• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen April 11th

Luna Farrowe

Hello, dear listener. Enter freely and of your own will. (Podfic narrator on hiatus; any pronouns)

More Blog Posts37


It's Beatle-pony-reading time! · 10:48pm Jul 19th, 2015

Hey, guys, I'm not dead! That's pretty much the real reason I'm writing this blog post.

Actually, I have a little bit to share with you before I disappear again. I'm working up on campus for a few weeks in a summer program which for confidentiality reasons I can't say much about, but which is pretty awesome so far. The hours are great and the job is really worthwhile, and I get plenty of free time after my shifts are over to do whatever I feel like doing - which, lately, involves a lot of reading and riding in other people's cars. It also means that I get to sit here and record Pirene to my heart's content, which, after this blog post, I'm going to go right on ahead doing! :pinkiehappy:

Despite evidence to the contrary, I'm smack in the middle of Chapter 8. I could say a lot of things, just like I babbled about Amelia, but it's simpler just to say it breaks my heart to read. I'm so, so glad that E.E. has given us a story with such a wonderfully rounded cast of female characters, and it's such a pleasure to speak in each of their voices. Before I go, though, I have a few extras for listening (or re-reading) once that monster of a final cut comes out (I'm looking at two hours, hooo boy).

Listening to music while reading a story probably isn't everyone's thing, but in case it is, there are a couple absolutely gorgeous songs by George Harrison (yeah, the guy who wrote "Here Comes the Sun") that I've come to associate with this chapter.

Isn't It A Pity?

Behind That Locked Door

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