scarce resources. The free market clearly believes( as much as an impersonal force can be said to believe anythin) that allocating more resources to Mr Hayes ( i.e money for him to pay his bills) is not an efficient use of the scarce resources our economy possesses.

Accordingly he should feel the pain of his poverty ( i.e have his electricity cut off) and this should spur him to be productive and " lift himself up by his own bootstraps" perhaps by going to wal mart and taking that cashier Job back.

In other words, the market has decided that by sitting in his trailer and abusing people on a my little pony fanfic website, mr Hayes is not being a productive member of society. To reward him with resources ( helping him out) without him becoming more productive ( by you know getting a fucking JOB like the rest of us) is to risk " moral hazard". That is we are rewarding an unproductive ( and frankly immoral behavior) the more we reward this behavior, the fewer people who work at the maximum potential of their productivity and the more inefficient ( i.e small) our economy becomes.

In other words if you actually believe the bullshit that comes out of your favorite "rogue scholar"s keyboard you should be CHEERING for his electricity to be cut off , in the hopes that this will spur Mr. Hayes to get a job and become a more productive member of society.

All I am doing is measuring Mr Hayes by the same yardstick he measures all other people in his situation.

it is astounding , is it not? how when applied to Mr Hayes, a person whom you clearly like, the spectacular cruelty of Mr Hayes's own philosophy is apparent for you to see, but when applied to the other 45 million poor americans, whom you have a priori dehumanized into mere " ballot stuffers" the same philosophy is not only no longer cruel but suddenly a work of genius.

So again what is the difference?

You could of course claim that Mr Hayes cannot work because of his severe health issues, and you may very well be right. But of course a good way of taking care of this would be through " socialized" healthcare( like every other industrialized nation has) that would cover Mr. Hayes and millions of others who cannot work because of their health conditions. These millions, properly treated, could then reenter the workforce, be productive and grow the economy. But of course, this would benefit millions of " ballot stuffers" and thusly is impermissible largess.

I would hope that this issue would finally allow Mr Hayes to view the hypocritical and self defeating nature of his views. But again it is not the first time he has begged for money on the internet instead of obeying his own philosophy and getting a job. So I am not holding my breath.

Thank you for the opportunity to express my views.

Only a Northern Song ( your friendly minority( hispanic) ballot-stuffer with a J,D. and two Master's degree ( one in Economics) who is grateful for the Largess the Demon-rat ridden US government extended to my family during the first two years after we immigrated to the USA ( mostly in the form of food stamps and free school lunches.. and yes I am also one of those " anchor babies" you hear about) which allowed us to save enough money to buy a Home allow my father to join us in the US and get to work, and eventually provided a foundation for me and my sister to earn graduate degrees and obtain professional jobs, and thusly repay some of that largess in the form of income taxes.)

Okay... I think there's been a mis communication here. In no way at all have I given you my opinion on this matter. I gave you his opinion, or a summation there of. I put this up to try to help out a friend (no... he's not my hero, and here's a shocker, people can be friends without agreeing on every issue!) and for whatever reason, you come on here to try to drag me into the middle of whatever happened between you and him.

Now, I'd be more then happy to civilly debate this matter with you, but do not appreciate attacks on myself or my friends.

And of course, my dear fellow:twilightsmile: I'm not one given to stifle the free exchange of ideas, and the internet is one of the few forums one can truly engage. Again though, I ask only civility.

As much as I dislike RealityCheck (and there's a LOT to dislike about the guy), I wouldn't wish that to anyone. I do hope he'll be OK.

On the other hand, I also hope that this experience will bring him a slice of humble pie as well.

Welll... he's doing all right for now. Bill is paid, so...

I don't think that's entirely fair of you though. Do you dislike him or his viewpoints? There is a difference

OK. If you asked me this a year ago, I'd say that it was his viewpoints (especially one that not only offended me, but made me rage at the utter stupidity, but I won't say more since I want to keep it civil). Normally, when I disagree with an author, I just move on. But here's the thing, there are plenty of authors on this site I disagree with that I respect (mostly because they have tact). And frankly, I wouldn't have THAT much of a problem with RealityCheck's view if he wasn't such a dick about them.

At first, I followed his blog on FimFiction (back in late 2012) because I liked his stories, but then I left it because I couldn't stand his personality. If I could narrow it down to three traits, it would be: his oversized (and easily bruised) ego, his explosive (and childish) temper and his persecution complex. But even after leaving his blog, I kept running into him in comments of stories I follow, starting flame wars until the author asks him to stop. I'll admit, sometimes he can be surprisingly civil and calm, but these moments are few and far between (although, maybe I'm just unlucky and just saw his bad days).

