• Member Since 7th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2023


Shadows cannot exist with light. Where there is light, shadows spawn. There must be balance. And that burden belongs to me...

More Blog Posts25

  • 375 weeks
    I'm in a MOVIE!

    Hello, everybrony!

    Been awhile hasn't it? College has sucked all my time and creativity, so I haven't been active recently. I'm sorry to say I haven't touched my fimfiction writings in months, I just have too much to do.

    But enough with the negatives, I bring good news!

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    1 comments · 370 views
  • 401 weeks
    Not So Random Post

    Hello, everybrony!

    Now you may be wondering why I'm writing this post. After all, I haven't done anything in months. Well, I have avery good reason...


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    1 comments · 323 views
  • 425 weeks
    Update and An Official Hiatus

    Hello Everybrony!

    I know the title might be a bit of a surprise, but don't worry. I'm not taking an official hiatus from the site.

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    2 comments · 365 views
  • 428 weeks
    Hello. I am Alive.

    Hello Everybrony!

    Wow... I haven't posted anything in about two months... sorry everyone.:fluttershysad: Allow me to recap what's been happening in my life that has prevented my pony work:
    I got sick
    My dorm suite was flooded
    I got sick again

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    1 comments · 433 views
  • 437 weeks
    Sorry, but I Have Good News!

    Hello, Everybrony!

    Apologies to all of my readers. I haven't been activate as of late. I've... kinda gotten involved in other things, and it was the begining of the semester... so yeah.

    You may ask, "What on earth have you been doing all this time that would take your time away from writing about ponies?"


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    2 comments · 357 views

What's Up Next · 6:55pm Jun 29th, 2015

Greetings members of the Brony community! (Yes, that includes the Pegasisters and not-quite-bronies)

Recently, I wrote The Thoughts of Pet Alligators and I was pleasantly surprised with how much people liked it. I had thoughts (and a request) to continue Gummy’s thoughts, but as right now I don’t have plans to do so. Let me give you a hopefully quick explanation.
When I’m writing one-shots like The Thoughts of Pet Alligators, I like to get an idea in my head and just let the story write itself. That means I just go with whatever comes to the top of my head as I write. If I don’t like it, I backtrack a bit and try again. I’ve learned from experience that forcing stories leads to poor results. Since I never intended to have the story to go beyond a quick one-shot… I really don’t have any inspiration or reason for a new chapter.
(Don’t worry, I pretty sure you’ll be able to find other good Gummy works.)
Anyway, I am planning to do other one-shots that focus on the other pets of the Mane 6. Will they contain the philosophical humor found in Gummy’s thoughts? Hoof no! That would bland and out of character for some of those pets. I’ve already started on Owlicious’ one-shot, and it’s going in a remarkably different direction from Gummy’s. I won’t say any more than that, but expect the story in the next week or two.
Let’s see… what else do I need to talk about?
Oh, yes! I’m trying to get started on a longer (multi-chapter) story. It’s going to be a Pokemon/MLP crossover, but with only a minimal (relatively speaking) amount of the Pokemon universe getting involved. Not going to say too much about it, but it involves crystals and it’s not HiE. I think I’ll need—no, I will need—an editor, preferably someone who knows a lot about Pokemon up to Gen 4. I’ll eventually post a request on the group Looking for Editors (or whatever it’s called), but if you see this post and you’re interested, PM me for more details.
One more thing!
Yes, I know at this point I’m taking on too much stories at once, but its summer and I’ve dedicated these three months to writing. This is why I’m also working on a short (probably three chapter) story that was inspired by Children of the Night by Duo Cartoonist. Awesome song, awesome people. I know I’ve already talked about it on my last post, but I just wanted to talk about it again. I’ve almost finished the first chapter… but I’m trying to get someone’s permission to borrow their OC for the story. If you’ve done a bit of research on the video, you might be able to guess who I’m trying to acquire. Sadly, until I get a firm yes or no from the owner, I’m not going to finish the first chapter. And if I can’t finish the first chapter, I won’t know how to conduct the second one. And if I can’t get the second-
Okay, at this point I’m rambling. I do have more that I could talk about, but I should probably save it for later. I’ll cut this off here.

Till next time!

Report RainEStar · 189 views · #Update
Comments ( 2 )

Heh, good luck writing your multi-chapter fic. If you're looking for an editor with knowledge of Pokemon up to Generation 4, I can't help there: I haven't watched an episode of Pokemon in years.

Aww... Oh well, thanks for comment and encouragement at least!:twilightsmile:

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