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Striker Flash

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  • 418 weeks
    Update on life

    Hey everyone out there. Striker Flash here just giving you guys an update with what little time I have on my internet. For those wondering why I haven't posted anything new for Naruto in the Land of Equestria well there are several reasons the biggest one is that I have had no internet access for the past six months, secondly I am having a really hard time writing this chapter and it is going

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  • 469 weeks
    Striker Flash...My first review

    Hello fellow bronies and pegasisters. Well this is the first time I have done something like this. To be honest I have no idea what I am doing. Never done a blog before. However I've seen that on these blogs others tend to talk about their lives, what they've seen or just how they feel. I decided if I was going to do a blog it was going to be about something I love and I love stories and writing

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Striker Flash...My first review · 7:54pm Jun 6th, 2015

Hello fellow bronies and pegasisters. Well this is the first time I have done something like this. To be honest I have no idea what I am doing. Never done a blog before. However I've seen that on these blogs others tend to talk about their lives, what they've seen or just how they feel. I decided if I was going to do a blog it was going to be about something I love and I love stories and writing above most things. Family and friends come first of course.
I thought I'd share with you all my feelings on certain stories that I read. I guess like an analysis of sorts. Well without further ado let's get this started.

I decided that I would do my first "analysis", if you could even call it that, I thought it deserved to go to my good friend. The story is by By The Descendant. A brilliant Crow is by far beyond just a simple crow. He stands more towards the slice of life and adventure stories with few comedies within these other stories. One of his stories in particular has touched me so greatly that I actually cried. Stories dont normally make me cry and yet somehow his story was able to project the emotion needed for such a thing.

That story was and is called "As A Mother" and this story is one for the record books.

This story is about Celestia telling a story to you, her newest student. You seem to be quite fascinated with one story in particular The War of the Witches. However before we dive into this story I have something that has to be said first.

When you first look at this story you might notice something iffy about the picture. To be honest I was nearly turned away from the story strictly because the picture didn't sit well with me. At first glance of it I could have sworn Celestia was looking down at this little filly with ill intent. I didn't notice any sort of kindness within her eyes.

This belongs to The Descendant and I have permission to show you.
It wasnt until I zoomed in that I saw the tears running down her eyes. That's when I decided to read the story and what I saw was not what I had expected.

As I was reading the story itself it felt to me as though Celestia although she says she doesn't mind telling you the story of the War of the Witches it's obvious that there's something wrong with her. As she tells the story a battle seems to be wagging and we come to find a creature by the name of Draggle, points for inventive naming, apparently found a weak point within Celestia's forces. Celestia makes a point to say that she isn't a fighter. Which makes since considering all the times that we've seen her she's either been on the sidelines or sitting on her throne handling paperwork while somepony holds a cup of tea for her.

As this supposed battle rages we learn that Celestia although still on the field of battle can only see the soldiers fighting for as the young foals that she once played with within her gardens. I took tat in and felt a twang within my being not so much so yet as to make me cry. War is war and people or in this case ponies will die even if it is our closest friends.

Ponies lay dying even as Celestia burns and throws away her foes we hear of some backstories of her friends and others of the like. However as each are introduced they are plainly deceased. This again made me feel very well sad to say the least. I'd be filled with a rage and I would probably be unleashing a lot more magic than Celestia if I wasn't an Earth Pony. Despite all the sadness I found it interesting that he allowed for such characters to be put in. It added another art to Celestia's character that outside of this battle she would be playing and having fun with friends and young foals.

To be honest I enjoy this it tells us that at least in one universe of Equestria Celestia is actually out there with her ponies and enjoying life. If only war didn't have to bite her in the ass.

As this battle wages on we come to the part where Celestia and Draggle meet face to face in a heated battle. Their magic seems evenly matched but then again I believe Celestia might be holding back for she calls Draggle and I quote "Cousin, Friend, Sister!" which entitles that even though she is fighting for the sake of her ponies she wasn't likely using her full power. Knowing Celestia, she could have called on the solar flames and burned that entire field to ask but in doing so she would hurt no kill her fellow ponies.

Here though is where "the feels" as people call it. Draggle states that Celestia's apparent godmother, Hydia whose name doesn't scream evil at all, has told her of Celestia's true desires. Subjugation and world domination basically. At this my face deadpanned....Celestia and subjugation, never thought I'd hear those two words together. I mean I don't really know if Celestia has an evil bone in her body...pretty sure she does though, everypony has one.

However, I was surprised that Draggle was so convinced....this Hydia must be a very persuasive person. Yes person. Apparently these two, Draggle and Hydia, are human. I have no idea how that happened but it's there and it makes sense. However I have one question to ask, how old is Celestia?

As Celestia spouts out words to Draggle one thing stands out. She claims that Draggle has held Celestia during the beginnings of her days. Which begs the question how old is Celestia in this story. Judging by how she had watched one stallion age from a young foal to an old lord I'd have to say she's at least over a hundred whether she's older or not is up to interpretation because not even the show gives us a definite number on her age.

Beyond this though we get to what I believe the climax is. Celestia drops her magic as stunning Draggle into dropping her own magic. Celestia almost seems to be trembling at the mere thought that Draggle would accuse her of wanted to subjugate and rule the world with an iron...hoof I guess.

