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Lord Of Dorkness

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Hurray! There's actually good looking and interesting games on the horizon again! · 11:32am Jun 15th, 2015

I'm a huge gamer, and I still bought... 4-5, or thereabout, games for the entire year 2014. Just because there was really almost nothing that interested me.

And no joke, about half of that was HD remakes of stuff I'd at least already played, if not outright owned already. :ajsleepy:

2015 and 16? Does not appear as if that will be the case! :yay:

Fallout 4.

Wasn't sold on the teaser since it looked like near every teaser ever. (The plot boiled down into concentrate, and it won't be even half as good in the actual game.)

But after seeing the gameplay, and hearing that you apperently play as a pre-war cyborg/android survivor? :pinkiegasp:

Yeah, I'm hyped now, alright.

Loved the detail that at least a few enemy names actually reflect the dude's background. And that Bethesda haven't let their pride get in the way from learning from what people love about New Vegas, given what a big focus there seems to be on plot, characters, skills and customization this time around.

Not that hot on that you have to play as that one dude from what we've seen so far. I get the idea, that you're playing a 'standard' manly man's man from before the bombs fell and all the contrast that will create... Still a bit hesitant on such a big part of a Fallout game being taken away, but as long as the story is good and they really allow you to shape Mr. Average Joe to your liking I can get behind it.

Scratch that, customization confirmed! Whoo-ho!

Alan Wake 2.

Good-bad news on this one, else I'd have this as the capstone. Huge fan of the series, and it's been a large infleunce on how I try to use meta-level stuff in my own writing.

Apparently the rumor is that it's happening... just not yet. Not sure if it's looking for a publisher, some tech stuff needing sorting out, or something...

I can share this, though. A leaked, pre American Nightmare prototype surfaced recently. Probebly won't reflect much on the final version, but neat stuff for us Alan Wake fans.

Really cool to see how much stuff got plucked from there and ended up in American Nightmare.

Doom IV.

Looks awesome. :rainbowkiss:

Did quite enjoy #3 for its time, and it looks like #4 is going to live up quite well to that pedigree.

Dishonored 2!!!!!!!

And it looks like its going to blow the original clean out of the water. :pinkiegasp:

This trailer is a work of art and I don't dare spoil it for you. Watch it now.


You have? Good.

That's right, you get to chose between Corvo and Emily! And Emily's powers looks like the Darkness and Alex Mercer had an unholy shadow baby! :pinkiegasp: :twilightoops: :raritystarry:

A bit sad to not see any hint of Duad since I really liked his story and game-play, but given that this is an early teaser I guess that would have been a bit too 'Christmas come early.'


All this, and Deus Ex 4?`Think this is going to be a good year in gaming!

Comments ( 25 )

Oh, and 'edit' about something I just noticed about the Dishonored 2 trailer.

The clockwork man wasn't effected by Emily time-slow. So he too has the mark! :twistnerd:

That so cool! :rainbowkiss:

woohoo more great fallout (and extra games):pinkiehappy:

Awesome, got to love more Dishonored, even if I haven't finished the first one yet :twilightoops:. Have you ever seen any Dishonored speedruns? They're works of art.

There looks to be good sequels on the way, how well they're handled, well, we can only hope. But I smiled seeing the Fallout 4 gameplay trailer with the Power Armor, something actually shifting there, instead of what it meant in the usual sense of gameplay.


Awesome, got to love more Dishonored, even if I haven't finished the first one yet :twilightoops:

Do give the DLC a peak now during the Steam sale if you don't have it already. City Trails and the bone-charm stuff is neat bonuses, but Knife of Dunwall and Brightmore Witches is almost as good as the main game.

Highly recommended if you own the original, and it's not often I say that about DLC.

Have you ever seen any Dishonored speedruns? They're works of art.

Oh yeah.

Don't always watch them, but I follow this one dude on Youtube whose name currently eludes me.

Reminds me of that one world-record for Dues Ex. (45 minutes or so.) You swear the dude has found a cheat that grants wings, sometimes.


