• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2018

Bluegrass Brooke

Gonna try this whole writing thing again.

More Blog Posts183

  • 329 weeks
    Do you draw? I have a contest for you!

    I'm hosting a draw my dragonsonna contest on deviantart.

    Link here.

    She's a sweet, sometimes grumpy cactus dragon the size of a cat.

    The prizes include some rice bags made by myself. Traditional or digital art accepted!

    Check it out for a chance to win.


    — Blue

    0 comments · 405 views
  • 329 weeks
    Discord Server

    So I FINALLY got a Discord account.

    I'm making a Discord server run by me for the purpose of helping each other out with stories. At least I'll try to. Me vs. technology. -__-

    Anywho, message me if you'd like the address.


    — Blue

    3 comments · 512 views
  • 330 weeks

    Hello. It's cold where I am. Like COLD. Anywho . . .

    Which story would you be most interested in my reviving/updating? I really can only work on one at a time.

    * TCARW's rewrite
    *Slow Fade

    14 comments · 525 views
  • 331 weeks
    Pokes head in

    How's it going? You all still writing and reading?

    Give me an update if you want, I've been gone so long.

    17 comments · 473 views
  • 333 weeks
    Sorry all

    It's been too long since I've posted anything here. I apologize. Short explanation is that I have had a severe set back with my depression that caused me to go in partial hospitalization and quit my job. So I'm very much floating along until I can find something that works for me.

    Read More

    4 comments · 482 views

Goodies for my TCARW fans · 9:25pm Jul 30th, 2015

In case you were wondering where the heck This Cruel and Random World's sequel is, fret not. I have been working on it, if not writing out a gazillian chapters, than thinking of some solid scenes for it. As I mentioned in previous blogs, I'm not going to post it until I've finished writing it due to the complexity of the novel. I need to make sure everything weaves together at just the right spot and in just the right way. That involves a lot of writing chapters, then going back and deleting/modifying sections as I write more chapters. So, because of that, this is one story I have to write out on my own before I'm ready to share it as I don't want to have to retract any chapters/sections because they don't fit with the next ones.

Though, I thought I'd give you an update on my progress so you can kind of see what I've been up to.

First off, I have completely changed the title. Lesson One was too corny and no longer fit with the mood I'm going for in this one. The new title and the one I will be going with is Disillusion. This flows with the themes, plot, and overall mood of the novel far better.

I will be altering the long description from what I had posted previously. I've had to move around a few plot points and remove/alter others. This is due in large part to the fact that the entire novel will be far darker than I originally thought. I know some of you might not have considered TCARW to be all that dark, but believe me when I say that Disillusion will be dark. I'm delving a lot more into Discord's backstory, Twilight's role in Equestria and much more. Essentially what I'm doing is moving the story from a purely individualistic one to encompass politics, history, world-building and the like. It's going to get far more . . . involved which is one of the reasons why it's taking so long to write.

With that being said, I have a rough short description finished. It's a little closer to the mood I'm going for than the other one, but again, still rough.

What is your purpose, Twilight? Is it harmony? Tell me, what is harmony without chaos? One cannot exist without the other, there must always be a balance. This world has lost its balance. It can be recovered for a price. There is always a price . . .

Very exciting news! The cover commissioned from CosmicAcorn is done! It looks amazing. ^^ But, don't take my word for it, see for yourself . . .

If you haven't followed her on deviantart, you should. She has some FABULOUS art. The way she draws dragons and chimeras is just epic.

Okay, because I love you so much, here is the first section of Chapter One. I don't see it changing, but again, I'm still working out the kinks for this story. It is rated teen as the story will be. Also, the story has a gore tag. This isn't so bad, but it could be disturbing to some folks.

Mist from the falls hung in the stale air of the cave, clinging to the coats of those crowded inside. Light from the setting sun struck the guards’ armor until they shone like wraiths in the otherwise indistinct entryway. Discord did not take heed of them, his whole world had become the two still forms lying on the cold stones.

He shivered, pressing his side to his father’s. The cold, damp coat did nothing to help the aching numbness now sinking through his own. A sickening warmth still reached him from the bloody baptism he had received. It cascaded down Discord’s back, like a macabre cloak, and yet he could only focus on its source. A long gash down from neck to navel. A clean cut. A soldier’s work.

Voices reverberated around the chamber, garbled as if sounding from behind a glass. It took a few seconds to realize they were speaking of him.

“Let us finish this, Morpheus,” the elder said in a gruff, offhand way.

Morpheus just stood there, glancing at Discord with a look of utter disgust. “Carry out what justice you will.”

The elder guard approached, drawing his blade. It shone in the half-light, nearly blinding him. I know him, Father trained him. If Father trained him, the job would be quick. Still, he could not help but flinch as the pegasus raised the blade. Was this is how the sacrifices felt before their lives were brought before the alter? Did that make him a sacrifice? He hoped so, a meaningless death was such a waste . . .

And there it is. Thanks so much for reading my ramblings and staying interested in TCARW! I can't wait to finish Disillusion and show it to you. It's going to be GOOD. ^^

Comments ( 11 )

NUUU TELL US MOOREEEE(BTW, has the third place winner chosen her prize, becausee Im getting bored)

3282911 :trollestia:

And no she hasn't. Why don't you pick one of the options? I don't mind letting you both pick. I feel bad you've been waiting so long. :fluttercry: Plus, I'm getting bored too, need something to draw . . .


So hard of a choice... because if I pick the create an OC prize, she may have never had an OC in the first place and will hav to create a hasty OC for you... Plus you said you wanted to draw... Ah, heck, Im gonna be selfish and say could you make me an OC, please.:derpytongue2:

3282944 Awesome! I was hoping you'd pick that one. I have sooo much fun making OC's. Give me a general guideline on what kind of OC you'd like and I'll go from there.

And no worries about that, I'll let her pick either option too. I don't mind making two OC's. XDD


Um... Hm. I really honestly want a non pony OC, but... their so attractive!

(Oh, and, as for the style, last I checked you were btter at traditional so do whatever style your better at)

Ok, so basically, I don't mind the species as long as its pony related. Changelings,(That'd be an interesting OC) Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth ponies,Hippogriffs, and any other horse related animal that may or may not be canon. :P) [P.S: NO ALLYCORNYS. You probably knew that, but I wanted to check.

3282957 [Rubs hands together] Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something.


Why am I scared? Please? Anyone? Im scared all of a sudden. I......

*facepalm* great. I said the words.

This happens every time. I ask someone for something and they go off on a long hiatus to get it done.


My reaction after reading this blog post.

Don't mind me, I'm just gonna hype real hard over here in this corner.

I can't wait for this story. The anticipation is killing me! :raritydespair:

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