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Thinking of doing 3 new stories? · 2:58am Jul 22nd, 2012

I've been having idea's for a while now and these three are the most realistic to write (the rest of my idea's involved either excessive gore, torture and evil OC's). Caution, this blog post was written at 3 in the morning so I'm tired as fuck.

1) A crossover with Avatar: the legend of Korra involving discord.
So instead of being sealed in stone, discord gets banished just like nightmare moon, this is because the Elements bearers were inexperienced and the result wholly unpredictable (Celestia and Luna always had a clear goal in mind while using them). Where too? Quite frankly Celestia doesn't care nor does it concern her, she'd just glad to be rid of him (possibly for good).
Meanwhile in Republic city (The timeline isn't fully decided yet) Korra suddenly finds she has bigger problems then Amon running around, specifically a reality warping draconequus know as discord. Will Korra be able to stop him? Probably not. (As it turns out, the humans would view Discords magic as a super advanced form of bending which effects the whole of reality. So perhaps Korra would have to team up with Amon to stop him. Normally this wouldn't happen but they would both agree that this was above equality and stuff, the fact is, Discord is reaking untold havok and ecological damage upon the world. In just a few short days he's turned the once pround city into a chocolate coated funhouse populated by flying pigs and tap-dancing polar-bear dogs, and complete with floating buildings and twisting city streets. Occasionally it would rain glass-wear because he fancied a more classy beverage (get the tumblr reference).)

2) Yet another Discord related story called "Gatecrash".
All the chaos brought about by the changeling invasion gives discord the extra boast needed to break free. Now he has a wedding to crash, and he'd going to do it in style. I'd have him emerge right when chrysalis and Celestia butt horns, perhaps have him appear subtle right in-between them and say something witty. Hilarity would ensue.

3) A serious story and crossover with the SCP universe. Twilight sparkle is called in to investigate an archaeological finding that could change the entire history of equines. Deep in the bowles of the earth Ponies have discovered a long abandoned facility (The facility was phase shifted into another dimension due to a Keter class object activating and bringing about an end of the world sinario happening in the origional SCP universe). The facility is vast, yet completely empty and void of all biological and supernatural life, during the course of the investigation, the ponies come across a curious clockwork machine know as SCP 914.

It has 5 settings; Rough, Coarse, 1:1, Fine and very Fine and tow chambers, and input and an output.. The ponies quickly discover that putting items in chamber one and activating the machine has a fantastic result, depending on the setting, the object coming out of chamber two is vastly different from what went in. (For example a laptop put on coarse would result in a fully disassembled laptop, reassembling it would result in the original device. If you put a laptop on Rough you'd get a pile of twisted metal and burnt plastic. However if you put it on 1:1 then you just get a different make of laptop with similar spec's)).
They keep on testing with more and more complex objects and then biological organisms. Until eventually one pony bravely volunteers to be put on 1:1. He enters a brown earth pony, and exits a purple unicorn of a different height and build, this causes an uproar. Driven by scientific curiosity, he is put in on fine which results in a winged unicorn like Cadence (Although because the machine works on the principals of conversion of mass, he is lanky and looks somewhat anorexic). Finially they adjust the machine to very fine and he comes out as an alicorn (just like the princesses) complete with ethereal mane and all. However it isn't all well, while he is now taller then princess Celestia he weighs the exact same and looks as if he'd been starved to death over the course of several months. Thankfully after emergency medical care he recovers and begins regaining muscle and fat, soon returning to full health with vastly increased magic and physical abilities.

The ponies begin Speculation over whether or not this was how the princesses came to be (which it was as they and discord escaped the facility long ago after being born from the machine, which will be explained later), Meanwhile Celestia and Luna are unsure about the whole situation and start having flashbacks, the place begins to fill them with a sense of dread as they begin remembering the horrible things which went on with in the decaying walls. They decide it best to halt all further exploration of the facility and cordon off unexplored area's, much to the dismay of the various researchers and one Twilight Sparkle.

Back with the colt, he begins to question whether or not he want to live forever, and the scary implications and responsibility of immortality such as having to watch all you love wither and die in front of you. After a brief discussion with the princesses he decided he doesn't want to live this way. Everypony decided to reverse the process by setting the machine to coarse, which theoretically, should return him to normal or one of the three states. After being wished luck he enters the machine. When the pod at the other end is opened all that remains is a pile of surgically dissected and sorted Organs, skin, muscles and a complete skeletal structure. Everyone is horrified, And princess Celestia orders the project shut down and the facility abandoned. This does not sit well with the researchers, Twilight is torn between her immense curiosity and her love and respect for the mentor.

The head researches and a group of ponies decide to ignore princess Celstia's direct orders and turn themselves into alicorns, while the princess is away on business they steal the machine and carry it off to a remote location after dealing the the guards. Of course more experiments ensue which result in some rather horrific and overpowered creatures coming out the other end, try setting an alicorn on very fine, the resultant Eldritch monstrosity is incredibly intelligent, powerful, malevolent, remorseless, A-moral and downright un-killable. It places no value on pony life (which it views as worthless, like the comparison between an ant and a human) and slaughters indiscriminately. It has only one goal, Eradicate all sentient life and begin anew, creating it's own life forms and ruling with an iron hoof over the whole of creation for the rest of eternity. Understandably this doesn't sit well with the rest of the ponies. The rest of the fic would be them trying to stop the crazed beast.

It would be an emotional fic, not relying purely on action but rather character interaction/rich development and whatnot.

Your thoughts?

Report WrathOfGod519 · 257 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

My hope for the Avatar fic, because I haven't seen many good fics for that story yet, and there are a LOT of possibilities to be done with it.

>Discord's face when Amon takes away his bending (then again Discord has a different Biology then humans so it might not work)

It would be a comedy, obviously.

Quite obviously, but it would be funny to see the benders watch the unicorns do magic on anything and watch the pegasi fly. They'd thing "OMG! So many Airbenders!"

Lol yeah, I'ma actually start on that right now. I've got some funny shit planned (at least I hope it'll funny)

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