• Member Since 17th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2020


Sometimes it's the people no one imagines anything of, that do the things no one can imagine.

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Been Tagged · 5:52am May 18th, 2015

Well, I've been tagged, and it appears that I need to answer 50 questions. Oh well, I enjoy talking about myself sometimes.

1. What's your name?
Ollie. I'd love a cooler name, though.
2. How old are you?
3. What country do you live in?
New Zealand (Where's that?)
4. What do you look like?
Ehh, I have slightly longer hair. I don't know.
5. Who do you wish you looked like?
Either Tony Stark or James Bond
6. How did you come across MLP?
Knew about it for a while, saw an episode while waiting for school one morning, and in less than a week I had watched over 90 episodes.
7. Favorite ship and why?
I really never thought too much about it. I do like Lyra, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash though, so any ship with them I like.
8. Least Favorite ship?
Villain Shipping, and shipping with anything other than ponies.
9. Have you admitted to anyone your love for ponies?
10. Were they family?
11. Favorite Episode?
Though I am still on my second watching of the show, I'm pretty sure Magical Mystery Cure is my favorite.
12. Favorite Superhero?
Iron Man. Sad to know that he will be leaving the Avengers soon. :fluttercry:
13. Favorite Anti-hero?
Anti-Hero? Um... (Looks up meaning) I... don't even know.
14. Favorite Super Villain?
Thanos, yet I have not seen any of him yet.
15. Favorite Anti-villain?
Discord. I know that.
16. Last Book you read?
Well, hard copy book? Time Riders, Gates Of Rome
17. Last Movie you watched?
Avengers Age Of Ultron
18. Favorite Song at the moment?
Crystallize by Lindsay Sterling
19. Favorite song you keep coming back to?
Probably the soundtracks from the Transformers movies.
20. Current Job?
21/22. Dream Job?
A good job in Programming.
23. What's your Greatest Achievement so far?
They are all equal. In our town
24. Greatest Failure?
Not achieving as much as I could have.
25. Do you have any pets?
1 cat.
26. What's your dream pet?
Tough. Turtle comes to mind.
27. Any weapons you own?
Lol, some Nerf guns.
28. Any gun you want?
An M82A3 Barret 50cal. If I was to get a gun, that would be it. Sadly, it's probably illegal here.
29. What Religion are you?
I despise religion, so, Anti-Theist.
30. If you could hang out with one historical person for a day?
Hitler. Don't take that the wrong way, I would love to see what was going through his mind. He was always very secretive.
31. If you could bring one person back from the dead for the day?
I think this question takes way too much time to answer, more time than I care to give.
32. Are you political?
That's Racist.
33. Are you married?
34. Do you have a special somepony?
35. Do you have a crush?
Kind of.
36. Care to explain?
I like a few people, but I'm not super-in-love with any.
37. Do you consider yourself attractive?
Not really.
40. Any embarrassing secrets?
Sure, but if I told you, they wouldn't be secrets.
41. If you've done any art or writing, what are you most proud of?
One day
42. Are you a virgin?
43. Craziest thing you've done with no regrets?
I regret everything, to an extent.
44. Craziest thing you do regret?
Not regretting,
45. Do you have a fetish?
Eh, probably. If I do, it's not that strong.
46. Do you regret saying this fetish?
I didn't say it though, did I?
47. Favorite FiM stories?
Lyra's Human, among others.
48. Favorite Quote?
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
49. Have you ever hurt someone just to hurt them?
No. That would be stupid.
50. Did you answer all these questions honestly?
Yes. But I must say that not all were answered to the fullest.

Tag, you're it!

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