• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

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Random Thought #2 · 6:18pm Jul 24th, 2015

You probably thought this was dead, didn't you? Well, it isn't! I was originally going to posit the question of who would win if an ant made of lions and a lion made of ants fought, but I thought that this would be a better thought. Commence with the thinking!

What if everyone you didn't like was secretly a blood-sucking pedophile lizard?

Applied to a personal level, it sounds like an excellent coping mechanism to deal with seeing stories that you don't like becoming inexplicably popular because you can say "oh, that was written by a blood-sucking pedophile lizard" and you can go about your day.

But chances are one person isn't just going to apply this. I bet more than a few people might apply this, at least jokingly. This would lead to utter madness.

Sure, there might be a few people we can agree on who would be a BSPL(blood-sucking pedophile lizard), but as personal taste factors into this equation, we as a whole might disagree on who the BSPL actually are(I'm pretty sure some people would call me a BSPL).

It would start out with small rumblings of polite dissent. We'd argue day in and day out on who exactly qualifies to be a BSPL, accusing each other of belonging to said category. Then fights would break out as we stood behind our non-BSPL candidates. Followers would be lost; people would be blocked; stories would get downvote bombed and people would be banned until we managed to come to a consensus on who exactly qualifies to be a BSPL.

Even then, people might not agree with the final count of BSPL on FimFiction. Countless petitioning would ensue as what was supposed to be an internal coping mechanism becomes bureaucratized into tedium.

tl;Dr, be respectful where people can see you. Keep the meanness to private venues.

Comments ( 10 )

The U.S. is being lead be blood-sucking pedophile lizards.

Yes...let the Icke flow through you! See the site for what it REALLY is! A breeding ground for BSPL(blood sucking pedophile lizards) writers to control the human mind(which is their mind) and keep the human race in a place of subservice to the Space Nordic Master Race(SNMR)!

Rise up!

Syeekoh are you high

Majin Syeekoh

3266197 Not really, no.


I'm sorry, I was being distracted by Dr. Sonata Dusk and her therapy puppets Dagy and Ria. What was that?

Ah. Literal dehumanization as a parable for the need for courtesy on the Internet. Agreed on all counts.

But seriously, the idea of Sonata as a psychiatrist amuses and intrigues me. She already knows how to make people tick one way; it seems like a natural extension of her talents.

Majin Syeekoh

3266361 that sounds

Like an awesome story idea

If only the biased media would report on the scourge of BSPL!

tl;Dr, be respectful where people can see you. Keep the meanness to private venues.

The next question to oneself should be are those private venues are actually as private as you think they are.

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