• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
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CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!

More Blog Posts394

  • 13 weeks
    Where I've been...

    It’s getting harder to write with swype (pain-wise) for some reason. I’m thinking of going back to voice, although there’s still the hesitancy I feel due to the pain reaction. Whenever I think of writing, there’s the anticipation of pain, and it makes me procrastinate like no one’s business. Writing with voice isn’t much help because of how fast my voice hurts from it (I really have to enunciate

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    12 comments · 552 views
  • 143 weeks
    Progress Report - and bonus art!!

    The moving process has been delayed due to work dragging their feet on the transfer. Oh, also, the old car I was borrowing from a friend finally gave up and died. Wife and I finally got a vehicle of our own and Sweet Celestia's Beard insurance is expensive in Alberta. Hopefully the move gets done soon.

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    13 comments · 1,575 views
  • 161 weeks
    I'm alive!

    Chap isn't done yet but it's getting there. Did 1000 words just tonight, going to shoot for similar tomorrow.

    Thanks again for sticking with me!

    7 comments · 535 views
  • 172 weeks
    A community member is in dire need of your help!


    I'll just copy/paste the explanation from Aragon.

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    19 comments · 1,446 views
  • 174 weeks
    Good news bad news

    Good news! The chap is written and off to the editors as of today. As soon as it's done, it'll be posted, no matter where in the month it is. Shall start writing on the next chapter immediately!

    10 comments · 531 views

Medical Update 14 July 2015 · 9:43pm Jul 14th, 2015

So, mostly bad news, but with some silver linings.

Doc is skeptical about my theory, but he also didn't reject it outright. In fact, he said that those two joints are the ones most likely to collect fluid, and if I injured my tendon the fluid from that could shunt right into those joints. Still, he sounded rather skeptical/incredulous about that happening, even if it's possible. His reaction was "What were you doing that would cause hat kind of damage?"

Writing ponies, doc. Writing ponies.

But, before he acts on the fluid itself, he wants to rule out rheumatoid arthritis, which is what I expected him to do first anyway. There is indeed a chance that's what I have, which really would be a disaster. The chance is magnified by the fact that my shoulder is also in a bunch of pain lately. However, the doc doesn't think the odds of it being RA are very high; in fact he says it's rather unlikely since the MRI showed zero damage to the bones and joints themselves, but it's still something that should absolutely be ruled out. So, he ordered blood work. This is the same work I had done late last year, but RA doesn't always show up in blood work until a year or so after the symptoms start anyway, so it's time for another look.

Now, I have the order, but here's the thing: I can't get it done just yet. See, I'm sick as a dog right now, and if you do this blood work while you're sick it'll return a false positive. So I have to wait until 72 hours after I'm asymptomatic before I can get it done. Then the doc says we'll proceed from there.

So, for now, my only goal is to rest, recover, and use my tablet to watch more Tesla Model S and Freedom Planet videos.


Comments ( 7 )

Assuming it's not fluid, and not RA, what can it be at this point? You seem pretty far down the list right now.:trixieshiftleft: Get well, so they can rule out more stuff, so you can finally get well for real.

Assuming it is the fluid, are we talking something that can simply be drained off?

3238300 That's my thought process at this point. :P

3238355 Yes, that's called aspiration.

Empty as the words may seem by now, I hope you find out what it is soon. And while I haven't yet read the newest chapter of Rites I still think a "Good job" is in order. I mean... there are certain individuals on this site who whines and whines, and keeps complaining about their life and so on, but you? You take it head on, inform us of how things are going, and you do all that while freaking writing! You ignore your pain as best as possible, or at least work around it, to tell us a story that so far only exists in your head.

If that's not commendable then I don't know what is.

So... Good job, CV :twilightsmile:

Good luck.

I'm glad to hear your getting somewhere, though I think your doctor their is a little stupid while I agree that because arthritis is an immune deficiency and therefore give you a false response his claim on needing to wait a year before a confirmation comes through in a blood test is just plain stupid.
I was fully diagnosed with RA after 4 months so I think the year long claim is just stupid.

I think I mentioned it before and I'll say it again now just in case RA doesn't mean the end of the world even for a great writer like yourself. Granted if you contracted this 20+ years ago that would be a different story but these days there is medication to help treat it. While I'll admit despite the medication it doesn't make things easier it makes it bearable. I have in arthritis in every joint excluding my eyes and I'm 18 now with no long lasting joint damage. While I'm trying to not boast here I will say that as someone who has fought all his life with RA I now say to you despite the pain that can come from it you can still do the things you want to no matter how grim it can get.

My prays go out to you and hope that it is only a fluid build up and not Rheumatoid Arthritis, with that I also pray that God will continue to help you move forward and push on through the hardship and the struggles and that by doing so you will become stronger than you are now and never give up on who you are and who you want to be. Amen

~From a fan and well wisher. Mop_Hop

Still, he sounded rather skeptical/incredulous about that happening, even if it's possible.

Always be a little skeptical when dealing with doctors. Doctors help people, but they also are used to explaining things to people who are completely uninformed about the medical problems they are facing. Thing is, you don't have to stay uninformed, especially these days with the Internet. No doctor knows everything, even within their area of expertise. You're fortunate that your doctor is willing to explore this possibility with you, because some doctors wouldn't.

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