Yeah, good on Bethesda to shake up the formula a bit. Stuff like a voiced protagonist is going to feel a bit weird at first, but as long as it gives the world and story a bit more life I'm all for it.

3151614 i sat down and took a look at all they're claiming with the longer coverage for Fallout 4, and if they can do it. And I say If here, then they'll have breathed life into a genre that needed it, especially so with being able make a notable difference in civilization.


Yeah, I have to admit I wasn't quite sold on quite a few choices in Fallout 3.

That many years, and still that heavily irradiated? Seems unlikely, even with Fallout's view on Science!, if you know what I mean. No food or gun production, and yet you find the stuff everywhere?

Still, if we're about to see another post-post-apocalyptic, semi-recovered area, like New Vegas was, I do think it makes #3 make a bit more sense retroactively. DC was one of the most heavily bombed areas, after all.

Dishonored 2!!!!!!!

All I can say is, HOLY SHIT EMILY!!! She was one of the most awesome little girls ever, perhaps the only time I didn't resent the 'rescue the kid' mission. Seeing her playable is fantastic. Seeing her with Jackie Estacado powers is even moreso!

(Soooo, on an unrelated note, any chance at a progress report on Darkhorse for the week?)


All I can say is, HOLY SHIT EMILY!!! She was one of the most awesome little girls ever, perhaps the only time I didn't resent the 'rescue the kid' mission. Seeing her playable is fantastic. Seeing her with Jackie Estacado powers is even moreso!

Yeah, Arcane really should have gotten far more props for Emily then they did. Even when she goes cree~epy it's due to your influence, and it feels like a kid being creepy.

It's just a whole crumbling empire and an army, instead of an ant-hill and a magnifying glass. :raritydespair:

That's a hard thing to write, let alone as well as they did.

(Soooo, on an unrelated note, any chance at a progress report on Darkhorse for the week?)

Hmm, fair enough. I'll see how much time I have today/tomorrow. Which ever works out.

3151816 Three was more about the shift of camera and way of wandering the wasteland. akin to the Prime series of metroid. This looks to be aiming for a quality of life improvement to the gameplay that the genre needs. And hopefully set a good standard with mod tools being given out as the TES set was. I may not have liked skyrim, but ill admit the mods saved the game from mediocrity.

Surprised you didn't mention XCom 2-

:trollestia: especially due to snaketits:

Anyway, this Fall seems to be shaping up to be a good one for gamers.

And that Bethesda haven't let their pride get in the way from learning from what people love about New Vegas, given what a big focus there seems to be on plot, characters, skills and customization this time around.

Don't raise your hopes too high. No skills, dialogue wheels and almost assured typical Bethesda dialogues written by high school dropouts.

You know, when Fallout 3 was released, I saw it and raged, and raged and raged. Today I just burned out and can only snicker. post-Morrowind Bethesda is a special kind of Midas that turns everything into shit. :trollestia:


I'm looking forward to X-Com 2 personally, but I didn't really have anything new to add.

And truth be told, the snake-tits didn't even register to me. Guess I've been on the internet for too long again. :twilightblush:


Might lose some nerd-cred on this, but I've actually finished #3 twice, while I keep burning out and losing interest in actually reaching the end with New Vegas. Not quite sure why.

Think it's that 3 has more humor amongst the horror, where Vegas is a bit more dark and straight-faced. Small difference in tone, yes, but it adds up after 100+ hours.

That, and The Currier was such a blank slate compared to The Lone Wanderer that I can't quite connect with him/her in the same way. The problems with the death-chamber and forced dramatic tension aside, I just found 'find/avenge your dad' a far more compelling motivation then 'shoot the dude that shot you.'

So... yeah, I'm actually quite looking forward to F4 for the plot of all things since the whole 'Lone Survivor of the Old World' seems genuinely unique and interesting.

I'm just really entertained by it as I'm a Marketer by education. It's funny to see that the second "most important" thing to come out of the announcement trailer wasn't some feature or new addition to the game, but rather that the snake character model has "breasts", lol.



Yeah, the internet, huh?

