• Member Since 17th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2018

Burning Sunset

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  • 435 weeks

    Sorry, but my husband and me won't be updating for a few weeks to a few months since we will be moving. We will be moving in with my husband's biodad while looking for a place and as soon as we find one and get settled we can get back to writing :pinkiehappy:

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  • 439 weeks
    I'm Back, Sort Of

    Totally sorry for the long delay, but I'm back as well as my husband. We are currently working together to systematically go through each of our stories and do rewrites for the ones we feel need it most and continue the ones that we've decided is fine as is despite planning rewrites for them earlier. Our first pick, one of his, is taking a bit longer than planned as we are looking over it and

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  • 460 weeks
    H2O Haitus

    So yeah, it's on Hiatus for the time being. Nope, not because I am abandoning the story or anything. Just because I want to watch season 2 of Mermaid Adventures and wait until Friendship games to come out to see how things play out there. I have a few episodes watched of MA so far, and it really won't take long to finish it, but the problem is I just don't have a lot of time right now. And the

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  • 460 weeks
    Plot Bunnies

    So yeah, I have plot bunnies and the damn things are multiplying faster than I can keep up with writing ideas down or discussing them with friends or my fiancé. I like writing them down and making scenes as ways to kill boredom, stress and give teasers of possible future stories and see how people react to them. My fiancé actually does something similar though he hasn't been in much of a mood to

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  • 460 weeks
    Windows 10

    So, Windows 10 is coming out at the end of the month. That's a good thing, right? Then why does it have to be so hard to decide if we should upgrade to it or not? My fiancé says it is a bad idea because he claims to have heard that after the first year that they going to start charging a yearly licensing fee just like the pulled with Office. Ha, screw you MS, we have an older Office! And of

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WTF? Foalcon??? · 4:18am Jun 14th, 2015

Yeah, I can deal with a lot of genres I don't really like when reading a story when it looks like it can still be awesome. Stories with OC's as a main character, stories making you the main character, and stories with characters I couldn't really give a crap about usually are just examples. If it is a well written story and done in an awesome way to grab my attention, even if one of these types I normally don't like, I'll read it even if it's a type I generally steer away from in any fandom. For realzies, why the hell would you turn down a story sounding like it could be epic without giving it a chance at the least? Well, I think I finally found a genre that it would be a cold day in hell that I will give a chance to unless I'm wrong about what it is. And even if I don't like the story, it doesn't mean it is a bad story as there are many others who would love it. Different people like different types of stories and that's great.
Foalcon though?
What the hell is Foalcon? Is it just a story that has some romance between two younger ponies? Yeah, that might be okay and actually kind of sweet in a way. Or is it sexually explicit stories between young preteen ponies or preteen ponies with what is basically adult ponies? If it's that, you do realize that these are ponies that are humanized making that basically child pornography???
Seriously, what the hell? What. The. Hell? How is something like that actually okay and even allowed on the site? It's something that I'm pretty sure is illegal in many countries, and something that is just sad that is allowed in anyway on the site. It's this kind of crap that give bronies and pega~sisters a bad name making people think that they are child molestors. While I'm all for freedom of speech and all that, there is a line that should never be crossed and that is it. Would you like to find out that your 5 or 6 year old is in a sexual relationship with an adult? Yeah, didn't think so. I'm pretty sure Rarity and Applejack doesn't want to find out that there little sisters are in a sexual relationship with one of their friends either. It's gross, creepy and just wrong!

Report Burning Sunset · 673 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Lol. Preaching to the choir. I don't usually read clop unless im bored and have nothing else to read or if it just comes with the story. But it does give bronies and pegasisters (just heard that term about a week ago for the first time) a bad name, especially if that's the first thing someone finds on this site. But at least it's restricted to its own group.

3152295 That's one thing that's awesome about this site, it has that rating thing that I'm pretty sure will block kids from coming on and seeing that stuff. While I despise this glorified child pornography and think it should be wiped from the site, actual steamy scenes with actual adults aren't too bad when in a great story and is important to it. To just stick the shit in there for the sake of it just makes me sad and knowing that crap like what I mentioned above is even sadder. :raritycry:

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