• Member Since 20th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


Hello, I'm a writer, I hope to be a published author one day. My main ventures in writing so far is Daring Do and my FoE story. Enjoy! Check out other stuff at http://almanacpony.deviantart.com/

More Blog Posts108

  • 170 weeks
    Where Am I?

    Where am I?

    I said I'd take a year out to write my book before coming back to continue and complete Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia. So, one year later, what be the current status?

    The status is.... 50%. Maybe a little over.

    I assumed it'd only take me a year, but there was a few factors I didn't take into account.

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  • 212 weeks
    Hiatus - Sorry

    Fallout Equestria: Letter's to Celestia is still very important to me. I love the story I have planned, I'm very proud of it, and I am very confident in my ability to finish it. I WILL finish it, I fully intend to.

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    2 comments · 373 views
  • 240 weeks
    Story prologue/idea <Updated>

    UPDATED: 04/11/19 <edit notes: The prologue has had its first re-write pass. Not much change, just some alterations and additions based on the current feedback.>
    UPDATED: 10/11/2019 <edit notes: With the aid of @legalpothead, I've made some major edits to the intro. I hope it's better now.

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  • 241 weeks
    Mailing List for Original and Fanfic Work

    I'm going to start working on a Mailing list. This is basically, me collecting email addresses from people that are interested in email updates of my work. This will not just involve my fanfiction work, but my work on original novels that I'll be working on to get published.

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'Fallout: Equestria' Project Introduction +Preview · 7:36pm Jul 7th, 2015

This little preview of the upcoming book that I'm going to start working on is NOT set in stone. It's a basic example of how it may start, and what you read here may be changed, edited, kept as it is, or even completely rewritten, but so far, its pretty accurate to how I feel it needs to start right now. That being said, let me tell you a little bit about what this project will contain in terms of themes.

For those of you that are 'Fallout: Equestria' fans and have read it, you have likely embarked onto other fanfics and may notice a few recurring themes. They're almost always unicorns, almost always from stables, and almost always involve having a pip-buck. This is because the Fallout games give us these kinds of starting places and so they are the easiest to translate. But my book is not like that.

This book follows the adventures of 'Tome Tale', a book worming Earth Pony that has grown up in the wasteland. He's not from a stable, he's never known a happy carefree life.

All other books focus on innocent characters that experience culture shock. They go from their easy life into a life of terror and experience that psychological break down and development that changes them into a different person and makes them stronger. This is a good character developing plot line, but it IS one that's overused.

Tome Tale is not used to happy lives in a stable. He's not too young, he's middle aged, he's stoic, sarcastic, and psychologically damaged and traumatised because he has grown up in a world of nothing but cold violence. He is a pony that has already lost almost everything early on. He has very little to live for, much like the rest of the inhabitants of the wasteland, he just gets by, day to day, surviving in the wastes, and this adventure sweeps him up.

What you will see, is how this adventure can give him something worth living for. How friends that come into his life, and new loves and new losses and new families can make and break him again, allowing him to become a different pony and a better one at that.

This is not a story about how a pony loses everything and becomes stronger from the wastes.

This is a story about a pony who has already lost everything, that manages to find themselves again, despite the wastes.

This story will be done in chapters much like the original Fallout: Equestria story, and I hope I do the world justice. Hang around, because this story will be pretty long, heavily detailed, and one hell of a ride!


Strength 6

Perception 8

Endurance 5

Charisma 5

Intelligence 9

Agility 4

Luck 3

Remaining 0


Level Perks

Book Horse -- +1 additional skill point whenever a skill book is read

Have you ever seen the sun? I have.
Quite recently actually, but I’m on about before everything happened. I saw it, more than once too.

I remember it clearly, it’s not something you forget; I was young, hadn’t gotten my cutiemark yet, but not as young as you’d think, young teen, I was a late bloomer, I was down rummaging through some old farms on the outskirts of Ponyville, getting closer to the Everfree Forest, but trying to keep my distance still, ya know, trying to be smart with it. And then it happened. There was this little flash of light I didn’t recognise; it lit the floor up all yellow and warm. So I looked up, trying to find where the light was coming from, and then I saw it, a parting in the cloud cover.

That endless sea of blue that stretched up and up, and way past where my eyes could see. There was this shining orb of yellow and white that sat there amongst that blue, it was so bright it almost blinded me, but it was also so beautiful I couldn’t look away. I felt it too, the warmth, the way its rays just caressed over my face and warmed me up all nice.

It was gorgeous.

That was the first time anyway. After that I found a nearby farmhouse and started bunking there once in a while, day or night, trying to catch glimpses through the cloud cover.

I saw the most beautiful things on those days and nights. The nights especially. The nights felt MYSTERIOUS. They felt like they held secrets, like the stars twinkled notes of music that no one could hear, like they were almost speaking to each other. They twinkled and flashed in that endless black.

Once I even saw a Pegasus or two, that excited me so much I’d run right back home to my mother and bragged about what I’d seen…that was a mistake.

Mum didn’t believe it was Pegasi, she thought it was a couple of birds I saw, but I distinctly remember a flash of gleam from them, like a glinting reflection from something metal they wore, like armour. But I was banned from going back to the farm regardless and we soon moved away from the area. There was talk of Raiders encroaching on the place anyway, so it was probably for the best.

But I never saw the sun again, not for a very long time, for a little while on my travels the sun always greeted me. Some would think you’d get used to it after a while, but personally, I can’t get enough of it. I look up at it whenever it’s capable to be seen, and I’m always in awe. I even saw it today.

I want to tell you about today. I will, I promise, but first…I want to tell you about my other days, and what brought me here. It’s a mixture of chance, circumstance, a stupid amount of curiosity, and not a small amount of luck.

But luck comes in two forms, depending entirely on perspective. So whether my luck is good or bad for me I suppose will be answered tomorrow. Because as much as today has been important to me, I think tomorrow may be important to everyone.

There is something special about the stars I think, something eternally special.

The sun, when you see it, makes you think of hopes and dreams, but the stars…they give you questions. Their little twinkles make little sparks in your thoughts; introspective concerns can’t help but poke their annoying little heads out.

I remember asking myself, on one of those nights long ago where the stars filled my gaze and the quietness of the night around me felt peaceful and comforting. I asked myself, ‘What could my life be?’

I thought about maybe getting a wife, having foals of my own one day, maybe if I did I could give them a really good life. Ya know, all the fantasies that the young have before the world crushes them into a fine powder.

None of it was ever remotely possible.

I feel I have to warn you straight from the start, that this story I’m telling is not for the faint of heart.

I can only hope that you ARE of faint of heart. And that you have lived a good long life.

I hope this because if you have managed to survive this world and still remain faint of heart, then this tome of a diary has been found and read far into a future that I cannot yet see possible, but can only hope may one day be achieved. Because the sad truth is, there are noponies that are faint of heart in this world. At least, none that will live long. They probably won’t even live past tomorrow.

My name is Tome Tale. I’m a smart pony. Ya, I know, kinda rare in this part of the world. But my skillset has let me survive. What is my skillset?

I’m a really quick learner."

Leave a comment and let me know what you think and if you are looking forward to it. ^-^

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