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The artist you've never heard of.

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  • 223 weeks
    It's Been a While

    It's been a long time. How are you? Still reading happily? Thank you for sticking around.
    I've been alright, had a bad time, got worse but slowly getting back up again.

    The story why I was gone for so long;

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    Le hype.

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    (AUCTION STREAM) with FREE avatars

    So im doign this more often and if you want to buy some cheap art, hang around or have a free headshot done you are welcome to join!


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    streaming again, if you like ill take a request my photoshop is fixed!


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    creating warhammer ponies for our favoirite accountant, ha ha

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CoverContest no.7 [closed] · 5:35am Jun 30th, 2015

Time really is going quickly. It seems like one image is done and its straight to the next. At least some people are getting their covers.

Thanks to DavieRocket volunteering last month there were two winners. A great big thanks to his skill and offering his free time and talent to make a free image for a contest winner.

Previous winners;

This contest is a little late also and the holidays are right here so it will run until 12th July.

The rules:
1. The story for your cover art entry is published or at least the first chapter is ready to publish. (you will be required to provide a sample if you win)
2. Follow me for at least the duration of the contest in case of announcements or changes.
3. You may enter on behalf of someone who would like a cover art. (or for a surprise gift for a friend:twilightsmile:)
4. One entry post per person, you are welcome to change it as many times as you like until the closing date.
5. No entries accepted after the closing date (12PM Brussels time zone.)
6. All entries are to be made on this blog.
7. If you don't like to loose please reconsider entering because i am one person and i cannot make them all. (although I want to)
8. You love MLP....(insert DUH here)

The Contest;
The five senses contest last month went really well. I want to try another contest along the same lines plus a surprise.

Write a script for a short comic about a page long.

This is a tough one no doubt so there is plenty of time. Do your research into script style writing; for example THIS is a good example but you are not bound to the format.

Im looking for how easy it is to understand, so ask some friends to proofread it to find any mistakes quickly.

The Prize

The surprise is that you will get your comic made! PLUS the cover of your choice!

Do not worry if you do not get it! There will be one at the end of each month! (and I take commissions too)
Good Luck and have fun!

Report EZTP · 552 views · #art #contest #fanfiction covers
Comments ( 11 )

Those are some fanciful covers, color me impressed!

As for the contest itself, while the addition of the comic as a prize is cool, can the script be about any theme? If so...


I might actually enter this.
I still have plenty of ideas for short little sillies featuring my characters, so why not?

Story being entered: On A Falling Star


EXT. View of Kerbin from High Orbit (Example: this), with a relatively large satellite also in view
A narrator begins speaking.

"From the dawn of our people's existence to the present day, we have always looked to the stars, seeking new horizons to explore, and new boundaries to break through."

EXT. A panoramic view of what looks like a small, early 1900s' era farm, with a cleared patch of ground in the center of frame. Not far from the clearing is a small shack, with a metal front and roof with a thick, small window in it. In the middle of the clearing sits a small rocket, similar to the early rockets of Homer Hickam and Robert Goddard.
The narrator continues, as in the background you see a speech bubble with a count-down starting from 5.

"In time, we learned to harness gunpowder, and other volatile chemicals, and use them to send things aloft on pillars of fire and smoke."

EXT. An image of aforementioned early rocket spiraling out of control.
The narrator continues.

"Often, these early endeavours failed."

EXT. Similar to second scene, but with a different rocket on the pad, closer to the V-2 or Explorer-1 rockets. Unlike the first, the rocket has just lifted off the pad, and has climbed about as high as your average tree.
The narrator continues,

"But, instead of giving up, the pioneers of rocket technology continued their work, producing marvels of engineering..."

INT. Image of a large rocket, similar to the R-7 or Titan II lift vehicles undergoing fairing jettison, revealing a payload similar to the Surveyor spacecraft, albeit with the legs folded up, and the central mast retracted.
The narrator continues his previous sentence

"... Which expanded our horizons, and our understanding in ways they could not have imagined."

INT. National Space Exploration Agency Headquarters - Day
A group of humanoid beings with green-ish skin sit around a table, looking at and listening to a similar being standing at the far end of the table who is making a speech regarding a new spaceflight program, with diagrams on the wall behind him similar to a basic diagram for a moon mission (like this one). Meanwhile, the narrator continues his speech.

"And as always, with new horizons, came new endeavours...."

