• Member Since 5th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen February 20th


The freshest beats available any time, here. Also, the freshest ships and editing. Seriously, if you want me to edit something send me a PM. Please. I'm so bored. Also my favourite pone is Vinyl.

More Blog Posts27

  • 491 weeks
    Loving it

    My break before uni is amazing.

    I'll be doing some more writing throughout the night, so look forward to that!

    Also, I've doing some more beats, and this time even including some inspired by fanfictions!

    Here are the two, inspired by separate stories.


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    0 comments · 432 views
  • 506 weeks
    You know what

    It's time I wrote something. I'm so lazy, but I can't use school as an excuse any more.

    As such, i will provide proof that I have done something since my last update:

    There, that's the word count for the final Chapter of Dropping The Bass. It's not much, but I'm around half way there.

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    0 comments · 333 views
  • 537 weeks
    Another new free track

    Just finished this beast.

    Check it


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  • 538 weeks
    Fresh Beets

    Sellin' em right here!

    Check out my soundcloud if anyone is into electronic music, and is looking for new artists.

    Go here

    0 comments · 401 views
  • 575 weeks

    Well, today is my first proper exam for the first time ever, and I'm a little excited. It's a literature exam, so I shouldn't have trouble with it, but it marks the first few steps that I have to take in order to finish High school.

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    3 comments · 383 views

Updates · 1:19pm Jan 16th, 2012

Why, hello there friends. My name is Taran, A.K.A Taranasaurus(See what I did there?).

I have been writing stories, lots of stories. These are my pride and joy, and I can spend up to eight hours at a time writing.

A few things to say:

1. Don't worry, I am writing "Hearts of Ice and Souls of Fire", I'm just having a little trouble keeping on task.

2. I had a new Idea, actually, two ("Another one?" Oh ho ho yes!) Wanna hear it?

That was a retorical question, of course you do. Here they are:
Story idea 1: Shipping. I'm gonna try it! It's gonna be Trinyl (That's right, Trixie x Vinyl Scratch). These two are gonna rock ALL of Equestria, litterally.

Story idea 2: What's that I hear you saying? Moar Dinky and Pip? Well okay then.

Tags: [Grimdark] [Shipping] [Furture]

Synopsis: Pipsqueak and Dinky Doo, newlyweds, where invited to the coronation of Princess Celestia’s personal protégé, Twilight Sparkle.

Two weeks have passed since then.

Now, Twilight is dead, Princess Luna missing, and Pip and Dinky have been accused of double murder. Convinced they are innocent, the two escape from princess Celestia’s firm grip to prove they where not involved in the murder. They are now fugitives, on the run from the royal guard and public enemy’s number one and two.

Will they ever prove their innocence? Will they find who performed this dastardly act? These questions, and many more like them, will be answered in…

… Last Ones Standing.

Sounds cool right? RIGHT!

Other things worth mentioning:

Fic list:

1. Hearts of Ice and Souls of Fire (I'm still writing, update soon!)
2. Silence (Currently post-poned due to other fics!)
3. Last ones Standing (:yay:, new fics.)
4. Auntie Dash: This here is a fic for a buddy that I'm writing.
5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Crossover: Uploading prologue nao :P
6. <Insert Shipping FIc name here>: Trinyl. (Hey, anyone who bothers to read this, mind helping me out with a title? Mental blanks SUCK!)

^ Phew, that's a lot of fics. Anyway, be prepared for updates coming soon. A bulk of them will come once I get back from Japan :yay:, seeing as I will have new inspiration.

Have fun, and make sure to keep on writing!

P.S: Hey there, this here is a post-script, and it's gonna tell you about something WICKED! Got a piece of prose that you think is worthy of becoming the next 'My little Dashie' but don't know if it's up to todays amazingly high writing standards? Then send that baby over to Taranasaurus' official reviews.

Aside from doing what I usually do, which is where I go around and edit/give advice on random fics, I'm going to be spending my hard-earned free time editing YOUR fics. Doesn't matter what it is; shipping, grimdark, clop, I'll review it.

Now, a bit of information about my services: They're not free. Whilst I won't be damanding money or other forms of payment (;D), I do want some form of recognition. After all, I did just slave away editing your fic, I want SOME kind of appreciation. All you have to do is add a little "Edited by Taranasaurus" at the bottom of your fic. It's that simple.

another thing

I reserve the right to edit your fic when I feel like it, not when it fancies you. If, however, you feel that your fic deserves more attention then the others, you need to give me a legitament reason why, and your fic has to be good. E.g "Well, I just think that, because I wrote it, it has to be read first. After all, I am the most amazing writer in ALL of Equestria." WRONG! This is not something legitament (Shuddup, I can spell!). "Well, I was planning on showing this to my friends before school starts again, so I was wondering if you could give it a little bit of attention." Well, okay then. I can do that. Also, don't lie. I can tell when you are lying, because I have the element of honesty right next to me.

'What in tarnation?' A voice called from the pocket of the writer. 'Are y'all talkin' 'bout me again?'

"Uh no, Applejack. I was, uh, talking about, er, the... the, other element of honesty! Yeah, that's it."

'Well, all right then. But don't y'all talk 'bout me behind ma back, ya hear?'

"Yes Applejack."

Okay, now that she's off of my tail, let me get to another order of business, the actual review.

Now, I have two types of service's.

One: The overlay.

Requirments: Your story needs to be in a google doc, with comments enabled.

Details: I will go through your story and point out errors and plot holes and the like. I won't physically edit your work, I'll just point out the errors of your ways. I will then send you a message saying that I have completed the edit, and pointed out other errors.

Two: Re-write.

Requirments: You have to give me permission to copy/paste your story. Just a simple "Sure thing, dude," is enough.
A back-up copy, for comparison.

Details: I take your story, and edit it ruthlessly. I go through and remove mistakes and add dialogue where needed. (If I believe what you have doesn't sound right, I will point it out.) I will edit loopholes and add punctuation where needed. I will also add in the basic rules of the English language. E.g:

"B-but I love you" Twilight's lower lip began to tremble. "i know Twi' and I though i loved you two, but these things change." "No, no! It's not true, you're lying!" twilight ran from the room, her loud sobs echoing down the hall as i watched her disappear.

Pretty bad, huh? Well, that's not a problem for Taranasaurus!


"B-but I love you." Twilight's lower lip began to tremble.

"I know Twi', and I though I loved you to, but these things change."

"No, no! It's not true. you're lying!" Twilight ran from the room, her loud sobs echoing down the hall as I watched her disappear.

:yay: fixed! I added simple rules, and look how much better it is.

Okay, those are my two editing modes, why not tell me what you think in the comments?

Other things about editing: Listen to what I say. Don't just let it go in through one ear and out the other. Understand, learn from your mistakes. If I edit ten chapters for you, all with the same consistant errors, and then you go and make the same errors again in chapter eleven, I'm gonna be pissed.

Anyway, contact me by sending me a PM, don't worry, I'll read it.

TL;DR: Taranasaurus, new story ideas, shipping, Last Ones Standing, Fic list, tell me what you think of my ideas, reviews. Two modes, editing, rewrite, google docs, Japan, comments and listen.

That about sums it up. Remeber to post about my story ideas and send me a PM if you got a story that needs editing.

This has been another (long) blog post written by Taranasaurus.


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