Still, you can't blame it for being focused on what it likes! :rainbowwild:

Yeah, I was surprised/disappointed at the internet for half a second when I came across it. Then surprised/disappointed at myself for being surprised/disappointed at the internet at it's extensive need for sex. Rule 34 exists for a reason; to remind all sane and rational people that the internet is not those things, and never wants to be those things.

3151816 Wasn't Vegas never nuked?

Plus there are dozens of nuke craters all over the place in FO3, yeah sure fallout from a nuclear bomb is only 50-60 years (sucks for those early open vaults didn't it?) but let's not forget nuclear waste dumps... Lots of those above and below ground.

Chernobyl for example will have patches safe to live in in about 20 years, but some spots will take hundreds of years. That sounds a lot like FO3 to me.

Plus it's a game, 200 years might not even be enough for the nuclear winter to have ended.


Wasn't Vegas never nuked?

Yeah, that's why New Vegas is such a hot-spot of military activity. Pristine farm-land, water and even loads of still intact salvage is quite the prize.

I did really like that detail that it wasn't just fluff. In comparison with DC, New Vegas is near an outright paradise even with all the Science!, soldiers and mutants running around that part of the states.

Plus it's a game, 200 years might not even be enough for the nuclear winter to have ended.

Actually, there's a part of Fallout lore that nuclear physics works differently. Don't remember the exact justification why, but that's why a 1950-ish culture had stuff like fusion batteries, practical cybernetics and laser rifles.

So yeah, i actually didn't have much problem with what a radioactive mess DC was. It was more how people were still living in so many pre-war buildings and eating seemingly only scavenged pre-war food.

There was just no infrastructure in DC left, and it was a bit jarring how nobody seemed to care about it.

Chernobyl for example will have patches safe to live in in about 20 years, but some spots will take hundreds of years. That sounds a lot like FO3 to me.

There's actually quite a few squatters in Chernobyl and even one decently crazy researcher putting his life on the line there legally in the name of science.

He's got this small cottage out near... Red Forrest, I think it was? One of the worst areas anyway. He grows his own produce, measure rad levels, and then actually does his best to live on it.

Well, or there was, at least. In the name of honesty it was quite a few years since I saw that ducumentery, so his project might be over by now.

But yeah, Chernobyl is a crazy scary place.

There's a reason the government of Ukraine doesn't want anybody living there permanently, but quite a few of Chernobyl's actual residents still have nowhere else to go. :pinkiesad2:

3152495 I actually read that first article when it was published, interesting how we thought that insects were going to thrive in a rad rich environment but they actually struggle. Really makes the whole "cockroaches will be the only survivors of a nuclear war" thing sound doubtful, doesn't it?


Well, to be fair, cockroaches are not only on the end of the bell-curve for durability, but many species are also originally cave scavengers. That's why surviving in houses are so easy for them, where many other species usually die from lack of food and water.

That's quite a few advantages and amount of shielding compared to out-door leaf decomposers like, say, earthworms or fungi.

So a bit of an apples and oranges situation, even if it's an interesting comparison.


So... yeah, I'm actually quite looking forward to F4 for the plot of all things since the whole 'Lone Survivor of the Old World' seems genuinely unique and interesting.

After investigation, I've found that plot in F4 is similar to majectic flanks of Celestia. I.e. both are "plots", but neither have literary merits. At least Celly's plot can inspire ode or two. :trollestia:
A word to the wise, don't buy it or at least buy it from bargain bin.


To be fair, I'm expecting good and interesting writing by Bethesda standards.

And well, they are the same people that gave you—What was it? Two-Three different radiation immune companions in F3 that all bitch and moan if you want them to push the glowing death-button instead of your squishy human self.

Still, the game-play seems really fun, but yeah, I'm probably waiting until GoTY version unless I find a bargain on a physical copy.


To be fair, I'm expecting good and interesting writing by Bethesda standards.

Oh, then I'm glad that you kept your expectation so low. :pinkiehappy:

I remember picking locks of bookstores in Daggerfall at night just to read interesting book or two. How the mighty have fallen! Meh.

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