EXT. Image of a battered and cratered battlefield. Troops are scattered on both sides, backed up by tanks. The designs are similar to the Cold War era designs of both NATO (For one side) and the USSR (For the other).
The narrator continues his speech, with sound effects in the scene indicating the chattering of machine guns, the booming of cannons, and the shrieks of falling shells and bombs.

"..and, regrettably, new conflicts."

INT. Image of the inside of an ICBM silo as the silo door opens. Red lights on the wall are spinning in a stereotypical alarm fashion.
The sound effects for Air raid sirens can be seen in frame, as a speech bubble in frame indicates a message playing from a speaker. The narrator continues.


"Ultimately, these conflicts grew, to the point where the unthinkable option, became the only one..."

EXT. Image of a series of nuclear mushroom clouds over a blasted, cratered landscape.
The narrator continues

".... and we nearly destroyed ourselves in our folly."

EXT. An image of a massive, 1.3 kilometer wide asteroid bearing down on Kerbin.
The narrator continues.

"Part of this was due to negligence. In both sides of the Great War's haste to destroy each other, they failed to notice the threat looming over them both."

EXT. Image of the asteroid, now entering the atmosphere and wreathed in what looks like flame. The asteroid is entering the atmosphere at a steep angle, and it is a dull gray, like raw hematite.
The narrator continues.

"A massive asteroid, 1.3 kilometers across and traveling almost 20 kilometers every second ploughed through Kerbin's atmosphere, and destroyed most of what was once known the UCFR. The realization of what happened, and that it could have been avoided spread unavoidably, casting a pall of sorrow and despair over the world."

EXT. Image of someone standing on an improvised podium, wearing armor and having the same skin color as the scientists listening to the speech in the space agency. He is speaking to a crowd, although we don't know what he's saying.
The narrator continues.

"However, out of the darkness, came a light, a source of hope. James Henry, a brilliant visionary, began gathering allies and resources to begin rebuilding civilization...."

EXT. Image of a building similar to the Capitol building in Washington D.C, with a flag being raised over the rotunda while repairs continue.
The narrator continues, as sound effects for the construction effort pop up in the background.

"... and while they endured many challenges, and faced many who opposed the upsetting of their established order, or the removal of their power over an area, Henry and his allies succeeded in rebuilding the world. However, their victory came at a cost..."


As before, I'm entering The Price of Generosity.


We are in a dark crystalline interior with torches lined up to the walls provide the little lighting, and through the large, almost mosaic-like window in the center, a fierce snowfall can be seen. A funeral proceeding of various robed earth ponies and pegasi is taking place around an indistinct altar. As the camera PANS IN, the altar is revealed to be a funeral pyre on which rests the corpse of a pale almond-colored earth pony mare. Her mane, tail and face are obscured in an elaborate dark dress and death mask with a unicorn horn.

Don’t be saddened, boy.

INTO VIEW we see the silhouettes of two stallions looking over the body.

I’m not.

We’re presented a FRONTAL CLOSE ANGLE shot of both stallions. The stallion on the left, MIMESIS, is an elderly-looking pegasus. His coat is of a dark pastel azure, covered mostly by a heavy coat. Sporting a cultivated azure-mist beard and mane, he casts a sideways glance at the nearby stallion without turning his head, eyebrow raised. The stallion on the right, IRON HOOF, is a battleship-gray earth pony in his prime. Upon his black olive mane rests an intricate iron crown embedded with crystals. A velvet red cloak adorns his body. His forest green eyes are hard, staring ahead and ignoring MIMESIS. MIMESIS own glance drifts back towards the pyre.

I see.

MIMESIS turns to his right, giving a small nod to an unseen pony.

We get a PARONAMIC shot of the pyre as two torches light up both sides, the precious wood immediately catching fire.

Cut to a SIDE CLOSE UP shot of both stallions. The two stare into the blazing pyre, their muzzles highlighted by the fire. IRON HOOF’s frown deepens, eyes narrowing in what could only be described as restrained disgust. MIMESIS takes notice to this.

Cut to a FRONTAL CLOSE UP of the two.

I know that she was rather…

He glances away in awkward silence. IRON HOOF’s ears twitch in annoyance and his eyes narrow slightly.

We’re presented to a WIDE SHOT of the now blazing pyre. The two stallions’ bodies cast long shadows along the floor.


Cut to a CLOSE UP of IRON HOOF. He turns to face his elder, contempt evident in his face.