The moment she tells Draggle to cast her magic over her I completely expected Draggle to waste her then I remembered the title of the story and immediately punched that theory out the window. Celestia is basically allowing a hex to fall over her to show Draggle the truth of her desires.

As the magic came over Celestia everypony waits expecting Draggle's words to become a reality. I'm wondering what sort of dark juicy secrets she could possibly have oh what could she possibly be hiding oh what glorious dark secrets could she possibly be hid--what's with the foal?

In hindsight looking at the cover again it's rather obvious what was going to happen but that didn't mean I didn't hoof palm my face after reading this. I couldn't believe that I didn't see that coming. However I will say this, the description of the foal and the first time i said mommy made me go d'awww. I just found it cute.

This though is where the emotion comes in. Celestia looks at the foal almost in disbelief from what I understood and let's not get started on the fact the fact that Draggle just revealed Celestia's deepest desire. To be a mother.

What happens next though is tear jerking, it actually made me cry. I normally don't cry to sad stories mainly or ever during a story. I've read of families being burned away for the sake of plot line but just this one little scene made me cry but it was for a very good reason. As Draggle begins to process what's in front of her she starts to let down her magic. However that magic is the very reason this child exists.

As the small foal cries out for Celestia asking whats wrong all Celestia can do is tell it everything will be okay. I cried as I watched this play out in my mind. Celestia holding this foal close to her chest until its very existence was gone. Her arms then hitting her chest as the foal disappears entirely.

I looked away from the computer screen at this. Nothing has driven me to such emotion but then again this was different than other things. And it's only heightened further as THe Descendant's describes Celestia beating into the earth desperately trying to retrieve the small foal. Her greatest desire snatched right out from under her.

The story ends pretty much with Draggle realizing the truth and apologizing to a crushed Celestia. Even though the story does ends on a good note Celestia, at least from this universe will never be able to see that child again at least not without some form of magic, is obviously hurt after having to tell this story. The story of almost receiving what she truly desired.

Now this story is one of my favorites on Fimfiction. If you were to ask if I would recommend it yes I would most definitely. Why though, this story is an example of the phrase "we can't always have what we want." And it plays it out beautifully. I enjoyed the emotion of the story even though I'd rather not cry while reading it. However it's the fact that it made me cry that I love it that much.

I can only imagine what Celestia went through there while she watched her son in a sense vanish within her arms. If that were to happen to me I don't know if I would be able to survive.

But that's not all the author captures Celestia's personality almost to the letter. Even though Celestia doesn't cry after telling the story it's obvious she's holding it in. Celestia has had to sacrifice her own wants and needs for her ponies. In a sense it's because she waited too long to have a child that it's now only a dream to her. I guess that's why she pictures the citizens of Equestria as all of her children perhaps it fills the large gap she had form that one fight.

This story isn't only sad though and if I have learned anything from this it is one thing; don't wait too long for something. Whether it be with a homework assignment or something as life-changing as a love confession. We only have a short time on this world and while Celestia may be ageless and eternal but we have to remember that the ability to have children although may have been extended in her case she has likely far passed that due date.

That about wraps up my review or analysis if you can call it that. I plan on doing this again, and this is only my opinion on the story. You can say anything about my review or about the story. As long as it's not slander because I think you can be prosecuted for that, not sure. Anyways large shout out to my friend the Descendant for creating one of the greatest stories in my mind on Fimfiction.

I do plan on doing another analysis, but I also want to hear your thoughts. I want to know what stories are good out there. And if you want I'll do an analysis on a story you may want to hear my views about. I have a few more in mind and I'll get to those when I can.

Without further ado this Striker Flash saying thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time.

Report Striker Flash · 345 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Thank you very, very much for this wonderful retrospective on my work As a Mother. The story holds a special place in my heart, and I'm glad that it does in yours as well.

The Witch Hydia and her daughters Reeka and Draggle were antagonists in the first generation of MLP. They had a great weapon that they unleashed... The Schmooze. It was nothing like the dapper, soggy fellow we met this season in FiM, but instead a horrid mass that decayed and absorbed anything living it touched. The War of the Witches. I have sort of adopted them as "my" enemies for Celestia and Luna when they were new to ruling Equestria, and much of the background fanon of my work echoes with the ramifications of that conflict. I'm glad that, even though canon has stomped on my view of them pretty hard, that you were able to see so much of worth in this piece.

My suggestion for further reviews is that you do what you did here. Don't wait for people to tell you what to review, but instead review the stories that have meaning for you, or which make you have an emotional response... good or bad.

Thank you for this; it was a treat.:twilightsmile:

3128636 Already planned on doing that in fact I even say that. I already have plans set in motion to do a review on other stories. One by the Sketchy Changeling who wrote about one of my favorite princesses. Nightmare Moon. I'll explain later why in another blog. the bio space they give isn't really enough to talk about who I am and what I plan to do here. I want to write my stories but also be able to leave my opinions on things without taking too much time away from my normal life. I do thank you though, your stories have actually let me see some of the ponies in a different light than I originally did. Celestia is a prime example.

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