• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2016

Gremlin Grenade

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Hope and Happiness · 1:29am Jul 21st, 2012

You all have so much love, and so much strength for me, I'm often left speechless. In my time of need, you rose up, stood by my side, and I can't thank you enough for that. Each one of you mean so much to me, you all are some of the first people in my life to make me feel valuable, make me feel worthwhile. I honestly can't thank you enough.

And, even better, is that I now have hope. Well, to be fair, I had hope already, but you guys kept me from thinking that I wasn't good enough to move on. You see, I'm a man of contingencies, and I realized as this project started to fall apart that it would be a good idea to have a backup plan. I didn't have the chance to really make a backup plan, however, until our good friend, Dragon Emperor Geon invited me to a little something called Dunder Shux Studios. I joined up for writing, but I soon saw it was destined to be much larger than that.

I spoke with the company's founder, Bromley Scheel, and we hit it off pretty well (I'm convinced one of us is a clone of the other). Long story short, I'm now head of the interactive entertainment department, and I'm going to be heading my own game in the coming months.

So, on that note, if any of you have any talents you think you could contribute to a game development team, let me know! The team may not be assembled for a while, so you won't have any work right away if you fit into the team, but it's always nice to have people on board!

I'll also have some updates for you guys soon, I promise (I'm actually working on them!). I'm sorry my practice of weekly updates has changed to monthly updates, I'm just kind of overwhelmed as of late, and writer's block is a bitch.

^Also this. Look out for this.

Report Gremlin Grenade · 455 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

Any Idea what software you are going to be using to program the game just yet? I might be able to help depending on the software you end up using.

Actually, I don't. I was planning on using Unity, if only because I know it's a very open-ended and user friendly system, but I'm really open to ideas.
Trouble is, I'm not sure what the game will be, exactly. I've been tossing around some ideas, but I haven't settled on one.

That said, programmers are my most sparse and valuable resource, so if you have any expertise in that field I'm happy to see what you can do. :twilightsmile:

240859 While I havent learned unity yet, i'm eager to. It doesnt seem like you have all the ideas together atm, so I will most likely take some time to learn unity and play around in it a bit before getting back to you to see whats up. By the way, I'm more of a graphic designer than programmer. I create the character's models and apply textures to them. I'm not very confident in making textures, so getting more people is still a good idea

240859 By the way, unity is more for games like third person rpg's from what ive heard, but can be programmed to other things. its just a slight bit more difficult.

Good on ya! Always try to find the positive in a bad situation, and I'm glad to see that you have something new to work on.

Oooh, that sounds good too! :pinkiehappy:

Though to be honest, I'm not sure the game will use 3D models, because it's difficult to find a lot of people who can produce them, but I'm sure those skills will be useful anyways (at least texturing could be)!

I wouldn't worry too much about learning unity, though. I don't know that that's what I'll be going with, it's just something I've seen work well. I do know a decent amount about the Unreal Development Kit, so we could use that, or some other form of 2D or scratch-built engine.

240884 Alright then. Hope you can keep me in the loop. Looking forward to working with you and anyone else on the project.

I also plan to be a game designer. Is it as hard as it looks?:derpyderp1:
Anyway , glad to know that your doing okay. :pinkiehappy:
Keep on fighting the good fight.:rainbowdetermined2:


Also, how hard does it look? I find it to come kind of naturally; when I see a situation that could be made into a game, the first thing I do is ask a list of questions, pertaining to story, fun, and how to create an experience out of something. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it too much to say it's hard. :twilightsmile:

I can certainly help you out if you have any questions regarding being a designer, I'd be happy to help you out (though I'm not expert on the matter, I don't exactly have a job in the field yet :derpytongue2:)

241109 Thanks!! If i have any questions i'a be sure to ask. And thats all right on not being an expert (Yet). Neither am I ( Yet.) But for now, i must go finish writing the first few chapters of my crossover fic The Lost Stranger (Fallout 3/ mlp fim) , I'm hoping on finishing typing the first few chapters and sumbiting it soon. Its games like Fallout and other Star wars the old republic that are made by such great game companies, inspire me to become a game designer. The stuff they do, creating whole new worlds, creating such magnifecent art and bringing people together and using every ounce of imagination they have. Makes me want to be a part of that. So once again thanks. If i have any questions, ia send you a message.:pinkiehappy::scootangel:

Have a song. The song that brings back memories and inspired me to write this next fic i'm doing.

Uuuuuunfortunately, I don't know much about compooters

:rainbowlaugh: neither do I, my friend. That's the beauty of it, my job is a creative position. :pinkiehappy:

I have yet to put a writing staff together, though I know a lot of writers, so this will most likely be a lot more difficult to get on with than other departments.

241189 Haha, look at yourself! You're a writer! :ajsmug:

That's why I'm kind of reluctant to get a writing staff together, but the fact of the matter is that a team to compare and contrast with is much better than one person in control of all the creative stuff. I'd like to be in charge of the creative vision, and to get at least a basic story going, but I know I'm not the best writer in the world, and a few other heads would help greatly in making sure the story is as solid and interesting as possible.

241201 I suppose we could exchange emails. It'd be easier to do through that than FiMFiciton.

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