I am nothing like her, Mimesis. I’ll be twice the leader than Glimmer ever was.

His hard stare turns into one of dogged determination.

You’ll see.

Cut to a CLOSE UP of MIMESIS. Still facing the pyre, only his eyes are on IRON HOOF. They drift back towards the fire.

Cut to a TIGHT ON the death mask’s horn. It is now melting, completely engulfed in flames.

We shall see…

FADE to black.


3194198 any theme is fine! ha ha. love the gif. also, you got it out very fast!


wow that was fast!

What do you think of my entry?

Once again, I enter From Under The Cork Tree.

Here's my attempt at a comic strip:

First scene takes place In front of a rundown motel with woods further behind it.

We seen Gale standing outside a motel room at sunset, holding a duffel bag in each hand as he looks around in disgust at the place’s condition.

Next we see Gale placing a duffel bag into the trunk of an old Dodge Challenger while thinking about how great the night seems to be. (thoughts: Man, it feels wonderful tonight.)

After that we move to an exterior shot of him in the car and shutting the door. (Seen from outside and in front of said car.)

The next scene would be from his perspective as he looks at a picture of his girlfriend, a photo taken from the waist up that shows her with auburn hair and a plain blue tee shirt. in front of a generic house.) While looking at it he would be thinking: Just a few days then we’ll be together, I promise.

The scene after that would be an outside shot of Gale while he drives down the road. His face showing despair.

Next scene has Gale looking out the window while driving and seeing a lake on the other side of the road that has been illuminated by the moonlight clear sky.

The second to last panel would consist of a shot of Gale behind the wheel, turning hard to the left with him thinking: Oh shit, this is not good.

Final panel: Here we see Gale’s challenger flying out over the lake while a pegasus races in from the background.

(Gale stands five foot ten with short brown hair and a five o’clock shadow. In the above he is wearing pair of faded blue jeans white shoes and a black tee shirt.)

I hope I did this right . . .

Alright, here's my entry. Naturally, I'll re-send you the character sheet to remind you of what my characters look like.

(Title at the top of the comic strip)

The Leftover Guys In…
...'Hot-Cross-Examination' (Aka 'Garnish-ment')
Staring Derkington and Cananor
(Perhaps with optional cartoonish pictures of their heads, one at either side.)

Panel One: Panel opens with frontal view of DERKY in a kitchen, whisking a mixture in a mixing bowl, his hoof a blur. This frontal view shall be used throughout the comic, unless stated otherwise. He wears a white chef’s hat and his signature white shirt. The kitchen consists of a pink-top central counter taking up the focus of the panel, which DERKY stands behind, only his top half visible, and a white wall decorated with a small four pane window behind him, and an oven. Various utensils clutter the table. Light brown cake mix is flinging from the bowl, splattering onto the environment, and even DERKY himself.

Panel Two: DERKY looks up, with a goofy smile, eyes closed, waving his free hoof. Zoomed shot.

“Hi there, everypony, and welcome to Baking With Bellray!

Panel Three: Still smiling, he pulls CANANOR into the shot by his hoof. CANANOR is wearing a light blue apron reading, ‘Kiss the Cook’ in bold yellow letters, his red tie visible underneath. He looks surprised, eyes wide. At this point, DERKY remains to the left of the counter for the duration of the comic strip, and CANANOR to the right.

“This week, I’ll be joined by my long-time friend and personal lawyer, Cananor! He uses big words to keep me from going to jail.”

“Derky, uh… who exactly are you talking to?”

Panel Four: DERKY'S oversized chef’s hat falls over his eyes as he scratches at the back of his head. CANANOR stands at the foreground, his head at an angle, squinting at the reader.

“I’m just introducing you to the readers!”

“Readers? What readers?”

“The, uh... the ponies who read.”

“What are you talking about, dude? You said I could plug my services if I helped you out today.”

Panel Five: DERKY cracks an egg and allows the contents to seep into the bowl. CANANOR is now back behind the counter. He is straightening his tie, smiling in the reader’s direction, holding up a business card that displays a pair of scales and Equestrian text.

“Sure, sure. You can do your bit now.”

“Well, where do I look?”

“I guess you could just face that direction and start talking.”