My humble pie comment was about another view of his (onlynorthensong mentioned it (although I'll admit, he didn't handle the situation well above and did come off as aggressive and arrogant)). I did encounter it in his blog, but I'll admit I don't know if he ever retracted it (and I don't have the patience to stomach the rest of his idiocy to find the post). But I remember it well, because it was one of his few posts that made me angry (and I don't anger easily). I won't say more on it unless you want me to (I don't want this to degenerate into an attack on him).

And to be fair, I've never met the guy. Maybe he act completely differently in real life (not so sure since he has shown his real name prominently many times, which seems to show that he doesn't keep his online identity and his real one separate). Considering that you befriended him, maybe he does have his moments of clarity.

And since you're his friend, I'd like to ask you one thing. Nothing mean, no cynicism, no mocking. I just want an honest answer.

Is it just me, or he's getting crazier each year?

If my memory serves me right (and I'll admit, it can be faulty), back in early 2013, RealityCheck wasn't nearly as abrasive as he's now. It seems like every year that passes, his views gets more extreme and his fuse gets shorter (remember last Valentine's day when he ranted about Ashleigh Ball posting an AppleDash pic on her twitter asking Hasbro to fire her? Seriously, what the hell was that?). The quality of his writing seemed to take a nosedive as well (He sadly took a page from Seth MacFarlane and writes most of his main characters as annoying mouthpieces for his views (a personal pet peeve of mine)). I'm beginning to wonder if he's got some serious problems.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I wanted to make my point clear. I hope I didn't came across as too abrasive.


remember last Valentine's day when he ranted about Ashleigh Ball posting an AppleDash pic on her twitter asking Hasbro to fire her? Seriously, what the hell was that

Okay, let's start with this. Now, he never said she should be fired. He said he was sure hasbro appreciated her lezzing out one of their properties. He never said she should be fired, at all. Now, he finds gays disgusting. Not hell bound, not inherently evil, just perverted. I hesitate to speak for him, and he could more likely articulate it better then me, but that seems to be the extent of it. He believes by legitimizing that act, we allow for more abhorrent behaviors like pedophilia.

A viewpoint I do not aspouse, but it is a concern I think should be addressed. But this is a good thing, I think. The internet is one of the few forums around that allows for all points of view. And he does present his in a engaging manner. Folks here should applaud Ralph, for the very least, for challenging them like a thinking rational adult.

So... no. I don't think Ralph is crazy. I think his pissed because folks keep trying to doxx him or pull something like the mods did with his last story (I don't think, at first it was intentional. But then... why let the other two pass? Especially after the author made it quite clear he was perfectly fine with it, even earning an apology from RC.) I think he's tired of folks randomly attacking him on stories for nothing more then offering an actual fact, nothing to do with his religion, opinions, or politics, but an actual fact. Yes, he's sarcastic, abrasive, and loves that delete button. But I've yet to see him hit it unless the person is abusive or wants to drag him further into the dead horse beating. I thinks it gotten seemingly worse because so called intellectuals have heard a self educated man has incrued upon their hollowed ground and slit the throat of their sacred cow

OK. He may not have said it directly, but he did say "I hope to God someone in Hasbro has the brains and common sense to rake her over the coals for pulling a stunt like this." I'm pretty sure that it was implied.

The thing is, outside of the few times where he actually had a point (and talked calmly), he didn't talked about his views like an adult. It felt more like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. Every time he rants feels less like a need to discuss an important point, and more like a cry for attention. And I'm sorry, but you can't have views THAT extreme and expect people to wither take you seriously, or not expect backlash. Even though I don't accept the practice of "victim blaming", I can't help but think that a good chunk of his problems are his own fault. I know that it's frustrating when you can't make a good point due to your reputation, but it's in that case, it's not entirely unearned.

I'll admit, I don't know the story behind his last story so I won't comment about it.

While that views on gays is utterly baffling (and completely miss the point on what a sexual orientation IS), it's not that one that made me angry. It was one that finally convinced me that it was impossible to take him seriously anymore.

I know I sound like a prick writing this, but let me put it this way: when you keep sprouting things like that completely un-ironically (I don't know if his goal is to intentionally rile up people or not (due to how over the top his rants are)), you have to expect some rebuttal. His stubbornness (or rather his inability to admit that he might be wrong) doesn't help. Hell, even I have strong view on things and I admit that I might be wrong. So I have an hard time sympathizing with him (I did in that case because the situation was unrelated) when all that bites him in the ass.

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