• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2017


"1/4 hipster, 3/4 kawaii"

More Blog Posts107

  • 406 weeks
    School Matchmaker Project Part Deux

    I seemed to get a fairly good amount of traffic from over here on the last Love Live! story I linked for you guys. So I figured you may be interested in the sequel. If that's the case, here's the link. Enjoy!


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  • 414 weeks
    New Non-Pony Story and Update on Writing

    Hey everyone,
    I just wanted to let you know that I have a new story out over on fanfiction.net. Hopefully some of you here are Love Live! fans and getting excited for Sunshine!! If that's the case, this'll be something to quell your needs until Sunshine!! comes out in... five days now, I think. Anyways, here's a link, please enjoy.

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  • 420 weeks
    One Punch Man Fic

    I wrote this for one of my classes and forgot to ever post it over on Fanfiction.net. I have now. So if you watch and enjoy One Punch Man check it out. Here's a link



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  • 432 weeks
    Hey There/Updates

    Hey everyone. What's up? How are things? Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I've just been extremely busy with classes. Somehow all of my professors managed to make their due dates for major assignments on the same day or at least incredibly close together. So yeah, that's been fun. I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't died or anything, and am actually doing fairly well. I have some

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  • 434 weeks
    My Current Favorite Show

    The thing is, that I normally don't find much of an interest in anime. But this, this is something else. Love Live! is probably one of the cheesiest, cutesy shows I have ever experienced, and considering that I'm talking to you about it here of a site for mlp fanficiton, that's saying something. As I'm sure you know, I'm a sucker for cheesy stuff, especially when great characters and a nice bit

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Amending Fences Thoughts(Spoilers) · 8:20pm Jul 4th, 2015

Well, since I'm back, may as well start up these blogs again, especially for an episode as great as this one. First off, I honestly don't think I'll see an episode this season that'll top this one, but, who knows, I may be surprised. Second, was I the only one feeling the feels on this one? I mean, it brought us back all the way to the first episode. Throughout the episode's entirety, I was constantly overwhelmed with these memories and feelings I had the first time I watched the series premier, and that sensation was beautiful. Third, I'm completely shocked that an episode like this was even written, but I'm so glad it was. M.A. Larson, yeah, I'll admit it, he's pretty awesome. I figured Moondancer's party, Twilight's old friends, they'd just be completely forgotten about. Nope, I guess not, and not only that, but we also got to see the consequences of Twilight's actions back in her pre-friendship days, and oh what an effect she had. It was nice to see that Twilight again though. I miss her sometimes. As for Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette, wow, looks like more of our BG ponies got some love, and some proper personalities. I enjoyed each one of them, especially Minuette. She may not be Colgate, but hey, her occupation was never given. So, what do you think, would you still see her as a dentist, or would something else work better for her now after seeing her personality in action? As for this little friend group as a whole, I think they all work quite well together, good chemistry, all that. I hope that this isn't going to be a one time deal, I would definitely love to have some more episodes with these girls together. Finally, I may just have a new favorite shipping. I absolutely loved the whole senpai Twilight sort of thing going on with Moondancer. It was absolutely adorable how much she idolized Twilight, and how badly it hurt her when she didn't show up for her party. Yeah, it definitely could be thought of as just a friendship, but I'm going all the way with this because they are adorable together, why not? So, yes, all and all, this was an excellent episode. 10/10


Comments ( 2 )

Here's the problem: Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, still can't make friends on her own. In both "Party Pooped" and this episode, she had to rely on Pinkie to make friends and/or resolve the conflict. Pinkie is even better friends with Minuette than Twilight is/was. This is the second episode this season where it has been blatantly shown that Twilight is not capable of making friends, and must rely on her other friends (specifically Pinkie) to make friends for her. Also, shame on the animators for making Moondancer a lazy re-color of Twilight. It was believable that they had similar personalities, and Moondancer is basically Twilight-if-she-wasn't-Celestia's-favorite, but to have them have the same personality, and the same manestyle, and the same color-style (with the two colored stripes in her mane and tail), that is just lazy.

(1) Hands down, my fav eps of this season. This is the kind of "adult eps" that reassures some of the more discerning watchers that they aren't wasting their time watching a kids' show. (Me, I don't mind a mix.)


In both "Party Pooped" and this episode, she had to rely on Pinkie to make friends and/or resolve the conflict.

Well... yeah? That's what friends are for?

Leaders can't do everything. The project lead of a team of technicians may not be the biggest techie there. The leader's primary responsibility is keeping sight of the big picture.

Also, you're making the most common mistake regarding the bearers of the EoH. Most ppl assume that the bearers are each a faultless incarnation of her representative virtue: RD is the most loyal pony, Rarity the most generous pony, etc. The truth is actually the opposite: Each bearer is actually the pony with the most potential regarding said virtue, the pony with the most room to grow. RD is actually the most self-centered pony, working on improving her loyalty. Rarity is the most covetous pony, working on improving her generosity. Etc.

Hell, we've seen Fluttershy work on improving her kindness, beyond the superficial meekness she employs each day. None of these stories are an accident.

but to have them have the same personality, and the same manestyle, and the same color-style (with the two colored stripes in her mane and tail), that is just lazy.

I think that's something for the kids, so they can understand the symbolism.

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