Right. Well, my name is Cananor Acapella, and, uh… I’m an attorney at law for hire, specializing in all fields. Here’s my card, and you can feel free to contact me with any lega-“

Panel Six: CANANOR is interrupted as DERKY nonchalantly throws a handful of lemons in his direction. CANANOR struggles to catch them all.

“Okay, everypony, give it up for Cananor! He knows about law things and today he’s going to be helping me out with our newest dessert, lemon drizzle cake!”

“Jeez, Derky… do you really need these many lemons?”

“You can never have enough lemons! This is going to be the zest cake ever!”

Panel Seven: CANANOR turns back to the reader and flips his business card around, revealing another side. It displays the silhouette of a laughing pony’s head and more writing in Equestrian. DERKY is licking cake mix from his hoof.

“Oh, so we’re starting with the puns already, are we? Because I have an entire catalogue of fruit puns in my repertoire. That’s right, ladies and gentlecolts, I’m also a part time comedian. So, if you’re looking for some fresh new talent for your venue, remember: You can’t spell comedy without Cana-“

”Did I make a pun?”

“Yes, you said this lemon cake was going to be the zest around. Ya’know? Like lemon zest?”

“Oh. I meant to say best. I just thought I was going to sneeze.”

Panel Eight: CANANOR cringes and holds up a lemon peel. Some of the lemons on the table are now peeled. DERKY has an upside down measuring cup pressed against his eye. He looks confused. In the background, a COCKATRICE flies in through the open window.

“Drat. I was really hoping to make some more jokes. Something about making a legal a-peel, perhaps?”

Panel Nine: A small close up of CANANOR'S face, serious. The background is black.

“Remember, citizens of Ponyville. Be it legal representation or just plain fun, Cananor Acapella is the one.”

Panel Ten: Back in the kitchen. CANANOR looks down at DERKY'S pet COCKATRICE, who is striding around on the counter, sticking his claws in the butter. CANANOR frowns at it. DERKY is sneezing into the cake mixture.

“Derky, how many times have I told you to keep your dirty chicken monster away from me?”

“But I love my little Eggbert! He’s my little helper.”

“That thing tried to turn me to stone once. And it is unsanitary to have it roaming around in the kitchen. If Weatherstorm were here, he’d pass out.”

Panel Eleven: DERKY grabs a handful of the lemons, unpeeled, and plops them into the bowl. CANANOR sticks his tongue out at the COCKATRICE, his eyes closed. The COCKATRICE stares angrily back at him from the counter, his face red.

“I haven’t even peeled those ones yet.”

“When handling lemons, you have to be really, really careful, because they’re one of the most volatile fruits known to man. They’ll, like, explode, if you bump them around too much.”

“That’s not true.”

Panel Twelve: DERKY pours the mixture into a grey baking tray, his head down, and hat on the counter. The COCKATRICE glares at CANANOR, eyes wide. CANANOR has his hoof out in front of him, recoiling. He is beginning to turn to stone.

“Silly Eggbert! We’re not making rock-cakes! Get it? Rock-cakes?”

“N-no! Not again!”

“Now, once you have added the lemons to the mixture, pour it all into a baking tray…”

Panel Thirteen: The COCKATRICE flies back out of the window. CANANOR has fully turned to stone, his expression one of horror. He remains this way for the duration of the comic. DERKY stands beside him examining his own flank, which is still bare. He is frowning slightly.

“…And pop it in the oven! There we have it! Our very own lemon cake! Oh. Still no cutie mark.”

Panel Fourteen: DERKY has now left the room. Only CANANOR remains, frozen as a statue.

DERKY: *Offscreen, from the left*
“Oh well. There’s always next time. Goodbye, everypony!”

Panel Fifteen: The oven bursts into flames. Cananor remains.

Panel Sixteen: A black space, with white text reading, ‘Next week, on “Baking with Bellray…”’

Panel Seventeen: Back in the kitchen, BELOVE at the right of the counter, throwing assorted items and bags of powder at a series of green tentacles to the far left, the rest of the being offscreen. STARFIRE, too, is huddled to the far right, his hooves pressed against the counter. DERKY stands in the middle of the counter, kneading dough.

“You really want to make the dough as soft as possible…”


I know this is probably a stupid question but do we have to make a cover art for our script thingos? Or can we just get a random picture or a picture from a friend or something? Sorry... I want to enter also. :twilightsmile:

3199902 a cover art was not required, just the text. sorry it was a late reply, RL gets in the way sometimes. theres one every month though so i might do something like this again.

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