• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2014


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More Blog Posts27

  • 566 weeks
    Still Alive

    So, whoops. I vanished. But, one loss of job, house move, and a strange wibble-wobble of contacts on my phone, and I'm kinda back!

    Writing a little here and there. Trying to get back into it. Sadfic in the works, sorta.


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  • 595 weeks
    Repost: Ba-BOOM!

    So, I've been gone for a while. Things have been...

    Moving on! Important stuffs! Sorta.

    So, I'm sure most all of you are aware of the next episode post-break's synopsis. If not, here's a refresher.

    "Keep Calm and Flutter On"

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    4 comments · 916 views
  • 599 weeks
    There's a coder out there with a target painted on him

    *flips table*

    Know why this blog post exists? Because I can't figure out on my phone how to reply to comments in the new layout. I'm serious! There's no reply button, and no semblance of rhyme nor reason!

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    13 comments · 888 views
  • 603 weeks
    (YOU'LL GET CAUGHT UP IN THA) Crosspost: Make Me A Princess

    Here's my current fic list in the works (Horseapples! I've hit mania again!):

    RariShy Ship
    AppleDash Ship (oh, my!)
    Pinkie-Dash Drama-thing
    Spike Rarity Cutesy-thing

    I'm hoping to get at least 2 pages typed per day for whichever I'm working on. A goal, at least.


    Twiconequus ink and color practice
    Rework my OC
    "Under The Old Moon" Date Night piece

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  • 603 weeks
    Phantom of the Opera Muffin

    So, fics! The ISotS series thing-a-ma-whatever most likely isn't over, but at the same time, I'm wanting to do something else.


    RariShy Serious Shipfic
    PinkieDash Friendshipping Dramafic

    Over on dA, RariShy is leading 13-4. Just sayin'.

    14 comments · 700 views

How's that date going? · 10:45pm Jul 25th, 2012

Crossed from my dA journal, because I realize I neglect this site a lot.


A stiff-shouldered stallion stood behind a small podium, almost blending in with how motionless he remained. Like most in Canterlot, he stood with his chin up, eyes languidly shut. Almost telepathically he detected the entrance of the two, asking in a nasally voice, "Reservations?"

Discord mimicked their host's adenoidal tone, stiffening his posture in mock. "Mmmmyes, I have reservations under the name "Bananasalmon von Guggenheimlich".

Twilight was unable to hold her laughter this time, issuing a brief snort as she tried.

The stallion, however, did not find the humor in this. He opened his eyes, glaring at the pair of misfits that had wandered into his establishment. "If you do not have reservations, I must ask y-" His drooping eyelids popped open as he truly took in who was before him. "DISCORD?!"

The restaurant immediately fell silent as everypony within turned to the commotion. Upon seeing the immortal standing at the door, panic overtook the room. Etiquette and class were discard in the place of screaming, each pony bolting from their seats to run about in a blind frenzy.

Discord reveled in the new energy he had inadvertently set into motion. "What do you know? I'm famous!"

Twilight stepped forward, attempting to control the crowd. Fortunately, she had been privately studying Royal Canterlot Voice. Or, at least as privately as one could study Royal Canterlot Voice. "LISTEN! EVERYPONY PLEASE SETTLE DOWN!"

The tumult within ceased, each pony freezing in place as they looked to the speaker.

With stasis obtained, Twilight tried to reinstate order. "I am Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia. Despite what apparently many of you know of Discord, he is now, legally, an Equestrian citizen. Under royal oath, he has sworn to be on his best behavior. There is nothing to fear."

With the look of panic still locked on their faces, the crowd silently assessed the situation. Indeed, nothing had yet floated away or turned to yoghurt or exploded, so perhaps the unicorn before them was being truthful. Twilight watched with a smirk as the diners slowly began to release from their rigid poses.

With his own smirk, Discord calmly whispered. "Boo."

Utter bedlam instantly broke out again, even louder than before. Chairs were overturned, plates were thrown, and the uproar practically shook the foundations of the building.

Twilight gritted her teeth, groaning lowly. "I. said. SETTLE DOWN!"

In a pulse of magic, she lifted each occupant of the restaurant, letting the ponies kick fruitless in the air for a second before they realize their actions no longer carried them forward. Curtly, she placed each pony back into their seats with a forceful thud, holding them in place long enough for them to get the message. With forced smiles, the fearful diners went back to their meals, trying to ignore the two new frightful guests.

Discord was rolling on his back, laughing manically the whole time. In a sudden moment of clarity, he sat up, turning to their now trembling host. "By the way, table for two for Bananasalmon von Guggenheimlich. I promise you, it's on the list."

The doorpony no longer even cared about the reservations. "R-r-r-right this way, s-s-sir..."

Report CosmicWaltz · 202 views ·
Comments ( 4 )


Sit in front of your computer and think "I shall go to bed right now" until FiMFiction is breaking this highly productive phase of day with a beloved *Bing* what indicates a new blog post containing the possibly-most-awesome-date-dinner-EVER, what I'd expect for the next chapter but allright, as long as I don't have to finally make up a deviantart account for updates or split my words into multiple sentences I am super-duper fine with that, because I actually can't miss things that I don't know the existence of what leads me back to the question if this is a spoiler-teaser or a simple gap-closer between chapter one and two? :rainbowhuh:

Good night, sir!

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