• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Endless Nightmares

Just your average artist and writer.

More Blog Posts52

  • 155 weeks
    Echoes teaser- Chapter 16 F.E.N.B.

    So, it's been ages since I've written. So much to where I'm admittedly trying to shake the rust off at this point. A lot has happened that I won't go into detail about, but I decided it's time for me to finally pick up where I left off and start writing again- to finish the book series. So if there are any readers left that still follow this zombie story, here's a teaser of the upcoming chapter

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  • 333 weeks
    Teaser: On the wings of an Eagle

    Hello all, Nightie here with a small snippet for a teaser, to get you thinking about the new chapter. I'm definitely writing again since I was able to finish Before the Dawn, the words are pretty much flying onto the page with ease. No more writer's block and depression is manageable. So here's an update of the upcoming chapter: On the wings of an Eagle. Hope

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  • 333 weeks
    Final update-before the dawn

    All that remains is some minor spelling corrections and formatting, the chapter is nearly finished. It will be posted when I get home from work tonight. Look forward to it.

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  • 334 weeks
    Update: Before the Dawn

    Hello all, Nightie here with an update! I have been writing quite a lot. (Really every night this week, and most of last week.) And we're making pretty good progress thus far. So as a teaser to get your attention, I figured I'd release a small snippet to you. Show some love and leave your comments!

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  • 337 weeks
    Here we go again.

    Hello everyone, I'm back from the dead. XD

    So, let's go over a few things. New tablet for drawing and writing, with comfortable to use keyboard: ✔.

    New job that does not leave me horribly depressed, or with a hand that was shredded to ribbons: ✔

    5th and final surgery that now allows me about 90% function in my hand? :✔✔

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Updates! (and stuff.) · 2:29am Jul 21st, 2015

Greetings and hello all!

Nightie here, finally announcing an update. I will be releasing a two chapter special soon after it's finished being tweaked and edited, as well as a special guest cameo in the upcoming chapter Requiem. In other news, Autumn Heat will be sent for editing very soon, the posting likely within the next seven days. Keep checking back for the post! But if you're willing, I'd like to see your predictions of how you thing Autumn Heat will go. Post in the comments after the teaser, lets hear your thoughts!

Talon awakens with a start, his body covered with a clammy cold sweat. He can feel his heart pounding fast in his chest like he’d just run a marathon. Talon opens his eyes, the emerald orbs darting about rapidly, scanning the area. The sight that welcomes him is one of familiar comfort. Above and all around him are the quiet walls of the night princess’s chambers. As his breathing calms, comforting sounds reach his ears. A musical symphony of heaven, the slow, steady click-tick of the analog clock mixed masterfully with the soft rhythmic sounds of a mare breathing beside him. He turns his head and glances at the clock, but in his bleariness he fails to notice that it's well past the time he would normally be awakened by two very perfectly punctual precious fillies.

The drapes are drawn with only small, thin rays of light entering the dim room. He lets out a sigh of relief, knowing the nightmare to be nothing more than a painful memory. Rolling over and closing his eyes again, he drapes his arm over the alicorn mare in the bed, pulling her close in his embrace. Feeling slightly emboldened he finds himself compelled to give the mare’s rump a gentle squeeze, not bothering to open his eyes.

The mare smiles as she's held close, enjoying the contact. Not wanting to let this opportunity slip through her hooves, she snuggles herself closer to the man. She’d sensed the nightmare that haunted him. At first, she was simply going to banish the dream, but in her thoughts, she knew better. This was a demon that he had to slay. He had to find his own way and face his fears for the coming travesty ahead of him. If Talon didn't find the strength in himself she knew all too well the end that could be.

The alicorn can feel the man’s heartbeat slow and steady against her withers and spine. A slight shiver races down the length of her body, thoughts flooding her mind of the wonders of having a flesh and blood form could bring. She smiles to herself as she feels his grip around her tighten, already having to suppress her giggles at his earlier bold moves. Slowly, the mare turns over in the bed, slipping her foreleg under the pilot’s side, wrapping her other leg and wing around him in a tight embrace. The pilot murmurs something before resting his head on her neck, not really focusing on anything in general.

"Perhaps so Luminescence, but we shouldn't bother master. He requires his rest, and you have me now. There's no reason to awaken him when he is sleeping so peacefully." The voice of Nightie echoes in the hall, coming closer to the door. The mare’s eyes open, a small, mischievous grin upon her muzzle as she watches the door with interest, talon’s hand still in a rather compromising position, it’s owner near comatose with sleep.

"Nonsense, thou silly mare. Thou should know mine flame hath had all the rest he needs. Mine husband was never one for late mornings, now move thy flank and let me pass." Luna's voice speaks out now, the words becoming clearer as they near the door. That got the attention of Talon’s sleepy mind, it began the slow process of figuring out exactly why that was. "I hath mine husbands cup of coffee for him, and shalt see to it I'm the first he sees. Step aside." She growls out.

"I will not. The twins have all the care they need with us, and the maid. Pesky Squeak...or whatever her name is. You can give him that drink later. For now, we shouldn't awaken him. Let him be!" Nightmare moon counters. The sound of a swift bump against the door reaches the mare’s ears as she perks them forward. She doesn't notice the pilot awakening, hearing the voices just outside.

Talon groggily opens his eyes, pulling his head back slightly. He's crushed against the barrel of the alicorn again, feeling the warmth of her gentle feathered wings. He can feel her bare chest shifting slightly as she soundlessly giggles, confusion settling within his mind. 'Wait a minute...' He thinks, his nose catching the faint scent of fresh clean wind on a winters day. The fur against his skin seems to be different, more silken and softer than he's ever felt. The voices register in his mind, it finally clicking. An equation that simply went ‘Bedfellow + Not your wife = PANIC!’. And panic he does, letting out an extremely loud yelp before scrambling out of the bed, his mind was acting on base instinct.

“Holy-shit-what-the-fuck!?” He belts out as he land on the floor with a thud, causing a painful sensation to make itself known in his elbows. Hearing his cry, the mare’s outside the door quickly kick it open. Meanwhile, the mare in the bed is contently smiling to herself content with the chaos unfolding around her.

"Mo...Mother?!" Luna whispers out as she scans the room for a threat, confusion growing stronger in her mind as she spots just who is present. "Mine flame, what is the meaning of this?!" The sounds of teeth grinding fill the room next, Nightmare Moon quickly growing angry. Luna drops the porcelain cup held within her telekinesis, its contents spilled as the cup shatters against the floor.

Talon blinks in confusion and finally pulls himself off the floor, just enough to turn his head and see who is in the bed. His eyes trace the two alicorn's standing at the foyer of the chambers, the sounds of hoof steps clacking against the marble floors of the hall now approaching quickly as well.

He stares at them for a moment, then sees Celestia come up behind the pair. "Good morning Talon, it's time for you to..." Her sing song voice drops off as she stares, her maw agape in surprise. "Wow...I knew you were into older mares, commander...But I can't say I'd have thought you'd go for our mom." She says with a confused grin. "Felt like adding another to your growing harem?"

Nightie seethes in anger as she stares at the sight, her nostrils flaring as her eyes narrow. "Morrigan...what are you doing?"

The cream colored goddess only giggles in response, her emerald orbs tracing the pilot’s face as he seemed to stare at her, almost as if the hamster had fallen off the wheel within his head. Her eyes lock onto his, Morrigan moving her muzzle closer to his face. Macha’s form flashes in his mind where the cream-colored alicorn now is, instantly freezing his mind and heart with absolute terror. "Grabby this morning, aren’t we? " She whispers in response, before planting a friendly lick upon his lips, and disappearing from the chambers in a flash of light.

Talons breath hitches in his chest as it dawns on him, he's left alone now with three now very irate alicorn's in the room, and absolutely no idea what's going on.

“Grabby this morning?!” The midnight alicorn shrieks out in a voice the rival the banshee's cry, he could just about imagine her smacking a rolling pin in her hooves. "And just what was it thou grabbed?!" In all his tired confusion, his mind can only formulate a single word.

“Shit.” The pilot mutters, his head falling into his palm as he lets out a frustrated groan.This is not how he imagined waking up this morning.

I look forward to the comments! :trollestia:


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